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House of Intrigue

Page 11

by Yvonne Strickland

  Valerie disappeared across the grass in the direction of the darkened house. He waited and listened. The sound of splashing drifted intermittently through the night air. At length, two figures emerged quietly out of the gloom.

  'We're back,' whispered Valerie. 'Anything happened?'

  'No, they're still in the water.'

  The other figure, bag over one shoulder and shotgun tucked under one arm, said nothing. Pauline was dressed in a black catsuit and short boots. Only her face and silver-blonde hair caught the moonlight, giving her head the appearance of disembodiment against the blackness of the trees.

  'OK,' said Mike, 'you two go along this side and I'll sneak around the other where the sunshades are. As soon as they see you, they'll head towards me, yes?'

  'All right,' answered Pauline, 'you'd better go first, then we'll follow.'

  Mike stooped low and moved away silently across the main pathway before they lost sight of him. Pauline gestured to Valerie and both walked quickly, keeping by the bushes, towards the pool. As they approached the poolside and moved out into the open, the figure in the water stood up, black against the moon-rippled surface, then swam quickly the short distance to the steps on the far side and started to climb up and over. Valerie and Pauline waited as the fleeing shadow moved among the poolside tables and chairs, disappearing behind the sunshades.

  Pauline hurried quickly towards the end of the pool, followed by Valerie. They had just turned the corner when a shriek cut through the darkness, followed by the clatter of an overturned chair.

  Mike's cries of, 'OK! OK! We're not going to hurt -' were cut short by a desperate yell of, 'Get your bleeding hands off me! Let me go!'

  Pauline laid the shotgun down on a nearby table and produced a torch from her shoulder bag. In the beam of light the girl cringed, held from behind by both arms. She was naked. Her skin glistened wet in the torchlight and her hair was plastered about her face and shoulders.

  'Well, what have we here?' asked Pauline, looking into her frightened eyes.

  Tell him to let go of my arms!' she pleaded. 'I haven't done anything!'

  'Where are your clothes?' asked Valerie.

  The girl did not reply but her eyes darted from Valerie to Pauline. Mike nodded towards a chair. 'There they are.'

  Pauline shone the beam of light on to the clothes and stepped over to examine them.

  'I see. These filthy old things.' She turned to Valerie and said, 'It might be a good idea if you go and alert Sonia while we sort this one out. She'll be waiting up in the office.'

  Valerie hesitated, looking from Pauline to the girl then back again, before turning without a word and walking away into the darkness towards the house.

  'We'd better get her dried and dressed,' said Mike.

  'There's nothing to dry her with,' replied Pauline, reaching again into the bag, 'and those clothes are only fit for the incinerator.' She stepped towards the girl, something metallic glistening in her hand. Turn her around!'


  'Just turn her around and hold her arms while I put these on. Quickly!'

  'Hell, no!' shouted the girl, writhing and struggling. 'You're not putting no bloody handcuffs on me, you old cow!'

  Pauline at once seized one of her wrists, fitted the steel bracelet on to it and snapped it shut. Mike, showing not quite the same degree of enthusiasm, helped to pull her around and despite her expletive protests, held the other arm in position while her wrists were secured together behind her back in the steel embraces of the handcuffs.

  Take them off me!' screamed the girl, twisting about in a futile attempt to release herself.

  i think we can call it an evening now, don't you?' said Pauline. 'You can leave her to me, if you don't mind.'

  'Well yes, if you say so.'

  'I do say so!' replied Pauline coolly.

  Mike turned and walked slowly away, glancing over his shoulder at the two figures illuminated in the soft moonlight. Pauline replaced the torch in her bag and turned to the naked captive, now visibly shivering.

  'You can follow me back to the house or you can spend the rest of the night out here. It gets cooler as the night goes on. Well?'

  'I haven't any choice, have I?' the girl answered dryly. 'You're going to turn me in, aren't you?'

  'That's not up to me,' responded Pauline, picking up the shotgun. 'I only work here, as they say. But if you're going to move, you'd better move now. Right now!'

  'All right! I'll come with you but let me put my pants on first!'

  'Now!' shouted Pauline, then turned away from her and walked towards the black silhouette of the house.

