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Mountain Man's Proposal

Page 72

by Lauren Wood

  The prince struggled for breath, wishing for her to release him, so that he could breathe again. Her juices were thick and delicious. It was like he had awakened to a new experience that made him grin with a satisfaction. He didn’t know that he was capable of this. After that night with the girls, he never did try out his expertise on some unsuspecting young thing. He was always being watched by his father and those that they employed. He was to remain untouched, until the age of choice was upon him. There was no way that he could rebel, but this certainly did make up for lost time. Her orgasm was something that felt overwhelming and there was a moment that he really did think that he was going to pass out from lack of oxygen.

  With a final sigh, her muscles gave out and her grip on the prince’s head was released. She lay there with her body on display. Her nervous system was completely fried. She had had several lovers, but nothing like that. She didn’t even know how she could categorize something like that. This was in a league of its own and maybe she was too impulsive to think that there was no future between her and the prince. “I don’t even know how to speak anymore. My voice is lost. I try to say anything and there’s nothing there. I may have to rethink my decision about having a strictly physical relationship. If I have to settle down, then I could do a whole lot worse than a prince with the flair for the dramatic.” She looked down at her sex and saw the swollen puffy lips and knew that only one thing could even come close to beating what he had already done.

  “I can see from the look on your face that you’re slightly taken back. I’ve always planned to give a girl my best and I think that I proved that here today. We satisfied each other in different ways, but there is still things that we need to do to make our union complete. My father will insist on watching our first time. I know that it’s in bad taste, but that is the way that it has been done for centuries. He will offer some suggestions, or he will stand to witness that momentous moment between the two of us. I know that you might feel uncomfortable doing that, but I’m afraid that this is something that is not negotiable.”

  “I’m really not sure what you want me to say to something like that. I’m not opposed to a little voyeurism, but having your father there is taking things a bit too far. I’m not saying no, but it’s going to take a lot of getting used to to having him seeing me naked like that.” I thought that I was kinky enough, but having his father present was certainly taking things to a different level. I suppose, if I could block him out it wouldn’t be so bad. I can only hope that he doesn’t yell out instructions in the middle of it. I guess I’m going to have to try to show him that his son is in good hands. It could be fun, but only in the aspect that it would make his father feel uncomfortable in his own skin.”

  I’m sure that you are thinking that you want to jump into my lap and ride me all the way to a sunset of the two suns. That can’t happen, but I think that you’ll see that your limbs are not exactly in any shape to attack any one. If I did my job right and I followed those girls’ lessons to the letter, then you really shouldn’t have any energy to raise a finger in my direction.” He watched her turn her head and she did indeed try to lift her hand, but it was to no avail. “I’m surprised that you were even able to turn your head. I did go off the script, but I think that I perfected that technique a little bit more than what it was. Your skin is probably still tingling and I can tell that your nipples have not gone down. I do like you this way in a more subservient role than the pain the ass that you have been known to be. That fire is the only reason why we are here today. You’ve shown that you don’t bow down and that in itself will make for some interesting conversation around the dinner table with my father.”

  She sat there she tried to say something, but her lips had become parched. She needed a moment to collect herself. He wasn’t wrong about her skin still tingling from the aftereffects. “I wish that I could convey to him how much that meant to me. He is a man amongst men. I thought that he was a little boy, but there is nothing little about this man in any size shape or form. I loved every moment of satisfying that itch with other lovers, but maybe I don’t have to look any further than the prince. Getting together with him will certainly make my parents happy. I’ve never wanted to please them in any way, but this will be a good gesture of faith on my part. Perhaps I can mend some broken fences.”

  “Scarlet, I do want to mention that there is a caveat to our consummation. We can both have other lovers, but only in the presence of one another. To be honest, I’m curious to call upon the services of the girls again. I’m not suggesting that I be with them, but I’m not opposed to that either. What I would really like to see is for them to work their magic on your body and for me to watch, as you become unglued from the inside out.” The proximity alarm went off in the vessel and the enclosure began to glow with this eerie incandescent red light.

  Scarlet was still breathing heavy. She could feel her heart beating like never before. Thankfully, her other heart was keeping things a little bit more calm, but not by much. Her legs were still trembling and her little pussy lips were still pumping like they were trying to grab on to something.

  “It looks like my ruse didn’t exactly work out, as planned. He knows that we’re here. He’s in the process of targeting our ship through the dwarf star. I don’t know how that’s possible, but with him anything is possible.” He powered up the ship and moved away from the very spot where a beam of light barely missed them by a whisper. The battle of one had come to them. It was time to finish this once and for all.

  Chapter 7

  Kaman had calibrated his equipment. It took some time, but he finally located where they were hiding. He had a feeling that they would wait for him to strike first. He was more than happy to do so. He had them lined up for the kill shot and when he fired, he was expecting to hear the explosive discharge of their engines. Unfortunately, what he heard was only silence and then a beam of light streaked across his bow from out of nowhere. He maneuvered into a spin that turned him into a reflector.

