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Morgan, Nicole - Love Knows No Boundaries (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 12

by Love Knows No Boundaries (lit)

  Isabelle’s heart sank. He could have screamed and yelled. He could have caused a big scene. But he wouldn’t, he was too good of a man for something so petty. Although he had every right to throw things and behave like a child, he left with his head held high, causing Isabelle’s heart to break just a little more for the man that left.

  Connie turned to all of them. Clearly, she was upset.

  “Someone better start talking? And you? Why are you even here?” She pointed her finger toward Sean. “You have been horrible to this family for over a year now. And words can’t begin to describe the awful way in which you treated that sweet boy.”

  Terrance came up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulder.

  “Connie, I think that—”

  “No. I will not hear any more excuses for his rudeness. You have turned into a different person, Sean. I love you like my own son. But sometimes I don’t even like you. So go ahead, spill it. I know you’re behind this. What did you do to that boy? What could be so bad that he would leave Isabelle? He is so clearly in love with her.”

  “So am I.” It was a simple statement. But really, the situation was already so complicated, why should he make it any worse?

  “You’re—what? I don’t understand.” Realization all but smacked Connie in the head. Her body became tense and rigid and her eyes widened as she truly took in Sean’s half naked appearance. She walked right over to him and with everything that she had she slapped him hard across the face.

  “Mom!” Isabelle screamed. “Stop that.” Instantly Isabelle reached up to touch Sean’s red face as he winced from the sting.

  “I want you out of this house!” Connie was past anger. She was livid.

  “If I leave, Izzy’s coming with me.” Sean looked at Connie, stared deep into her eyes. “Connie, don’t do this. Don’t make her choose.”

  “Honey,” Terrance said quietly. “Let’s not be rash. Perhaps we should sit down and talk about this calmly.”

  She spun around to meet her husband’s calm demeanor.

  “How can you be so cool about this? And why aren’t you—oh my God. You’re not surprised. You knew? You knew and you never told me?” She turned her anger on her husband, not sure which of them she was the angriest with. “How could you not have told me? I’m your wife. I’m her mother. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”

  “Honey, please. You mean everything to me. I—I know I should have. I just couldn’t tell you. I was worried that you would—I don’t know what. It’s just that, honey, you have to try and understand. Sean truly does love her. Why do you think he’s been such a mess? Think about it. When did he start to change?” He hoped and prayed his wife could get past this. He couldn’t stand it if the price of his son’s happiness was him losing her.

  She looked at her husband and then looked upward, clearly thinking. She turned then and faced Sean.

  “It was right after Isabelle left for school, you got so angry; you never wanted to be around here.” She turned to her daughter then. “And whenever you came home he wouldn’t come within a mile of the house.”

  Connie turned to Sean and gently touched his face where she had slapped him.

  “You loved her then. You did, and you let her go. Why?”

  “I thought I had to. I thought that giving her up was the right thing for Izzy. But when she came home yesterday, oh God Connie. I’m sorry. I love you. But I love Izzy more. If we can’t have your blessing, it won’t stop me. We’ll be together. But Izzy needs it. She needs your blessing and truth be told, it would mean a lot to me.” He shrugged. “Whether I deserve it or not.”

  “Sean, oh my. You love her? I mean truly, do you love her enough to cherish her, and love her no matter what life throws your way?” She asked him, wishing that she could stay angry. But she saw the truth in his eyes. She saw the pain he had suffered without Isabelle.

  “I promise you Connie. With every breath that I take, with every ounce of my soul, that I will love your daughter like no man has ever loved a woman before. Nothing could stop me from doing everything in my power to see to her happiness.” He touched her hand that cradled his cheek and whispered, “I swear.”

  Tiny tears escaped Connie’s eyes. She smiled and hugged Sean tightly.

  “I’m sorry I hit you, Sean.”

  “It’s okay. Believe me, when I started to fight my feelings for Izzy I wanted to kick my own ass for the things I was feeling.”

