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Mountain Man's Proposal

Page 36

by Lauren Wood

  He chuckled and sucked hard on her clit, drawing it into his mouth; he scraped his teeth across the tender spot. She moaned loudly as an orgasm shot through her body. He made love to her with his mouth for a few more seconds then pulled his hard dick out of his pants.

  Jake thrust into her hard. He looked down at her as he was pushing into her and said, “I love fucking you Lalena.”

  “It’s nice isn’t it?” She admitted.

  “Would you tell me if the mayor made a pass at you?” He asked as he continued to push his hard member into her snatch.

  “Is this the right time to talk about this?” She asked.

  “Why not?” Jake asked.

  “Because I would rather not think of Rico while your fucking me.” She admitted. It was bad enough that she had to stop the thoughts occasionally, but for Jake to bring him up on purpose.

  “Okay I’ll wait.” He kissed her and pushed into her again.

  The kiss didn’t feel the same as Rico’s and her mind wished it was Rico with her. Lalena knew this wasn’t fair to Jake at all.

  “He kissed me today.” She blurted out.

  Jake stopped immediately. He was still inside of her but not moving. “What?” He asked his face deadly serious.

  “We were arguing and he kissed me today.” She repeated.

  “Okay, so is this the thing you said you could handle?” He questioned.

  She shook her head yes. “I can handle it, he was angry when he stopped and I don’t think he’ll do it again ever.” She admitted.

  “What do you mean when it stopped? How long of a kiss was it? Did you kiss him back?” Jake had pulled out of her and was now sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “Jake, I don’t know how to explain it and it not sound bad.” She tried to touch him.

  “So you did kiss him back.” He said his voice full of anger.

  “I didn’t mean too, it was just that he didn’t stop when I fought and I gave up.” She explained.

  He was shaking his head and thinking. “I don’t know what to say to you. This is wrong. Why would you even let him kiss you in the first place? Why did you get the job? Did you have sex with him before?” Jake questioned her.

  “I don’t know why I got the job. He met me at the cancer event and the next day I was hired for this job.” She stated.

  “What happened at the event? Did he kiss you then too?” Jake sat looking at her waiting for her answer.

  “No he didn’t kiss me, he just talked to me.” She said.

  “What did he say to you? Lalena why did you not tell me all this to begin with? I mean I thought we had the start of something here. I didn’t know where it would go, but I can’t be with you if your kissing another guy.” He shook his head more, his eyes looked confused.

  “I didn’t mean for it to happen. I’m sorry.” She had nothing else she could say but that.

  “I have to go; I’ll call you in a few days. Think about what you want though. I won’t share you with another man, especially him.” Jake said as he zipped up his pants and grabbed some of his clothes out of the drawers.

  “Jake, don’t go.” She cried out.

  “No I can’t stay; if I do I’m going to say some things that are best not to say right now. I’m angry and I’m barely controlling it right now. I have to go Lalena. If you make up your mind before I call you let me know. Though I’m pretty sure I know who you’ll pick. I can’t offer you near as much as he can right now. But honestly I never took you for the gold digging type of bitch that you seem to be right now. Or rather a slut who will just go around and kiss other men. I don’t even think I know you.” Jake said and walked out.

  She sat there crying, her body shaking from the nerves. She had to tell Jake about the kiss. Every time he asked her about Rico she would think of the kiss. “What did you expect to happen?” She asked herself. “Do you think he would stay and still make love to you? How dumb can you be?” She pounded the bed in frustration.

  “Think about what you want.” He had said before he left.

  Lalena sat there and thought about it, did she really have a choice. Rico had left her standing on the side of the road, the disgust clearly showing in his eyes when he hopped into the car. Jake had the same look on his face when he had left her tonight.

  She felt as if her life was falling apart in the matter of an afternoon. The tears continued to fall from her eyes as she thought of the two people who were a part of her life. One who she couldn’t get out of her mind, and the other who happened to now possibly be her ex-boyfriend. If they were actually dating in the first place!

  Finally, she had bawled all she could and still hadn’t thought of what she wanted. Though he she would actually admit the thoughts she was having, she would know. Lalena knew that it wasn’t possible though; Rico had made it pretty clear today.

  “But I’m not dating Jake now am I.” She commented. She knew it sounded lame and already could picture how Rico would react to that news. He would simply use her, because he would think she wasn’t worth the time and effort for more than just a fling.

  Instead of making any decisions she fell asleep and figured in the morning hopefully things would look better.

  Chapter 8

  Rico looked at Sharon across the table. He would rather have Lalena here. Why does she have to be involved with that boy, he thought for the thousandth time since the night before. The bad thing was he could still taste her on his lips.

  “Hey where are you at?” Sharon asked him.

  “I’m sorry I had a really rough day today.” He stated.

  “You know if you didn’t want to go out tonight we could have postponed.” Sharon stated.

  “I got back to the office late, it wouldn’t have seemed right to do.” He said.

  “How about we just go back to your place, and I’ll make you forget all about the day you had.” She offered.

  He didn’t want to do it, but he took her up on the offer. When they got into the back of the car, she took his cock out of his pants and started to suck on him. Rico tried to sit back and enjoy the blow job, he usually loved them.

