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Destiny In Flames: A Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Saga (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 4)

Page 16

by Vella Day

  “I agree, but how?”

  “I’ll place a sac around the embryo. Any magic—good or bad—won’t affect the child.”

  That was too good to be true. While the Four Sisters might have been able to perform something this amazing, they probably wouldn’t have since Chelsea wasn’t his mate.

  “Would you excuse us for a moment? I want to be alone with Chelsea,” Angelique said.

  If she hadn’t saved his and Thane’s life, Declan would have balked. “Sure. We’ll wait outside.”

  If she had a hand in healing Thane, perhaps she’d do the same with Chelsea.

  Both he and Greer stepped into the hallway. “Do you trust her?” Greer asked.

  “I do. She saved my life and Thane’s.”

  For the next few minutes, he briefly explained how Angelique had basically invaded his body, healed his very serious injuries, and taken over control of his body.

  “That sounds like she’s some kind of goddess.”

  He shrugged. “Maybe she is.”

  The door opened and Angelique motioned them in. Declan tried not to show his disappointment when Chelsea appeared to be the same. “How is she?” he asked.

  “She just needs your healing touch. The baby will be fine now. It can’t be harmed by any spells or magic you throw at her.”

  Without thinking, Declan threw his arms around Angelique. “I can’t thank you enough.”

  Embarrassed by his show of emotion, he stepped back and swiped the back of his hand across his eye.

  “My pleasure.” She said her goodbyes and left as quietly as she came.

  For the next few minutes, Declan and Greer poured their healing touch into Chelsea. He’d hoped she’d have awoken by now, but Sanditra must have put one hell of a spell on her. The last time he’d seen anything like this was when Ophelia had called him to Earth to help a friend of Chelsea’s. It had taken the two of them to erase that curse. He could only hope that Sanditra wasn’t as powerful as that goddess.

  As if someone lifted a veil from her brain, Chelsea roused, but she was unsure where she was. Her memory couldn’t fill in the blanks.


  Wait a minute. That was Declan’s voice. That had to mean she had to be safe—or else she’d been dreaming.

  “Come on, Chelsea, open your eyes.”

  She managed a small smile, or at least it felt as if the corners of her mouth lifted. With great effort, she opened her eyes and sighed. Oh, my. What a beautiful sight. Declan was leaning over her, his piercing eyes boring into hers. She wasn’t a fan of the wild scruff on his face though. It looked as if he hadn’t slept in forever.

  Chelsea lifted her arm to wipe away the film from her eyes, only to realize it was a paw. Oh, my goodness, she hadn’t shifted. Concentrating, she focused on changing back into her human form.

  Declan leaned back as she spun. A second later, she was fully human. Instantly, she wrinkled her nose at the stench. Not only did she smell, her mouth was completely dry. “Water?” she asked as she licked her lips.

  As if he were a magician, a glass appeared that he lifted to her mouth. He held up her head as he kept the glass steady. She drank down a few mouthfuls.

  “Welcome back,” he said with a smile. Declan then covered her with a sheet.

  She looked around but didn’t recognize where she was. “What happened?”

  His brows pinched tight. “What do you remember?”

  It took her a moment to process everything. “I heard Finn’s voice and then yours.”

  “And before that?”

  What did she recall? “I was thirsty and hungry. I also remember I couldn’t shift. I must have been outside because I kept licking my paws to rid them of the bugs that were crawling over me.”

  Declan pulled her close, and his warmth brought her such comfort. As much as she wanted to stay in his arms forever, she needed a shower.

  “I have to clean up.”

  He slipped off the bed and held out his hand. When Chelsea stood, her legs collapsed. A second later, she was in Declan’s arms. “You better let me take care of you.”

  Normally, she would have balked at letting someone do so much for her, but right now, she needed help. “Okay.”

  To her delight, the bathroom had a shower as well as a bathtub.

  “Which would you prefer?” Declan asked.

