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HIS Choice (H.I.S. #2)

Page 31

by Sheila Kell

  Tomorrow would be Erin and Paul’s turn. With Tony’s disappearance, the escape might be cancelled. If so, AJ had been told by the task team leader that was it. They were done. They’d get what they could and get out. The other agents were getting antsy.

  The secure cell phone rang. Who knew he’d be such a popular guy. And when he wanted to lay low. “Hamilton.”

  “Hey, AJ. I hear you’ve got something going tomorrow. I want in,” Todd said.

  Fucking Arthur. AJ should’ve known he couldn’t put a team together without others finding out. “I’ve already got it covered.”

  “What’s going on? It must be big because everyone is tight-lipped, and I hear it’s a joint agency venture.”

  “That’s because they don’t know what they’ll be doing yet.”

  “Is it big? You know I want in. I promised to protect your back.”

  AJ chuckled. “Don’t worry, Todd. It’s not big, and it has nothing to do with what I’m entangled in right now. This is a favor for my brothers. Besides, you’d be bored being a part of this. I’ll make sure to let you know when I finalize things here so you can be a part of it.”

  He hated lying but he couldn’t afford anyone, including his partner, to know the plan. He liked Todd but the man liked to drink which led him to say more than he should. AJ had carried him home on more than one occasion.

  “If you say so.”

  “Bye, Todd.”

  Megan swiveled around the minute he put the phone down.

  “I’m finished. Did you want to read it?”

  Megan’s excitement in offering to let him read her articles first, made him want to reach for her, enclose her in his arms and run away.

  He cleared his throat. He needed to stop thinking such foolishness. “No. Go ahead and send it. Make sure to let your boss know that tomorrow you’ll have a story that’s so big you’ll need most of the front page.”

  His time of living in hell was finally coming to an end. But would he just move to another form of hell without Megan at his side?


  Megan wanted to squeal like little Reagan had when she’d spied her Uncle AJ. He’d allowed her to watch the takedown of the convict and the team. To make it even better, Devon had provided her with a digital camera to use. Excitement swooshed through her body, leaving her euphoric and lightheaded.

  She stood in an airport hangar watching deputy U.S. marshals, or DUSMs, and half of the Hamilton brothers’ team suit up in assault gear and prepare many, many weapons. AJ had checked with her five times to ensure she’d worn her vest and to remind her she was not to leave Rob’s side. She doubted Rob enjoyed the fact he had babysitting duty instead of participating. The man took it seriously because they were never separated by more than a few inches.

  From their hiding spot, they watched two SUVs drove up the tarmac and stopped near the hangar, just as Tony said. Walt and Ben were the names of the two men who stepped from the vehicle. They made new identities and set convicts up in new locations, new lives. She fought a snort. The marshals should use them to help set up people in WitSec. Heck, they’d hid escapees for years without being located. They definitely had skills. Unfortunately, they chose to use them on the wrong side of the law.

  The men silently swept from the hangar. The united team was an impressive sight. Her heart swelled with pride at the image of AJ leading the men.

  They rushed the men waiting for the plane to land, MP5s and AR-15s pointed in their faces with DUSMs yelling, “Police! U.S. marshal. Let me see your hands!” They had to repeat it before the men did as instructed. Having all of that firepower shoved in her face would’ve frozen her to the spot also.

  Two marshals returned with their cuffed prisoners. The remaining four blended with AJ, Brad, Matt and Ken, the H.I.S. team leader, and filled the waiting SUVs.

  Ha! Criminals shouldn’t get tinted windows. It made it easy for them to get closer to where the plane would taxi. Their plan sounded easy enough but she witnessed a few grim faces in the crowd. Maybe they’d have rather been the ones in the SUV.

  Anticipation seeped into her every pore. She would see everything unfold before her. The only glitch to her achieving full giddiness was her concern that AJ could be shot again. She should’ve fought for him to stay with her. She’d asked but he’d quickly told her that he wouldn’t miss being involved in the action.

  Hopped up on adrenaline, she had a hard time standing still. She would watch a big part of Magic Shop destroyed. And, she would have the exclusive on it. This would surprise the public. Who would have thought the Magician, or really anyone, would do something like this for a living?

  Thanks to the data Devon had retrieved from Paul’s computer, deputy U.S. marshals had been watching the escaped convicts around the nation that Magic Shop had helped escape. To avoid leaks to their plan, AJ and his brothers had personally coordinated with the U.S. marshal they trusted in each area where a convict now resided. They waited for the signal to re-arrest them. It had to be a synchronized event so there could be no tip-offs.

  She held her hands over her ears at the noise from the Gulfstream taxiing toward the hangar and then stopping in front of the SUVs. Three men walked down the stairs of the jet. Once they’d stepped on the tarmac the doors of the SUVs burst open and men ran from the hangar. “Police! U.S. Marshals! Let me see your hands!”

  Megan peeked around Rob, who blocked her view of the scene, snapping photos. She heard gunfire as someone shoved her to the ground.

  She remained still until the man on top of her spoke, “Are you okay?”

  “I can’t breathe,” she struggled to say.

