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Hitting the Mark

Page 13

by Aidan Wayne

  Leo laughed again, big and booming. “How soon should we plan on wedding bells, huh?”

  “Okay, for that it’s a little early.” Think with the head and not with the heart, self. It’d only been a few weeks. The relationship was still so new, it wasn’t right to be thinking of that sort of future. Even if Taemin was everything Marcus could ever want.

  Leo blinked, then looked at him hard. “Man, fuck. I wasn’t being serious. But you are, aren’t you?”

  Marcus shrugged, trying for nonchalant but knowing he’d been caught out. They both made their livings reading body language. And Leo knew Marcus pretty well, after all this time. “I’m not trying to make things more than they are right now. If nothing else, that puts way too much pressure on something that we’re both just trying to get a feel for.”

  “And yet?”

  Marcus sighed. “And yet.”

  “Wow,” Leo said after a moment. “I, uh, congratulations, I guess. That’s pretty big. That you feel this way. It’s… you haven’t really, have you? Before.”

  Marcus shook this head. “I’m probably more serious about this than I’ve been about anything. Definitely in terms of a relationship.” He’d met people on set before that he’d liked, who he’d had fun with. But, “We just click. In a way I never have with someone.”

  Leo nodded, a faraway look in his eyes. “All right. All right. Well. That’s great.”

  “Thanks, Leo.”

  “YOU MADE it,” Taemin said as he ushered Marcus into his apartment. “Welcome.”

  “Hey,” Marcus said with a smile before he leaned down to kiss him hello. Taemin tilted his face up for the kiss, thrilled at the ease of it. How natural it seemed for Marcus to do so. “Thanks for having me over.”

  “Please. Of course. I’m so happy to see you again.”

  “Yeah,” Marcus said, looking at him with such warmth. “Same here.”

  Taemin had texted Marcus as he picked up their food, before he started home, so Marcus had only arrived a little after Taemin did. It meant everything was still warm. Taemin had already set the table. “How was your day so far?”

  “Great. Easy. And a nice last hurrah of free time, considering that full-on filming starts tomorrow.”

  “What did you do?” Taemin asked as they started to serve themselves.

  “Just some puttering around in the morning, and then I met up with Leo. We work together but are pretty good friends outside of the set. It’s kinda nice to see him when we’re not both in the working mindset, you know?”

  Taemin nodded. “I can understand that. It’s a little like that with Preeti and Mr. Avi. Even if they both insist on calling me Master Choi even in downtime.”

  Marcus chuckled. “I can see that. Can’t say I blame them.”

  “Well,” Taemin said, “I’m glad you’re not in the habit anymore.”

  Marcus looked at him, expression playful. “Me too. And? What about you? How did training go today?”

  “Really well,” Taemin said. “Brutal, but it always is. You always feel so accomplished after pushing that hard.”

  “Not too hard, though, right?” Marcus still looked playful, but it seemed like there was an undercurrent of real concern.

  Taemin shook his head, hoping to dispel it. “Nothing I can’t handle.”

  “Right, of course. How was the exhibition on Saturday?”

  They chatted easily back and forth as they ate. Taemin was a little surprised at how hungry he ended up being, though he supposed he shouldn’t have been. After all, he hadn’t eaten a whole lot yesterday, and his breakfast had been pretty light, what with going to train in the morning. Between the two of them, they decimated the food.

  “What time does filming start tomorrow?” Taemin asked as he went to wash the dishes. He had a dishwasher, but he mostly used it as a glorified drying rack. With only him eating—and, to be fair, sometimes forgetting to—it was rarely worth it to run the dishwasher. Marcus came up beside him to talk over the sound of water. He’d offered to help, which Taemin had immediately refused.

  “Not sure when filming actually’ll start, but my call time is nine. That’s when I’ve got to be on set for hair and makeup. Billy’s picking me up from my apartment around eight thirty.”

  “Are you looking forward to getting started?”

  “Oh yeah, for sure. I’ve been reading the script—different versions of the script—for weeks now. I’ve talked to London, a lot of the rest of the cast, I’m getting choreography for stunts and fights—I’m ready to start putting it all together.”

  “Good, then. Sounds like it’ll be a lot of fun. Hard work, but fun.”

  “That’s about right.” Marcus grinned. “It’s a good life.”

  “I’m glad.”

  Two dishes and sets of cutlery cleaned up fast. Taemin set them aside to dry and then turned around fully, looking up at Marcus and—not hesitating before taking his hand to lead him into the living room. Marcus curled his fingers around Taemin’s own and followed.

  “Would you like to watch something?” Taemin asked, feeling—not nervous, but definitely butterflies, as they sat next to each other on the couch.

  Marcus smiled. “Sure, that sounds good. What did you have in mind?”

  Taemin laughed a little ruefully. “I was hoping you might be able to suggest something. You pretty much know my tastes.”

  “Okay, sure. Let me see what’s playing right now.”

  Marcus picked an action movie that Taemin had never heard of, but one Marcus liked. (“I know the guy who plays the main character and the girl who plays his little sister. They’ve got a great dynamic onscreen.”) They settled back to watch it, pressed against each other, Marcus’s arm a warm weight across Taemin’s shoulders.

  The movie was interesting, but Taemin felt himself drifting as it went on. It was just peaceful. Being held by Marcus in the comfort of Taemin’s living room. And he had to admit to being a little tired. Maybe… if he just closed his eyes….