  “Stop, it’s not good. I’m sorry.” Rico told her.

  She sighed as she sat up. “Well can you at least help me get off?” She asked.

  “I’d rather not. I’m sorry but it was a really hard day today.” He stated. “I’ll just have the driver drop you off at your house.” He said.

  “Okay, fine. But please don’t waste my time if you call again.” Sharon said as she got out of the car.

  As the driver took him back home he couldn’t think of anything but Lalena. He really wanted to have the driver take him to her. But he couldn’t do it. Instead he went home and tried to toss and turn as the kiss him and Lalena had shared that afternoon.


  “Hey Uncle Raymond, do you mind if I stay the night with you?” Jake asked his uncle over the phone.

  “Sure, I thought you were hanging out with that little cop lady again though.” His uncle stated.

  “Nah I found out that she kissed someone else today.” Jake said.

  “Come over and we can talk if you want.” Raymond said.

  “Yeah I appreciate it.” Jake commented. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  He pulled up at his Uncles house and sighed. He had been falling for Lalena, had almost told her he loved her even. Jake was happy that he hadn’t said those words to her though; right now he wasn’t sure how he felt about her. Still he felt like the mayor was more to blame for this, not his sweet innocent Lalena.

  “Hey come in Jake.” Raymond stood to the side to let Jake in the door. “So tell me what happened, you look really rough.” He said.

  Jake sighed. “You know I think I was falling for her, and today I had a break at work so I went home to see her. We were having sex and she blurted out that she kissed another man.” Jake said.

  “What? Do you know the guy?” Raymond questioned.

  “I don’t know him personall
y, but I know enough about him to know he’s the one who seduced her.” Jake stated.

  “Who was it?” Raymond asked.

  “The fucking mayor, he’s a piece of shit. I swear I knew as soon as she became head of his security that something would happen. I told her not to do it, but she said it was more pay.” Jake said.

  “The mayor? Interesting it seems like he might not have learned his lesson the first time. I should have just shot him when I had the chance.” Raymond stated.

  “What? I think I’m missing part of this story.” Jake said.

  “Remember when your aunt and I first started the divorce?” He said.

  Jake answered. “Yes I remember that you were really upset at the time. Sorry I wasn’t in town to help you through it.”

  “It’s fine. Well she went out on a date with the one and only mayor. I went to his office to confront him and had my gun. I had it out and I should have just shot him. But as we were talking I realized that she wasn’t worth me going to jail for. He seemed like he didn’t know anything about me, and I believed him at that time. Now I think he was more than aware of me and he choose to ignore it anyway. Now he’s done the same thing to you and I don’t think he should be able to wreck anyone else’s relationship.” Raymond explained.

  “He was the guy you had talked about? Oh shit, if I would have known that maybe I would have made her not accept the job.” Jake sighed.

  “You must realize Jake that she’s just as much to blame in this as he is though. She could have stopped him.” Raymond stated.

  “She said he kissed her first and she tried to fight him off though.” Jake explained.

  “Come on now Jake, she’s a police officer. She’s had tons of training in fighting off attackers. She could have got out of it and not kissed him back. Don’t convince yourself that she’s the innocent party here. She’s not a victim but a willing participant in this.” Raymond said.

  “Yeah your right. Well at least I won’t have to worry about whether or not to take her if I get into the pros.” Jake shook his head.

  “You know I hate to see you so upset over a woman. We should really make him and her pay for this pain. I can see how badly it hurts you.” Raymond stated.

  “How do we do that?” Jake asked.

  Raymond pulled out some papers and showed him a plan. “If we plant a bomb here in the building it would take the mayor’s office out.” Raymond said.

  “I don’t want to bomb any place, do you know how much trouble we could be in.” Jake said.

  “Or I can just shot his ass and if she gets in the way, oh well.” Raymond said.

  Jake sat and thought about it for a minute or two. “I’m not sure; it seems to be something that is extreme in response. She said she was sorry. Maybe she’ll be fine and tell me she wants me back.” Jake reasoned.

  “We’ll all I can say is think about it and if you feel differently let me know. But I’m not going to guarantee that the mayor will continue to be safe. If I see my chance it’s over for him. He ruined my life and now is working on ruining the life of someone I love. You know you’ve always been my favorite nephew, right?” Raymond asked.

  “I know you’ve always been my favorite uncle! Just give her a few days to see what she decides okay.” Jake said. “I think I’ll get some sleep. Thanks for letting me stay with you I really appreciate it.”

  “Hey by the way what I told you tonight doesn’t get told to anyone okay?” Raymond said to him before he left the room.

  “Your secret is safe with me. I have no love for the mayor; if something happened to him I wouldn’t shed a single tear.” Jake said and went into the other room.

  He lay down and thought about Lalena, tears started to roll down his face. “I loved you bitch, and you ripped my heart out. You’ll pay for this.” He said into the pillow.



  BOOK – 4

  Chapter 1

  Lalena woke up the next day her eyes were swollen and tender from crying most of the night. She went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror she looked at herself. “Oh my goodness I look so bad.”

