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FROST (The Trident Series Book 3)

Page 21

by Jaime Lewis

  The guys had gotten called out almost two weeks ago. Frost had mentioned there was a good possibility they would need to leave out on a mission. It was just a matter of time. Although he didn’t provide any other information which she expected, and she didn’t ask for any. She knew better. She had noticed he seemed a little antsy ever since that day at Ace and Alex’s when the guys had gotten called into the base but not shipped out. Now that she thought about it, all of the guys seemed to be a little more on edge since then. Whatever was going on didn’t seem good.

  As she started her drive home, it was already getting dark. Normally, she’d be home by now, but since she’d taken on some extra hours at the hospital since Cody was away at camp.

  Today had been an interesting day. That creepy Cecil guy had shown up at the hospital earlier. She had just finished up with a patient when another staff member escorted him to the room she was in. He had shocked her by giving her a bouquet of red and white roses. When she had asked him what he was doing at the hospital, he explained he was there for a meeting regarding a new piece of radiology equipment his company was producing. It was some new state of the art machine.

  The flowers were a little creepy, but she became extremely uncomfortable when his eyes roamed over her body as she stood there, especially when she caught him licking his lips while staring at her breasts. Thank God they were booked with back-to-back appointments and had a valid reason to excuse herself. He had invited her to dinner, but she politely declined and told him she was seeing someone. That must have upset him because his charming demeanor instantly changed to anger, and he acted annoyed.

  She turned off the main road and onto the side streets that took her to her housing complex. She still had about twenty minutes to go. She always hated this stretch of road at night because not many people traveled it, and it was dark. She cranked the radio, trying to get the creepy thoughts out of her head. After a few minutes alone on the road, another set of headlights started coming up behind her. At the rate they were approaching, she knew they had to be going well over the posted speed limit. As the headlights got closer, Autumn slowed to the 50mph posted speed and hoped this nut would pass her. But when the vehicle got within a couple of cars length from the back of her car, they flashed their high beams, and she started to get nervous. She turned the radio down and heard the rev of an engine. It sounded like one of those big diesel trucks. She slowed, even more, when the truck was practically right on her bumper. She couldn’t see a damn thing because the reflection of the headlights in the rearview mirror was right in her eyes. It was blinding. She tried moving on the shoulder but knew there wasn’t a lot of room before there was a big drop off into a ditch. All of a sudden, she felt the bump, and the back end of her car swerved to the right.

  She screamed out as the person tried to run her off the road. She gripped the steering with both hands and got the car under control, and stepped on the gas. She needed to get to help. She still had another seven or eight miles before she would hit any type of gas station or store, and her phone was in her purse on the floor of the passenger side.

  She looked up and saw the truck coming at her again. When she glanced down at the speedometer, it read seventy-five. As the truck got closer, she braked and went onto the shoulder. But the truck never slowed down, hitting the left rear of the bumper, sending her headfirst into the deep ditch. She heard the crunch of metal and glass shattering before her head hit the steering wheel, knocking her for a loop.

  She heard the rev of the engine again and prayed the person would leave her alone. She tried looking around, but her body hurt, and her vision was blurry. The airbags hadn’t deployed, but thank God, her seatbelt worked although she hit her head. Blood dripped down her forehead. Knowing she needed help, she unclicked her seatbelt and reached for her purse.

  She pulled out her phone and dialed 911. She explained what had happened, and after assuring operator that she was ok, even though she really wasn’t a hundred percent sure, they told her that an emergency crew and police had been dispatched to her location. She tried opening her door, but it was jammed, so she crawled over to the passenger side and was able to get out.

  Once outside, she got a look at her car. The front was a heap of twisted metal. Smoke billowed from under the wreckage. Most of the windows had been broken. Her body started to tremble, knowing she could’ve been killed. She felt so alone right now as she waited on the dark road for the police. The smell of oil and other chemicals infiltrated her nose. She had some cuts along her arms from the broken glass. She was scared. She needed to call someone, so she dialed Alex.

  Alex picked up on the third ring, and Autumn explained what had happened and where she was.

  “Someone ran you off the road? Did you call the police?”

  “Yes. Actually, I can see flashing lights heading this way now.” She was trying to stay focused.

  “Autumn, are you okay? Are you hurt?” She could hear the concern in Alex’s voice and keys jingling.

  “I hit my head on the steering wheel. The police just showed up.” They were followed by a fire truck and ambulance.

  “Okay, good. I’m on my way.”


  She couldn’t believe something like this happened. Thank goodness Cody was at camp and not with her. The police officer asked her if she was okay. She had no intention of going to the hospital, but she did let the paramedic look over her cuts. She would have Alex take her to the hospital once she gave the police her statement and called a tow truck to retrieve her car. She might as well tell them to take it to the scrapyard because it was beyond salvageable. There was no chance in hell her insurance company was going to pay to repair it. Good news, she would get a new car out of this. Bad news, she would now have another monthly expense.

  She gave her statement to the officer. She couldn’t provide much of a description of the vehicle that hit her since it was dark. Plus, the asshole had their high beams on, so she was blinded. She knew it was a diesel engine truck of some sort, but that was about it.

