Mountain Man's Proposal

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Mountain Man's Proposal Page 22

by Lauren Wood

  I had to finish what had started in the dream off in the shower and I was still wishing that I hadn’t let him kiss me. Dennis had a way of worming into my mind and I just couldn’t take it, not today and not any day really. I have put Dennis Yearling in my past long ago and that was exactly where he was supposed to stay.


  Work was hectic as always and I found less patience to deal. I skipped yoga class for the last week because I didn’t want to see Mark, but I was missing the way it made me feel. Usually I got some good relaxation out of it and I was trying my best to get my mind off of the dinner date I had with Dennis. He had wreaked havoc, like I knew he would. I don’t even know why I was surprised. I shouldn’t have been. I should have just said no or better yet, never accepted his invitation at all. I knew what this would be and the more I thought about it, the madder I became. He wanted to force my hand, like always and I didn’t appreciate him making me feel all of these things, and for what? It was all for nothing as far as I was concerned. He had tilted my life up for what? Dennis came out of nowhere from forever ago and now I couldn’t get him off of my mind. It just wasn’t fair as far as I was concerned.

  I started to message him several times and tell him that I just wasn’t interested. If I was clear with him, I mean crystal clear. Then maybe he would leave me alone. This is what I hoped for anyways. I didn’t know if it was possible, but even with the assurance that it was, I don’t know if I could. I hadn’t yet found the fortitude or courage to do so. I was still far more worried about never seeing him again, at the same time I was trying to convince myself that it was what I wanted.

  Finally I got another message from Dennis. I almost thought he had forgotten it all because I hadn’t spoken to him since the restaurant. He had gone quiet and while it was appreciated, it wasn’t like the old Dennis. The old Dennis hounded me every time I got mad and got distant. He told me once that he wasn’t going to allow it. Now he was giving me space, but just letting me know that he hadn’t forgotten.

  I smiled at the message and then groaned inwardly. I wasn’t supposed to melt from his messages.

  “I was just thinking about you and thought I would say hi.”

  I stared at the words until they became a blur and then shut my phone. It was hard enough to get through the day without him there at the edge of all of it. But he already was, had been since he popped back up into my life.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  As soon as I sent it, I knew that I had said the wrong thing. It could be taken badly and by his reply it was. I sighed and set the phone down. He got into too much detail and I could feel a throbbing at my core. He was getting very good at that and it was most certainly not a good thing.

  “I am thinking about the time that we went out to Rush Lake and it was so cold that we couldn’t do it on the hood because you were so cold. We went into the back and I turned you into a pretzel. Damn you felt so good like that. Do you remember how your cum shot out and hit my chest. It was the first time I made you squirt. That’s what I am thinking about Kendra.”

  My mouth was suddenly dry and the scene replayed in my head. He had done it again. I was soaking wet and he hadn’t even touched me. What was I supposed to say to that?

  “I don’t think that is possible anymore. I was a whole lot more limber back then.”

  Why was I egging it on? Why was I all of sudden thinking of doing what I had told myself I would never again? Sex and love with Dennis was unanimous. You couldn’t have one without the other. I couldn’t let him touch my body and not fall back into his spell, no matter how hard I tried to separate the two.

  “I can always just put your legs over my shoulders now. Then I can go deeper and hit that spot that makes you cum so hard. You know I haven’t found another woman to do that? You were one of a kind Kendra, in so many ways.”

  I shivered with the text and set the phone down. He was a vortex that I couldn’t help but get sucked into. It wasn’t doing me any good to stay away from him, not when he could just reach out and have me trembling inside with just a few words. My body was reacting like I was there again, in the moments that he described so well.

  “What do you want Dennis? You want one more go-round for old times? Is that why you tracked me down?”

  My heart pounded in my chest as I waited for an answer. When had I decided that I was going to do this or was I really just that desperate to have his hands on me again? It couldn’t be as good as I remembered. I had probably built it up in my head. Maybe I just needed to get him out of my system, be reminded that it wasn’t as great as I imagined it to be.

  “Is that offer really on the table?”

  I laughed at his message and then got startled when my phone started to ring. I knew who it was before I clicked over.

  “Tell me you are not joking and I will be over there in ten minutes.”

  I giggled again and asked him if he knew where I was.

  “Yes, I know exactly where you are Kendra. Let me see you and then you can decide if it is a one-off thing. I just want to touch you again. It killed me not to grab you up at the restaurant the way I wanted to.”

  I sighed and knew that I had already lost the battle. Why had I said it if I didn’t want to do it? I was still holding out for the idea that I would miraculously get over him if I was in Dennis’ arms again. It seemed far less likely when I said it out loud though. I liked Dennis a lot, but there was something about the way that he touched me that I couldn’t resist. If he got his hands on me again, I would surely be lost.

  With that in mind, I told him that I was going to need longer than a few minutes to get ready. He just kind of waved me off and asked me how long I was going to need. He was practically giddy and I don’t know how I felt about that. He had me thinking that I was in for it.

