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Mountain Man's Proposal

Page 29

by Lauren Wood

  “That’s what we call the problems of being a playboy.” She laughed. “I wonder how good he is, why do all these women want to be with him?” It had made her wonder more than one time. Besides the sexy look that he possessed, there must be more under it. Lalena would love to know if he was the Spanish lover that he came across as in pictures and stories.

  Her shift was slow and she barely made it home in time to get ready for her security detail that night. Thankfully her blues were clean and she simply took a shower and dressed. Lalena walked out of the door upset she was going, but at least it would hopefully keep her mind off the rest of the day.

  Distraction was always something she had used to keep sad feelings at bay in the past. Tonight she needed the distraction of this cancer event to make her forget about Jackson and all of the other bullshit that had taken place today.

  She walked out the door running late and hoping she didn’t get in trouble when she got to the convention center.

  Lalena got there with barely enough time before the event began. She got a look from the lieutenant that was in charge, but at least he didn’t make any comments to her. She might have said something to him about this. She had after all actually volunteered for this night, right now she had no clue why, but the fact was it had been her choice.

  She stood around and watched the people who walked in the door. She was looking for anyone who looked a little suspicious or acting too nervous. It was one of the classic signs that they were up to no good.

  As she watched the people filter in she noticed the mayor. He was looking stunning in a white suite that made his dark skin tone stand out even more. On his arm was a beautiful dark haired goddess. Lalena knew she was good looking, but compared to that woman she was nothing. She immediately felt inadequate for even having the thoughts of the mayor at that moment. If he choose women who looked like that she would never even be recognized by him.

  As the couple walked past the mayor looked at her and smiled.

  “Good evening sir, I hope you’re having a great evening.” She commented. Lalena was shocked when he stopped in front of her.

  “How long have you been on the force?” He asked her.

  “I’ve been on the force for 10 years now.” She answered.

  “I would think a 10 year veteran wouldn’t be here, did you do something to make your superiors put you on duty tonight?” He questioned her, his eyes studying her closely.

  “No sir, I didn’t do anything, I volunteered.” She stated.

  He leaned in closer to her, “Your middle button has come undone and I can see your red bra underneath your shirt.” He whispered into her ear.

  Her mouth flew open and she looked down in shock only to find that he had been joking. Lalena took a deep breath in and thanked the universe that it wasn’t true.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t resist you looked far too serious.” He laughed and began to walk away.

  “It was funny, thanks for giving me a heart attack.” Lalena said.

  The mayor turned around and came back to her. “So now I know you have a red bra on, I wouldn’t mind seeing it one day.” He whispered to her.

  Lalena’s face had to be bright red as he walked away from her again. Her mouth was hanging wide open and she had to admit she was quite excited by his comments. She had to go to the bathroom and compose herself after the scene.

  She had noticed that the mayor’s date had been busy talking to his secretary the whole time he had been talking to her. “What if I was on the team to protect him? Would he undress me and see what color bra I had on every day?” She could feel her pussy get moist at the thought of his hands touching her body.

  Lalena had to shake it off though and get back to work. She wondered if the mayor would approach her again tonight or not. In a way she hoped in did, but part of her wanted to avoid it as well. There was definitely no future in aligning herself with a playboy who switched women more than people did their clothes.

  Chapter 4

  Rico had spotted the good looking blonde cop as soon as he stepped out of the limo. He didn’t remember ever seeing her at another event. She must be new, so he approached her to ask her how long she’d been on the force. He had been shocked by her reply of ten years.

  But what he would remember the whole night was how red her face had gotten when he had told her, “your shirt is open I can see your red bra under your shirt.” The shocked look on her face had been priceless.

  He wasn’t sure why he had done it. He loved joking with people. But it had been true when he had said he’d like to see if she really did have a red bra on under her shirt. His mind kept going back to her the whole night too.

  She had a classic beauty to her. Not a model for sure, but someone who would produce the most amazing children from her womb. Plus she would be a woman who he guessed would age gracefully too. Her looks would always be there, and she would be someone that a person wouldn’t get tired of looking at. There weren’t many people in the world like her either.

  Janesa was pretty much up Sally’s ass the whole time anyway, so why shouldn’t he have some fun too. He had a feeling that tonight he wouldn’t be getting anything, but Sally would be knee deep in Janesa later on.

  Rico shook his head; he looked around trying to spot the female cop again. He hadn’t even asked her name. He tried to remember what he name badge had said, he thought it was Swan. But that didn’t tell him her first name, and how he could track her down.

  He leaned over to Sally. “Hey did you notice the female cop I was talking to up front?” He asked her.

  “Um not I’m sorry I wasn’t paying much attention.” Sally admitted as her face turned red.

  “Yeah perhaps you and my date could keep it to a minimum for now. I mean we want them to think she came with me, not you. She can cum with you later on though.” Rico whispered to Sally.

  Her face turned a bright red. “I’m really sorry; I didn’t realize that I would feel this way when I saw her.” She stated. “Perhaps I should go for now, and we can meet up later?” She asked.

