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Mountain Man's Proposal

Page 83

by Lauren Wood

  “I want you Carrie, but I don’t know if you are ready. It’s getting late and I have to go, we have a big game tomorrow.” Johnny said.

  “What time is it?” Carrie asked.

  “It’s already 2 in the morning.” He told her.

  “It’s been that long; it’s only seemed like a little time.”

  “I know, but we’ve been out here for a while.”

  “I’m sorry you missed the party.” She said.

  “No I didn’t miss anything; I had the best night ever.” He told her.

  “Really, but we didn’t have sex.” She said confused.

  “Carrie, darling, you don’t have to have sex to enjoy a night. You of all people should know that, you are a virgin right?” He said.

  She blushed, “Well yes I am, but how did you know?”

  “If you weren’t you would have been all over me in a second. But you hold your values high, and I respect that. This is why I won’t force you into it. I had fun touching you and kissing you though. I swear I want much more too.”

  She smiled up at him. “I don’t know I’m scared of letting you have my heart.” She admitted to him.

  “I know, trust me. I told you this was different from anything I’ve ever felt too.” He said. “Are you coming to the game?”

  “Of course, I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

  “I’ll see you after it is over. Maybe we can go and get something to eat.” Johnny said as he stood up.

  “Sure, but don’t you usually do something as a team?”

  “I’d rather spend it with you.” He pulled her to his chest and kissed her deeply once more. He let her go and she watched as he left.

  Carrie wanted to all him back, tell him to come upstairs. But it was far too late, and he had to play tomorrow. She would only hurt his chances of performing on par. So she watched as he left, he turned around and blew her another kiss. “Until tomorrow, sleep tight my darling.” He said.

  Chapter 7

  Johnny had a really nice night with Carrie. He had wanted to take her upstairs so many times. But he had been serious when he told her he wouldn’t pressure her. He wanted this to be a mutual agreement between them.

  “Hey Johnny, where have you been all night? I’ve been looking for you. Would you like to come upstairs?” Patty, one of the sorority sisters stopped him on his way out. She pushed her body up against his.

  He tried to back away as quickly as he could, to put distance between them. But he heard Carrie from behind him, could feel her there.

  He turned towards her to say something, but she gave him a look that said don’t bother. He watched as she ran past him and up the stairs.

  Johnny turned to face Patty, “If I would have wanted to find you I would have, I’m not interested.” He said and left.

  He wanted to go up and tell Carrie that he wasn’t interested in Patty. Hell there was only one person he wanted, and that was here.

  It was late though, and he knew that she wouldn’t listen. He would catch up with her after the game. I hope she still comes to it, he thought.

  The whole way back to his room he was mad at Patty. But in truth he knew he had also helped to create the problem. If he hadn’t been such a playboy, it wouldn’t have been expected of him. Carrie wouldn’t question his motives and she would let go of those feelings.

  Johnny wasn’t dumb; he could tell that she wanted him just as much. Her body had betrayed her all night. He could hear the sighs when he touched her, and felt the blood pulsing through her veins quicker.

  “What the fuck, I can’t wait.” He turned around and headed back to talk to her.

  He got back and went up the stairs; he had no idea which room was hers. “Carrie, where are you?” He yelled out. “We need to talk, come out please.”

  After a few calls she finally opened her door, “Will you please stop yelling.” She pulled him into her room.

  He could tell she had been crying, “Look that wasn’t what you thought it was down there.” He began to explain.

  “I know Sally told me about it after you left.”

  Johnny finally noticed that there was another girl in the room with him. He knew her; she had hit on him a few times, but had backed off one day. “Hey, sorry I didn’t see you when I came in.” He said.

  “It’s okay; I’m going to leave you two alone though.” Sally got up and walked out of the room.

  “I know I created this problem, but really I only want you.” Johnny said to her.

  “You have to play tomorrow; we can just talk about this after the game.” She said.

  “Okay, you’re right. I do need my sleep.” He got up to leave. Johnny turned and pulled her into his arms once more. “As far as I’m concerned these are the only lips I ever want to kiss.” He said and covered her mouth.

  Chapter 8

  Carrie watched him leave once more. The kiss had been amazing, but the words had been what had gotten her the most. He had told her “these are the only lips I want to kiss ever.”

  She could feel her heart beating faster as she thought of him. Carrie wasn’t a dumb girl; she knew that she was already in love with him.

  Her fear was that Johnny was simply feeding her a line to get her into the bed. However, wouldn’t he have tried harder, she wondered. He hadn’t tried to even get her to sleep with him just now, when he was in her room.

  She wanted to let hope and happiness fill her heart, she really did, but she was nervous. Carrie had never really given her heart to anyone. She did have one crush when she was in high school. It had been Mr. Tetley, her psychology teacher that caught her eye. However, she was just a student, and she never followed up on any of her crush feelings.

  “This isn’t a crush.” She whispered to herself. Carrie knew that she wanted more with Johnny than she could have ever imagined. But could he give her the hopes and dreams of what she had always wanted in life. Could he be a one woman man, a man who would marry her?

