Virginal Valentine

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Virginal Valentine Page 6

by Barbra Campbell

Ty had been furious and yet I swear I saw hurt in his expression. For me. Why? Because I was the pathetic virgin who would never understand the joy of sex?

  Opening my mantra app, I reread.

  Mantra of the day: Embrace an unlikely opportunity.

  A different kind of mantra, more like a mandate, but when Jessi pulled into the parking garage and headed straight to the elevator, I knew what I had to do. She wasn’t scheduled which gave me the creepy suspicion some higher power was meddling in my life again. Then again, I could play it as a much more accessible idea… Opportunities come to those who take them.

  The elevator must have been on our floor already because it opened, she entered, and it closed before I could catch up to her.

  I missed her on our floor but hurried to our wing where I caught a glimpse of her heading into the breakroom. I rushed in, saw that we were alone, and said, “Show me the picture.”

  “What picture?”

  “You know which one.” I was fairly certain she’d enjoy making me say it.

  She laughed, getting way too much joy out of my request. Opening her locker, she yanked her purse out. “Forgot this when I left work yesterday.”

  “Show me the picture you said was Ty.”

  “Aw, did the Mouse of Mercy accidentally delete it? Worried you’ll never get to see his schlong?”

  Yes, in fact I was worried because the sincerity in his eyes told me he didn’t send the picture. I’d never been that illogically drawn to a guy, and I’d never blown it on such a massive scale. To top it off, I had no idea how to clear up my mess, but starting at the source had to be my best bet. And I couldn’t let her get under my skin. “No worries here, but you were proud of it. Why don’t you show me again?”

  “I don’t have it anymore.”

  “What?” Please tell me I wasn’t the only one with the picture? Only one pervert in the room? Lovely.

  “It was a joke. I don’t keep that crap on my phone. Well, I do have a special app for the private stuff, but that was some random picture off the internet.”

  The room started to spin. Had I turned a joke into a fiasco? Would Ty be able to forgive me? In trying to protect myself, I’d trusted Jessi over him. Life slumped from my body and I dropped into one of the hard-plastic chairs.

  Jessi ran her hands through her hair. “Holy shit. Is that why HR called? Tell me you didn’t report me.”

  I dropped my face in my hands. “Why are you so mean?”

  Jessi leaned against the lockers, letting her head fall back with a resounding clank. “It wasn’t supposed to be mean, just a nudge. You were practically glowing. I thought maybe you finally did the nasty. Wanted to give you a chance to brag.”

  I swallowed hard. Good lord. Was I that easy to read? How many other people could tell I’d had my first orgasm? At least no one had adorned me with a scarlet O. Okay, that’s not what Jessi meant by the nasty, but it was close enough. Not really, but progress.

  “So that’s a yes to you turning me in?”

  My defenses refused to let go. Where was the truth? Was I being played? If Ty and Jessi were pissed at me for getting them in trouble, they’d try to cover for each other. “Wait. It came from his phone number.”

  “You’re too gullible, but I was pretty proud of that detail. He doesn’t have a password on his phone. I thought everyone knew.” She agonized over my apparent stupidity.

  “I’m aware.”

  “I sent a picture to him, then sent it back to myself. I deleted it from his phone so he wouldn’t get suspicious. I mean, what girl sends dick pics to a guy?”

  “But still, why would you want me to think he sent you a picture?”

  “Competition always riles people. Thought I’d have a better chance of getting you to fess up.”

  “That’s not nice.”

  She shrugged.

  I bowed my head. “He hates me.”

  “You reported him, too?”

  “I’ve been the brunt of so many jokes. Why did I choose the exact wrong time to stand up for myself?”

  “It’s never the wrong time to stand up for yourself. But hey, I’m supposed to meet with HR tomorrow morning. We played phone tag, she asked me to schedule an appointment, I picked a time, she verified… I thought it was about one of those online trainings I hadn’t taken the time to complete. I tell you what, as long as it won’t get me fired, I’ll explain what happened.”