  “No it’s fine, I want you to try and find out who that female cop is for me though. I want her on the security force to guard me, and I want her assigned tomorrow. Do this quick and fast and in a hurry and I’ll give you and Janesa a week’s vacation anywhere on me.” He told her.

  Sally perked up. “Do you see the woman now?” She asked looking around.

  “I’ve been looking, but perhaps we’ll have to walk around and see if we can find her. Can you handle being away from her long enough to focus on this for me?” He asked.

  “Yes I can. I’m sorry again.” Sally said.

  Rico stood up and began mingling, but he kept getting stopped by different people who wanted to bend his ear. He couldn’t be too rude to them, but he really wanted to spot the cop again.

  Eventually he had to give up though; too many people were bugging him. As he stood there after being stopped once more, he turned to Sally. “Go and look for the cop, her nametag said Swan. See what you can find out and let me know.” He told her.

  Sally headed off as the mayor answered the questions of his public. This was one of the only times he had to admit he wasn’t happy about the position he held. If he hadn’t been mayor he would be maybe talking to the blonde female cop he had met. That seemed much more appealing to him right now then talking to this older man.

  “So what about that new tax law, do you think it’s fair to the middle class?” The older man asked him.

  “Sir honestly I think that we need to tax everyone fairly, but the rich also need to pay their share. If you would look at the whole layout you would see that the rich are getting hit even harder.” The mayor explained.

  “Oh really, in the paper they don’t mention that.” The older man commented.

  “Sir, you need to learn that the media likes to make people upset, and will often make sure stories do exactly that. So believe me the middle class may be getting taxed a bit more. However, compa
red to what the rich will be paying it is nothing.” The mayor stated.

  “That’s great; it’s about time that some politician made sure the rich were paying their fair share of things. I’m glad I voted for you! Perhaps you should run for president one day!” The older man said.

  Rico shook his head and laughed. “Perhaps one day I will try and enter that arena. But for now I’m happy with our little city here!” He shook the man’s hand and tried to walk away and find the female cop or Sally.

  He finally ran into Sally. “Did you find her?” He asked.

  “Not yet, I’ve looked everywhere, even in the restroom. Maybe she left already. I’ll call the precinct tomorrow and see what I can find out though.” She said.

  He shook his head. “Damn, I should have just gone back and talked to her before.” He said. “So how long do we have to stay at this?” He added, looking around hoping to spot the cop once more, but no luck.

  “To be honest, at least another hour I would say. If you leave before then, we’ll have to pull the sick card, then maybe it won’t look too bad.” Sally told him.

  “The sick card it is. We’ve been here a while now, I swear it seems like most of the night actually. I’m going to the restroom. You start making the excuses.” Rico said and walked towards the bathrooms.

  Sally went and made the apologies to the right people and by the time Rico came back it was clear to go.

  “Just drop me off at home. If you two want the limo for a bit you can have it.” Rico said once they were in the car.

  “Not feeling well?” Sally asked.

  “Just thinking right now, see what you can find on our mystery cop tomorrow first thing for me please. Once you find her I want her to lead the squad to protect me. Push it through hard and fast. I want to see her standing in front of me by noon.” Rico commented.

  “Alright, I’ll do the best I can do.” Sally said and turned her attention to Janesa.

  Rico stared out the window. He had never had a female affect him the way the cop had. There was something about her; maybe it was a bit of innocence he could sense in her. He wasn’t sure, but the fact was she wouldn’t get out of his mind, no matter how hard he tried.

  Janesa had started to play with his crotch. “I know you two aren’t really related, so what about a threesome?” She asked Rico.

  He looked down at her face; she was just getting ready to put his flaccid penis into her mouth. “Sure why not, but we’ll have to wait to finish this until we get back to the house.” He let her mouth work its magic and tried to stop thinking of the blonde cop. The whole time he couldn’t help but wonder what the cop would look like in the same position.

  Janesa kept his cock in her mouth until they got back to the house. Then the three got out and went upstairs. He watched as Sally and Janesa ate each other out and he played with his cock.

  Finally, he pushed his member into her open hole and fucked Janesa until he felt her orgasm and he let loose.

  “I’m going to bed; you guys can stay here though.” He said and excused himself.

  “Are you feeling okay?” Sally asked him as he walked out of the room.

  “Yeah I’m fine, just a little tired honestly.” Rico said as he left. He was really wondering who the blonde cop was though. The whole time he had been fucking Janesa he had wished it was the unknown female.

  “What kind of spell is this?” He asked himself as he got dressed for bed. His head hit the pillow and he slept. His dreams filled with thoughts of the blonde cop and him trying to find her.

  Chapter 5

  Lalena couldn’t believe the mayor had said the things he had to her. Better yet she couldn’t believe how turned on she had been at his comments, and the thoughts of him.

  She walked around the event for a while and then finally went to the lieutenant and asked if she could leave for the night. “I’m sorry I’m not feeling really well.” She told him.

  “Yeah I heard about the promotion, sorry about that. You would have been great for it.” He told her.

  “Thanks I appreciate it. It seems like everyone who feels I would have been great are in the wrong positions to do anything though.” She shook her head.