  “How about a bath?” He set her on the edge and ran the water. “How did you find me?” she asked.

  He explained how he’d been so desperate that he appealed to the Four Sisters of Fate for their help.

  “They’re the ones who helped Finn free Kaleena, right?”

  “Yes.” He told her how he’d found her with the help from one of the white lighters who’d been imprisoned with Kaleena. “The problem was that Sanditra was so powerful that she paralyzed me before I could free you.”

  “Sanditra? No, it was Sabrina.”

  “One in the same. That’s a story for another time.”

  At first she couldn’t imagine how one person could change into another, but then she remembered how the Changelings, who were mutated werewolves who lived in Silver Lake, could alter their appearance during the red moon. “Then what happened?”

  “Angelique somehow learned of your location, which led to both Thane and me fighting to take her down. I asked Finn to take you back here while I fought Sanditra. It was ugly. First, Thane saved me from sure death, and then afterward I was almost killed again. Thank the heavens that Angelique was able to get inside my body and heal me. I don’t know how else to explain it.”

  “Inside your body? I’ve never heard of anything like that before.”

  “Me neither. What matters is that you are safe.”

  The tub filled with water, and Declan placed her into it. Chelsea sighed. “That feels wonderful.”

  Declan grabbed the bar of soap and washed her arms and legs but avoided her breasts. “I won’t break if you touch me everywhere.”

  He tapped her nose. “You might not break, but there’s no telling what I might do. You have no idea how crazy I’ve been trying to find you.”

  She reached out and grabbed his arm. “Thank you. For everything.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  She sat up, the cool air puckering her nipples. “What about the shifters I saw in the back of the shelter? They each had the same silver collar on them. Did you find them?”

  “Not yet.”

  Her heart sank. “You said that woman who took me is dead?”


  “What if she is the only one who knows where the imprisoned shifters are being held? We need to find them.”

  He ran a hand down her head. “Right now, you need to rest. Don’t worry, we’ll find them. Stick and Marty are still around, and I have a feeling they know more than they are telling.”

  She slumped down into the water again. “Let’s hope so.”

  Declan pulled the handheld showerhead from the wall, warmed the water, and then ran it through her hair. Being pampered after what she’d been through was an incredible luxury.

  While he washed her hair, she cleaned the rest of her body. Her neck was tender, probably because of the collar, but the rest of her had healed well. Damn dark witch, or rather dark lighter. Her admiration for Kaleena grew. Apparently, Chelsea had only been gone a few days, whereas Kaleena had been incarcerated a lot longer.

  “Did you help heal me?”

  “I tried, but then I found something—or someone inside you.”

  She stilled. “Oh, Declan. I just learned that I was pregnant and didn’t have the chance to tell you before I was trapped.”

  “That’s good to know. Do you remember anything that happened right after you stepped in the trap?”

  She scoured her brain. “Marty showed up.”


  “I thought it odd that he was in the woods near my house, but he took my leg out of the clamp after I was shot with something.” Her hand went to her neck. �
��After that, it’s more or less a blank.”

  “When you were shot, was Stick nearby?”

  She lifted one shoulder. “I don’t know.”

  “It’s not important now. You need to finish healing.”

  She nodded. “I hope I remember at some point. It might help us find the others.”

  “Leave that to us.”

  “Fine.” Or not.

  Once Chelsea was clean, Declan helped her stand. With her hands planted on the wall, he rinsed her. Her wolf was going crazy with need, but even she understood she was too weak and needed to rest more. Tomorrow would hopefully be different.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chelsea cracked open an eye, and the unfamiliar surroundings took her by surprise until she remembered Declan had saved her. After that, all she remembered was him bathing her and then carrying her to bed. She must have fallen asleep before her head hit the pillow, because she didn’t recall saying goodnight. As a matter of fact, she wasn’t even sure Declan slept beside her.