  They all laughed at his little joke.

  “Well, it looks like it is going to be a merry Christmas after all” Terrance said from behind his wife as he hesitantly placed an arm around her.

  Connie glared at her husband.

  “You have some explaining to do, Terrance.”

  “I know, honey. I’m sorry. If I profess my undying love for you, will you forgive me as well?” He winked at her.

  “I’ll consider it. Perhaps there are ways you may be able to persuade me.” She winked right back.

  “Oh God.” Izzy rolled her eyes, taking Sean’s hand she pulled him to the kitchen. She turned back to yell at them. “I mean really. It’s been over three years, the honeymoon is over already.”

  Terrance and Connie snickered at her comment as they went upstairs to their bedroom.

  Chapter Eleven

  Izzy awoke with a sadness in her heart. The past two weeks had been so wonderful. All of her dreams were finally coming true. She was with Sean. Their parents had dealt with it. There was nothing standing in there way of being together, but she groaned, knowing that there was one thing that would keep her apart from Sean.

  She and Sean had discussed it. And since she had already registered for her classes and it was too late to transfer any of her courses to the city campus, she begrudgingly agreed with him that she should at least finish this semester at the north campus. Then she would be able to transfer to the city campus for next semester and she could move into his house permanently.

  Oh, but the thought of not seeing him and not being held by him made her so sad. But in light of what she had gone through over the past year, it was mild. She still couldn’t believe it. They were together. They had talked about getting married, although Sean had been adamant that they wait until after she graduated. Terrance and her mother agreed, which really left her with no argument. She supposed they were right. She just wanted it all right now. But she couldn’t be selfish. She would take their lives together and cherish every day that she had with him.

  “Izzy? Are you gonna sleep all day? We’ve got a long drive ahead of us, baby,” Sean yelled from down stairs.

  She smiled. Oh, how she loved waking up in this bed.

  “I’ll be down in a few, I’m gonna jump in the shower,” she shouted back down to him.

  She rose from the bed and removed the bracelet he had gotten her for her last birthday, but just gave to her on Christmas morning. She loved it.

  She had just finished rinsing her hair when she reached for the nozzle to turn it off. She jumped and laughed all at the same time when her hand came in contact with Sean’s. She looked over her shoulder.

  “What are you doing in here?”

  Sean stepped in the shower and closed the curtain.

  “Did you really think that I could resist joining you in here when you all but invited me?”

  She laughed.

  “I hardly think that telling you I was going to take a shower was inviting you to join me.”

  He quirked a brow at her.

  “Oh, I don’t know. It’s the way you said it. I heard the underlying meaning there.”

  “Underlying meaning?”

  “Yeah, you know. You might have said, ‘I’m gonna jump in the shower’ but what I heard was ‘Sean, come jump in the shower with me and ravish me with all of your masculine wildness.’ After all, baby, I told you I would do whatever it took to make you happy, so I’m merely in this shower with you out of the kindness and love of my heart.” He winked at her and waggled his brows.

p; She wrapped her arms around him and giggled.

  “Oh Sean, I love you.” She kissed his neck and whispered in his ear, “Sean, ravish me with your masculine wildness.”

  “If you insist, baby.” Grabbing her and pulling her close he ravished and loved her until they both were exhausted.

  Sean groaned when they were drying off and she muttered the time to him.

  “Oh, come on, baby, we have time for just a little nap.” He tried to convince her while giving his best puppy dog face.

  “Don’t give me that. I’m tired too, but we’ve got to get going. Come on. I’ll be back on Friday night and you can ravish me all over again.” Isabelle got up from the bed and walked to the closet to get dressed.

  Sean watched her.

  “God you’re beautiful, Izzy. I swear I love you more and more every day.”

  Four hours later, Sean walked her into her dorm room. Carrying her suitcase and setting it down next to her bed, he fell on the bed with a thud.

  “Oh, Izzy. I’m gonna miss you.”