  “It’s okay, keep your head up Swan, you’ll be just fine.” He patted her shoulder. “Now go home and get some rest.” He said.

  Lalena left the event and made her way home slowly. She didn’t want to do much but curl up on the couch and have some pizza. But she couldn’t help but think about the mayor and what he had done to her earlier in the night.

  Lalena changed out of her uniform and quickly put on sweat pants and a t-shirt. “Relaxation, finally!” She said as she stretched out on the couch. She picked up the phone and called for pizza.

  “Yeah I’ll take a medium extra-pepperoni with extra cheese.” She said on the phone. Lalena hung up the phone and got a Shock-Top out of the refrigerator, opening it she drank half of it in one swallow.

  She had turned on the news and on it was a report of the event tonight. The camera quickly panned to show the mayor and his entourage. Lalena stared at the screen and studied the mayor.

  The reporter had talked to the mayor for a few seconds. Lalena listened closely to his words, and then in her mind pictured what he had said to her. “I’d love to see that red bra.” She could hear the words as if he was standing here right now.

  It was such a strong feeling of him being there she looked around. Her pulse had sped up at the thought and she pictured the mayor on top of her making love.

  She picked up her beer and swigged the rest of it, and went to throw it away. She grabbed another one out of the refrigerator and opened it. Not for the first time she was happy that her metabolism was so high. She could easily down a pizza and drink beers every night of the week if she wanted, and not gain a pound. Lalena had known many people in the past that didn’t have that ability. They had to watch everything they ate and drank. “What a pain that would be!” She laughed as she took another drink of the beer.

  The doorbell rang and she went to answer the door, she was sure it was her pizza. She opened the door and saw the pizza delivery man there. “Oh hey how are you?” The man said.

  “Jake is that really you?” She asked.

  “Yeah long time no see! How have you been?” He asked.

  “Good, it’s really been a long time. Last I knew you were in college and the star of the football team. Weren’t you set to go pro?” She questioned.

  “Yeah I was but I got injured in the last game of the season. Unfortunately a pro team doesn’t really want to invest in a broken down star. So here I am back in town, recovering, and hoping for a break once I’m better.” He explained.

  Lalena looked at him; he was still handsome as he was in high school. She had met him when he was a senior and she was just on the force. They had an immediate attraction, but had waited to date until he had graduated. Those times before he left had been fun, but short.

  “So what time do you get off tonight?” She asked him.

  “I’m off in about an hour.” He answered.

  “Would you like to come back over once you’re done? We could catch up.” She offered.

  “Yeah I’d like that a lot.” He smiled.

  She paid him and told him to hurry back! Lalena needed to take care of the issue of being all too horny over something that was whispered in her ear. It wasn’t necessarily nice to use Jake this way. But why not, they had always been great in bed together. She was sure that hadn’t changed with his injury.

  Popping back on the sofa she dug into the pizza and ate. Her body was still reacting to the thought of the mayor, and her mind was excited about Jake. She felt a bit like a slut for a second, and then remembered she had needs too.

  “I wonder who the mayor is doing right now.” She said to herself. She pictured him with the escort he had along for the night. “The Greek looking Goddess, pfft.” She stated.

  The hour waiting for Jake was filled with pictures of the mayor and the
woman having sex. How she wished it was her instead. She just really didn’t understand why she had such a strong sexual attraction to the man. “It’s that fucking charisma, he’s oozing with it!’ She admitted out loud. “Everyone who has met that man seems to be bowled over by his personality!”

  The doorbell finally rang and it was Jake. “Hey I hurried as quickly as I could.” He said as she opened the door.

  “Come on in, you want a Shock Top?” She asked him.

  “Yeah sure that would be great! You have any of that pizza left; I wouldn’t mind a slice of it either.” He said.

  “Sure I think there are a couple of slices left! Help yourself. I think you’ll need your energy tonight!” Lalena laughed.

  He swept her up in his arms and kissed her passionately. She kissed him back and pushed her tongue into his mouth. His big hands roamed over her body and touched her in all the right places.

  She pulled him into the bedroom and their food and beer were left forgotten. Lalena undressed him quickly and appreciated the body that she had known long ago. “You are still in great shape!” She commented.

  Lalena ran her hands down his hard body and grabbed his semi-rigid member. The blood quickly rushed to his cock and it was rock hard. She lowered her mouth and covered him. He pushed his fingers through her hair and pulled it up. “You always did that so well, I’ve missed it!” He said.

  He grabbed her and pushed her on the bed. She looked up at her and knew that he was about to please her beyond her wildest dreams. “Oh yes use that tongue, oh Jake.” She moaned as he set about his task.

  Lalena thrust her pussy up into his mouth and moaned again as her climax rocked her body. As her orgasm was subsiding she felt him thrust his rock hard cock deeply into her.

  Soon they were grunting and growling in the bed. Moving perfectly together like they had been making love for years. The sweat dripped from both of their bodies and Lalena screamed out as he bit her neck hard. “Don’t leave any marks.” She told him.

  “Okay babe, not a problem.” He said and thrust into her and pushed her shoulders down. His dick felt like it was penetrating her to the end of her womb. “I’m going to cum.” He yelled out.


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