  “Just makes sure it doesn’t take you a week. I don’t think I can wait patiently anymore. Not with the idea that I am going to have you in my arms again.”

  “Fine, give me an hour and then come by. Are you sure you don’t need the address?”

  “No Kendra. I will be there soon.”

  He had a sound of triumph in his voice and the truth was that he had won again. It irked me a little to think about it, but there was no reason to let myself get worked up. This is what I wanted.

  “Okay Dennis, I will see you then.”

  I hung up and let out the breath I was holding.

  “Well that escalated quickly.” What the heck had I just done?

  I didn’t have long to ponder my actions and the repercussions from it because I didn’t have long before he was going to be here. My heart was pounding and my hands were trembling. What had I just gotten myself into? My body was excited and slightly trembling, but my brain was screaming at me, telling me that I am an idiot.

  Chapter 10


  I don’t know what was on her mind, but when she suggested I come over, Kendra had the same tone to her voice that I had heard many times before. Years ago she would call me and tell me that she was in need. All I could hope was that this was going to be more and the same. I was ready for her and I liked to think that it was all because of that kiss we shared. I had felt bad. Worried that I had pushed too far, but now I wasn’t too worried anymore.

  It was the first time that I had managed to give her space, even though I didn’t want to. It had worked out to my advantage and I got ready with a lighter heart than I had had in a long time. It wasn’t going to be an hour before I was there. An hour was too long. She could change her mind by then and then what was I going to do? I wouldn’t be able to deal, so I decided that I wasn’t going to give her the option. This was happening and nothing was going to stand in my way from having her again, not even Kendra herself.

  I got there almost a half an hour early. I sat outside in the car, twiddling my thumbs and making a few calls on my phone before I shut it off for the night. It wasn’t something that I did all of the time, but I simply didn’t want anyone or
anything to interrupt us. I don’t care what or who, I wasn’t going to let anything stand in our ways, I just refused.

  So finally I got up the nerve at a quarter till to go and see if she was ready. I didn’t know what to expect, but it wasn’t the nothing like what I got because I was getting nothing. After a few more times knocking, I was worried she was trying to blow me off again. Moving to the door handle, it was unlocked, so I turned the knob and pushed in the door.

  “Kendra, are you in here?”

  I waited for an answer and only when I was silent did I hear the water running in the shower. She was still in there and there was a big part of me that wanted to join her. It would have been what I would have done before, but now everything was different. I had all of the old feelings of familiarity, but I didn’t have any of the rights that I had before. That was the worst part of it all. I still felt like she was mine, at the same time though, I knew that she wasn’t. It was a hard line for me and it was one that I wanted to cross every second that she was in front of me.

  Knowing that she was in the shower was hard enough to deal with. Knowing that I couldn’t just get in with her and wrap my arms around her was something that I didn’t like to think about. I wanted it back to the way things were long ago. When I saw her at the restaurant, I felt all of the same feelings and wanted to return to that place we were once at. It was a good place and I wanted to go back there so badly. I knew that the first step of that was going to be here.

  I took a seat on the couch and waited for her to get out. The television was on the news, so I tuned in, the whole time listening for the shower to turn off. I wanted to know what she was doing in there and I wanted the view that would tell me how much of her, if anything had changed when her clothes were off.

  The shower went off and I was on the edge of my seat. I didn’t want to seem too obvious, but I changed my position enough that I could see down the hall she was about to come down. I just wanted to see her. I felt like a kid that couldn’t wait to get the candy he could see in the window. I could see it and taste it already in my mouth. This is how I felt in this moment.

  She was humming when she got out of the bathroom and she had a toweled wrapped tightly around her. Kendra’s hair was up and it was sticking out with wet pieces in some places. She was a sight for sore eyes and I sighed loud enough that she heard me and swung around.

  “What are you doing in here?’

  “I knocked several times and then when I saw the door was locked, I just came in. You really shouldn’t leave your door unlocked like that Kendra, especially not alone in the shower. Any kind of bad man could have gotten in here.”

  “Yet you are the one that broke in.”

  “I didn’t break in. It wasn’t locked.”

  She smiled at me and melted me into a puddle on the couch. She wasn’t ready for me to go to her yet, I could see it on her face, but that didn’t mean that I didn’t want to. I was just going to have to wait a little while longer.

  “Do you have anything to drink? I will make us something while you get ready.”

  Kendra waved me off and instead of hiding in her bedroom and getting dressed she went into the kitchen and pulled a bottle down from one of the cabinets. She didn’t have a lick of makeup on and her hair was all over the place, but I think I liked her best this way. Now she had a grin on her face and she was relaxed. She also looked younger without all of the face paint on. I had never been a big fan of it, but I had always been a fan of the fact that Kendra didn’t feel like she needed it. I liked the fresh-faced look, though it was hard to come by in the city.

  “Are you going to get dressed?”