  She lay down next to him and propped her head up with her hand.

  “You are the one that insisted that I finish the school year here.”

  “I know, but you neglected to mention how stupid I was.” He traced a line along her jaw with his index finger. “Remember? I don’t have the best track record when it comes to making important decisions.”

  Leaning over to kiss him, Isabelle prayed that this semester would go by quickly. Their kisses intensified. They were on the verge of making love when they heard someone cough.

  “Ahem. Uh, sorry. I’m Anne, are you,” she looked down and read from a piece of paper in her hand, “Isabelle Morley?”

  “Yes, that’s me.” She sat up on the bed and adjusted her rumpled clothing.

  “I have a note here for you.” She extended her hand out and waited until Isabelle reached for the paper. “All right then, uh, carry on.” The strange girl left without a backward glance.

  Sean and Isabelle both laughed.

  “Well, who’s it from?” he asked.

  “Let’s see.” Isabelle opened the note and briefly skimmed the note. “Oh my gosh. I can’t believe it.” She laughed, turning to Sean to show him the note. “My roommate Darcy, she eloped with her boyfriend over break. He’s been away in the military. She’s moving to Mississippi with him. Oh, she must be so happy.” She leaned over and kissed Sean fervently. “You know, Sean. All I would have to do is lock that door and we would be all alone.”


  She laughed.

  “And what? I thought the rest was pretty self-explanatory.”

  “And, what are you waiting for? Go lock that door! I want to give you some real nice memories to tide you over until you come home to me on Friday night.” Sean watched her as she walked to the door. He was mesmerized by the gentle sway of her hips and her lean, luscious legs. He loved her so much. And when he said she would be coming home to him, he meant it in more ways than one. Because when Izzy was with him, he was whole. There was no ache, no need left unmet. Yes, his Izzy made his life worth living.

  * * * *

  It was Friday, only five days into the new semester and already Isabelle felt frazzled. She had taken a couple of harder courses this time around, wanting a bit more of a challenge. Now all she hoped for was less homework and more time with Sean. She was running to class when she felt her cell phone vibrate in her back pocket.

  Reaching for it she answered.


  “What are you wearing?” the deep voice whispered.

  She laughed.

  “Well, seeing as how I am jogging to class and there are about a hundred people in my direct line of sight, what do you think I’m wearing?”

  “You better be dressed in baggy jeans and a big old frumpy sweater that makes you look horrible,” Sean teased.

  “How’d you know? It just so happens that’s exactly what I’m wearing.”

  “That’s my girl. Listen, I only have a minute but I just wanted to tell you that I miss you.” His tone was more serious now, sincere.

  She stopped her jog for a moment.

  “Sean. I miss you too. I love you.”

  “I love you too, baby. I’ll see you tonight, okay?”

  “All right. Bye.” And they hung up.

  She was placing her phone back in her pocket when she heard a familiar voice call her name. She looked up and realized she had only been standing a few feet from Justin when she told Sean she loved him. God, could she feel any worse?

  Sean hung up the phone and turned to Jake.


  Jake laughed as he patted his buddy on the shoulder.

  “You, man. You are so whipped.”

  Not realizing they had an audience in the locker room, Sean was surprised when he heard a bunch of laughter.

  “Haha. Laugh all you want. I could care less.”

  “Hey man, we’re just giving you a hard time. Lord knows your sister, oops sorry, I mean your girlfriend is hot,” Officer Cowley taunted him.

  “Make fun all you want boys, but my Izzy is more than just a pretty face. There is nothing you could say to bring me down. So taunt all you like, it isn’t working,” Sean told them smugly.

  “Come on, man, ignore them. Let’s get to work.” Jake led the way to the garage to get into their patrol car.

  “Justin, hi.” He looks horrible, she thought. Which was exactly why she didn’t ask how he was.

  “Hi. How are you?” he asked in a shaky voice.

  Oh Justin. I’m so sorry.

  “I’m fine. How—ah how are you?” He shrugged.