  Easing out of bed, she stood but then had to wait for the head rush to go away before walking to the bathroom. With no clock nearby, she had no idea of the time. Because of the glow behind the curtains, she assumed it was morning.

  On the bathroom counter sat an unwrapped toothbrush, a tube of toothpaste, and a few other toiletries. Where was this place? Had he taken her to a hotel? She’d forgotten to ask him yesterday.

  She’d just finished washing up when someone knocked on her door, and she jerked.

  “Chelsea, you okay?” Declan asked as he opened the door.

  She let out a breath and stepped out of the bathroom, feeling better than she had in a while. “Yes. Good morning.”

  He had a small satchel in his hand. “Good morning to you. How are you feeling?”

  “Much better, thanks to you.”

  He set the bag on the bed. “I thought you might like some clothes.”

  Declan was wonderful. Why couldn’t he be her real mate? “You are so sweet.” Chelsea waved a hand as she looked inside the bag and found the clothes in there that she’d left at her house before her last run. “What is this place?”

  “It’s the Sinclair safe house. Actually, it’s situated next to the Sinclair Mines. We have hidden entry points, so no one can find you.”

  “I think Finn mentioned this place once.”

  “Probably. Kaleena came here to heal after her ordeal. Why don’t you get dressed, and then we can find something to eat? Looking at you naked has my mind going in the wrong direction.”

  She stepped closer and ran a finger down his chest. “Would that be so bad?”

  He clasped her hand in his, and heat raced through her.

  “I am not indulging in mind-blowing sex until you’ve eaten, and I’m convinced you are completely healed.” His glowing eyes and flashing red scales under his skin assured her he missed her as much as she had missed him.

  “Fine, though I admit I am famished, I can promise you I am fine now.”

  He smiled then patted her butt. “Get dressed.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him.

  After they ate, she waited until he relaxed a bit before broaching the next topic. “Since I’m feeling really good, and considering that Sanditra is dead, I’d really like to go back to the cabin.” She held up a hand. “Not that this place isn’t awesome, but I want my routine back. It might help me remember a few things.”

  He smiled. “Okay, and I’ll even give you a lift there.”

  “Yes!” She pumped her fist, and Declan laughed, something she bet he hadn’t done in a while. “If you play your cards right, I might let you shower at my place.” Though she had begun to think of the cabin as their place, and the idea of him naked had her wolf humming.

  He dragged a hand down his jaw. “I guess I could use a bit of cleaning up.”

  If he had showered when she was asleep, she’d seen no evidence of the towel he’d used. “Did you sleep next to me last night?”

  “I did, but I like getting up early.”

  “You didn’t wake me because you were worried that I needed extra rest?”

  “Yes.” After they cleared their dishes, Declan escorted her outside. The sky was a brilliant blue and the air clean. “Ready for your ride?” he asked.


  One minute he was in his human form and the next, he was an incredibly magnificent dragon. Something seemed different about him though, but before she could figure it out, Declan scooped her up into his claws and soared upward.

  Being safely in his embrace was a heady feeling, but the ride was over too soon. Declan landed, and right before he shifted, light glinted off a scale near his heart. It was white and pulsating.

  He shifted and smiled. “Is something wrong?” he asked.

  “No, but one of your scales is white.” Chelsea pointed to his heart. “It was right about here. I don’t remember that before.”

  “It’s new. That’s how I found you.” He explained how the Four Sisters had taken the hair from her brush and combined it with other things to make a scale that acted like a tracking device only for her.

  She stepped up to him. “Did I mention that you are an amazing man?”

  “Is that so?” Declan wrapped an arm around her waist.

  “Yes, and I’d like to thank you properly, just as soon as you shower.” She ran a finger down his out-of-control bristle.

  He laughed, released her, and then dug his hand into his pocket to retrieve the door key.

  Once open, she stepped inside and inhaled. The air was a little musty, but it was where she belonged. “Home, sweet home.”

  “Before I indulge in what I’ve been dreaming about for days, I will clean up first, as you so nicely suggested.”