  “You might get fired?” How many levels of it’s easier not to have friends was I going to experience?

  “Probably not as long as you tell her you’re not mad at me.” Jessi tossed her head, shifting her long bangs out of her eyes. Her glare made its point.

  I nodded while considering my options.

  “Great, gotta go.” Jessi didn’t wait for me to answer before she zipped out.

  Rushing back to the HR office, I wanted to clear up my complaint. Then I could clear things up with Ty. If he would listen.

  Ruth was leaving her office but I begged her to give me five minutes. She unlocked her door and motioned for me to take a seat.

  In my complaint, I’d been able to avoid the part about me being a virgin since it was truly irrelevant, but now that Ruth had talked to Ty she might know. After she talked to Jessi, I was certain she would be updated. Thank goodness for confidentiality.

  “You said five minutes,” Ruth reminded me while retrieving my file from her drawer.

  “Right. Can I change my claim?”

  “You signed a sworn statement. Think carefully about whether it would hurt your credibility.”

  “I’ll sign another. Jessi’s going to back me up. Ty didn’t send the picture. Jessi did, from his phone. She thought it would be funny.”

  “Hmm,” Ruth eyed me curiously and pushed a fresh paper my direction.

  “As long as Jessi makes the same statement, things should be fine. Ty will come out clean.” She tapped her fingers on the chart then added, “If you’re having some kind of lover’s quarrel, settle it at home.”

  Lover’s quarrel. I’d have to be a lover. My insides disregarded the problem and celebrated Ruth implying I was sexually active. There was a miniscule amount of comfort that VIRGIN wasn’t written on my forehead. I’m pretty sure I put way too much weight on everyone else’s knowledge and opinion of my sex life, but kids in high school had been so mean about it, and in nursing school everyone’s fascination with it had been akin to an archaeologist finding evidence of Eve.

  Ready to set the record straight, I hurried to find Ty.

  Glenda was checking on something at the nurse’s station and stopped me. “Did you get things sorted out, hun? You look flustered, but a lot better than the other day.”

  “As long as Dr. Torres doesn’t hate me, I’m doing much better. That remains to be seen.”

  Glenda wrinkled her brow. “Does this have anything to do with him giving me flowers and chocolate this morning. He was sweet about it, but I seriously doubted he would have ordered such a nice bouquet for me.”

  Chapter 11


  Valentine’s Day had spiraled into a fucking mess starting with Missy being mad at me, then her HR complaint, my subsequent meeting with HR, her brush-off in the hallway, the turmoil of my heart wanting to give her a chance while logic said to write off the hot mess of her existence. All of it steamrolled me into not thinking clearly and deciding to cancel my afternoon patients.

  I wasn’t feeling the love, or giving it.

  Letting my personal life get in the way of people who needed help fried me, but after struggling to maintain focus for two appointments, and one of the two patients pointing out a breach in my logic, I had to call it a day. Doctors were people first and foremost, but we were supposed to be able to compartmentalize our lives and get our job done. Not today.

  Hitting my home fitness center, I could burn off some of my stress. Weights were tempting but the treadmill wouldn’t require as much focus.

  I connected my phone to the Bluetooth stereo
system I had wired through the house, chose my most adrenaline-charged playlist with some old school hard rock, and cranked it up.

  A slow jog wasn’t cutting it. I hit the acceleration button and ran at top speed. I had to get Missy out of my system.

  Sweat poured over my skin. I stripped my tank top off and tossed it over the screen.

  No need to stress over something I couldn’t control, but being falsely accused by a woman I was ready to surrender my heart to left me wondering if I’d missed something. I’d checked my phone multiple times as had Ruth. There were no dick pics. But I already knew that.

  I couldn’t believe Missy had crafted the whole thing which left me to wonder how big of a bitch Jessi was to torment Missy? And how the hell did she convince Missy I’d sent them? Trying to make sense of it was going to drive me crazy.

  The doorbell paused my music, usually a handy feature on my smart home, but I wasn’t in the mood for a distraction, especially if it was a solicitor.

