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Destiny In Flames: A Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Saga (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 4)

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by Vella Day

  Whatever. If Declan was happy being with her, then so be it. Wallowing in self-pity wouldn’t get her anywhere.

  For the next few hours, she scrubbed the cages, fed the animals, and talked to each of those who were sheltered there. When the end of her weekday arrived, she was happy to have a few days off. Chelsea was hoping Kaleena or maybe Tory would be available to go out. Yes, she’d told herself that she didn’t want to know how Declan was doing but not knowing was driving her crazy.

  With as much calm as she could muster, she ducked her head into the boss’ office. Of course, Sabrina was there.

  “I’m heading out now,” Chelsea said. “All of the cages are cleaned and the animals fed.”

  “See you on Monday,” Stick said with little enthusiasm.

  Chelsea had the sense his sister had been badmouthing her. What was her problem? Sabrina was the winner here. The dark haired beauty had Declan. Chelsea didn’t.

  As quickly as she could, Chelsea rushed out to the car and sped home. Being totally smelly and gross, she dumped her clothes in the washing machine, and then jumped into the shower. The hot streaming water felt divine. As much as she wanted to stay in there for an hour, a run would do her wolf a lot of good. After she rubbed her hair more or less dry, she wrapped a towel around her body.

  Just as she was drying off, a knock sounded, and from the sudden blast of heat racing through her, she knew who it was.

  “Chelsea, it’s Declan,” he called through the door.

  If she took the time to change, he might leave. Decision time—see him or let him go? She inhaled. She’d answer the door semi-covered and tell him she needed a minute to dress.

  Or maybe she wouldn’t tell him anything at all!

  Chapter Twelve

  Declan wasn’t sure if Chelsea would appreciate him stopping by, but he needed to apologize to her. Yes, Sabrina had leaned over and kissed him, but it wasn’t as if he wanted her to.

  He thought it best to let Chelsea cool down a bit before stopping by, but he probably shouldn’t have waited six days. Common sense had told him to keep his distance a little longer, but his dragon had threatened to shift all by himself and fly to the cabin if Declan didn’t see her today.

  When she didn’t answer, he knocked again. “Please open up, Chels.”

  Footsteps sounded, and when she opened the door, a vision stood before him. Her blonde hair was wet and tangled around her shoulders. That alone was enough to send his dragon into a fiery expression of total lust, but to see that cinnamon colored towel barely covering her breasts had Declan almost panting.

  Her eyes glowed amber as she ran her gaze from his face to his crotch. When several sparks shot off her body, Declan stepped inside, his gaze never leaving her face. If he drank in any more of her, he wasn’t sure what he’d do.

  “What are you doing here, Declan? I thought you were with Sabrina now.”

  Damn. From the way her eyes were glowing, how her eyeteeth had sharpened, and the fact sparks were firing rapidly off her body, her wolf certainly was happy to see him. He just couldn’t be sure what Chelsea wanted. “I am not with Sabrina. She came onto me. I just stopped by to explain to you what happened and to apologize. I didn’t handle things well.”

  Chelsea planted her hands on her hips, and the towel slipped a little. “It’s been a week. You could have called if what I saw wasn’t the two of you getting back together.”

  “I wanted to give you some space.”

  “Space for what?” She stood straighter.

  He stabbed a hand over his head. “Fuck.”

  Chelsea took a step toward him and tilted up her chin. “Fuck what? Fuck me? Fuck you? Or just plain fuck.”

  The way she said fuck had him chuckling. “You are something else, Chelsea McKinnon. Can we start over again?” Please say yes.

  “I don’t understand.”

  Why was she making this so hard?

  Because you decided to let her get away, his dragon spit out.

  It was the best for both of us. Or so he kept telling himself.

  “Can we sit down and talk?” he asked.

  “Let me change.” When she turned around, half exposing her butt, something inside him made him reach out for her arm, but he missed and ended up grabbing the towel instead.