  Chelsea chuckled. “I don’t think my wolf could handle seeing you naked and not do something. While you shower, I’ll just check to make sure nothing spoiled in the fridge during my absence.”

  “I’ll be quick.” As soon as Declan headed down the hallway, Chelsea went into the kitchen to find out what smelled.

  She quickly located the offending piece of meat and tossed it in the trashcan outside. Less than ten minutes later, a very handsome Declan came out of the bathroom barefoot and wearing only jeans. He looked so yummy.

  “Feel better?” she asked as she moved toward him.


  Declan framed her face with his palms and leaned over. When their lips met, her wolf begged to come out and play, and boy did she beg. Be good, she commanded.

  It’s been too long, her wolf whined.

  Declan’s teeth sharpened, and his talons poked out of his skin.


  His panted plea nearly melted her bones. Just as she was about to take off his pants, someone knocked on the front door. She stiffened.

  “It’s not a shifter,” he said.

  That much she could tell. “It could be another dark lighter.”

  His cheer evaporated. Declan let go of her and strode over to the door and pulled it open. “Poppy?”

  From his shocked tone, she was the last person he expected. Chelsea rushed to the front. The only Poppy she’d heard about had been one of the Four Sisters who’d helped Declan find her. This woman was pretty with nearly white blonde hair, tinted purple at the ends.

  The newcomer smiled. “May I come in?” Poppy faced her and held out her hand. “I’m so glad to see you’re okay.”

  “Poppy is one of the Four Sisters who removed your collar.”

  Chelsea shook her hand. “Thank you for all your help.”

  “My pleasure.”

  He motioned she come in. “What can we do for you?” Declan asked.

  She patted his arm. “I need to talk with you two. Let’s sit.”

  That sounded ominous. Declan and Chelsea sat on the sofa with Poppy across from them.

  “As you know, a shifter only has one mate in a lifetime,” she said.

  Hearing those words
spoken out loud deflated Chelsea’s heart and caused her chin to tremble. “Yes,” Chelsea mumbled her response, while Declan said nothing.

  Poppy looked over at him. “After you gave us a hair sample in which to build your scale, we could tell that Chelsea was pregnant.”

  “You could? I just found out myself.” Declan looked over at Chelsea and smiled.

  “The Guardians have done a lot for all of Tarradon, and it would be a shame not to bring the first born of this generation into the Guardian fold.”

  Declan clutched Chelsea’s hand. “What are you saying?”

  She inhaled. “Once my sisters and I realized that Chelsea was pregnant with your child, we contacted Fate.”

  Her heart beat so fast, she feared she might do damage to their unborn child.

  “The baby is mine, but how did you know?” Declan asked.

  Poppy’s lips lifted slightly. “We know.”

  “Go on,” he urged, his grip tightening.

  “Fate has decided that you are meant to follow the path you are on together.” She held up a hand. “Mind you, this might never happen to anyone else again, so be grateful.”

  Declan’s eyes widened while Chelsea’s teared up. “I am, but are you saying that Chelsea and I are really mates?”

  Poppy clapped. “Yes.” She leaned forward. “We drew straws to see who would be the bearer of good news—and I won.” She sighed. “I’m a sucker for a good love story.”

  It was true. Really true. She and Declan could be together forever. Chelsea looked over at him, and her heart hitched at the joy in his eyes. She had to swipe away her own tears.

  Declan jumped up from the sofa and rubbed his hands together. “I don’t know what to say or how to thank you.”

  Poppy stood. “I don’t think you need any words to mate.” She winked—and then she disappeared.

  Laughter bubbled up inside of Chelsea. She rose to her feet and threw her arms around his neck. “It’s too good to be true. Fate gave you a second chance.”

  “Fate gave me you, along with our baby.” Declan lifted his chin. “Just for the record, I knew we were mates from the moment I met you.”

  She lightly punched his arm. “I’m calling bullshit!”


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