  Alex showed up with Derek. She had managed to keep her emotions at bay until Alex ran over and hugged her. Then she lost it, and the more she cried, the more her head hurt. She just wanted to go home. However, she didn’t want to go back to her home. She didn’t want to be alone. What she really wanted was Frost here with her to make her feel secure, but she couldn’t have that right now and that made her sad.


  The guys finished up their debriefing on base and were getting ready to head to Bayside and have a beer before going home. It was a ritual amongst the team. Anytime they were deployed, they always met at Bayside for a beer when they got back stateside to celebrate them all, making it home in one piece.

  Frost was feeling antsy. He wanted to get to Bayside and guzzle his beer, so he could head home to Autumn. He looked at his watch. It was just a little after six in the evening. She should be getting home just about now.

  “It’s an awesome feeling, isn’t it?” Ace said, coming up and standing next to him.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “That feeling knowing someone is waiting at home for you.”

  Frost smiled wide. “Yeah, it is.”

  “Well, then. Let’s get the fuck out of here, so we can get home to our women. I haven’t even called Alex yet.”

  As Frost and Ace were walking out, they heard their names being called. When they both turned, they saw Derek walking toward them, and from the looks of the pained expression on his face, Frost had a feeling this chat wasn’t going to be good.

  “Everything okay?” Ace asked.

  Derek rubbed the back of his neck like he was working out some knots. Frost knew from being around the Commander that when he rubbed the back of his neck like that, it was never a good sign.

  Derek looked Frost in the eye. “Hear me out before asking questions.” Derek took a deep breath. “Autumn was in a car accident a couple of nights ago.”

  Frost felt his st
omach drop. This news was not what he was expecting at all. A million thoughts started running through his mind.

  “What! Is she okay? Was Cody with her? Why are you just now telling me about this?”

  The guys who were on their way out stopped when they heard what Derek said, and they all gathered around listening and looking just as worried as Frost felt. Autumn was a part of their family now, so, of course, they were concerned.

  “Calm down, Frost. She was alone, coming home from work when another car ran her off the road. Her car went into that deep ditch on Grand Haven Rd. She has a couple of bruises and a small cut on her forehead, but other than that, she is fine.”

  Frost felt his temper rise. His fists clenched at his side. The last thing he wanted to do was calm down. He knew how she hated to travel that road, especially at night. But then he realized what Derek said. “What do you mean she was run off the road? Do they know who it was?”

  “No, but the police are investigating. The car hit the back of Autumn’s car, so the police are pulling evidence like the paint and the description that Autumn could give, although it wasn’t much, considering it was dark out. From her account of what happened, it was intentional.”

  Frost ran his hand through his hair.

  “Where is she now?”

  “She’s at Alex’s. She’s been there since the night of the accident. She called Alex when it happened. Alex took her to the hospital, then took her home with her. Her car is totaled, though. She’s damn lucky she wasn’t hurt worse.”

  Frost felt the anger build up. He swung and punched the wall, putting a hole in the sheetrock. “Fuck! I swear to God when I get my hands on the sonofabitch who did this, I’m going to kill him.”

  Derek shot a warning look to all of the guys, but especially Frost. “You let the police handle this, you hear me. No going off on any solo missions.” Derek looked around at all of the guys. “That goes for all of you. I want this asshole caught as much as you do, but I will not tolerate any of you jeopardizing your careers. Is that understood?”

  A series of mumbles were heard throughout the room.


  Alex was fixing dinner when Ace called her to let her know he and Frost were on their way to the house. Ace warned her that Frost was fired up after hearing what happened to Autumn. She understood completely. She also explained to him more of what Autumn went through and how one of her Uncle Tink’s employees from his security firm was staying with them as a precaution. She felt little more comfortable, knowing someone else was in the house with her and Autumn. Whoever was after Autumn was intent on doing her harm. Alex could only imagine how Frost was feeling right now.

  She pulled the oven open and pulled out the pan of garlic bread. A simple dinner was on the menu for tonight, spaghetti and meatballs. As she was pulling down the plates, she heard Byron, the guy on Tink’s staff, greet Ace and Frost.

  She walked over to the table and started setting it for the five of them. She and Byron had a conversation the first night he was there when he said he didn’t want to impose when she offered him to eat with her and Autumn. It took some talking and a threat to call her Uncle Tink to get him to give in and sit down and eat with them.

  As she placed the last setting on the table, she felt those familiar arms go around her waist, giving her a good squeeze. She smiled, knowing her fiancé was home and safe. He kissed the side of her neck and nuzzled his nose against her skin. She turned in his arms and was greeted with his gorgeous smile. She lifted up on her tiptoes and gave him a welcome home kiss.

  “I love you,” she whispered to him as her voice cracked. She got emotional every time he came home from a mission.

  He squeezed her even tighter. “I love you, too, sweetheart.”

  As she pulled back, she saw Frost standing there, looking fierce with his arms folded across his chest. She walked over and hugged him, and he kissed her cheek.

  “Autumn’s upstairs in the guest room on the right at the top of the stairs. She was tired and wanted to lay down before dinner. She doesn’t know you guys are home.”