  'Wait! Come back!' came the voice from behind, but Pauline carried on walking.

  Halfway between the pool and the house, Pauline stopped and turned around. The slim figure also came to a halt, a few metres behind her.

  'I knew you'd see reason,' she muttered and continued on.

  A few minutes later they were in Sonia's office.

  'So,' said Sonia from behind the green shaded desk lamp, 'you're the one on the loose? Until now, that is.'

  'I didn't have anything to do with it, honest! I was hitching a ride and these blokes picked me up. Look, just get

  these bleeding handcufs off me and I'll shoot off-1 haven't done any harm to anyone, see!'

  Sonia rose slowly from the chair and looked hard at her.

  There is one thing I will not tolerate in my office or anywhere in this house and that is swearing!' The girl looked from Sonia to Pauline then around the room as if for some consolation. 'Well,' continued Sonia, 'you are wanted by the police and I understand there is a reward for anyone who hands you in. Now, you wretched girl! What are we supposed to do with you other than that?'

  The girl looked back at her with moistening eyes and quivering lip. 'I don't know. I dare say you'll do whatever you think.'

  Sonia regarded her in silence for some time. Her hair was fairer than Jackie's but she was about the same age and build, though her features were sharper and her demeanour that of one having much more experience of life than her years would indicate. Even in her bedraggled state, or perhaps because of it, she was very obviously what Sonia's lesser gender', the male of the species, would regard as most desirable.

  'I think we'll sleep on this one,' said Sonia eventually, 'and decide what to do with her later. Put her somewhere secure and comfortable until the morning. Better give her something to eat and drink first, I suppose, as she hasn't yet had the opportunity to steal it.' Sonia walked around the desk and stood before the girl. 'I'll talk to you in the morning, but for the time being, you'd better do exactly as you're told. Inspector Gautier really wouldn't mind what time of the day or night I phoned him - understand?'

  'Yes, right then, I'll behave, honest, but I can't eat or sleep in these, can I?' She twisted her arms around to show the handcuffs.

  'Leave it to me,' said Pauline. Til put her into something more comfortable. She won't be going anywhere, I can promise you.'

  'Good, I'm sure I needn't doubt you on that account, then we can all get some sleep.'

  At 7.45, a key turned in the lock. Pauline entered the half-light of the room carrying a small tray upon which rested a glass of orange juice and a chicken sandwich. The girl was already awake, and sat up in the bed with the sheet pulled up over her breasts. Her eyes followed Pauline as the tray was placed on the bedside table and the curtains were pulled open, flooding the room with light.

  'What's happening?' asked the girl, regarding the black leather suited figure framed in the window with apprehension.

  'You're to have that,' answered Pauline, gesturing towards the tray, 'then take a shower and make yourself presentable. Afterwards, we'll get you dressed and ready to meet Sonia in my office at nine o'clock prompt. I take it you have no objections?'

  'How am I supposed to use a shower with these on?'

  The girl pulled up the bedsheet to reveal her ankles, each enclosed in a smooth steel band and held close together by a
chain of little more than ten centimetres in length.

  'I'll undo them before you go into the bathroom.' Pauline opened the door of a large fitted cupboard. 'There are clothes, shoes and underwear in here. I don't care what you put on. I daresay most of it will fit you.'

  'Yeah, I had a good look inside last night,' said the girl, munching on the sandwich. 'There's kinky stuff in there as well - the sort of gear perverts wear.'

  'How nice of you to say so,' said Pauline, smiling. 'I can see you are going to enjoy your stay here enormously; unless we give you to the police of course.'

  'Here no, just give me a chance, right? And ... you couldn't let us have a fag, could you?'

  'You'll get all the chance you deserve,' answered Pauline, ignoring altogether the second request.

  At 8.45, the key again turned in the lock and Pauline reentered, this time carrying a black plastic bag.

  'How's this?' asked the girl, turning to face her.

  Pauline rested the bag on a nearby chair and regarded her for a few moments. The girl wore a sleeveless top in dark blue crepe nylon cut well down at the front to display the tops of her firm breasts. Her mini-skirt was of silver-blue stretch vinyl and fitted her lithe figure snugly. Around her waist was a wide belt in white vinyl and below the skirt, sheer black seamed tights and silver vinyl high-heeled sandals with small blue bows.