  The weight lifted from Megan and strong arms pulled her into a warm, tight embrace. Taking in AJ’s scent, she clung to him.

  A warm breath washed over her ear. “Thank God you’re okay.”

  Large hands rubbed themselves up and down her back and arms, soothing her, warming her blood and calming her.

  “You’ve been shot. Let me see.” The emotional pain in his voice slammed into her.

  “That’s not her blood.” Rob stood beside them, holding his arm.

  “Let me see, Rob.” Megan reached for his arm.

  “Don’t sweat it. It’s just a scratch.”

  She knew better, but wouldn’t argue. Let him do his macho stuff and act like it’s nothing while he suffers.

  AJ nodded and Rob walked away.

  “Megan, I think it’s time for you to go home with Jesse and stay there with Kate until this is over.”

  She looked up at him. “What? After all I’ve been through you want me to hide? You’ve some nerve. I told you we’re finishing this together, and I meant it.”

  A smile slowly crept up his face, more of a satisfied smirk. “Don’t you have an article to write and a deadline to meet?”

  * * * * *

  AJ dreaded the expected phone call. He’d have pissed off plenty of people. Not only had he organized the captures of twenty escaped convicts plus prison escape secret team, he’d done it as a wanted man by the FBI. His brothers had a lot of pull. They’d kept the marshals from dragging him and Megan away earlier.

  He heaved a weighted sigh when the phone rang. “Hamilton.”

  “What the fuck?”

  He had to move the phone away from his ear at the volume of Arthur’s voice.

  “You’re capturing escaped convicts all over the nation and keeping it from me and the marshals’ office. Even though it was a win for them, they have been up my ass the last hour that I didn’t clue them in on the mission.”

  AJ waited for his deputy director to finish his tirade. He’d certainly earned it.

  “Son of a bitch! You should’ve told me!” A fist slamming loudly on a desk exploded through the phone. “Are you trying to make me regret bringing you in on this assignment?”

  He sti
ll remained silent.

  “Well, what do you have to say for yourself?”

  He’d witnessed the man rip into supervisors. This had been child’s play compared to those sessions. “Arthur, I had to keep it quiet to ensure we captured all the convicts. I’ve told you before that I don’t trust your phone.”

  A sigh reached his ears. “Did you acquire this info from your search of Paul’s home?”

  “I did. We walked away with much more. Look, it’s a great day. We’ve cleaned up the streets, captured a bunch of criminals, all the good guy stuff. With the success of the past few days, the FBI, DEA and U.S. marshals look like heroes.”

  So he hadn’t completely followed the book. He’d had a warrant and had left it at Paul’s although he might not find it for a day or two.

  The convicts were escapees captured no matter how they’d acquired that information. They could fight it all they wanted. No judge would release them based on that. For them, captured was captured. The marshals accepted tip-offs all of the time, and H.I.S. happened to be the ones to anonymously tip them off this time.

  They’d figure out how to use or not use the remainder of the information they’d found. He’d leave that to his brothers and the FBI. It was good information, but they didn’t need it to be successful.

  The man chuckled. “It is a great day. Congratulations, AJ. You did a good job.”

  “Thanks, Arthur.” The man didn’t praise people often so this meant a great deal to AJ. Maybe this could keep him from being arrested when he eventually turned Megan over.

  “It’s time for you to come in. We have enough to put them away. Your cover has been blown, and you’ve been shot. Megan Rogers is innocent in all of this, and we need her alive. Get out now, and get out alive.”

  AJ tightened his grip on the phone. “I’m not stopping without the Magician. I want him out of commission and behind bars. I just need the time the task force has allowed me. If I can’t bring him in by then, they can make their arrests, and I’ll walk away as directed.” He’d never let it go. He’d just do it on his own time.

  “I think you misunderstood. Get your ass back here and bring the girl. That’s an order.”

  He dropped his head and rubbed his forehead with his hand. He’d made his choice when he’d decided to keep Megan from the FBI. Right or wrong decision, she belonged with him. He wouldn’t change his mind now.

  “Then I guess we part ways here because I’m not quitting and I’m not turning her over.” The man tried to have him murdered, was responsible for so much carnage and pain, and his boss wanted him to walk away. AJ thought Arthur knew him better than that. Wasn’t that why he’d chosen him for the mission? He’d said something about his inability to back down.

  “You have three days. After that you’re on your own, and I won’t stop the law from chasing you.”


  It was what AJ expected…it was what he would have done. But he would see this through till the end, no matter the consequences.


  AJ accepted the newspaper and coffee from Jamaal through the crack in the door, slamming it shut after the smartass asked for his tip. It was humorous, but he wouldn’t let him know that.

  Jesse laughed from the dining table.

  “You have some asshole employees.”

  His brother’s dark brows rose. “They could be your employees also.”

  AJ had checked it out a long time ago and knew Jesse had added all of the brothers, to include him and Jake, as owners of the company. Jesse kept that information to himself.

  AJ tossed the paper on the desk. Adding the coffee, he set it down so hard that the cover popped off and hot liquid sloshed over the rim. “We’ve been through this before and the answer is still no.”