  Another break in Aerosmith’s “Love in an Elevator” as the doorbell chimed again. The song resumed on the lyric, “Forget about your foolish pride” and I wondered if the lyrics were a sign. My pride? Get accused of misconduct and forgive the accuser? Twisted.

  Another chime. Fuck it. I straddled the belt on the treadmill and hit the pause button. As soon as I sent the solicitor packing, I’d finish exhausting myself.

  Practically ripping the front door open, and a thanks but no thanks monologue on my lips, my heart stopped at the sight of Missy. She was the last person I wanted to see, and the first person. How the hell were hate and love so heavily intertwined?

  Either way, my emotions were running high and my cock had one suggestion for stress relief.

  She was wearing a cottony dress. I pondered why she wasn’t at work and why she wasn’t in scrubs, but after seeing her in the low-cut dress with a flirty loose skirt, I was certain I’d never look at her the same again. The simplicity of the dress oozed an understated sex appeal fitting her personality.

  Her gaze travelled over my chest and abs. I glanced down confirming all I was wearing was sweat and shorts. I’d have put a shirt on if I’d have known it was her. But now I was glad I hadn’t. She showed up at my house unannounced. She couldn’t report me for being half naked and sweaty in my own home.

  Thankfully she couldn’t read my thoughts. The only thing on my mind was inviting her inside so I could slip my hands under her dress and make her scream my name. Then I’d fuck her and give her more reasons to scream. I questioned my motivation, it wasn’t from a place of vengeance, but try explaining that to HR if she reported me again.

  Then there was the other issue of her virginity, a treasure that nearly had me frothing at the mouth. Why the hell was she at my door? I couldn’t think straight enough to make sense of her expression. All I saw was my future wife.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  Trying not to let my feelings show was going to be hard. My best bet was to keep my defenses up. It hurt like hell. “For what exactly.”

  “I know you didn’t send the picture.”

  Defenses were dropping no matter how much I told myself not to cave. Women had proven to be tricky creatures. If Missy hadn’t touched something deep inside of me, I would have easily lumped her into that category. But she was more, she was dangerous and tempting. “Want to come in and explain?”

  Sitting in a chair next to the couch, she covered the basics, even noting Jessi had called Ruth and backed up the story, swearing she would sign a statement admitting as much at her appointment. That was the nicest thing Jessi had ever done. Sneaking into my phone was a total dick move, no pun intended. I’d have to deal with that separately.

  The more interesting issue at hand was that my little virgin had saved a naughty picture. “Let me get this right, you saved the picture because you thought it was me?”

  A blush grew on Missy’s cheeks and she diverted her gaze. “Yes.”

  Hesitation accompanied my confusion. She could have recounted the story without admitting keeping the picture for reasons other than reporting. “I’m not sure if I should be flattered or worried?”


  “You liked looking at another guy’s package? How many kinds of immoral are you?” Disbelief tinged my attempt at humor.

  She bit her lip. “Since meeting you, I’ve had all sorts of immoral thoughts.”

  “I have a suspicion you like them.”

  “I do, and I won’t be turning you in again. I promise to talk to you first if something comes up. I just got worried you were all playing a mean trick on me. For some reason quiet girls are like a punching bag for bullies.”

  I pulled her onto my lap, hesitating for a second until she looked up and flashed a mischievous smile at me. Holy fuck, I wanted to make her mine. “I’ll take care of you. I’ll deal with Jessi.”

  She dragged her hand over my chest. “I’d rather you deal with me.”

  “That’s a much better offer, but I don’t want Jessi causing any more trouble.” Crap. I needed a shower.

  She didn’t seem to mind, and continued trailing her finger up my neck into my hair. “I’ve got Jessi under control. She thinks she’s off the hook with HR, but I reported her for harassment and noted HR should do something about her using other people’s phones without permission.”

  “Then I can get straight to dealing with you.” I cupped my hand around the back of her head, her silky hair teasing me. Staring into her eyes, I questioned how I could resist making love to her.