  “You’re full of surprises, Kaman. I didn’t think that there was a way for you to detect us, but apparently I was wrong. I’m not usually one to overestimate my opponent, but I guess I have got complacent. I will not make that mistake again.” Had the ship exploded, the moment before contact Scarlet would’ve been beamed down to the planet’s surface. “I don’t know what you are doing, but it appears to be having an adverse affect on my controls.” Prince Niles delved into his mind, but his thoughts were jumbled like something was interfering with his neural receptors.

  “I think that you’ll find that what I’m doing is going to be the one thing that is going to be your downfall. You thought that you were superior, but I think that this little exercise has given you food for thought.” His hair was alive and it was part of his anatomy. They were swirling in front of him taking control of the ship. He was able to do several things at the same time. That cannot be said for other species including that of Prince Niles. “I will always be one step ahead of you, Prince Niles. By the way I don’t think that it’s right for your family to be called prince and king, when the rest of us are relegated to only our names. We are royal family from different species and maybe you should take that into consideration. Then again, you’re not going to be around to make any kind of change.” He fired and saw that one of their engines had been disabled. The smoking crater left behind made them dive into the atmosphere of the planet.

  “He has the upper hand. If I don’t find a way out of this, then you will be his.” Prince Niles was desperate and it wasn’t just the disappointment from his father that fueled him into a different way of thinking. “I might be able to use the planet’s atmosphere to help us with this fight.” It was going to have to be timed perfectly. One wrong move and his life would be forfeited.

  “I want you to do whatever you need to do to make Kaman back off. When you think that you have the kill shot, then you need to take it without hesitation. You can’t think of him, as a person any longer. I know that
it’s going to be hard, but take him out of the equation and treat this, as a drone with nobody inside. Forget about his life and maybe then you might have a chance.” She felt the inertia pushing her up against the seat and the heat from the speed that they were falling was making her sweat. “If he’s not careful, then Kaman is going to win and that is the last thing that I want to see happen. I’ve grown quite fond of the prince and I think that there might be something here. I want the opportunity to find out. The very idea that we are allowed other lovers has certainly put a new spin on things.

  “He needs to follow us and I believe that I am going to have to convince him. “

  “How exactly do you plan on doing that?” She watched his smirk and found his cavalier attitude towards the possibility of dying to be quite intoxicating. It was that blood lust in his eyes that told her that he was never going to give up, until his last and final breath.

  “Kaman, I thought that I would inform you that I’ve had my cock in her mouth. She’s tasted my seed and she drank it down with this look of greed on her face. I even went down on her, while waiting for you to find us. Let’s just say that she was most appreciative of my efforts. I have a tongue that splits into two and I used it in the best way that it could be. She will be used merchandise and you’ll always know that I was the one that gave it to her first.” They both heard the growl and then looked back to see that the ship had indeed begun a dangerous pursuit. “Come and get her, but remember I made her suck me off, forcing her to swallow my load and that is something that you’ll always have to remember.” His diatribe was met with one shot after another.

  “I will kill you, Prince Niles. I will kill you and then I will take my wrath out on your father, before finally declaring my species, as the leader and the holder of the power. It won’t matter what you did with Scarlet, because I will turn her into a slave for my own pleasure. She will be cleansed before I even touch her, but the fact that you did her makes it necessary for you to suffer.”

  “That was pretty quick thinking, Niles. I didn’t think you had it in you to make him angry. I suppose there’s a lot about you that I’m going to learn. I’m looking forward to spending the time to really get to know you in the bedroom and out. You have an interesting way about you and I would say that not even your father fully understands what you are capable of.” “I do believe that I have been wasting my time with boys trying to be men. The prince is more man than even he believes of himself. He has this fierce determination for survival that outweighs the safety of his own life. I find that to be very exciting and it makes me want to throw myself at him willingly. I want to feel his fingers open me up and then to feel the pressing of his elongated member finding a home between my legs.

  Licking his lips, Niles forced himself past the jumbled thoughts that the deflector had caused. It made his head hurt and the pounding drum up against his temples was a little distracting. He felt alive and lying in luxury had made him soft. When it came down to it, he was able to push past everything else. With his head on fire and all his neural receptors working at once, he brought the ship to a complete halt. They were thrown against the force field and then they watched, as Kaman’s ship went into the atmosphere too quickly.

  “You son of a bitch….you did that on purpose.” Kaman’s hair was flying everywhere to anticipate what was going to happen, but it was too late. He had allowed Prince Niles to get to him and that was ultimately his Achilles heel. “I can’t stop… I can’t fucking stop.” He was screaming inside his head, but there was nothing that he could do to eliminate the possibility of complete engine failure. Hitting the atmosphere with that kind of speed blew off both of his wings and caused a catastrophic fire that turned the vessel into a fireball going down to the planet’s surface.

