Hitting the Mark

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Hitting the Mark Page 10

by Aidan Wayne

  He swept in silence for a minute or two before Mr. Avi came up to him, arms crossed. “You’re totally gone on him, aren’t you, kid?”

  Marcus almost dropped the broom. “What?”

  Mr. Avi just looked at him. “Master Choi. You basically haven’t left him alone since you got here.”

  Marcus went cold. “Have I—has he said anything about me bothering him?” Had he pushed himself on Taemin, and Taemin had just been too polite to say no? He’d never forgive himself if he’d done something to make Taemin uncomfortable.

  “Quit beating yourself up,” Mr. Avi said. “He’s done nothing but say how much he’s enjoyed your company.”

  “Oh.” Marcus nearly sighed in relief. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “Yeah, I’ll just bet you are. So? What’s going on?”

  “Exactly what you think is going on,” Marcus said, turning his attention back to sweeping. He could talk and sweep at the same time, and it also meant he wouldn’t have to make too much eye contact.

  “Which is? Spell it out for me.”

  Marcus swallowed. Mr. Avi was close to Taemin, Marcus respected him on top of that, and so his opinion was important. Marcus needed to be careful in what he said and how he said it. “I really like him. I care about him a lot.”

  “After a week?”

  “I know,” Marcus said. “I know. But I can’t help it. He’s just….” Perfect. “He means a lot to me.”

  Mr. Avi sighed. “It’s been ten years, kid.”

  “I know,” Marcus said again. But on this he was sure. “It’s been ten years, and after a week I know he’s just as amazing as he was then. Better. I’ve had time to get over being starstruck. Now I’ve spoken to him adult to adult. Even ground.” And loving him is easy. “And I know that I want to try.”

  “Try what?”

  He stopped sweeping to meet Mr. Avi’s eyes. “Making him happy. In whatever way I can do that.”

  Mr. Avi looked at him for a long time, gaze sweeping up and down. Marcus felt like he was being graded. At last Mr. Avi nodded, dropping his arms to his sides. “I knew Julia was it for me the moment I laid eyes on her. You have been making him happy this last week. And I saw you on Saturday. It’s about damn time he had someone in his life who looks at him the way you do.”

  “How’s that?” Marcus couldn’t help but ask.

  Mr. Avi huffed a laugh. “Like he’s your leading man.”

  Chapter Eight

  “FLOOR’S SWEPT,” Mr. Avi said, poking his head into Taemin’s office.

  Taemin looked up from his computer. “Oh! Thank you. I’ll go get the mop. Are you heading out?”

  “Yeah,” Mr. Avi said as Taemin followed him out of the office. “Also, you’ve got a visitor.”

  Taemin felt equal parts delight and dread to see Marcus standing on the mat.

  “Hi,” he said with a little wave, smile small but bright. “How’s the day been?”

  Better, now that I get to see you. “Good,” Taemin said, trying to sound cheerful.

  “Okay,” Mr. Avi said, “I’m taking off. ’Night you two.”

  They both said goodnights, and Mr. Avi waved before leaving the dojang, door jingling as it closed behind him.

  “Did you want to talk now?” Taemin said, after a moment of them just looking at each other. “We can go into the office.”

  Marcus shook his head. “Mr. Avi said you mop on Wednesdays. I don’t want to keep you from that. It’s already been a crazy long day for you.”

  “It’s okay. Mopping doesn’t take very long.” It was mostly to put a layer of disinfectant on the mat. He did it once a week, with an additional sweeping done on Monday, just to keep up the cleanliness of the dojang. “In fact, I can do it tomorrow even, as long as I give it enough time before classes start to let it dry.”

  “Oh no, I—I don’t want to put you off your schedule.”

  Taemin chuckled. “It’s okay. It’s good to change things up once in a while. Come on, we can go talk now.” He turned toward the office.

  “Wait—” Marcus put a hand on his shoulder. “Wait, I—I can say it now.”

  Taemin obligingly turned back around. Marcus sounded nervous. “Is everything okay?”

  Marcus blew out a breath. “God, I—I hope so.”