  They're my favourite colours,' she said, 'blue and silver.'

  Her straw-blonde hair hung down her back, straight and shining, its fringe conspiring to soften the streetwise look of her blue eyes and alert features.

  'Fine if we were going to a disco,' observed Pauline, opening her bag, 'but we're not and most people don't wear tights during the day. It's the climate, you know.'

  'Yeah, I know,' she replied, pivoting herself around in front of the long mirror. 'Still, the blokes like them, especially these open body ones - if you get my meaning.'

  'I don't think you quite understand yet, do you?' said Pauline, emptying the contents of the bag on to the chair. 'Pull your hair over your shoulder to the front and turn towards the window.'

  'What? What for?' She regarded the black leather object bunched up on the chair with straps and buckles hanging from it over the edge of the seat. Her eyes turned to Pauline and to what Pauline held coiled about her hand. 'Here! What the bloody hell's this? Get away from me!'

  Pauline stepped quickly over to her and the whip struck out like a rattlesnake around the girl's behind.

  'Ow! My arse!' she screamed, lurching towards the window and looking back in startled fear.

  'We can do this the easy way or the hard way,' said Pauline with expressionless clarity. 'Personally, I'm just as happy to do it the hard way; I enjoy the practice!'

  'Look!' exclaimed the girl. 'I don't want any bother!'

  'Then do as you are told! Now!'

  The girl moved slowly and timidly back towards her, her eyes constantly darting from Pauline's face to the whip.

  'Good, right. Now, pull your hair forward over to the front and ... yes, that's it... and place your arms behind your back with the palms of your hands flat together. Good. Now, if you move I'll most certainly give you three strokes, not one!'

  The girl stood, visibly trembling but obedient as the cool leather pouch slid up and enclosed her hands in its snug embrace. A small buckle rasped as the strap passed through it and tightened about her wrists. The whirr of the heavy zip fastener moving upwards told her why the leather sheath was pulling insistently about her arms and drawing them closer so that her breasts were made to stand out more prominently. The zipper ceased its ascent, level with her shoulder blades, so that most of her arms were encased in the sleek, black leather.

  'What is this?' asked the girl, twisting her head around. 'What the hell's it for?'

  Pauline pushed the free ends of the straps, which hung from either side of the leather sheath, under the girl's arms, drew them out at the front, pulled them up and crossed them over her chest.

  'I would have thought by now,' she answered, passing the straps over the girl's shoulders and pulling them down behind, 'that the purpose was fairly obvious.' Once passed through buckles at the top of the sheath, the two straps were tightened and fastened, holding the restraint securely in position. it couldn't be better if it was tailor-made,' remarked Pauline, picking up the whip and looking at her watch. 'And we're in good time for your interview.' She walked over to the door and pulled it open. 'This way, madam!'

  'Here, look! I can't go about the place wearing this - it isn't right - and my skirt's riding up!'

  Pauline looked hard at her and slowly uncoiled the whip.

  'You'll wear the bondage glove all day if I say so. And you chose what you're wearing, not me, remember? Now move!' The whip hissed and cracked across her behind. 'Now!' repeated Pauline loudly as the girl shrieked and all but jumped towards the waiting doorway.

  As they entered Pauline's apartment, Sonia, wearing biker jacket and black satin leggings, arose from the green leather two-seater by the window.

  'Ah, how nice to see our young guest again.'

  'Yes,' agreed Pauline, 'and so tastefully attired.'

  'What is this place?' asked the girl, looking from one to the other. 'Some kind of bleeding hospital? More like a loony bin if you ask me!'

  Sonia slapped her across the mouth, causing her to gasp and turn her head.

  'Before we continue, I will repeat what I said last night. You will not swear in this house - ever!'

  Pauline prodded the girl to elicit an answer.

  'N-no, right, no swearing.'

  'Good,' continued Sonia. 'Now, the police seem to be in possession of your handbag and any documentation you had in it. You must have taken leave of your companions in some haste.'

  'Yeah, I scarpered quick.'

  'And I gather that your name is Rose. Is that your real name?'

  'Yeah, Rose. It's my real name.'