  “Are you heading to class?”

  “Yeah. You?” What could she say?

  “Yeah. Isabelle, can I—can I be honest with you?”

  “Oh Justin, of course you can.” She sat down next to him on the park bench where he was seated.

  He looked at her and gave her a half smile.

  “I miss you.”

  “Justin, I–.”

  “I do. I miss you so much. I still love you. Do you—have you thought about what I said that night?” he asked, hope shining in his eyes.

  “Justin, I’m sorry. I can’t. It wouldn’t be fair to you.”

  He snickered as his eyes glared at her.

  “I wish you would have thought of that last spring. Before I—before I fell in love with you.”

  Isabelle closed her eyes on the pain she knew she was causing him. She knew all too well what it felt like to love someone and be pushed away.

  “Justin, I’m sorry. I truly am. I wish there was something I could do or say to make you feel better, I—.”

  “I told you there is.” He turned to her and took her face in his hands. “Give us another chance. I swear I could make you love me. I’ll be so good to you, honey. Please.” He leaned in to kiss her.

  Isabelle hated the rejection he would feel but she was forced to push away from him and get up from the bench.

  “I’m sorry, Justin. I can’t. I care about you and I am deeply sorry for what I’ve done to hurt you, but it just won’t work. I’m sorry.” She turned away from him and walked away, refusing to turn back and see the hurt in his eyes for one more second. She couldn’t bear it. She absolutely hated herself for what she did to him.

  * * * *

  Hours later, Isabelle was exhausted. She had met with some other students from her psychology class to discuss a project that they would begin work on next week and what should have been a thirty minute meeting had turned into an hour and a half, thanks to the ramblings of that strange girl Anne that had brought her the note from Darcy. It was slightly amusing that she turned up in one of her classes, but having to be partnered up with her in a group project was going to be possibly more than Isabelle’s patience could handle. The girl jumped from topic to topic like she was literally afraid to stay focused on one thing at one time. It was mind-boggling the way her thoughts would scatter. Isabelle laughed to h
erself on the way to her room, realizing that really they should be studying Anne for their project. That would surely get them an A.

  Here it was, 7:30 on a Friday night; she still needed to throw her dirty clothes together so she could wash them at Sean’s. She had to gather all of her text books and get whatever she needed to get her assignments done over the weekend. Not to mention she was exhausted and, while she hadn’t looked in a mirror lately, she was sure that she probably looked like hell. The dorm was already starting to clear out. Being the first weekend of the semester, people were in prime party mode.

  Finally she got to her door. She opened it and all but threw her stuff on the bed. Hurriedly she reached for her cell phone to call Sean and let him know she was going to be late getting home. While she listened to his phone ring she started getting her dirty laundry together. Sean hadn’t answered, so she was forced to leave him a quick message telling him she would be late, while she stripped off her clothes and jumped into the shower. She winced when she realized she hadn’t let the water warm up. Well, she was awake now, she thought, as the ice-cold water pelted over her skin.

  * * * *

  “Nicely done, Walker.” Sgt. Barnes patted Sean on the back.

  “Thanks, but really it was simply a matter of being in the right place at the right time.” Sean was trying to be modest but he was screaming inside with excitement.

  “Yeah, don’t go giving him all the credit,” Jake piped in. “If I hadn’t eaten that chili dog, which by the way is still wreaking havoc on my digestive system, he wouldn’t have been sitting out there to see the suspect drive by.” Jake grinned from ear to ear.

  Sgt. Barnes chuckled.

  “Yes, well, I suppose you’re right. So we’ll thank chili dog man for his fine police work and you’re ah, what did you call it, digestive system, for providing the means necessary for Sean to do such a fine job.”

  “Sure, make fun.” Jake turned to Sean. “Seriously, though. You did good, buddy.” Jake rolled his eyes. “Oh hell, answer it already. You know it’s her, you’re only late getting off of your shift thirty minutes and she’s already calling.”


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