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Stay With Me_Taphouse Blues Series_Bk 1

Page 13

by Heather Lyn

  “Sorry, say that again?” I shake my head, focusing on my brother.

  “He turned himself in. I don’t know, it was fucking nuts. Jace and I were in the conference room and Baker came running in, said our suspect was being booked. He apparently walked into the station, said ‘I’m sorry, Lindsey Taylor,’ and dropped to his knees with his hands on his head. It was fucking weird, but he’s in an interrogation room as we speak.”

  “Jesus Christ.”

  “I know. But you can sleep easy tonight, man. We got him. It’s over.”

  “Thank you, bro. I don’t know what else to say.” Swallowing the lump in my throat, I end the call and drop my phone on the chair.

  “Brody, what is it?” Mom asks, getting up to come over to me, but I brush past her and go right for Lindsey. She stands just in time for me to wrap her in my arms, burying my face in her neck.

  “They got him, baby. It’s over.”

  Lindsey pulls away in shock, eyes filling with tears. Smoothing my hand over her hair, I smile, running my thumb over the side of her face.

  “They got him?” Her voice is quiet, a single tear running down her cheek.

  “It’s over.”

  Her face falls and she cries into my shirt, her arms around my waist as I cup her head against my chest, the other tight around her shoulders. Resting my cheek against the top of her head, I look over at my mom who’s smiling, hands clasped together.

  “Oh, thank God,” she says, hurrying out to the kitchen. She comes back with a box of tissues, which she sets on the coffee table.

  Lindsey pulls away, hiccupping and laughing, reaching for a tissue. “I’m sorry, I’m such a mess.” Mopping at her face, she blows her nose and takes a deep breath.

  Dad walks over and puts his arm around her. “No need to apologize. I can’t imagine what a relief it must be. For you too, son.”

  Nodding, I reach out to shake his hand and he grips it tightly.

  “Okay, enough of the tears. Angela, do you have any more baby books?” Lindsey wipes her eyes and turns to my mom, huge smile pasted on her face.

  “Oh, absolutely. And please, call me Angie. Here, sit, sweetheart. I’ll grab a few more.”

  Rolling my eyes, I turn to grab my beer and my dad clasps me on the shoulder. “Lindsey, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna steal my son for a few minutes.”

  Lindsey shrugs and I wink, following my dad out to the garage. More than likely he’ll just have another beer waiting for me out there so we don’t have to look at baby photos. Let the women have their own time together.

  Lindsey has really hit it off with my folks, not that I ever had any doubts. She fits in perfectly.


  “Fuckin’ hell, Linds,” I groan loudly. Lying in the center of my bed, one hand grips the bedsheet, the other in her soft hair, her mouth wrapped around my hard cock. We lasted two minutes after getting home before we were tangled together on the bed. My girl is feisty, sucking with a vengeance, and I have to grit my teeth and fight like hell not to come.

  Through half-lidded eyes, I watch her pull her mouth off me, tongue playing with the metal. Letting out a grunt, I release a string of profanities and my legs shake.

  “Linds… you gotta stop, baby. Fuck, get that dirty mouth up here.”

  Laughing, she releases me with a wet pop and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.

  “I swear you’re trying to fucking kill me,” I mutter, reaching for a condom. I get one rolled on as fast as possible, then hold out a hand to her. Pulling all her clothes off except for her lace bra, she climbs on my lap and I grip my cock. “Ride me, Linds.”

  “Brody,” she breathes out, face inches from mine as she slowly lowers herself onto me. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and begins to rock her hips up and down. Gripping her waist tightly, I just hang on, letting her take us both to ecstasy.

  “It’s always so fucking good, Linds. Goddamn,” I moan, hips meeting her for each thrust.

  She starts moving faster, fingers digging into my back. “Promise me it’ll always be like this. Promise you’ll always need me this bad.”

  “Linds….” I’m taken aback by her words.

  “I don’t care that it hasn’t been that long. I love you so much, Brody. Promise you’ll always love me.”


  Lindsey begins moving more frantically, moaning loudly, and I pull her chest flush with mine, looking deep into her eyes.