  “Holy shit,” he whispered, as he stood there holding the towel, staring at her now completely naked body. The urge to kiss her was so intense all rational thoughts became blocked. He probably shouldn’t touch her or hold her, but he couldn’t help it. “Chel-sea.”

  A second later, she was in his arms with their lips pressed together. Desperation overwhelmed him. Why had Declan believed he could stay away from her? Every cell in his body lit up, many flashing red.

  Seconds later, Declan realized he still had the towel in his one hand and dropped it just as Chelsea lifted her arms around his neck.

  That did it. He just crossed the point of no return. His dragon licked and kicked, too excited to ever calm down unless he tasted her. He gathered her damp hair in his fist and tugged, loving how it made him feel whole again.

  With the flat of his hand, he ran his palm down her curvy back, and over her slightly wet skin, which was slick and delicious. Every touch ignited him. As if Fate commanded him to be with her, Declan edged her a few feet to the sofa, swung her around, and sat her on the arm.

  “You have no idea what you do to me.”

  She held out her arms, both of which were shooting blue sparks everywhere. “I think it’s evident what you’re doing to me.”

  Declan nodded. “I know I said we needed to keep our distance, and that our relationship should just be about sex, but I can’t stop myself from wanting you, needing you. Chelsea. I have to be with you. Even I don’t understand why or how it happened, but it did.”

  Reaching behind her, Chelsea planted her palms on the seat and widened her legs in invitation. “So what’s stopping you from taking what you want?”

  Declan’s hands turned into claws, and Chelsea smiled. She’d forgiven him! Or so he believed. Inhaling to calm his inner animal, his claws retracted. Sometimes, he wanted to beat his beast. He’d lose, but it would be worth trying.

  “Nothing.” Declan dropped to his knees, spread her legs wide, and swiped his tongue across her opening. His intention was to excite her, but instead, her scent nearly did him in.

  Chelsea gasped. “That feels so good.”

  Pleased she seemed to want this as much as he did, Declan reached up and massaged a breast. Chelsea was everything he wanted in a woman—and partner. If they couldn’t mate, they could at least enjoy each other for a long time.

  He didn’t need to be thinking about the future at the moment but rather how to please her. When he swirled his tongue across her tiny nub and then pressed on her nipple, she sat up and clutched his shoulders. The pressure and rapid breathing meant she was just as much on edge as he was.

  “How about a little reciprocation?” Chelsea panted.

  Given how much he enjoyed tasting her, it was only fair. He rocked back onto his heels and stood. “I imagine it will be more enjoyable if we are both naked.”

  “You could say that.” She grinned, and his heart swelled.

  Almost as fast as he could shift, Declan’s clothes soon littered the floor. She whistled and grabbed his hips. Leaning over, she nearly swallowed him whole. Words defied the powerful surge shooting through his veins. He might be able to close his eyes to block out the vision of her, but he couldn’t shut off her incredible scent, which seemed to be a combination of peaches and lavender.

  Every lick and swirl transported him closer to his climax, something he wanted to avoid at the moment. He gathered her hair in one hand and lifted it out of the way.

  Declan would have let her have her fill, but when she grabbed his balls and squeezed, some of his cum released, forcing him to step back. “That’s all I can handle.”

  Before she had any other ideas, he pulled her to her feet, turned her around so she
faced the sofa arm, and pressed on her back. It was when she wiggled her butt at him that he almost lost it.

  Chelsea couldn’t comprehend how willing Declan was to make love with her when he’d basically ignored her for a week, but she certainly wasn’t going to complain. From the way he planted his hands on her breasts, leaned over, and nuzzled her neck, he wanted her a lot. Of course, his flashing teal eyes and glowing scales gave it away too.

  He ran his hands from her tits to her waist and squeezed. “You excite me like no other,” he whispered.

  “Show me.”

  She wasn’t normally so bold, but she couldn’t help herself when Declan came anywhere near her.

  He slipped his cock into her opening and remained still, as if he was working hard not to explode. She, however, didn’t have such control. Pressing her hips back, she engulfed most of him. Whoa. Shards of bliss and rampant lust grabbed her insides and set her on fire. Sucking in a large breath, she waited for the stretching to subside.