  My eyes were taking in the wet skin that was available to me and while I didn’t want her to get dressed, it was going to be harder than ever to hold a conversation. I hadn’t been with another woman since I decided that I wanted Kendra back in my life. My body was dying for it and I was already rock hard with the sight of her. It was going to be long and torturous if I didn’t have her soon. Seeing her like that was hard on my senses.

  “No, I don’t think so.” Kendra giggled and I asked her what she was laughing at. “I don’t think I have ever heard you suggest that I put clothes on before. It just threw me off a little bit, that’s all. Maybe you have changed Dennis.”

  It was true. I didn’t think that I had ever said such a thing to any woman, let alone Kendra. If I would have had it my way, she would always be naked. Every time we were together before, nothing but skin on skin would do. “I just thought it would be easier to talk if you aren’t like that. It’s hard to concentrate when you look like that. You have to know what you are doing to me baby. You have always had a certain effect on me.”

  Kendra looked down to where I was suggesting my trouble lie and smiled. She took a sip of the drink that she had just poured for herself and I could tell our minds were on the same thing. “Is that what you are here for Dennis, to talk? If I remember right, you never were too fond of words when we were together alone.”

  “Well, not really, but I will do whatever you want.”

  She smiled at my answer and I wasn’t sure how much I liked how easy the answer came to me. “Everything but leave me alone, huh?”

  I frowned and I didn’t like where this was going. “Do you really want me to leave you alone Kendra? You say that, but I don’t know if I should believe you or not. Your mouth says no, but your eyes tell me yes. The fact that you are still in that towel and not dressed makes me think that you want me as much as I want you.”

  Kendra giggled and took another drink. “Well I don’t know what either part is saying right now. I know you look good Dennis, though you know that. You have always known what kind of an effect you have on everyone else. I don’t know how I was able to wait as long as I did for you. It was only because of Amber. You have always had this hold on me Dennis. It isn’t fair. After all of this time, you shouldn’t have that on me anymore. I should be able to say no.”

  I moved towards her, waiting to see her reaction. When she didn’t move back from me, I was going to take it as a good sign. I pulled her into my arms slowly and tried not to make a sound as I pulled her to me. She felt good in my arms, her body pressed against mine and no matter how badly I wanted it to be like it was, it was almost close enough having her back in my arms again.

  Kendra was shaking and I held her against me, trying to get her to calm down. “Are you really that nervous to be here with me?”

  “I don’t know what I am Dennis. This all just seems so surreal. I never thought I would see you again. I really didn’t. For a while I thought we would meet again, I had this hope in my heart that I would run into you or that you would come back, but after college you never did, so I figured that was that. To be in your arms now doesn’t seem like this is real.”

  I kissed her on her soft lips and crushed her to me. I wanted her to know that I was real and I wanted her to know that I still felt the exact same way about her. I had thought about coming back, many times, but I always talked myself out of it, sure that she would just send me away again. If I would have known that she was waiting for me, would it have made a difference? Now I was starting to think so.

  Kendra made that whimpering sound that really drove me nuts and I deepened the kiss. My tongue sliding into her mouth and intertwining with her own to give me the feel of being inside of her again, if not just a little bit. It was like a dance that we hadn’t done in so long, but we both knew the steps by heart. It didn’t take long for her towel to be loosened and when I moved back just a little, the towel fell from her bod and I was given a full view of what she looked like now.

  “God, you are still so beautiful Kendra. You really haven’t changed.”

  But as I said that, I saw a new scar on her collarbone that wasn’t there before. Her breasts were also bigger and still perky, the nipples just as light and pink as before. Everything about her was perfect and even her hips that had spread out just made her look like more of a woman. The bigges
t change that I saw was the fact that she now shaved downstairs. She would never do it for me when I asked, but it looked like she had been doing it for a while. I don’t know what it was about seeing her shaved smooth, but it really set my blood boiling.

  “I was worried that you wouldn’t like me anymore. I know that you date models now. I have seen some of the pictures of the women you were with. I know that I can’t compete.”

  I just stared at her in wonder and shook my head. “The sad thing is that there is no one that can compete with you Kendra. Not just body wise, but you were always the one that I loved. That has never been anything or anyone that can be competed with. You are always the one that I wanted. All of those other girls could never stand up to you.”

  “You know that is what I wanted to hear. You are still smooth as ever.”

  I wasn’t really listening to her anymore. It was hard to when she was standing there bare and so vulnerable. She covered herself a little bit and I wanted to pull her hands away, but instead I just kissed her again. My kisses still did the same thing. They silenced her brain that told her no and let her forget all of the reasons why this won’t work.

  “God, I have missed this Dennis.”

  It was all that I needed to hear. I was ready to explode for her and the longer I stood there with her naked in my arms, the harder I became. I was incredibly hard and ready for her. Her body moved against mine and I was at a loss of words. I was shaking I wanted her so badly.

  Moving her against the counter, I pressed her back against the edge. She was pinned where she stood and that was exactly how I wanted her. I wanted her where she couldn’t move. All she could do was take the pleasure I was going to give her and just take it.


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