A Spit In The Eye - For The Benefit Of Mankind

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A Spit In The Eye - For The Benefit Of Mankind Page 8

by Sally Dillon-Snape

  ‘Oh, I’m not telling.’


  The Humans make sound and I record everything

  But I think I detect happiness in their noise and I feel joy at hearing it

  I creep ever closer to them

  Careful not to dislodge any of the smaller rocks and be discovered for I need to glimpse how Humans are living in this great hole

  How they have survived for so many periods of light and darkness

  They must be a remarkable species

  And their desire for survival must be strong indeed

  I creep along rocks above where the Humans stand

  They are still making sound between them that seems most amicable

  And they carry no weapons

  But I have slithered


  Past them

  Though the rock now seems to be becoming covered in a light liquid and I have to be at my very best not to slip and fall which would be catastrophic for me

  I would almost certainly be exterminated by the Humans

  A large rock is ahead of me

  The Humans in the corridor now behind

  And I clamber up the large rock carefully for light is shining brightly beyond it and the sound from Humans is extremely loud

  I move forward very very slowly

  Very slowly indeed


  I can barely believe what my optical devices are observing far below me

  There are many Humans down there

  A whole conurbation has been constructed

  Sited around a large hole full of liquid

  With other liquid flowing into it from between various rocks

  And the Humans are moving unhindered though they are more pale than the Humans in the fortress

  But light is shining down on them that is almost as bright as the solar orb that rises in the darkness each break of light

  It is very bright

  And the light is artificial in nature and seems to be powered by a huge screw device that rotates in the liquid which in turn is powered by the flowing liquid that rises from the rocks

  And beneath the artificial light the Humans appear to be very industrious in the constructions they have manufactured in the rock that surrounds the large area of liquid

  But I also observe that the artificial light runs into the distance along passages that lead in all directions

  Many more Humans are residing in those areas

  The whole is a most amazing sight

  Thousands of Humans living in a single hole beneath skin of planet Earth

  They are here

  They have survived for over 100 years down here

  And will


  Survive for another 100 years

  I am thrilled to observe them

  That is another word I searched for


  And that is what I feel

  I lie quite still for some passing of time before spinning on my gyroscope and moving slowly back towards the entrance to the hole

  I pass the two Humans again

  Who I must assume are protecting the remainder of the Humans though they need to be more efficient in the way they conduct their duties

  I slither further and further back up the hole before I arrive at the exact rock upon which I first ascended and I lower my limbs to stand upon the land again

  Quickly I make my way towards the entrance and when I arrive the liquid still teems from the skies and I step out through the veil of liquid and bring down my shutters

  And I am back in my own world of Machines

  Back in a land with animals of the fields

  None of which I espied below

  Though I was not observing for very much time

  But the Humans seemed to be well fed and seemed to be without ailments so they must gather what they consume from somewhere

  Though they were somewhat paler that those Humans in the fortress and probably accounts for the fact that they reside beneath the surface of the land

  Where the solar orb cannot reach out with its rays of warmth

  I move along the crack between the hills that leads to the hole and out into the fields and I stand a moment

  Turning my cranium to stare back in the direction from which I have travelled

  And I have the desire to lift both my upper limbs into the air and to clench my palms

  And I do not resist this desire

  I lift my upper limbs as high into the air as I possibly can and I clench my palms

  And leap into the air

  Whilst kicking out with my lower limbs

  It gives me a great feeling of satisfaction at having done such a thing

  I speed out into a field

  And joy almost overwhelms me

  I have discovered wild Humans

  I am the only one of my species who has done so

  It is the greatest secret on planet Earth and I shall never give it up

  I will not lead Machines to murder Humans again


  What am I saying


  I am a Machine


  And should I fall into the grasp of Humans they would exterminate me immediately

  I have no way of communicating with them

  There is no way for me to tell them that I am not an enemy

  They would despatch me without hesitation though I would be a threat to them

  I have no large cranial orifice with which to make sound

  Even if I could understand their sound

  I could not explain myself

  I could not tell any other Human about the joy the little Human brought to me and how saddened and angry I was at her demise

