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Stay With Me_Taphouse Blues Series_Bk 1

Page 3

by Heather Lyn

  “Why would Carmen go?” I ask Hunter, who has a huge-ass grin on his face.

  “Oh, no reason,” he says, face bright red.

  “To get early experience, if you know what I’m saying,” Gray teases, nudging Hunter’s shoulder. I look back and forth between the two of them, understanding dawning on me.

  “Shut the fuck up. Is Carmen pregnant?”

  Hunter nods and I take a step forward to give him a fast hug. “Congrats, buddy! This is fucking amazing. When did you find out?”

  “Couple weeks ago. She’s three months now. I meant to announce it the other day, but Carm has wanted to keep it on the down-low until she’s farther along. Only our parents, you guys and Noah know.” Hunter couldn’t look any prouder.

  “Well fuck, let’s have a beer to celebrate, on the house.” Going around the bar, I pour them drafts and pass them across the bar top. “Congrats, Daniels. Honest to God couldn’t be happier for you guys. Just don’t screw the kid up too much.” I raise my glass to him.

  “Yeah, it’s got this goof for a dad. That kid is already fucked,” Grayson jokes, laughing when Hunter smacks him in the head.

  “Shut up,” Hunter groans, but the smile is still there. I want to give him more shit, but the guy’s gonna be a dad and I don’t know, that’s pretty fucking cool.

  “So you wanna come out? My buddy Liam just got his game room made over, and we’re gonna go catch the Preds and shoot some pool. You’re more than welcome to come,” Hunter says, draining his glass.

  Shrugging, I figure I have nothing else better to do, so why not?

  “Sure. He work at the firehouse too?”

  “He works at the one I transferred from. Guess his girlfriend is going out tonight with her friend, so the house is ours.”

  “Sounds good to me. Just let me finish up some shit in my office and we can head out.”

  Leaving them behind, I head into my office to finish getting the receipts from last night straightened out. Noticing my cell blinking on the desk, I grab it and smile when I see the text.

  Lindsey: The flowers are nice, but I’m still not going out with you.

  Brody: What flowers?

  Lindsey: There were white roses outside my apartment door when I got home. No note, so I assumed it was you.

  Brody: Probably the wrong address. But about a date…

  Lindsey: You never quit, do you?

  Brody: Giving up doesn’t look good on me.

  Lindsey: What is wrong with you?

  Brody: Ask my momma, she knows my medical history.

  Lindsey: Oh for fuck’s sake, Walker.

  Brody: One date, Linds.

  Not shocking, I don’t get a text back, but she’s warming up to me. I just know it.

  Shoving my phone into my pocket, I grab my keys from their spot on the hook by the door and lock it behind me. Striding back out, I find Gray and Hunter waiting for me. Deciding I’ll just follow them over, we head out.

  I’m going to call Lindsey tonight when I get home. Maybe I can break those walls down and get a date.


  Pulling into the driveway behind Hunter’s truck, I throw it into Park and kill the engine. His buddy Liam only lives about twenty minutes from my bar, and I’m surprised to find us in front of such a large house.

  Walking over to Hunter, I raise an eyebrow at him.

  “Damn, I should become a fucking firefighter. This place is nice as hell.”

  “Yeah, he bought this for like nothing. It was falling down and needed to be completely redone. When I first started at his firehouse, we all used to come over after shift and help him out. Telling ya, it looks nothing like before. Then Hollie got her hands on it, and the place never looked better than it does now.”

  Following them up the front steps, Hunter bangs on the door, and a second later it’s pulled open by a woman with long red hair and pale eyes. She smiles wide and reaches out to hug Hunter.

  “Hey, y’all. Sorry, we’re still getting ready to go out, but come in.”

  When I get to her, I hold my hand out and she takes it.

  “Oh, you must be Brody. Liam told me that Hunt was bringing someone along. So nice to meet you. I’m Hollie, Liam’s girlfriend.”

  “Brody Walker, nice to meet you too.”

  Stepping past her, I enter a large kitchen and living area. Hunter walks to an open doorway and yells for Liam. “Hey, jackass, we’re here! Finish your makeup and get that fine ass out here!”

  Laughing, I shake my head, Grayson doing the same.