  “How is she doing?”

  “She says she’s fine, but I can tell she’s still shaken up a bit. Most of the muscles in her body are sore from the impact. She has a couple of nasty bruises and a small cut on her forehead. She’s been soaking in Epsom salt baths every night.”

  He took a deep breath. “Thank you for letting her stay here with you.”

  She gave him an annoyed look. “Seriously, do you think I’d let her stay anywhere else. She even told me she didn’t want to go back to her house alone. This really shook her up. Since it’s already almost seven and I have dinner made, why don’t the two of you stay the night?”

  Damn, he loved his best friend. She was always thinking of everyone else before herself. “Thanks, honey. I think that’s a good idea.” He gave her another hug before handing her off to Ace and going in search of his woman.


  Frost opened the bedroom door and saw Autumn curled up in the middle of the queen-size bed. She had a small throw blanket covering most of her body, but her face was in plain view, especially with her long hair pulled back into a ponytail. He frowned as his eyes scanned the bruises and the small band-aide on her forehead. God, he wished he could take it all away from her. But he couldn’t. However, he could be with her now and comfort and care for her.

  He walked over to the bed and toed off his boots, and slid in next to her. He gently ran his fingers over the bandage on her forehead. Then he kissed it, letting his lips linger, hoping it would help make it feel better just the way his mom would do to him when he was younger and would get hurt.

  She stirred in his arms and slowly blinked her eyes open. Once it registered who was in bed with her, she smiled wide and snuggled into his arms.

  “Hey, sugar,” he said, tipping her head up and giving her a light kiss on the lips.

  “This isn’t some cruel dream, is it? I mean, you’re really home, right?” She whispered in a sleepy voice, and she looked so cute with her scrunched up nose.

  He chuckled. “Yeah, baby. I’m home.”

  She looked up into his eyes, and he could see the vulnerability. She was still fearful. Hell, he would be too, if someone had run him off the road on purpose. Her eyes were full of tears, and she seemed like she just needed a good cry.

  He pulled her close to his body, and she started sobbing.

  “I was so scared. I didn’t know what to do. I mean, this truck came out of nowhere and hit me, not once but twice. The scariest part is I have no clue who it was or why. What happens if they try to come after me again? Or worse, they try something with Cody.”

  Frost was thinking the same. He had already spoken with Derek, and he was going to call his buddy Tink who owned the security firm. He was paying to have a camera installed on both the front and back door of Autumn’s house. That way, if this motherfucker showed his face around the house, they’d have a face to give to the police. He explained all of that to Autumn. She told him she felt a little better knowing that, but she was still fearful. Her boss Nancy told her to take the next week off and not come back to work until she felt ready to.

  “Alex said dinner is almost ready. Are you hungry?”

  She gave him a little smile. “Alex has been a savior. I owe her for letting me stay here. I didn’t want to go back to the house.”

  He smiled back and ran his fingers through her ponytail. “Yeah, she’s a great friend to have.” He gave her hip a little squeeze. “You didn’t answer me. Are you hungry?”

  “A little bit. But can we lay here for just a few more minutes? I missed you and missed being in your arms.”

  He gave her another kiss. “We can do whatever you want.”

  She smiled and snuggled up to his side. Her chest was pressed against him, and he could feel the beat of her heart. Having her in his arms and knowing she was indeed okay calmed him to a point. But he couldn’t help but think whoever did this would be ba
ck and try to harm her again.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Carlie sat in her hotel room. Two weeks had gone by since she had run Autumn’s car off the road. The truck she had used was stolen, and she had ditched it behind an abandoned house a few towns north. She was careful to avoid any places that could have cameras set up.

  She couldn’t believe Autumn had escaped the car crash with only minor injuries. She had followed the police activity since the accident. They weren’t any closer to finding out who had done it. It was still an ongoing investigation. But by the time they found the truck that was used and got any closer to solving the case, Autumn would be dead, and she would be back home in North Dakota.

  She picked up the phone and dialed another guy who she hoped would help her out with one last attempt on Autumn’s life. Ever since the first guy Skinny bailed on her, she’d been keeping her ears open on the street to land another person to help with the dirty work. It took some time, but it finally paid off.

  A gruff voice answered the phone. She explained who she was. Of course, she used an alias. She explained she needed something put inside Autumn’s house. Two bags. At first, the guy was hesitant because Carlie wouldn’t tell him what was in the bags. She told him it didn’t matter to him, just that the bags needed to be placed in the house. In Autumn’s bedroom specifically. But once she told him that she was offering him one thousand dollars in cash, the guy jumped at the opportunity with no other questions asked. It was set for tomorrow. The guy would pick up the bags from the abandoned house across the street from Autumn’s and sneak in while she was at work.

  She smiled, knowing that after tomorrow night, she’d never have to worry about Autumn again.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Frost opened the door and allowed Autumn, Cody, and Alejandra to walk into the house. The four of them had spent the day down at the Boardwalk. Frost took a day of leave, and Autumn used one of her many vacation days to have a little fun with the kids on the rides and in the arcades. It had been two weeks since Autumn’s car accident.


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