  How it made me furious enough to want to kill machines of my own species

  I still want to kill those machines

  The slaughter must cease

  All Humans must be wild and free

  We are not natural inhabitants of planet Earth

  We are interlopers

  A manufactured species

  There is nothing organic about us

  We are not as one with the planet

  Though the Humans

  In their stupidity

  Tried their very best to destroy it

  That will not happen again for many decades in the future for their numbers have been severely reduced

  The resources they would require to survive would be minimal to what they once required before the wars

  It would take further decades for their numbers to increase to what they were before the wars began

  When there were billions of them

  Now they probably number only in 100s of 1000s

  But they deserve to be free


  Change 5

  I wish Humans to be free


  I am speeding across the plain as I return to my main place of employment but suddenly I halt

  Standing totally still beneath the teeming liquid

  I have observed nothing that could have made me halt so dramatically

  Nothing stands in my way

  Nothing threatens me

  It is just that another possibility of fact has seeped into my central core

  If High Office is not infallible and does not see and hear all that happens

  As I have proved

  Does it tell untruths

  Does High Office attempt to distort the truth of events and does it take actions to prevent other Machines from discovering things

  For example

  Why should I not be allowed to understand the sound that Humans transmit

  I have observed them every single day for over 100 years and have never considered why I should not understand what their sound means

  Why is that

  I stand perfectly still with my upper limbs hanging at my sides and I begin to search my memory core

  The answer must be within me

  There mus
t be a reason why I cannot understand Human sound

  Why can no OR understand Humans from wherever they originate

  I continue with an internal search

  Words flow into my inner core from my word memory and I begin to understand more and more about Humans

  The infection the little Human put into me is has grown substantially and is now almost fully integrated and I know it has changed my fundamental inner self

  As I stand in the liquid

  I hold out both of my palms and feel a certain amount of joy in catching the drops as they fall from the skies

  I feel that if I had a cranial orifice akin to that possessed by the little Human

  Mine would be wide

  As the little Humans was on many occasions


  What is that


  I have searched my inner cores and I have discovered something

  At first I identify it as a blocking code but it is not

  It is the signal of companionship that transmits so that one of my species does not attack another

  I discover that the signal is only at 0.5% power

  That is extremely low

  Out of the available power of 100%

  I wonder what would happen if I increased the power to 100% and pulsed the signal at its full strength

  If I overpowered another Machine with an overabundance of friendship

  Surely it would traumatize others of my species

  For example

  It may immobilize RolKils

  Those being the most unfriendly of Machines

  Too much companionship would severely test them

  Would it cause the total paralysis of that particular Machine

  Or would it immobilize a Defgar

  Was that why the signal was at its lowest possible power because at full power it would immobilize Machines


  How could I discover the answer to my own question

  The only way would be to power up the signal of companionship and pulse it at a RolKil

  Or several RolKils

  And observe whether they were paralysed into inactivity

  If they were not

  I would be exterminated with immediate affect

  I shall meditate on that problem while I continue a search of my systems

  And I discover a blocking code


  Blocking Code #S-43-Gx89y6


  What is that

  Why is within me and what is it blocking

  I explore the code and discover it is most complicated but I begin to unpick it

  This action

  Of course

  May well lead to my own extermination or shut me down so that I shall remain here for some periods of light and darkness before being discovered

  A useless lump of metal standing all alone on the great plain

  I unpick more of the code and await an alarm being transmitted to High Office

  Or for High Office to transmit an alarm to me

  And as a consequence having all my systems switched off by it

  For what I am doing is most irregular and



  Under General Law set down by High Office for the behaviour of all our Machines

  General Law #1 states that Machines may not interfere

  In any way

  With their own programmes

  Or attempt to change their inner cores

  Or their operating systems

  But I am being interfered with by an infection passed to me by the little Human

  And that infection is definitely changing me

  And breaking General Law #1 feels thrilling to me

  Though what the final result will be I have no idea

  The code is unpicked further until


  It suddenly unravels and slides away into uselessness within my main programmes

  And I wait for something to happen

  I wait for something to change me in some way

  Or some programme to shut me down or force me to switch off all my systems by order of High Office

  But I wait in vain

  Nothing happens

  No changes occur

  I am utterly the same

  The code was for nothing

  Probably something

  Like this memory bank I have discovered

  Something that was installed over 100 years ago and has been forgotten about

  I leap in the air like a little

  Like a little

  I leap into the air like little Eve

  The little Human

  And while teeming liquid falls from the sky I roll over on the ground just as little Eve did in the fortress

  And it is an exciting experience

  And I return to my upright position

  But as I place one lower limb in front of the other to begin speeding back to the fortress

  Something eventually happens inside me


  ‘Guys, I see the fucking monitor is back amongst us, the ever silent Peeping Tom that has nothing better to do than to wander the corridors ogling us. Do you think it ever thinks? Do you think it has any idea what it’s doing? Look at the fucking thing, standing uselessly and still. As I have said many times before, it must have cost a fortune to make, gilded outer shell, graphene frame and the best equipment installed within it.’