  Picking a paper sack up from the floor, she extended it to me. “Hungry?”

  How had I not noticed she brought a bag with her? Love is totally blind.

  Scooping her up, I carried her, and the bag, to the kitchen. Going for playfulness, I set her on the counter.

  She motioned to the barstools then wrapped her hands over the edge of the counter appearing ready to jump down.

  I kept my hands on her legs, forcing her to stay. “Ever sit on the counter before?”

  “No. I should move to a stool or a chair,” she said leaning forward.

  Stepping in front of her, setting my hands on the counter on either side of her legs, I intervened.

  She relaxed her grip on the edge.

  Her skirt draped over her knees but I worked my hands underneath the edge of the fabric.

  In response to my gentle pressure, she moved her knees apart and let me position myself between them. She said, “It’s kind of fun to break the rules and sit somewhere naughty.”

  I cupped my hands around her waist, redirecting my focus to something other than her being spread around me. I’d already suffered the possibility of losing her and our first argument had left a scar on my heart. I could never let that happen again. “Missy, I’ll never do anything to hurt you. Please don’t shut me out again.”

  “I promise I’ll talk to you the next time something bothers me.”

  “I hope that never happens, but if it does, we’ll get through it together. I’ll do anything for you.” I stroked one hand down her long brown hair.

  “Anything?” She laced her fingers in her lap and stared at them.

  How soon before we could get to a point that she would understand my devotion? I held her in a hug and suffered the side effect of being overtaken by her scent. At some point we’d talk about her choice not to have sex, and I’d have to find out what she was willing to do because based on the other night certain things were on the approved list. But for now I understood anything meant abstinence. “Yes, anything.”


  Confusion gripped me, and my body froze as her fingers dipped into the waistband of my workout shorts. My erection wasn’t taking no for an answer as I imagined her fingers wrapping around my cock. A hand job would be fine. A blowjob even better. There was no way I could make myself stop her this time.

  But first things first. I gripped her silky thigh. She was dropping my shorts so I had to press into the co
unter to stop her, and working around my painfully stiff dick was no easy feat.

  She shivered as my thumb brushed over the top of her lacy panties. “You said you’d do anything for me.”

  Ideas flooded my brain and I managed to settle on her not wanting to ask me to go down on her. My pleasure. “Baby, you know I would. Can I take you to my bed so I can taste you?”

  She flinched. Apparently not what she was expecting, or she’d never heard a verbal offer before.

  I rubbed my free hand over my head and down the back of my neck. “I’m sorry. You make me crazy but I won’t talk like that if it bothers you.”

  She pulled her hand out of my waistband and touched it to my lips. “No one’s ever talked to me like that. I like it.”

  “You’re giving me dangerous leeway.”

  “I may not be experienced, but it doesn’t mean I haven’t dreamed things. Don’t hold back.”

  “You’re an angel.” I closed my eyes for a second and reminded myself not to go too crazy. “When you came on my hand the other day, it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.” I dipped my fingers inside her soaked panties. My breath hitched. Every wild instinct screamed for me to make love to her.

  “Thank you.” Her breathing stuttered as I added pressure to her clit.

  How many orgasms could I give her? An unexpected Valentine’s present to both of us. “I should be thanking you, but I’d rather do it with actions than words.”

  Wrapping her hands around my head, she tugged me in for a kiss as I worked her clit. Faltering breaths broke our lip-lock until her mouth hung open, eyes fluttered shut, and primal gasps warmed my lips. The flush of another orgasm reddened her face.

  With a little more time when I could slide my cock into her, she would understand what was already clear in my soul. We were made for each other.

  Her head rested in the crook of my neck. Was she staring at my hand tucked under her skirt? Would she find it as sexy to watch me fuck her as I would?

  “Maybe you should tell me how experienced you are.” I prodded, easing my hand from her panties, letting my fingers trail over her thigh. I wanted her to be fully aware of how wet she was.


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