  “I’m sorry that it came to this, Kaman, but you really didn’t leave me much of a choice. You took it upon yourself to challenge me. I do admit that it was kind of thrilling to match wits with a man of your experience. I’ve known for quite some time that you were not one to mess with, but it does make me feel good that I was able to go toe to toe. I hope that this sends a message back to your kind that my family is willing to throw down with any one. I hope that whatever deity you pray to is ready to receive you. It has been an interesting experience and one that I’m sure that I will remember for the rest of my life.”

  “I know that I didn’t know him, but I don’t think that he deserves this fate. I understand that this is the way that things are done. We really do need to change these things from happening again. The old ways have no place. Do you suppose that we should try to help him, or is that out of the realm of possibility?” “I didn’t want this, but it had happened and there was no going back. I’ve learned in the short time that I’ve gotten to know Prince Niles that he is more than I bargained for. He may seem privileged and one that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but I think that all of us here on this planet could probably say the same thing in some regard. Having oral sex was amazing. It only makes me hunger for the moment that I feel him entering into my tight sheath. It does feel wrong to celebrate our new union, while Kaman’s losing his life.”

  “I wish that I could intervene on his behalf, but it remains to be seen, if we’re going to get out of this alive ourselves. I’m not feeling very good and concentrating like that really does make the body feel like it’s shutting down. I… I…don’t know if I can do this” His eyes fluttered and he slumped back into his chair with his breath coming out of his mouth in heavy gasps. He lost consciousness and it left Scarlet in a dangerous position of trying to get home on her own. They were close to the atmosphere and the gravity that would pull them down in a not so subtle way.

  Chapter 8

  “Wake up, Niles. I don’t know what to do. I’ve never flown anything like this before in my life. I regret not taking my father’s suggestion to join him to learn how to do this. Everything here looks foreign to me. I can’t make heads or tails out of anything.” She had heard that these vessels were powered by not only a particle engine, but also by the mind. It was said that those that had learned were implanted with a certain neural enhancement. She did not have that, so getting out of this by landing the vessel on her own was out of the question. She did notice that she could understand the information being displayed in front of her eyes.

  She slapped him over and over again and still there was no response. She was panicking over seeing that the ship was dangerously close to coming in contact with the planet’s gravitational force. It would only be a short time and then they would be in the same situation that Kaman had found himself in.

  “There has to be something that I can do. Right now, I’m basically a sitting duck with no way out of here, besides an untimely death that would certainly bring war to all the colonies. My family would take a dim light about me dying on an expedition that was meant to keep our best interest at heart.” She remembered something that was said before their departure and then it was like that memory had suddenly given her an idea.

  He looked around and at first, it seemed like a daunting tasks that was left to others with the intellect for this type of thing. She was tempted to pound every button, but that would have only made things worse. She finally was able to see that there was a communication device on board. She pressed on the receiver and said the only thing that came to mind “I don’t know who is out there listening to this, but I’m in a bad spot. I need some help.” She waited patiently. It appeared that her pleas for mercy had fallen on deaf ears. “I know that this is unusual, but Prince Niles has passed out and I cannot revive him. If somebody doesn’t do something soon, then the both of us are going to die right here and right now.” Once again, she could only hear static.

  At first, Sousa really didn’t pay much attention, but then when he heard that his master was in dire circumstances, it seemed necessary to answer the call for help. “I hear you, Scarlet. What exactly do you propose for a way to get out of this?”

  “It was said before
we took off that when one of them won the battle that the ship that I was in would beam me down to the planet’s surface. I’m not sure if that’s only if the ship is destroyed, or if it’s when one of the ships is destroyed. Either way, I think that might be the answer to this little dilemma. Kaman tried his best, but he was unable to complete his task. Niles got the best of him and Kaman is right now plummeting towards the planet. If I were you, I would warn those in the vicinity of the impact site that they should not be there when it happens.” “Particle engines are very unstable and can cause a crater that is 10 miles in diameter. Whatever was in its way would ultimately be destroyed.”

  “I think that you might be on to something about beaming down to the planet, but I’m going to have to consult with one of our scientists. Bear with me, as I contact him and also send out a warning to those that are in the path of the trajectory of that vessel out of control. I do hope that this will not take long, but there’s no way to know for sure.” He went and found the scientist, while at the same time informing Niles father that his son was in jeopardy.

  “I do hope that you hurry up, because I don’t think that time is the one thing that we have on our side.” The proximity alarm inside the vessel began to go off. It was deafening. She found the button that would mute the alarm, so that she didn’t go completely crazy. According to the dials, it would be no more than a couple of minutes before the ship was pulled into a downward spiral that would be out of control. Niles may have won the battle, but he might have actually destroyed the chance for them to be together.


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