  When she relaxed, Declan edged into her all the way. His hands returned to her nipples, twisting, pressing, and loving them hard, making her whole body ready to explode with need and desire.

  “Yes, Declan, yes.” Or at least that was what she meant to say. Her words came out a bit garbled.

  He dropped his lips to her neck again, and she stiffened. Biting her would do nothing, and might even hurt if they weren’t mates.

  Damn Fate.

  If Fate were a person, she’d have a serious talk with her. Or him.

  When Declan withdrew and drove into her again, all thoughts of revenge against Fate evaporated. Lowering her head and planting her hands on the sofa cushion, she reveled in the glory of each thrust.

  Sparks flew, and she soared. When he lowered a hand and reached under her to press on her clit, Chelsea lost it. Her wolf howled while she yelled. Declan’s other hand flattened on her stomach as he pummeled his seed into her.

  Their breaths ragged, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck. A full minute later, Declan withdrew and then patted her butt. “Be right back.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Chelsea dropped to her stomach onto the sofa arm, exhaustion overcoming her.

  Declan returned and chuckled. He wiped her clean with the cloth. “How about putting on some clothes so we can talk? If you’re naked, we might be repeating this again.”

  Chelsea drew on all of her strength to get up. Her gaze latched onto his dick, which was standing at attention. “How come your cock is still hard when I’m spent?” She watched Declan’s gaze travel over her whole body.

  When his eyes met hers, he raised an eyebrow at her. “You keep me that way. Now, if you don’t get moving, I will find my way into you again.”

  “Okay, okay. I’m going.” As she sashayed away, she tossed a look back over her shoulder. “Although that’s not really a threat, ya know!” Chelsea winked at him.

  Chelsea put on some clothes, and when she returned, Declan was dressed and sitting on the sofa. She hoped he hadn’t come over to deliver bad news.

  Chelsea plopped down next to him. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  Declan cupped her face. “I’m good for now. You filled me up.”

  She loved it when he talked sexy like that. The problem was that it made her fall for him all the more. “Did you stop by for a booty call?” Shit. The second those words came out, she realized her mistake. “I didn’t mean it like that. After all, I was the one who practically attacked you.”

  He ran a knuckle down her cheek. “No, as I told you, I stopped by to apologize for not controlling Sabrina. She can be a tad aggressive. I tried to explain to her that I wasn’t interested, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  “You two were laughing. I heard you.”

  “You heard Sabrina. I was trying to be nice, but apparently, she didn’t get the hint.”

  He sounded sincere. “So, it’s over between you?”

  “It never really started, but yes, it’s over.”

  “Then why did you wait a week to come over?” She hadn’t meant to sound hurt, but she couldn’t help it.

  “Like I said, I thought the reception would be lukewarm at best.”

  She had to think about that. “Okay, I can accept that.”

  Declan lifted a still damp strand of hair and twirled it in his fingers. “What do we do now? I know we said we’d take a break, but I can’t stay away from you.”

  She smiled, trying to act brave. “I see no reason why we have to. I want you. You want me. How about seeing where things go?” Chelsea held her breath, hoping he’d agree.

  He leaned closer. “I don’t think we have a choice. We are both animals.”

  She laughed. “I hope it’s the human part of you who wants me.”

  “There’s no doubt about it.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next day at work was sunny and full of hope. Most of the animals seemed happy and healthy, and the cages she’d recently cleaned more or less remained that way. Chelsea gathered the two tramors who appeared in need of exercise and led them to the fenced off area to let them run. Even though she hadn’t been working at the shelter long, she couldn’t help but name these two. One she called Motley, because his fur still had some patches that needed to grow in, and the other was Spot because of the random black and white spots on his brown body. He at least had recovered nicely from whatever had happened to him.

  While the animals ran around and played, she leaned against the fence to watch them. Their carefree attitude was so refreshing and loving. Yes. Loving. She couldn’t get that word out of her head. Why? Because her thoughts had become consumed with Declan and how he had wormed his way into the depths of her soul.