  “I love you,” I pant, grunting with each thrust. “I love you more than life, Linds. I always will. Nothing will ever make me not need you. Fucking always, baby. I promise.”

  Reaching down, I use my thumb to rub her clit, her walls instantly gripping me like a vise, forcing a loud groan to tear from my chest. “Come, baby. I need you to come.” My other hand comes down on her bare ass with a loud smack, her back arching when it does.


  “Fuck, Linds. So tight and sweet. You’re gonna make me blow.”

  Resting her forehead on my shoulder, she circles her hips as she drops down and she tightens even more, her teeth biting down on my bare skin. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I hold her still and thrust upward, hard and fast, until my vision goes dark and I’m groaning loudly as my release hits me. Our bodies shiver together as we breathe heavy, covered in sweat.

  “Shit,” she moans, legs shaking. “Your fucking cock is gonna be the death of me.”

  “Gotta say, it’s a real good way to go, Linds.”

  “Yeah, it really fucking is.”

  Climbing off me, she sways to the bathroom and I follow, tossing the condom as I go. Finding her cleaning up, I grab the washcloth from her when she’s done and wipe myself down. Standing behind her, I rest my hands on her hips and look at us in the mirror.

  “What was that all about before?” I ask gently, her eyes finding mine in the mirror.

  “I just worry that we fell so fast, and there’s been so much heavy shit surrounding us that now it’s all over and you’ll get tired of me. That you’re not in love with me the same way I am with you,” she says softly. Walking out of the bathroom, she heads back into the bedroom to get dressed, pulling on my T-shirt from earlier and her panties, followed by a pair of leggings.

  She leaves me alone, going out to the living room, so I decide to follow. Strolling to the dresser, I grab a pair of boxer briefs and a pair of sweatpants. Taking a white shirt from a second drawer, I pull my T-shirt on and head out after her.

  “Linds, wait a sec, babe.”

  She’s sitting on the couch, scrolling for something to watch on TV when I drop next to her on the couch, pulling my leg up so I can face her. Tucking her hair behind her ear, my fingers linger, brushing against her soft skin and she sighs, turning to face me.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t doubt you, and that’s wrong of me. I’m just scared.”

  “Of what, Linds? How fucking good we are together?”

  “I don’t know, maybe? I don’t want to lose you, Brody. For any reason. I need you so much.” She looks so vulnerable sitting here, so I rest my arm around the back of the couch and pull her to my chest.

  “Baby, I’m not going anywhere. There’s no rule book to falling in love. I’ve watched all my friends find love in the most unexpected of places, and they’re all so fucking happy and so in love, it’s actually quite sickening. Hunter and Carm are prime examples of that.”

  Lindsey laughs. “He’s so in love with her, you can see it from a mile away.”

  “Exactly, Linds. And they went through some heavy stuff, trust me. That night her ex showed up? They’d been together like a couple months I think. I have no idea.”

  “That’s crazy. He’s such a good guy.”

  “Yeah he is. So do me a favor, Linds? Just live and enjoy. It doesn’t matter how much shit is thrown at us, no matter how many times. I will be holding your hand every time, and I will help you fight it. Every. Single. Time. You’re it for me, baby.”

  Smiling, she k
isses me, her hand on my shoulder. “I love you too,” she whispers, grinning against my lips. Her stomach growls and she snorts, resting her forehead on mine.

  “I know you have an early shift tomorrow, but can I take you out for dinner?”

  “Please,” she says, eyes bright and happy. “I’m starving.”

  Twenty minutes later, we head for a local steakhouse. I haven’t felt this light and stress-free in a long time. Something about knowing the man who attacked Lindsey is in custody helps. But knowing we can start our happily ever after without any shadows is better.



  “Lindsey, just the girl I was looking for.”

  Pulling my hair into a bun, I walk up to the nurse’s desk, starting my Monday morning shift with more energy and positivity than I have in a long time.

  “What’s up, Andie?”

  “So, I know you were supposed to have Friday off, but we have to cover a shift, so is there any way I can talk you into working late on Thursday?”