  Megan walked into the room. “The answer to what is no?”

  “Nothing, my little dove. The newspaper is on the table. I didn’t read it, but I did see an interesting headline.” He laughed when she vaulted across the small room and snatched it up.

  Her excited squeals brought a smile to Jesse’s face. “Is she like this every time she has an article in the paper?”

  Warmth flooded AJ. He’d loved to have had a chance at a life with her. There was nothing like fucking reality to ruin one’s mood. He forced a chuckle his brother must see through. “Mostly.”

  They turned to the breaking news on the TV.

  Megan walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. “The busts are all over the news. You should be proud. The footage is outstanding. This will be big news for a while. The deputy U.S. marshals look like heroes. I can’t wait until the other charges are added to these men.”

  Jesse cleared his throat. “AJ didn’t do it by himself.”

  She released him and beamed at his brother. AJ’s hands curled into fists at his sides. For a moment he thought she planned to kiss his brother, but she continued past Jesse to the desk. Picking up the newspaper, she returned to him. “The photo turned out much better than I thought it would.”

  Thank God for Rob. She’d captured that picture right before she’d been shot at. Having the escaped convict on his knees front and center set a slight tremor through AJ thinking about how he could have lost her.

  “I think this article made things up to Kristen.” Megan’s smile broadened. “She’s breathing down my neck for what’s next. Oh. She still wants me to leave you and go to the FBI. I forgot to tell you she knew that I was with you and that you’re undercover.”

  It didn’t surprise him that her boss still wanted her away from him, but he didn’t know how she’d found out he was undercover. Damn investigative reporters, Megan excluded. They could always find a cop or agent who’d spill secrets.

  “You did a hell of a job on that article,” Jesse said.

  “I couldn’t have done it without you. All of you. Thank you for taking me with you and providing me the exclusive.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed AJ.

  Fuck it. I’ll tell her later. “I need more of a thank you than that.” He tugged her to the bedroom, her giggles bouncing off the walls.

  Jesse chuckled behind him.

  AJ didn’t care. He knew how he’d spend his last few days with her.

  * * * * *

  AJ laughed and pulled Megan closer. He reached up and brushed her full, pink bottom lip with the tip of his index finger. “You have the softest lips.” He leaned down and gave her a teasing kiss and then straightened. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. I’m starving. Besides, your brother is in there and knows what we’ve been doing for the last hour or so.”

  “Who cares what he knows? It’s not like he’s a blushing virgin.”

  She laughed, slipped out of his grasp and raced to the living area.

  He slowly followed, stopping when the secure cell phone rang. “We’re not through, my little dove.”

  “Give it a rest,” Brad growled from where he lounged on the sofa.

  When the fuck had his brothers changed out shifts? Shit, whenever Megan got naked AJ lost focus on everything but the two of them. He’d never been like this. He’d never allowed his professionalism on a job to slip this far. Then again, he might not have a career to return to so what did it matter?

  It mattered because he’d given her false hope. She’d told him she loved him several times, and he’d refused to return her sentiments. He’d told himself it was to make things easier when they split. His love for her, knowing they’d break, had ripped his heart out. He could only image how she would feel.

  He snatched up the phone. “Hamilton.”

  “AJ, you said it wasn’t big.”

  He knew his partner would call sooner or later. “The FBI wasn’t involved. Only deputy marshals. Besides, locally it was small, only one escapee.”

  “Damn, but that would’ve been fun. I heard she
was there taking pictures.”

  Todd’s interest in Megan disturbed AJ. No, it ate at the jealousy he held for any man who looked at her. She was a beautiful woman. Of course men will look at her. Besides, he had no hold on her. “She was.”

  “Don’t you think it’s time she comes with us? Arthur thinks I can talk you into it whereas he hasn’t been able to. It’s time. Tell me where you are, and I’ll get together a team for her.”

  No fucking way would he hand her over to Todd. It had been hard enough watching her with Trent. AJ and his brothers would continue to keep her safe.

  “She won’t go with you.”

  “That’s what her Marcus has been pushing.”

  AJ growled. “It’s not her Marcus.”

  “Are you going to let me come help you?”

  “No. I’m good for now.”

  “Come on, AJ. You need me at your back. Besides, I’m fucking bored looking at our old cases. They can all wait while I help you with this.”

  He chuckled. Todd preferred action to paperwork. He’d chosen the wrong profession because their jobs involved more paperwork, research, collecting evidence and interviews than heated arrests. “Maybe later.”

  “Found out who the Magician is yet?”

  “Not yet, but I will,” AJ answered determinedly.

  “What can I help do here? Do you have any thoughts?”


  “Want to share? As much as I hate it, I can do research for you.”

  “Nah. I’ve got it.” He needed to work the information he’d received out in his head. Devon had found what he thought was all of the money under dummy corporations. He now dug into the lives of several people suspected of having ties to the crime boss, or being the man himself.

  “Well, I can’t say I’m not disappointed I don’t have to sit behind the computer. Are you sure you don’t want me to come get her? I need something to do.”

  “When she’s ready to go, I’ll call.”

  “That works. Just don’t forget me when the action starts.”


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