  She hopped into the shower and turned it on warm. She let the water run over her face and hoped it would help her eyes appear a little bit better. Getting out of the shower she cleared off the mirror and looked again. “Shit I’ll have to put on some makeup and try to cover this up.” She said.

  As she walked out of her place she almost burst out in tears again. “Hold it together Lalena, you got this.” She chanted as she got in the car and drove to work. If she was lucky she could skip past Sally and just go to her office.

  But she wasn’t that lucky Sally was sitting at her desk and looked up at her as she walked in. “Oh sweetie, what’s wrong? She asked.

  Lalena burst out in tears. “I, oh I don’t know, everything is just falling apart around me and it’s all my own fault.” She cried.

  Sally got up and came over to hug her. “Oh honey, it’s okay, you’ll be fine.”

  Lalena cried harder as Sally held her. She tried to compose herself. “I’m going back to my office. Thanks Sally.” She said as she walked back to her office.

  At least she hadn’t run into Rico looking like she did. She tried to blot her eyes and clean up a bit, however, it didn’t seem to be helping any.

  “Hey I brought you some coffee. Come on sweetie it will be fine. If you want to talk about it I’m here for you.” Sally commented.

  “Thanks for the coffee, I appreciate it. I just don’t know what to do Sally. In the matter of a couple of days my world has been turned upside down.” Lalena cried she couldn’t stop the tears from streaming down her face when she thought about it all.

  “Oh honey, what happened?” Sally asked.

  “Jake left me last night, but I don’t blame him. I did something really bad yesterday, and I wouldn’t forgive him if our places were switched either.” Lalena explained.

  “I’m sure if he really loves you he’ll be back.” Sally patted Lalena’s back.

  “No he won’t I kissed another person. If I really loved him I wouldn’t have done that. But the truth is I don’t know if I want Jake back. He’s not the one I love. It’s hard to realize that you love someone else, and you know that they hate you.” Lalena cried, her shoulders shuddered with the force of her tears and sobbing.

  “Shh, it’s going to be okay.” Sally whispered and held Lalena.

  “What’s wrong?” Lalena heard Rico’s voice from the office door.

  She buried her head deeper into Sally’s chest, not wanting to even look Rico’s way.

  “Jake left her.” Sally told him.

  Lalena shook from the sobs that escaped her body as Sally told Rico the news.

  “What?” Rico asked. “Sally can you give us a moment alone please?” Rico requested from Sally.

  “Sure.” She answered him. Turning to Lalena she asked, “Are you going to be okay?”

  Lalena shook her head, “Yes, I’ll be okay. Thanks again Sally.” She said.

  She made sure to not look at Rico; she tried to hide her face from him. He came over as Sally left the office. “Lalena, look at me.” He ordered.

  “No, I don’t want you to see me like this.” She said.

  He grabbed her chin and turned her face to look at her. He made an audible noise that sounded like a shared grief. “What happened?” He asked her.

  Lalena shook her head again. “I told him about our kiss and he left.” She said bluntly.

  “Why would you tell him?” Rico questioned.

  “Because he should know that I don’t care about him and that our relationship isn’t going to progress.” She admitted.

  “I see.” Rico said quietly.

  She burst out in tears and he hugged her tightly. “Shh. Come on don’t cry. You’ll be okay.” He ran his hand up and down her back trying to comfort her.

  “No it’s not okay, I won’t be okay. You hate me too. I could see it in your eyes yesterda
y.” Lalena stated.

  He kissed the top of her head. “I don’t hate you; it’s far from hatred that I feel for you.” He whispered.

  She looked at him a question on her face. Rico took his fingers and wiped the tears from her cheeks. He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her gently this time. It was nothing like the last kiss where he had forced his mouth on hers and pressed hard. His lips were tender and caring.

  Lalena kissed him back; she had no reason not to. She had realized during the night that she loved Rico. She sighed as the kiss deepened.

  He pulled back from her and kissed the top of her head and hugged her tightly to him again.

  “What do you want from me?” She whispered.

  “I don’t know what I want honestly.” Rico stated. “I want your touch, your kisses, just you, and nothing more.” He added.

  She listened to his words and knew that she shouldn’t let herself get involved with him. He didn’t want love from her, but she wanted it from him so badly. She could feel her body soaking up his essence as they hugged. However, she knew it was too late; she was his, even if she didn’t want it that way.

  “I’m yours.” She looked at him and said.

  “All mine, no more Jake? Did he really leave?” Rico asked.

  “Yes he did last night. There is no more Jake, only you.” She admitted.

  “Okay, but you shouldn’t be at work today, not like this.” Rico said.

  “I don’t want to be all alone at home. It will just make this so much worse.” She said.

  “I didn’t say you’d be alone. I’m taking you back to my place.” Rico stated.

  She let him lead her out of the office. He said a few quick words to Sally and they were gone. Rico helped her into the car and he went around getting in on the other side.

  Rico drove with one hand on her leg trying to comfort her as much as he could. She put her hand down on his and held it.

  “Come on.” He said as he went to open her door and help her out. “Let’s go inside, I’ll have the maid make you some tea or something.” He stated as they walked into his house. “We can sit outside by the pool if you want.”


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