  “Why Thursday?” Putting my stethoscope around my neck, I tuck my hands into the front pocket of my scrubs and look at her.

  “Well, it’s an overnight shift, so if we can get two people to cover it’d be best. Otherwise you’d have to pull like a sixteen-hour shift. You’ll still have most of Friday off, you’ll just have to work a portion of it.”

  “Well, I was supposed to work three to eleven, so how late do you need me to stay?”

  “I was thinking maybe 5:00 a.m.? I know it’s only a few days away, but we’re trying to find coverage and you’re always up for overtime.” Andie’s pager goes off, alerting us of an arrival.

  “Yeah, totally fine. I’ll just ask Brody if he can drop me off and pick me up so I don’t have to drive home. Find me later and I’ll give you a definite.”

  “Thank you, Lindsey! You’re the best,” she shouts, rushing down to the double doors, the sound of an ambulance wailing when she opens them.

  An arm comes around my shoulders and I turn to see Ryan, looking completely exhausted.

  “Hey, you. Why are you still here? Didn’t you do night shift?”

  He lets out a deep breath, annoyance all over his face. “Fucking Andie is what happened. I’m here until nine. Only a few more hours, but I’m ready to drop.”

  “Go get some more coffee and lie down. I’ll cover for you,” I tell him with a smile.

  Ryan looks so relieved and kisses my cheek. “I can’t lie down, but cover me long enough to get some caffeine and I’ll love you forever.”

  “Come find me after. I need to talk to you.”

  “You got it, boo.” Jogging away from me, he glances down at his watch as he goes and I sigh, looking at Hollie behind the desk.

  “Why must I be the only grown-up here?” I joke.

  “I’ll have you know I am most certainly an adult,” Hollie laughs, rolling her eyes at me.

  “Yeah, okay. On what planet, Holl?”

  “On the planet of Liam is banging a grown woman tonight.”

  “Oh ew,” I groan. “I don’t want to hear about your sex life.” I mimic puking and Hollie starts cracking up.

  “Shut your face, hussy. You and Brody must get it on every day.”

  “Not every day, thank you very much. I’m not discussing my sex life with you.”

  “But I’m your best friend, Linds,” Hollie pouts. “I need the dirty details.”

  “Not at work, you don’t. Find me on lunch and I’ll tell you all about how fucking amazing the piercing is.” Winking, I saunter away from her and she shrieks.

  “Woman! How dare you not share that info with me.”

  Laughing, I head down to where Andie is so I can see where I’m needed. She tells me there’s a patient in room three I need to take care of. Walking that way, I pull the clipboard off the door. Blood draw. Fabulous.

  Stepping inside the room, I grab a pair of gloves.

  “Hi, I’m Lindsey and I’ll be taking care of you.”

  And with that, I get to work.


  A couple hours later, I’m looking at a patient’s chart at the desk when Ryan comes walking out from the lounge, a backpack slung over his shoulder.

  “Well, ladies, I’m outta here. Lindsey, what’d you need to talk to me about?” Leaning his hip against the desk, he checks his phone.

  “Hollie, come here a sec.” I motion to her and she slides her chair over.

  “What’s up?”

  “Okay, so you guys need to keep this quiet, since it’s only been a couple of days, but they have Lake. He’s been in custody since Saturday.”

  “Thank fuck,” Hollie exclaims, hugging me tight.

  Ryan lets out a deep breath and smiles at me. “About fucking time, Linds.”

  “Yeah, it feels amazing knowing he’s off the streets. I haven’t felt this good in a while.”

  Ryan comes around the desk to hug me, and then he takes off. Hollie gives me another hug.

  “I’m so glad it’s over, babe. You’ve been through so much, but now you can finally move on. You and Brody can relax and just enjoy each other.”

  “That’s the plan. My hope is this doesn’t have to go to trial. I don’t want to go through that, and to be honest, there’s no reason for it, at least in my mind. I guess Garret said when Jeffrey went to the police station, he was completely complicit and didn’t give anyone a hard time with anything. From my understanding he still won’t talk, but they think that may have something to do with his mental state.”