  A second later, Liam comes walking out, open beer in hand. Slapping Hunter on the back, he comes over to introduce himself to me, smacking me on the shoulder.

  “Good to meet you, man. My casa is your casa. Game is already on, pizza should be here in about twenty minutes. Let’s go grab you some drinks.”

  Liam shows us all where his game room is set up and I’m impressed. A huge mounted television takes up the center of a wall, with a pool table on one end of the room and a huge sectional on the other side. Liam heads to a full-size fridge in the corner, the shelves filled with an assortment of beer, water, and other drinks. He hands me an IPA, and I pop the top and take a sip.

  “So, Hunter tells me you own a bar in Nashville?” Liam addresses me, and I nod.

  “Yeah, Walker’s Taphouse. Toward the edge of town, but I like it.”

  “How long have you had the place?”

  “About five years. It really struggled for a while, and to be honest I was afraid it would never work out. But it’s done really well in the last couple years or so.”

  “That’s awesome, man.”

  We all turn to the game when footsteps sound behind us.

  “Liam, we’re gonna head out now. We’re gonna grab some dinner after, okay?”

  Liam turns over his shoulder with a smile.

  “Sounds good, baby. You ladies have fun tonight.”

  Turning, Hollie comes walking into the room to kiss Liam, and when I look back at her friend, I almost drop the bottle in my hand.

  Well, fuck me.

  Dressed in a pair of tight-ass pants, her long hair pulled into some messy style on top of her head, Lindsey stands only feet away from me, a look of shock on her beautiful face. Once the shock wears off, I have to fight to keep from sweeping her into my arms.

  I’m almost knocked on my ass when she comes over and holds out her hand. “Hey, I’m Lindsey. Nice to meet you,” she says, voice quiet.

  “Brody,” I mumble, eyebrow raised as I shake her hand. It feels like I’m in an episode of The Twilight Zone or something. I was literally just texting her not even an hour ago.

  Shaking my head at the thought, I drop her hand and set my beer bottle down on the table behind me. Turning to her, I cross my arms over my chest, unsure of what to say.

  I hate thinking that maybe she’s embarrassed to admit that we know each other, but we barely do, so what’s to be embarrassed about?

  “How you been?” I ask, trying to break her out of it.

  “I’m not sure what you mean,” she says, louder that time, more confident.

  “Linds, what’s—”

  “Oh, wait one freaking minute! You’re Brody? The guy who owns Walker’s?” Hollie’s voice loudly interrupts us, a huge smile on her face.

  “Guilty as charged,” I joke, stuffing my hands into my front pockets.

  “Lindsey, why didn’t you tell me that he was the Brody?”

  “Hollie, be quiet. I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Lindsey growls.

  “Oh yes you do.” Hollie comes over to me and places her hand on my upper arm. “Good hair. Brown eyes. Tattoos. Hard-as-rock muscles.” Her eyes drift down to my backside and I actually feel my cheeks heat. What the hell?

  “Oh yeah. And a tight ass. Shit, you’re right, girl, he’s fucking hot. And damn, he smells good. Why didn’t you—”



  Lindsey’s eyes are huge, her cheeks
bright red. Chuckling, I step away from Hollie and pick my beer back up, taking a sip while avoiding the awkward silence.

  “Knock it off,” Lindsey whispers, and I’m horrified to see tears brimming in her eyes.

  “What’s the big deal, Linds? You haven’t been able to stop talking about him. I don’t see the problem.” Hollie lifts an eyebrow and pops her hip.

  “Holl, babe, let her be. It’s none of our business.” Liam grabs Hollie’s arm and pulls her to him, slapping a hand over her mouth. Grayson and Hunter are both looking back and forth between me and Lindsey, but before anyone can say another word, Lindsey turns and bolts, her heels clicking loudly on the wood floor.

  Hollie looks crestfallen and moves to follow her, but I hold a hand up. Handing my now-empty bottle to Hunter, I head out of the room, finding her just in time to see her hurry into the bathroom, the door slamming behind her. Making it to the door in only a few strides, I lean my head against it, lightly rapping my knuckles on the wood.

  “Leave me alone, Hollie. You’ve done enough.” Her voice is shaky, and it kills me to think that she’s on the other side of the door crying.