  Sonia pulled over a green leather stool and placed it before the two-seater and a single easy chair. Pauline sat in the chair and Sonia returned to the two-seater.

  'Sit down, Rose,' ordered Sonia, indicating the stool.

  The girl backed up slowly against the stool and in attempting to shuffle herself on to it, succeeded in pushing it back until it fell over with a thump.

  'If I can't use my arms I can't hold the blee ... I mean the stool steady!'

  Pauline stepped over, lifted the stool back on to its legs, and held it in position.

  'Now sit down!'

  Rose obeyed, turning about awkwardly and adjusting her position until she felt balanced, with her legs at a right angle to her captors.

  'Please turn and face us,' ordered Sonia.

  The girl looked from one to the other, her mouth opening slightly as she shuffled awkwardly around, keeping her legs as close together as possible.

  'My skirt's pulling up,' she muttered and began to blush.

  The little bitch hasn't put any knickers on!' declared Pauline, looking from Rose to Sonia with an expression of mock astonishment.

  'Oh, and why is that, Rose?' asked Sonia. 'Why have you nothing on under your skirt?'

  Her mouth opened but no sound emerged for a few moments, though the flush of embarrassment still persisted. 'Er, well, me and my friends used to do it as a bit of a dare, like ... just a bit of fun ... but I didn't know you were going to fasten my arms up, did I? It's not my blee ... er, not my fault, is it?'

  Sonia and Pauline regarded her in silence for a very long half-minute.

  'It seems to me there are a limited number of choices to be made and we will have to decide here and now,' said Sonia. 'We can simply give you some clothes, ordinary clothes that is, and let you go. We can hand you over to the police, or we can keep you on here. Those are our options.' The girl remained silent. 'Your options are not so easy. If you decide to go, you stand a good chance of being spotted and arrested. I'm sure the second option doesn't appeal very much, so that leaves you with the third choice, doesn'
t it? And that is rather a difficult one since you don't know anything about us.'

  'I don't want the police,' said Rose. 'But then you haven't said what you're all about, so I don't know what to think, do I?'

  'It might be better if you find out gradually,' mused Sonia. 'But let me put it this way. You're not only a common thief, but a coarse and ill-spoken slut. We can offer you a chance to stay out of trouble and to better yourself with proper use of those assets which you have taken so little trouble to conceal this morning. There is -'

  'What!' interrupted Rose. 'Sell myself like a sodding tart! You're out of your bleeding mind if -'

  Sonia and Pauline had risen simultaneously as she spoke and this time it was Pauline who brought the palm of her hand hard across the girl's mouth. Sonia held her by the shoulders and looked hard into her startled eyes.

  'You are already a tart! And as far as selling yourself is concerned, you just give it away, I have no doubt! And when I consider the company you seem to like, it doesn't look to me as though you even have the wits to give it to anyone who's worth anything!' She turned to Pauline. 'You've probably got something to keep her quiet, haven't you?'

  Pauline nodded and walked towards the curtained-off chamber at the rear of the room.

  'Now then,' continued Sonia, 'you're going to learn that when I say I do not tolerate swearing, I mean exactly that! And whatever happens to you after this morning, you are going to learn a little humility - something to remember us by even when you end up again with the kind of riff-raff and no-hopers you're so obviously attuned to!'

  Sonia looked up as Pauline approached from behind Rose and nodded.

  'Here! What are you up to?' protested the girl, but it was to be her last meaningful objection for a time, as Pauline reached quickly around and thrust the rubber ball into her mouth. Sonia at once gripped her head and held it still, while Pauline tightened and buckled the strap behind.

  'Do you want this?' asked Pauline, gesturing towards the whip, which lay nearby.

  'No, something a bit less drastic and a pair of scissors, large ones if you have them.'

  Rose uttered a series of muffled protests through the gag and slipped down off the stool before Sonia. Pauline returned and stood behind, as though to prevent her from backing away. She handed over the scissors and, as Rose cringed in abject fear of what she might be about to do, Sonia tugged the blue nylon top from under the girl's belt and quickly cut through it up to the neckline. In a moment, the shoulder material was cut too, and the ruined garment was wrenched away from her body and tossed aside, leaving her naked from the waist up.


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