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Battle Mage Bonds (Tales of Alus Book 13)

Page 30

by Donald Wigboldy

  "I don't think Stallis can be blamed for being infiltrated by the same man using magic that we have only recently been able to use against them. The gates were sealed, but Palose kept finding new ways into the city until Darius finished off the last of his portals in the area.

  "Palose was also behind the attack on the Twin Towers. I recognized his magic in the stones used to bring the Dark One's army behind the towers also."

  King Alain paused with his cup ready near his lips. Lowering it slightly, the king smiled and replied, "I only say what the ravens might use as reasons for overlooking him now aside from age. If I felt that Raven Stallis was unfit to lead, he would no longer have his position. The ravens are allowed to govern their corps, but I am still the king.

  "Raven Liom was sent to Windmeer to help rebuild the castle while they fixed the damage. It could be argued that he was there for the assassination attempt on Garosh as well, but it doesn't really matter.

  "We were discussing why you have been considering a change. What exactly were you thinking?"

  "I love my kingdom and still wish to serve, but I don't think being confined to the missions they want to send me on is necessarily the way to make the most of my abilities. I can continue increasing my portal points or researching magic that I find useful without them telling me where to go at a moment's notice.

  "Of course if something came up that I was not aware of that required my skills, I would gladly shift my attention to what was needed; but if I could choose what I do the rest of the time, I think more would be accomplished."

  "Like what exactly?"

  "Well, Ensolus is in fluctuation with the Dark One dead. There are still a few spies working on keeping an eye on them as best they can, but I might be able to do more to help them or even discover more on my own. New Harbor has figured out a way to shut down our gates, but I could open new portals away from the city but close enough to enable our wizards to send more spies or troops if necessary.

  "The current order from the ravens is that I stay away from there for now. If I were to answer to you or someone you choose as a different sort of representative for you, I wouldn't have to deal with men that would rather have me stay tucked away in a school for safety where I can do little more than teach what I currently know. Much of what I have discovered came from being in danger, after all; so I could argue that there might be more to learn that way than stagnating in a classroom."

  "I will consider it," Alain replied surprising the mage. He didn't seem particularly surprised at all in fact. "Is there anything more?"

  A moment's thought brought a shake of his head. "No, your majesty, that is about it."

  The king looked to his left and pointed towards one of his guards standing in front of another door half hidden by one of the tapestries draping the walls to help add warmth and break up the dreariness of the brick walls.

  A young man, little more than a boy if Sebastian's eyes weren't being deceived, stepped forward past the guard. He was slight in build even covered in warm clothes. They didn't appear warm enough for the boy who appeared to be cold. Light brown hair covered his head and his blue-gray eyes seemed brighter than the light in the room should allow. There was definite intelligence to be seen as well and his lips held a small smile as if being called before the king was a joke to him.

  "Your first claims of sight appear to be confirmed," Alain stated to the boy without rising from his chair.

  The new visitor walked past the king with a nod. He stopped at the table with the cups and silver cover over the handful of pastries on the plate beneath it. Taking one of the pastries; the boy bit into it using his hand to catch the crumbs instead of a plate as he stood beside the table. The new arrival didn't bother to cover the plate again as he looked at Sebastian.

  "Then you are satisfied that I have come with the ability to tell you the future, sire?" the boy asked more like he was telling the king his decision instead.

  Alain nodded. "You said that he would come before my breakfast refusing to eat because he had already had his morning meal. You also picked the questions he would bring and ask.

  "Your claim to be a Visionary seems valid, Evic."

  Sebastian looked at the boy harder. A visionary? The people known as visionaries were mostly legend now. One had come to Gerid's home proclaiming a white haired baby to be something blessed. Another had helped Darius and his fellow immortals discover a way to defeat the Dark One in his old world. The stories like those were told like fairy tales even in farmers' homes at night to their children.

  "Well, technically I am still in training to refine my gift," the boy called Evic replied. Sebastian noted that his skin appeared tan still and wondered if he had come from the south, since he didn't appear comfortable with Hala's winter as if he had recently arrived. "My mistress is the one that has seen most of what I have told you. She sent me to help guide you and the battle mage, if you will let me."

  Sebastian suggested, "If you are a Visionary, even one in training or sent by one, shouldn't you already know if we will accept your help?"

  The boy chuckled before shaking his head, "No man or woman can predict every step of someone's life. Even if they see something, it leads to choice and those choices can change, especially once a vision has been told to the one seen. Branches of probability will strengthen or fade as life continues.

  "If I tell you your path is best taken to the right, it is still your choice to believe me and take the step in the direction you want. You might even turn back... well, maybe not someone like you. A battle mage like you would likely always decide to move forward, but as I said there are always choices to be made.

  "At least that is how my mistress tells it anyway."

  His smile at the looks on their faces implied that he hoped they would be confused at least a bit. Sebastian understood the concept. He simply was uncertain that Evic truly knew anything about his future.