  “Just go away, Brody.”

  “I can’t do that, darlin’. Let me in, just for a second.”

  I hear sniffling and start to knock again when the lock unlatches and the door opens. Eyes red and a few stray tears left on her cheeks, she steps back and I reach out for the door. Stepping forward, I swing it closed behind me and look down at her.

  “You okay?” I ask, unsure of what to do.

  “Clearly I’m fine, Brody.” Sniffing loudly, she reaches for another tissue, carefully wiping her eyes. She doesn’t get all the tears, and I use the pad of my thumb to wipe them away, her smooth skin warm.

  “What’s wrong, Linds? Why did you pretend you didn’t know who I am?”

  Shaking her head, she straightens her shoulders and looks at me. “I don’t know. I was completely shocked to see you.”

  “That makes two of us,” I joke, happy to see a small smile skirt her face.


  “So, because you were surprised, you came to hide out and my hideous appearance upset you so much you’re in here crying?”

  Lindsey bursts out laughing, and I can’t keep the smile from my face.

  “No, I was so fucking humiliated. I can’t believe she said all that to you.”

  “Was it true?” I ask. She looks away, so I reach out to gently grasp her face. “Linds, was it true?”

  “Yes,” she whispers, biting her bottom lip.

  “Good. Are you gonna let me take you on a date now?”

  Her eyes flutter shut, and I hold my breath until she breaks out into a huge grin .

  “Yes.” Lindsey opens her eyes and I chuckle, taking a deep breath.

  “Thank fuck.”

  And without another thought, I drop my lips to hers, the taste of her heaven on earth. Banding one of my arms around her lower back, I pull her flush with me, unable to stop kissing her. Lindsey twines her arms around my neck, holding on tight. After a few moments, I pull away, staring down at her kiss-swollen mouth and flushed cheeks.

  “That is how our first kiss should be,” I tell her, nipping at her lips with a groan.

  “Brody.” She’s breathless, clutching onto me as I pull away again.

  “Also, I’m really glad you like my ass,” I joke, laughing when she starts giggling and buries her face in my neck. “’Cause I fucking love yours.”

  A few minutes later, we emerge from the bathroom only to find everyone waiting outside. Wrapping my arm around her shoulder, I tuck my free hand into my pocket and don’t say anything. Hollie is smiling brightly at us, and Hunter has a shit-eating grin on his face. Gray too.

  Rolling my eyes, I already know what’s coming.

  “You all done comforting her, man? Or should I toss you a condom and wish you luck?” Grayson asks, and in seconds we’re all laughing.

  “Shut the fuck up, Michaels.”

  “He can’t help it, Brody. Gray suffers from what we like to call at the firehouse ‘GMAS’”

  “What?” I ask, laughing just imagining what it is.

  “Grayson Michaels Asshole Syndrome.”

  “Yeah, Gray is a G-Ma all right. Fucking Granny,” I joke, bending over as I start cracking up, Lindsey giggling next to me.

  “Yeah, hee-hee, so fucking funny. Grow up,” Grayson complains.

  “Aw, man, don’t take it that way. I’m sure Kennedy loves her old man,” Hunter says, wiping tears from his face, still chuckling.

  “Damn right she does.” Gray puffs his chest, trying hard to keep from laughing.

  Shaking my head, I look down at Lindsey, who’s still giggling at my dumbass friends.

  “Sure you know what you’re getting into?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I do,” she says quietly, her arm around my waist squeezing me.


  “Dude, so that was Lindsey, huh? She’s fucking hot, man.” Grayson claps me on the shoulder as we descend the stairs of Liam’s house, the Preds game over. We stayed after the game to shoot the shit, but we’re all heading home now. Laughing, I just shake my head at my friend, not wanting to get into this. Lindsey and Hollie are still out, but she sent me a text about an hour before, telling me to text her when I get home.

  Ignoring the questioning glare, I wave and hop into my truck, the engine roaring to life when I turn the key. Backing out of Liam’s driveway, I check the clock on the dash. Ten thirty. I don’t know what the girls are up to, and a text won’t suffice.

  Using the Bluetooth on the dash, I dial Lindsey’s number, the loud ringing filling the cab. It continues ringing, and just when I think it’ll go to voice mail, her voice comes through.