  Carrie felt that life wasn’t fair; she didn’t know if Johnny would be able to give up all the other things he had thrown at him. He was going to be a big star; she had no doubt about it. There was already talk about some of the professional teams who were eyeing him.

  She knew that more women would throw themselves at him in the professional leagues; it would be nothing like now. Did she really believe he would turn his back on all other women?

  Carrie wanted too, but there was an ache in her heart at the thought. It felt as if he had already betrayed her, before they even began.

  Finally, frustrated with the thoughts in her mind, she tried to close her eyes. Her mind played back the kisses from the night, and the touches. She could feel her body going into overdrive at the thought of him.

  She moaned at the thought of what it would be like to have him take her. How her body cried out for him, even now. She knew it was possibly the biggest mistake she would ever make. But she hoped that tomorrow after the game that he would take her. Not just out to eat either, she grinned.

  Though she really wanted to wait, she didn’t think she could resist him again. It had been hard enough tonight. If he won tomorrow, he’d be on cloud nine, and want to celebrate. She would give him her most precious gift in celebration. It might be dumb, and she might be setting herself up to be heartbroken. However, she was tired of fighting these feelings inside of her.

  Carrie was ready to take a leap and let him prove to her the words he told her. If he was lying, maybe it was better to find out now, instead of later on. Dragging out the time it took her to invite him into her bed, would only make her like him more. “Who are you kidding? You love him.” She muttered to herself.

  She really did wonder if it was love though, she had nothing to compare it too. He had told her she was different. Did he mean that he had more feelings for her? Was in possibly in love with her? But how, he barely even knew her.

  Then she thought about it, how she could have developed such strong feelings for him as well. She didn’t k
now him all that well. Sure they had shared some secrets at a few of the parties, and then tonight.

  So how could she even wonder what was going on in his head, when her own was so messed up. “Oh Johnny, I just wish I knew that you were serious.” She said lightly.

  Carrie let her dreams take her away, and they were filled with him. It was a night of him taking her body in several ways. Again the dream seemed real, but she had no experience, so she wasn’t sure. Is this what it would really feel like? She had to wonder, once she knew she was in the dream.

  Chapter 9

  Johnny dressed in his uniform, it was the big game. He had dreamt about Carrie again last night. They had made love all night long in his dreams, and he had woken up feeling great. He had to admit that he was really horny, but he didn’t take up any of the offers of a quick blowjob before the game.

  No he had been serious she was the only one he wanted. It had shocked him when he had told her “her lips were the only ones he wanted to kiss.” When he realized that it was much more than just a kiss, it was all of her he wanted. Well it had made for a hard discovery.

  “It’s time for you to settle down there Johnny Boy.” He had muttered to himself when he had got up from bed.

  The fact that he had never thought of one woman so much in his life scared him quite a bit. He had wanted to avoid any type of commitment for so long. Now here he was going headlong into one of his choosing.

  “Hey Strom you ready?” Mike came up behind him in the locker room.

  “Sure am, let’s win this one and go to the big game!” Johnny gave his killer smile.

  “Hey save that smile for after the game, don’t get too cocky yet.” The coach came in the room.

  The men settled down, and listened to their before game speech.

  I could say a lot of things to you right now. I could tell you how working as a team will be the only way you can win this game. But you already know that. I saw yesterday in practice just how well-oiled this machine we have here is, and I loved it. I could tell you that this game means everything. But I would be lying to you if I did that. This game is an important one for our program, and could mean that some of you will go higher in the drafts. But everything, I would be lying to you. The truth is that there is so much more in this world than football. If for some reason you happen to lose this game, it won’t be the end of the world. Most of you will still be drafted, or you’ll simply go into other careers. I guess this kind of sounds like I’m not putting enough of a spin on this game. I’m not, you know why? Because you are young men, you will go on from here and have full lives. Many of you will only wear this uniform a few more times, and then never again will it be stretched taunt against your skin. You’ll trade it for another uniform, maybe a suit and tie, or just jeans and a shirt. What I’m saying is do your best out there. If it’s our time to win, God will look down on us and smile. If it’s not, then so be it, just go out there and do your best.

  The team all cheered and headed down the tunnel to the field. Johnny thought about the coach’s speech. It had been much different from many of his other talks before the game. He had been more focused on letting everyone know that there was more to life than football. It had been the very thing that had been pulling at Johnny’s mind all day long too.

  He still wanted to make football his life, but he wanted to have Carrie there beside him as well. Would she be willing to do that? He hoped so.

  Once he was out on the field he looked around for her, he could feel her there. He spotted her almost immediately and waved to her.

  The crowd that was sitting around her went wild. He could see her blushing red from on the field. Johnny had to chuckle at the shy smile that slide onto her face.

  Chapter 10

  Carrie watched the game from the bleachers. After Johnny had waved to her in the crowd, she had gotten many questions from those around her.

  “Oh are you dating him?” “How do you know him?” “Can you get him to sign my shirt?” She heard them all.