  “Wow. I know how awful it’s all been, but that’s actually really sad.”

  “Yeah. I just wish he’d asked for help when he was a patient here. Maybe all of this could’ve been avoided. I just wish we knew the motive behind it all. Like, why me? I wasn’t the only person who helped him that night. Ryan was there, Andie too. Plus all the doctors.”

  “Yeah it makes no sense.” Hollie shakes her head and grabs my hand. “I’m just glad it’s over. Brody must be thrilled.”

  “Oh, of course. He’s the only reason I got through any of it. And it helped having his brother be one of the people on the case. He made sure we were informed without having to call and badger the department twenty-four seven.”

  “I’m so glad, Linds. Now, we never made double date plans. You guys busy tomorrow night?”

  Mulling it over, I can’t find anything keeping us from being able to go, so I shake my head. “Let me text Brody really quick.”

  Holding my phone under the counter, I shoot him a fast message.

  Lindsey: Hey, you. Holl wants to know if we can double with her and Liam tomorrow.

  Brody: Sounds good to me. Nate is running the bar tomorrow night.

  Lindsey: Perfect. Talk later.

  Brody: Love you.

  “We’re in,” I tell her, slipping my phone back into my pocket.

  “Awesome. You have any place in mind? Or do you guys want to just come to our place for dinner and drinks?”

  “Let’s go out. How about that club downtown? I’ve heard the food is amazing and they only play country music.”

  “Oh yeah, I forgot about that place. Let’s do it. We can figure out times later.”


  Look out, Nashville. We’re tearing it the hell up tomorrow night.


  “Fuck, baby. You look so damn beautiful.”

  Spinning around, I find Brody leaning against the doorway, hands in his front pockets. We’re meeting Liam and Hollie in about thirty minutes, and I’m just now getting on my new outfit: red jeans, black halter blouse, black boots. My hair is down and flat ironed, accentuated by bright red lipstick and smoky eyes.

  “Thanks, handsome. You look pretty good yourself.”

  Brody always looks hot to me, but right now, in a skintight black henley and my favorite jeans, he better hope we actually make it out of his house. Swaggering over to me, he drops a kiss to my cheek and crap, he smells so freaking good.

  “Ready to go?” he asks, leaning back so he can stare right at my ass.

  “Yep. Jesus, Brody, my eyes are up here.”

  “Oh, I’m well aware. Just taking in the sights.”

  “Such a pig, Walker. Let’s go.” Smacking his chest, I push past him, knowing he’s still staring at me as I stride away. I make it to the living room before he picks me up from behind and swings me around. “Brody!”

  Laughing loudly, he puts me down and swats me on the butt. “Call me a pig, baby, and I’ll show you just how fucking dirty I can be.”

  “Yeah, well we don’t have time for that. Tonight, if you behave.”

  “Me? Behave? Have we met before, Linds?”

  “Oh shut up, you jackass.” Grabbing my purse, I march out of the house, hearing him follow behind me. Helping me into his truck, he goes around the hood and climbs in.

  “Let’s roll, baby.”

  I buckle my seat belt and we pull out of the driveway, heading for Nashville.


  “Hollie!” I shout over the music when we find our friends. She and Liam picked a booth at the far end of the club, where there aren’t too many people.

  Jumping from the table, she rushes over to hug me, dressed to the nines in a skintight black dress.

  “Girl, you look hot,” she says, giving me a once-over.

  “You look amazing. Where the hell did you get this dress? I need one in my life like right now,” I tease, knowing there’s no way I could pull it off like my curvy best friend.

  “Express. It was worth the price tag when Liam saw it earlier. Actually, we only just got here. We were running late after he saw it.”

  “You are so bad,” I yell.

  She tosses her arm over my shoulder and hugs me to her.

  “You guys look so happy, babe. I’m so fucking happy for you.”

  “Thanks, Holl. I love you.”

  “Back atcha, Linds. Now, let’s get our drink on!” Whooping loudly, she pulls me to the table where Liam and Brody are now sitting.

  “Liam, so good to see you again,” I say, sitting next to Brody.


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