  King Alain must have heard the theory earlier because he cut through the explanation to demand, "So you told me that you would share something of true importance once I decided if your claim was true. Tell me what you want me to hear, unless it can't be shared with the mage."

  It was one of the rare times that Sebastian had heard the king give him a generic name. Apparently Alain's training had instilled in him to use a person's name regularly to prove a bond between them. The mage wasn't a politician or diplomacy wizard, so such nuances weren't things a battle mage was taught at all.

  Evic nodded to the king. "Well, they have something to do with him, so letting Sebastian hear the visions is probably best, though again we can argue that hearing them might alter that future also."

  The boy smiled brighter, but seeing their stone faces Evic continued with a little sigh. "The first vision of my mistress is this: An owl in a golden cage opens the door before spreading its wings to fly to the west. From there it flies to the mountains before continuing to the east.

  "The second vision of my mistress is this: Darkness appears in the north bringing a black cloud. From this cloud thousands of ravens and shrikes spread out flying across the land to the south. In the south, white owls and flaming eagles rise up to meet them as dark monsters erupt across the land. Dragons and white panthers rush to meet them as the land runs red.

  "The third vision has less to do with the mage, but it is this: A tree grows until it is covered with dust. The tree ages losing branches as time ravages it body. A second handful of dust is thrown on the tree. Time reverses until the tree turns into a sapling shrinking back into a seed disappearing from time leaving no trace.

  An hour glass gathers the black sand of age and the white sand of renewal fighting against each other. Where they meet the power of life and death create energy making a light too bright for eyes to look upon."

  King Alain and Sebastian exchanged glances. These so called visions made little sense to either man. They were just jumbled images. Both could surmise that an owl could be the mage, but that wasn't the whole vision either.
Certainly the tree and hourglass had nothing to do with him at all.

  "Did your mistress send any explanation of these visions?" the king asked almost complaining. He had met the boy early in the morning shortly after sun up. It was earlier than Alain would usually get out of bed let alone start listening to visitors. As a king he had open meetings with his people from officials and lords all the way down to common folk that had needs that sometimes only a king could assist. Receiving a boy claiming to be a Visionary was a new one to Alain and he couldn't even remember such a thing happening during his father's reign before him.

  Evic nodded with a smile. "The first vision is simple. Let the owl fly. His destiny isn't to be in a cage of any man's making." Spreading his hands he added, "I don't know any more than I heard from behind the curtain, but it is obvious that you need to find the right way to use him so that the owl can do what needs to be done.

  "The second vision is equally simple though she lacks enough information for it to be complete enough for any plans. A new evil comes from the north beyond the mountains that have occupied your attention for so long. Even the mountains will have to fight or fall to the new darkness.

  "Sebastian will likely be an important player once more, but he will need to have more owls at his side. Magic from wizards and battle mages alike will be joined with your armies, but my mistress doesn't see the outcome of this battle. She also can't tell you of your adversary, because they have not come and their identity remains shrouded by their power.

  "The third vision..." Evic paused looking uncertain of his answer. Sighing once more, the boy shook his head. "The mistress was least clear with this, but she believes the tree means little to it. Magic of some sort is likely. We don't know magic like you do," he said looking at Sebastian, "but one she consulted says that he believes a power to use time will be revealed in the future. Life and death will meet forming a new power that could very well destroy all of Alus if it isn't contained properly."

  "Your mistress consulted with a wizard?" Sebastian asked wondering who might have such insight into the Visionary's images. He certainly couldn't have come up with such an answer anytime soon, if at all. Whoever she had consulted likely had more wisdom than a battle mage, even one that had branched out as far as a he had so far with his magic.

  Evic's smile faltered and the boy replied, "My mistress was called to a great wizard and they have been working together of late. He has visions of his own and they have worked together to answer what they have seen. Neither can see everything, but these three seem to be the strongest of their current visions."

  Time magic, Sebastian thought with worry. If portal magic could damage the boundaries between worlds, what could time magic do to a world or many worlds if it became uncontrollable? A tree might age and fall, but the lives of men were much shorter still. If time could be reversed, a man might never die; but uncontrolled time could make a man into a child, a baby, and on until the embryo never even existed.

  The concept made him shiver. Those unaffected might remember someone who had winked out as long they weren't caught in the same bubble of time. As long as the person did exist, then it would be the same as death, just in reverse. It hurt his mind even trying to think of such a thing.

  Evic spread his hands and said, "That is all that my mistress sent me to say. Unless you want me to try and read you individually, that is the end of my messages."

  The boy looked at Sebastian and asked, "If you could open your gate to Mariport, I would appreciate getting out of this cold. I would also prefer not having to spend three weeks aboard a ship again. My stomach is still in turmoil after coming here."

  Sebastian stared at the boy a moment. "How do you know I can even open a portal let alone to Mariport?"

  Again Evic smiled and replied, "I've seen it, of course."

  Glancing to King Alain, he received a shrug in reply.

  "Door," he ordered his magic.

  "Thank you. Have a good day," the boy said with a happy wave before walking through the glowing gate.