  Plus a few of the jealous girls had started giving her nasty looks. Carrie wondered if they had been with him before, or if they saw their chance slipping away.

  She watched with pride as Johnny had an amazing game. He threw for 5 touchdowns, and ran for 2. Carrie yelled and cheered for him.

  After the game he ran over to the sideline and called her down to him. He waved to her, so she made her way down. She watched as he calmly waited for her, and handled all the people around him.

  “Hey good looking, how’d you like the game?” He smiled at her. He didn’t wait for her to answer, but instead pulled her closer and kissed her on the mouth. The kiss was long and passionate; she could feel her knees grow weak with each passing moment.

  Carrie pulled back once he had released her. “What was that for?”

  “I want everyone to know that you are my girl.” He kissed her on the cheek, “I’ll see you in about 15 minutes outside the back door.” He ran off.

  When she turned to walk back up to her seat she saw the jealous girl’s eyes. They actually looked to have tears forming. Carrie couldn’t believe it, but she was sure she saw it.

  Other people were cheering her on, telling her way to go, but see didn’t hear much. All she could think of were his words, “I want everyone to know that you are my girl.”

  Carrie shook her head, she must still be dreaming. Johnny Strom was many things, but a person who showed affection in public? That wasn’t him at all. He usually kept that to the bedroom, or so she had heard.

  Sally looked at her when she was finally back by her seat. “So I guess you and Mr. Handsome have made a first step!”

  “I don’t know. I’m so confused. I mean he told me he would wait for me. He just told me down there that I was his girl. Does that mean he wants to date me?” Carrie asked the confusion plain on her face.

  “Yeah it sure sounds like it. I told you he looked at you differently all the time. I swear I could tell he was into you.” Sally told her.

  “But really Sally, would he be happy with a plain girl like me?” Carrie asked.

  “You’re not plain; I keep telling you that you are beautiful. Ask him, he’ll tell you.” Sally stated. “He’d be dumb anyway if he passed up on a girl like you.”

  Carrie smiled at her friend. It was hard to imagine that Sally had once been after Johnny, but had backed off. She was a good friend, Carrie was happy to have her in her life.

  “Thanks Sally, you really are a good friend.”

  “Now let’s get you down there so you don’t miss your big date! I have a feeling it will be a very interesting night for you. Oh also, I won’t be home until late, just in case you need the room. Just remember to put a sock on the door knob so I don’t come busting in.” Sally told her.

  Carrie turned red at the comment, but shyly said, “I will.”

  She went down and was only outside waiting for Johnny for a few minutes. The door opened and he walked out, his smile grew when he spotted her. “Hey, I was wondering if you would actually come down here. I’m sorry if I embarrassed you with the kiss.”

  “No I wasn’t embarrassed, it was nice.” Carrie admitted.

  “So I wanted to celebrate, so how about we go to the steak house?” Johnny asked.

  Carrie wanted to invite him back to her room instead. But she couldn’t voice the words, so instead she agreed to go to the steak house. There was always later!

  He opened the door to his car for her and let her in. She was shocked at how chivalrous he seemed. Carrie decided she could get used to this. She really liked this side of Johnny.

  Chapter 11

  Carrie sat across the table from him at the steak house. Her mouth was wide open. “How in the world did you just eat all that meat?”

  She had watched as Johnny had slammed down a 21 ounce steak without stopping.

  “I’m hungry after the game, it’s not easy work!” He laughed.

  She had been pushing her food around barely able to eat
. Her mind was running as she thought of the best way to invite him over to her room. Carrie was nervous, but she had made up her mind to take the jump. To take a leap of faith based on what Sally had seen, and what Johnny had said to her.

  She only hoped again, and not for the first time, that it was not a mistake. She wanted to give him the gift of her virginity, but didn’t want him to break her heart. How could she guarantee that?

  “You’re awfully quiet tonight, is anything wrong?” Johnny asked.

  “Well I was thinking about a few things.” She began, but wasn’t sure how to continue. “Maybe after we eat, we can go back to the sorority house.” She finally said.

  Johnny looked at her, “If you are sure that’s what you want.”

  Carrie was happy that her meaning had gotten across to him. This was a field where she had absolutely no experience.

  “Yes.” It was all she could say. The weight of the one word answer hit her fully. She had just agreed to give him her virginity.

  “I promise to be careful.” He told her across the table.

  She looked up at him; she could feel her nerves throbbing. Carrie wasn’t even sure if she would be able to go through with it.

  “Well let’s get the check and go. You are done eating right?” He asked, looking at her plate that still had half of the food on it.

  “Yeah I’m a bit nervous, so I can’t really eat.” She admitted.

  “Don’t be nervous, I swear I won’t hurt you.” He said once more as he directed her out the door. Johnny had paid the bill quickly and soon they would be on their way to her room.

  Carrie hoped that his I won’t hurt you comment also included her heart. Here goes nothing, she thought.

  Before she knew it they were standing at her room door. Carrie wondered what had happened in between, the ride here was a blur. She couldn’t remember anything they had talked about, though she had heard words and her own voice.


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