  “Marcus?” Taemin searched his face, concerned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Nothing at all. I just—” Marcus swallowed and then said, “I really, really like you, Taemin. I was hoping you’d let me take you out. On a real date. One we both acknowledged as a date. If you were maybe interested in seeing where things might go.”

  Taemin’s breath caught. “What?”

  Marcus smiled at him, expression so soft it made Taemin ache. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I’ve really enjoyed just being a part of your life again and having you be a part of mine. I want to keep having that however you’ll let me, if it’s okay with you.”

  “No—I—” Taemin made an aborted motion to touch before pulling his hand back. Was this really—was Marcus offering—was this something he could have? “I—you—you like me? You’d want… you’d want to try having more?”

  Marcus reached out and took Taemin’s hand, meeting his eyes before pressing a kiss to his knuckles. “I want as much as you’re willing to give. No more or less than that.”

  Taemin took a shaky breath. “Then yes. Yes, please. I—yes.”

  “Could I kiss you?” Marcus asked, voice a hoarse whisper.

  Taemin swallowed and nodded, barely daring to believe it.

  Marcus’s free hand was warm against Taemin’s cheek, and Taemin’s eyes slid shut as Marcus leaned down. The brush of lips over his own was warm and soft, and Taemin couldn’t help his free hand going to rest on Marcus’s shoulder, clutching him tight as Marcus moved closer and deepened the kiss.

  It was minutes later before Marcus pulled back. Just enough that they could look into each other’s eyes. “Hey,” he murmured.

  Taemin couldn’t help but smile and press another kiss to the corner of his mouth before he rested his head against Marcus’s chest. Marcus’s arms immediately came up to wrap around him.

  It was safe and warm and perfect.

  MARCUS HAD gotten to tell Taemin how he felt, and Taemin had looked at him with such wonder that it almost hurt. He’d gotten to kiss him and now was holding him and he basically never wanted to move.

  But they couldn’t stand there in the middle of the mat all night.

  “It’s late,” Marcus said eventually, though he was loath to do so. “You’ve had a long day. You should really get home.”

  Taemin’s hands tightened in his shirt and then let go before he took a step back. Marcus already missed his warmth, but it was late. He knew Taemin had been up since five and had gone hard pretty much all day. “I know you’re right.” Taemin sighed. “I just don’t want to say good night yet.”

  Marcus chuckled. “Me neither. But we both have lots to do tomorrow.” He was spending the entire day working on fight choreography, in between looking over the script. His day out of days was supposed to be released tomorrow, too, so he’d be talking to Billy about his schedule for the upcoming week.

  “And Friday,” Taemin said ruefully. “Saturday too, until I’m done with classes. But… maybe Saturday afternoon if you’re free?”

  “Absolutely,” Marcus said quickly. “Yes. After your last class ends at one?”

  Taemin bit his lip, obviously torn. “I really should spend at least another hour on the mat after class, just to get some more practice in.”

  “How about this,” Marcus said. “I’m not working Saturday. Won’t be, until we really begin filming next week. How about I come in for the specialty training class and I do the best I can to give you a run for your money? And then we can do something after. You already do the conditioning class in the morning, right? So with that and time with me, you’ll get at least some training out of it.”

  Taemin blinked. “
I—I guess that’d be okay.”

  “Okay,” Marcus said warmly. “We’ve got a plan, then.”

  Taemin smiled at him. “A good one, even.”

  Marcus moved to cup Taemin’s cheek, unable to help himself, and his breathing went ragged when Taemin closed his eyes and nuzzled into his hand. “God, it’s going to feel like forever until I can see you again.”

  “We’ll both be busy,” Taemin said, eyes still closed. “It’ll help time pass faster.”

  “If you say so.” Marcus trailed his hand down the side of Taemin’s face before leaning down to press one more kiss to his lips. “I’ll see you Saturday, okay?”

  Taemin nodded. “Saturday.”

  “Okay.” Marcus stepped back. “Let’s close up, then, yeah? So I know you’re actually leaving to go home and get some rest.”

  Taemin made a face. “Honestly. No one trusts me to take care of myself.”