  King Alain looked at the mage with perhaps even more respect after watching him use his magic so simply. There was no effort to be seen.

  "You did that without needing the main gate?" he asked as much as answered the question for himself. "I don't know if any of the wizards could do it so effortlessly. Are you no longer a battle mage then?"

  Sebastian looked at his king with a touch of a smile on the corners of his lips. "I am a battle mage until I quit or you offer me something else as a position. As to my power and ability, I guess that I fall somewhere between battle mage and wizard."

  His mind slipped to another thought. "Would you mind if I spent a little more time in Kardor, your majesty?"

  A slight frown marred the king's forehead and he asked, "Why Kardor?"

  Giving Alain a reassuring smile, he assured the king, "I will likely return each night to the Black Smith Inn as I have, or to White Hall if there is a reason; but I noticed that Kardor is lacking in battle mages. Southwall has grown its corps alongside its wizards and the new magic has increased their power as well, but for some reason Kardor doesn't seem to value them the way we do.

  "If King Vardal and Duke Cerrus Karderos will let me, I think that I should try to build their strength before this new darkness comes. If the vision is correct, all of North will be in trouble this time. The Dark One had a grievance with our ancestors and focused on Southwall and Staron, but whatever is coming seems like it will be more indiscriminate. They will need to be better prepared."

  King Alain thought for only a moment before answering, "As long as King Vardal agrees that is fine. I think that I will need to officially title you as my owl though. Perhaps this new title that was placed on you should be reduced to my special magic envoy and agent?

  "I will work on a statement for the ravens." The king looked up in thought and mused, "I suppose that means I'll need to pay you a wage directly also, but what should a magic agent be worth?"

  "My current pay as a mage is fine, your majesty; I can always earn more money by forging lesser swords to sell. I can even make some items that the wizards have been asking about, if I am allowed to sell them to the wizards anyway?"

  Giving him a dismissive wave, Alain replied, "Bill them for the work. If you use their materials subtract that from your bill. Having an enchanter working for the kingdom, even if you are freelance, will be worth more to Southwall than just a mage's pay."

  The king looked at him evaluating the mage in front of him before he let out a sigh. "I am not sure if letting you work for me is going to be a good thing or not, but it is certainly better than letting you quit."

  Another thought came to his mind and Sebastian added, "Ashleen, a wizard from Kardor, has been working with me of late. Perhaps letting me add her as an official assistant as well as some of the team that I have been working with as well could be arranged?"

  Alain frowned, "Those in our employ as wizards and mages in the guilds can be drafted as assistants. We'll leave them where they are until we can work this out. As to the Kardorian... if you employ people from other countries, it is your job to pay them though I suppose you could invoice it as part of your expenses. I am sure you will have those anyway.

  "As king, I can hardly take other countries' citizens as my servants, now can I?"

  A slight smile touched the king's lips at that. Sebastian saw that the king was being diplomatic in his choices. An untested agent could hardly build a team under him after only a few minutes, but if he was producing results things might change. He could also keep Ashleen with him officially if she was working for him this way without causing any strife with Kardor's king.

  With everything said that he could think of, King Alain dismissed him and sent him with a sealed letter to go speak with the ravens. They had called on him, but as his last official day as a battle mage of the corps, he had to answer for what he had just done also.

  Chapter 23- The King's Mark

  Entering the raven's
meeting room, Sebastian noticed a difference in the number of members attending the meeting. Perhaps the most familiar and friendly of faces were gone. Raven Liom from Windmeer was gone though the senior raven from the guardian city, Stallis, still sat beside a large table. In addition to one of the men who had backed him in the past, Raven Kracis from Falcon's Keep and another former mentor, Falconi Saren, were missing as well. Though it almost felt like an intentional blow to his support in Hala, Raven Tylen from Green Hall and Aldeyn from Blackwall were missing as well as a few of the falconi that had accompanied most of those ravens.

  Leros, raven emeritus now, remained in attendance; but the elder raven no longer wore the marks of his former office. Looking around surreptitiously, Sebastian didn't see any of the falconi who remained wearing the gold bars of a raven though, so either someone had been named and left or they had yet to decide on the eighth raven. Since that was the set number for the highest rank of mages and Leros was retiring, he knew someone had to take the old man's place.

  "It's about time the owl returns," Raven Daleyr greeted his appearance with a dour look. Noting that the man spoke first, Sebastian's heart sunk for a moment guessing that this was the new head of the mage corps. "Though we know that you have been leaving the city on your sick leave, I would have thought that you would at least try to come first thing in the morning. I hadn't heard that the owl was a lazy, late sleeper."

  Sebastian took the sarcasm stoically, though it was also easier as he knew that his visit with King Alain had freed him from working under the ravens any longer. "I had a previous meeting to attend, but I am here now."

  The comment still caused the raven's eyebrow to lift suspiciously. Sebastian assumed that he was wondering what meeting could possibly have come before answering a summons to see the raven. Avoiding letting a sense of satisfaction from crossing his face, the owl waited for the man to continue.


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