  She sighed. He’d spent last night in her bed and had left early this morning. After falling asleep the first time for an hour, they made love again, slow and sensual. It had been oh, so wonderful.

  And that was the problem.

  It wasn’t so much that she was worried Declan would grow tired of her, but that what he said would come true: her mate would waltz into her life and want her for himself. If she had to choose right now, she would take Declan, making that other man live a lonely life.

  Ugh. As she twisted away from the fence, her stomach contracted, causing a wave of nausea to well up. What the hell? The last two mornings she’d been ill, but thankfully the discomfort had passed quickly.

  Not wanting to be sick in the open, Chelsea made sure the animals were content before rushing back to the office. Stick must be in the back because she didn’t see him. Marty had taken off earlier in the day and had yet to return.

  Just in time, Chelsea made it to the bathroom and vomited. She searched her mind for what she’d eaten and decided it must have been the cheese. It had looked a little suspect. The alternative couldn’t exist. A month before she’d arrived in Tarradon, she’d taken a shot to prevent pregnancy that was designed to last three months.

  Not that she didn’t yearn for children—she did—but that honor was reserved for once she found her mate. Declan had told her numerous time he wasn’t the one.

  After washing her hands and rinsing out her mouth, she stepped into the hallway. Oh, shit. Just who she didn’t need to run into.

  “Hello, Chelsea.” Sabrina’s brows pinched together. “Are you all right?”

  Chelsea looked down to see if some piece of food was caught in her hair or had landed on her shirt, but she didn’t spot anything. “I ate something bad last night.”

  Sabrina rubbed her arm. “I have some anti-nausea pills if you need any.”

  Chelsea forced a smile. “Thanks, but I feel much better now.” Not really, but she wasn’t about to confide in her—especially since she was Declan’s ex-girlfriend. “If you’ll excuse me, I left the two feisty tramors running around in the pen. I need to check on them.”


  As soon as Chelsea stepped outside, she inhaled deeply. Even though Declan claimed he had
no interest in that woman anymore, there was something creepy and insincere about her. Whatever. Chelsea had animals to feed and two tramors to return to their cages.

  While she was rounding them up, she caught site of Sabrina leaving after a very short visit. Good riddance. As if the gods had witnessed the exchange, Chelsea’s cell rang. When she checked the screen, she smiled.

  “Hey, Declan. Miss me?”

  He laughed. “Always. Say listen, I’m sorry but I can’t stop by tonight. Many of the Guardians are heading out now to combat some fires plaguing the farmers on the edge of the province. We need to find out who is setting these blazes. That means I probably won’t be back before late tonight.”

  She held in her disappointment. “I understand. Heroes have to do hero things.” He laughed, just as she had hoped. “Will I see you tomorrow then?”

  “Let’s hope. Thane’s calling. Gotta go.”


  Even though the conversation was short, hearing Declan’s voice had boosted her spirits. In fact, it helped make the rest of the afternoon fly by. When it was time to leave, she punched out, jumped in her car, and took off. Normally, she would have headed home for a run, but she wanted to put that niggling idea to rest. Instead of taking a right at the end of the long dirt road to her cabin, she turned left toward town.

  Once on the outskirts, she parked and went into the pharmacy where she purchased a pregnancy test. She felt a little foolish since the shot was supposed to work, but maybe it was a defective batch or something. Taking the test would eliminate any doubt.

  After buying the test, she stopped in Angelique’s Coffee Shop. A good mocha cappuccino and a sweet roll was just what she needed. If she couldn’t see Declan tonight, then these little bits of sweet pleasure would have to do.

  The shop was practically empty. Without all the chatter, the soft music and muted colors provided a calming atmosphere. On the far wall was a glass counter filled with all kinds of pastries, as well as croissants and snacks. Comfy tub chairs clustered together on one side of the room with coffee tables scattered between them. Booths and a few tables were on the other side. All in all, the coffee shop was very homey.


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