  “Nah, I know you can.” Mostly. “It’s just that I want to take care of you too.”


  Marcus smiled at him. “C’mon. Let’s get your stuff and hit the lights.”

  They might have lingered in the parking lot just a little longer, but eventually they managed to say final goodnights, get into their own cars, and drive off.

  Marcus didn’t remember any of his drive to his apartment, and he made it inside in a daze. He’d already eaten, so it was only a matter of brushing his teeth and getting undressed before he was sliding into bed.

  He lay back against his pillows and closed his eyes, breathing out. Fuck, he’d been allowed. Allowed to touch Taemin and not feel guilty, allowed to hold him, to kiss him—it was everything he’d been dreaming about since they’d first been reunited.

  Marcus touched his fingers to his lips, remembering how Taemin had tasted. The quiet little sounds he’d made against Marcus’s mouth. He swallowed, picturing Taemin’s eyes closed in pleasure. Maybe making more of those noises as Marcus touched him, ran his hands up and down Taemin’s body.

  His free hand crept lower, stroking down the flat planes of his stomach as he imagined touching Taemin the same way. Feeling him, strong and lean, honed from years of training. Marcus would do his level best to make Taemin come apart.

  It would start with kissing him. Marcus really enjoyed kissing, and he knew he’d never get tired of Taemin’s mouth, the velvety slide of lips and tongue. Maybe as they kissed, Taemin would let Marcus lay him down, would even arch up against him as Marcus elicited more sounds. God, just hearing them tonight….

  He shuddered, overtaken with the image of Taemin gasping in pleasure as they moved together. As Marcus used his body, the body he’d worked so hard on, to make Taemin feel as good as he possibly could.

  Marcus fisted a hand in the sheets and came with a groan, picturing himself coaxing Taemin into doing the same.

  It was minutes before he managed to get his breathing back under control, the thought that he might one day be able to do more than just imagine leaving him winded all over again.

  Only a week had passed, but he knew that this was something he wanted to work. To last.

  He so hoped Taemin felt the same way.

  TAEMIN’S THURSDAY was, to the outside eye, probably business as usual. He did get up and go to the academy, first to mop, then to do paperwork while he waited for the mat to dry. After, he did his own regular workout, headed home to shower and eat something quickly before he went right back out again to do his volunteer work of the day.

  The only big change was how he felt, which was so happy that he might burst from it. Last night he hadn’t had much more energy than to get home and drop into bed, the memory of Marcus’s kisses and gentle smile easing him to sleep.

  Now he was awake enough to really remember every detail, and just the phantom feeling of Marcus’s warmth enveloping him was delicious.

  Hope your day is going well, Marcus texted him around one fifteen, just as Taemin was leaving the hospital. Missing you.

  Taemin propped himself up against his car to type back. It’s going very well. How are things on your end?

  Well it started out great, since I had a good memory to wake up to. And the choreography is a lot of fun to learn. Hard work, but I’m not afraid of that.

  I know, Taemin replied, unable to help his smile. You work very hard. It’s very admirable.

  Stop, you’ll make me blush.

  It made Taemin grin, that Marcus was flirting. That it was done so easily. I’m sure it’s a good look on you, he sent back. What are you doing right now?

  Breaking to eat. Then I’m meeting up with Billy for scheduling stuff. He likes it when we actually sit down to go over things when we can, over doing things on the phone.

  It sounds like he’s very good at his job.

  He’s the best, Marcus sent. I owe him a lot. It’d be cool if you met him at some point. I think you two’d get along.

  I’d be happy to!

  And you? What are you doing right now?

  I just finished with Kids Kicking Cancer, Taemin replied. Now I have a little free time until classes begin this afternoon.

  Free time! That’s a marvel.

  I know, Taemin replied wryly. But it’ll be time well spent. Grocery shopping, for one thing.

  And then eating lunch after, right?

  That was a good point. Taemin had planned to go grocery shopping and then maybe take a nap until he had to head over to the school, but he should probably fit lunch into his plans too. Yes, and eating lunch.

  Good to hear. I should probably get my head back into the game now, though. Talk to you later?