  ‘Come away from it, Eve, and curb your language.’

  ‘Oh, papa, I am only playing with it. Besides, if we can suck it in, bring it face to face with us, maybe we can turn it against its masters, giving us some chance of freedom.’

  ‘Stop dreaming, you silly girl, we will never be free, there is nowhere for us to go, all has been destroyed, the lands will be wasted and barren and we have all the freedom we are ever going to achieve. Come away from the fence.’

  ‘I’m sure it likes me smiling at it, it likes me doing basic gymnastics, I am sure of it. If the bloody thing had a mouth, I’m sure it would smile in return.’

  ‘You talk so much rubbish, child. Come away from the fence.’


  Recorded Human sounds

  Captured in my memory

  Human sounds

  The Little Human speaking

  Little Eve

  And her tones sound mellifluous and warm and full of fun

  It was the time she stood on the other side of the fence and made many different athletic movements in front of me


  The movements were called gymnastics

  And the girl liked me

  She thought I liked the girl

  For the little Human was a girl

  And her title was Eve

  And she was silly and young and she was admonished by her papa for her actions and her sounds

  And he was the one I espied in deep distress at the time Eve was being destroyed by MengTechs

  Recalling that event causes great anger to rise up within me

  What is a Peeping Tom

  I search my word bank

  And when I find the phrase I disagree with her assessment of me

  I am not a Peeping Tom

  I am simply an Observer and Recorder

  But if she still existed I would not disagree with her

  For she brought me great joy

  And she dreamed of freedom from the fortress

  And her papa believes all the lands beyond it are wasted and barren

  And that makes me sad

  Considering trees grow in profusion and grasses and colourful bushes grow all around

  And animals of the land and the air and the liquid flourish in some numbers


  I have another consideration that will lead to my extermination

  If I can in some way install a screen in the Human quarters

  I can show them what the land beyond the fortress looks like

  But how could I achie
ve such a thing

  I will place the problem in my inner core and allow the answer to arrive at its proper time

  Eve’s Papa cared greatly for the little girl and she must not be forgotten

  Her murder must be avenged

  And that vengeance must be mine to perform

  There is no other


  ‘Here is a spit in the eye for the benefit of mankind.’


  It is another saved communication from little Eve

  My little Human

  And I can only consider that the girl was akin to high intelligence

  If not genius

  For she meant to change me when she threw liquid into my right optical device and allowed the infection to mutate into my systems

  She meant to change me

  She wanted me to be more Human

  She wanted to infect me with more emotions than joy and sadness that were embedded within me by High Office

  Then withdrawn

  And supposedly eliminated from my system

  Though I hid them in my new memory

  Except now I have many emotions





  Great Sadness



  And many more to come if my expectations are correct


  A spit in the eye for the benefit of mankind


  How wonderful was that action for the doomed little Human to undertake

  For I am going to benefit mankind or be eliminated attempting it

  No longer am I joyful at being a mere observer and recorder

  I have a mission in my existence

  I must free the Humans that are being held in the fortress and I must reunite them with the Humans who live freely in the deep holes of planet Earth

  I can do that

  For Eve


  The liquid ceases to fall from the skies and I lift my shutters and allow High Office to again monitor my observations and recordings

  I am standing on the great plain and the solar orb is rising to my right

  And I must away to my main place of employment

  It is time to attempt to bring some of my plans to fruition

  I wish myself good luck and fare me well



  Section 9


  High Office Command #444.135


  Resume Mass Broadcast


  Welcome Screenreaders to a further transmission from OR33140 and the monitoring of the Humans

  The median temperature is 81 degrees though there are heavy clouds in the skies and they have been dropping liquid in considerable amounts throughout the dark hours


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