  “What the fuck do you want, asshole?”

  My eyebrows shoot up. “Linds?”

  “Brody? Oh shit. Jesus, I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting you to call.”

  “Yeah, clearly. Everything okay?”

  “Fine. Someone won’t stop calling me, and they’ve been interrupting our whole night. Pissing me the hell off. Sorry, are you still with the guys?” Lindsey’s voice calms down, but I’m still not buying it.

  “I’m driving home. Linds, are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes. I kept getting random calls all night, and I’m pretty sure they’re just a debt collector. Thank God my phone was on silent in the movie theatre.”

  “Okay. If you’re sure. Where are you guys?”

  “On our way back to Hollie’s. I left my car there, and then I’m heading home.”

  “Okay well, do me a favor, Linds? Call me when you get home.”

  “Brody, it’ll be so late—”

  “I don’t care. Just call me, okay?”

  “Okay. Talk later?”

  “Drive safely, Linds.”

  Ending the call, I put both hands on the wheel and drive, the dark roads seeming endless. I don’t understand why getting calls from debt collectors would’ve had Lindsey so on edge, but I really don’t fucking like it.

  Shrugging it off, I finish the drive in silence.

  Pulling in my driveway twenty minutes later, I climb down and head inside, locking my truck behind me. Heading straight for my bedroom, I shuck my clothes until I’m in just my boxer briefs. Grabbing the remote, I get comfortable on my bed, scrolling through my loaded DVR. Thirty minutes later, I’m halfway through some crime drama when my phone starts ringing.

  Pausing the show, I see Lindsey’s name on the caller ID and I smile, swiping to answer.

  “Hey, Linds.”

  “Hi, Brody. So I’m home.”

  Smiling, I lean back against my pillows and get comfortable.

  “I figured. You get home all right?”

  “Yeah, fine. But my feet hurt and I want to go to sleep.” I hear a beeping in the background and try to get a better listen.

  “What’s that?”

  “My car. I’m heading into my a
partment now. I called you when I pulled in.”

  “Oh, gotcha. So anyway, what’d you and Hollie do tonight? I won’t keep you too long, I just want to hear all about your fun evening.”

  Lindsey laughs, and the sound is beautiful. “Well, we saw that new Chris Pratt movie. Then we went for dinner downtown, and we were gonna get a couple drinks but I was too tired. How was the game?”

  “Good, we won, three to zip. Liam seems like a really—”

  I’m cut off by the piercing scream Lindsey lets out. I’m immediately sitting up, on full alert, heart racing. She screams again and I’m off the bed, pulling my jeans back on.

  “Linds? What happened? Linds? Lindsey!”

  Looking down at my phone, I see the call ended and my heart starts thudding in my chest. Yanking a shirt on over my head, I’m racing for my front door when my phone rings again.


  “Oh my God, Brody,” her voice booms.

  “What happened? Baby, are you okay?”

  “There was a….” She breaks off and I can hardly hear her.

  “A what? Linds, darlin’, are you okay? Talk to me.”

  “There was a… a possum.” And it’s then I realize she’s laughing, unable to talk.

  “Jesus Christ,” I bite out, dropping my head onto my shoulders in relief.

  “Oh my God, it was fucking huge and it came after me. Oh my God, I think I just peed myself.” She’s laughing harder than before, and I can’t help smiling, finally calming down.

  “Hilarious. Do me a favor, Linds? Next time, maybe tell me it was a possum, not scream at the top of your lungs and hang up on me. I almost had a fucking heart attack. I was just about to go running out the door.”

  Shaking my head when she giggles, I head back toward my bedroom.

  “I’m so sorry, Brody. I didn’t mean to hang up. I must’ve hit the button on the side.”

  “It’s okay, baby.”

  “That’s the second time you’ve called me that, you know,” Lindsey points out.

  Putting the call on speakerphone, I undress and climb back into bed.

  “Yeah well, forgive me. I was scared shitless.”

  “You don’t need to apologize. I liked it.”

  “Oh really? You sure are something, Ms. Taylor.”

  “Well, I’m gonna get going, I need to get to sleep. But I’ll call you tomorrow. You have a date to make good on, Walker.”


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