  Of course, Taemin sent. Text me anytime. I’ll reply when I can.

  Right back atcha.

  Smiling, Taemin stowed his phone and got into his car, going straight home. He lived fairly close to a superstore and felt silly driving when he could simply walk. Since it was just him, he didn’t have to buy a lot of groceries, especially not at one time. He usually just bought things as needed when he ran out, and the perishables he went through during the week.

  His list today was fairly small, so he was in and out of the store in less than an hour. Then it was back to his building and up the stairs to put everything away.

  He got distracted after that was done, because he needed to water his plants and vacuum, and then he decided that since he was vacuuming, it was probably a good time to start a load of laundry while he cleaned his bathroom. It was only once he’d put his clothes into the dryer that he remembered about actually eating lunch.

  That was easy, though. He started his rice cooker, placing some broccoli in the steamer basket over it while the rice cooked, and pulled out some of the chicken he’d just bought and got that into a pan with some oil and seasoning. It cooked up pretty fast, and the rice wasn’t too far behind, so soon enough he had a good, well-balanced lunch. Preeti would be proud.

  Feeling a little mischievous, he even took a picture and sent it to her.

  He got a !!! good job Master Choi!! a few minutes later, which made him snicker. And made him think of someone else who might appreciate the photo.

  “HEY, BILLY,” Marcus said, sitting down across from Billy in the Starbucks they’d agreed to meet at. “How’s it going?”

  “Not bad. Got some interview requests that I wanted to talk over with you.” He raised an eyebrow. “Not a whole lot else, since you didn’t want me at the gym today.”

  Marcus shrugged. “We’ll be there a lot for the next few months. Figured you could use the first week off.”

  Billy rolled his eyes. “I’m not a wilting flower. And my literal job is to follow you around wherever you go.”

  “Unless I say otherwise.”

  “Yes,” Billy said, exasperated, “unless you say otherwise. In certain circumstances because sometimes I overrule you, that also kind of being a part of my job, if I want to do it well.”

  “Which is why you’ve got the job in the first place.” Marcus grinned.

  “Oh my g
od, this is the dumbest conversation we’ve ever had. I’m coming to the gym with you tomorrow, and I will talk to very important people and not-so-important people on the phone and get you snacks when you want snacks. I don’t have to have involved conversations with everyone in the damn gym.”

  “Okay, okay.” Marcus held up his hands. “Your call.”

  “Yes. It is. Thank you.” Billy took a sip of his latte. “Now then, to business, maybe? Could we do that?”

  Marcus chuckled. “Yeah, okay, sure.”

  They had their heads bent together over the day out of days that outlined Marcus’s tentative schedule for the next two weeks when Marcus’s phone beeped. Billy went quiet while Marcus checked who it was from. Billy was the one who got most of Marcus’s scheduling updates, but sometimes they went straight to Marcus. And Billy wasn’t always the liaison between Marcus and the rest of the cast; Marcus was currently in conversation with a bunch of other people he’d be on set with, from Roger to Leo to Hailey (and her mom).

  When he saw who it was from, though, he couldn’t help a grin. Taemin had sent him a picture of a plate of food. Lunch, he’d written. Photographic evidence. See? No reason to make a fuss.

  I appreciate the update, Marcus typed back. You’ve accomplished a lot this day.

  Oh hush.

  He sent back a couple emojis and then looked up to see Billy watching him. “What?”

  Billy tilted his head. “Good news?”

  “I—yeah. I talked to Taemin.”

  “Well,” Billy said after a second, “you’re beaming, so I’m guessing things went well?”

  Marcus glanced back down at his phone. “Yeah. Yeah, really well.”

  “Good,” Billy said vehemently. Marcus looked back up, startled at the ferocity of it. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “It was halfway your advice that pushed me to do it,” Marcus said honestly. “Thank you.”

  At that, Billy smirked. “See? I’m good at my job.”

  “And at being a friend.”

  “Okay, I guess that too.” Billy shook his head. “But really. I’m happy for you. It’s about damn time you found someone who makes you happy the way he obviously does.”


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