  MARCUS WASN’T completely sure when Taemin fell asleep, tucked up against him, but it was a bit of a thrill to be trusted so much. All he did was pull him a little closer and turn the sound down on the TV.

  Taemin stirred just as the credits were starting to roll.

  “Hey,” Marcus murmured. “You awake?”

  “Mm?” Taemin blinked sleepily up at him. God, he was cute. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. It looks like I missed the movie.” He sounded disappointed.

  “It’s okay,” Marcus said. “We can always just watch it again. And I’m sure you needed the rest.”

  Taemin pulled away enough to roll out his neck, then immediately nuzzled back into Marcus. Marcus sighed happily and reached for his hand, stroking his thumb over the back of Taemin’s knuckles. Taemin shifted to bring Marcus’s hand up to kiss it, then turned more toward him.

  Marcus met him for the kiss, arms coming to curl around Taemin’s back and pull him closer, Taemin going easily, eagerly. Soft, sleepy kisses turned heated, Marcus licking into Taemin’s mouth before, at the vivid memory, he nipped his lower lip.

  Taemin let out a soft gasp that only made Marcus desperate to hear it again. He moved to kiss underneath Taemin’s jaw, then lower, pulling Taemin’s T-shirt down to nose at his collarbone, and sucked there, reveling in Taemin’s broken moan, the feel of his fingers flexing against Marcus’s back. “Good?” he asked against Taemin’s skin.

  Taemin whimpered, then tugged on Marcus’s shirt, pulling him back up to kiss him. Marcus was only too happy to oblige.

  Kissing Taemin was dizzying, having him here in Marcus’s arms, responding so beautifully. Marcus wanted more, more touches, more kisses, more sounds, everything Taemin was willing to give.

  When they both paused for air, panting and staring into each other’s eyes, Taemin smiled, this shy, bright little flash, before he reached forward, hand coming to rest just on Marcus’s waist. His fingers dipped underneath Marcus’s shirt before they stilled. “Oka

  “Very, very okay,” Marcus said, grinning. “I could just take it off.”

  Taemin’s laugh was barely an exhale. “I would not say no.”

  Marcus’s own laugh was a little louder as he pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it to the floor.

  Taemin placed his hands on Marcus’s shoulders, then stroked them down Marcus’s chest, Marcus shuddering as he did so. He caught one of Taemin’s hands and pressed his lips to his wrist, trailed a line of kisses up Taemin’s arm as he moved Taemin back down against the couch cushions. When he reached the sleeve of Taemin’s shirt, he tugged a little at the fabric with his teeth before he let go.

  Taemin grinned up at him. “Was that a hint?”

  Marcus smirked. “If you wanted it to be.”

  Taemin sat up—no hands, just an unassisted sit-up, and Marcus gave him just enough room to allow Taemin to pull his shirt over his head. Marcus immediately honed in on his collarbone again as Taemin clutched at him, breathing loud and ragged.

  Marcus spent long minutes happily working on Taemin’s jaw, neck, and collar. He was careful not to suck too hard, not where it would be visible, but the temptation was ridiculously strong. Especially considering how arousing Taemin’s reactions were.

  They were both hard now, moving against each other, until Taemin, after pulling Marcus up for another wet, messy kiss, put a hand on his shoulder. “Marcus?”

  Marcus tried to catch his breath. “Yeah?”

  Taemin licked his lips, now flushed and swollen. Marcus tracked his pink tongue before nudging him gently when Taemin didn’t say anything. “Yeah?” he asked again. “What’s up?”

  “I—I know it’s soon. But—”

  Marcus stopped breathing. “But?” he prompted when Taemin paused.

  Taemin bit his lip, then let out a breath. “I know it’s soon,” he said again. “So please don’t feel pressured if you don’t feel ready, but… I’d love to have you come to bed with me. If you wanted.”

  He wanted. He absolutely wanted. “Yes,” Marcus breathed. “Yes, yeah, if—if you’re sure—”

  At that, Taemin smiled at him, face flushed, hair a mess, the most beautiful thing Marcus had ever seen. “Very, very sure.” He moved fluidly off the couch to standing, then took Marcus’s hand and tugged him to his feet. Marcus went, happy to go wherever Taemin wanted him, but even more so now.

  TAEMIN LED him into his bedroom. It was bright and open, just like the rest of the apartment, with minimal furnishings: a bed, side tables and lamp, a wire-frame bookshelf filled with plants. Here, the walls weren’t decorated, just a calm off-white, surrounding Taemin’s dark blue bedspread.

  The bed was neatly made, which was completely expected, but Taemin pulled the comforter down, so it was just the sheets, also a dark blue. Marcus watched dumbly as Taemin sat down on the bed and motioned him forward. “Come here?”

  Throat dry, Marcus stepped closer, hovering in front of him. “I—can I—”

  In answer, Taemin reached for his hand, tugging him forward as he scooted backward on the bed, to let Marcus climb up next to him. Now Marcus was the one to reach for Taemin, gently coaxing him onto his back. Taemin went easily, smiling up at him, and the only thought left in Marcus’s head after seeing that expression now was the intent to take Taemin completely apart.

  One touch at a time.

  He moved to blanket Taemin, catching his mouth again, thrilling as Taemin’s arms came to wrap around his back and pull him ever closer. He used one hand to brace above Taemin’s head so he didn’t completely crush him, trailing the other hand down until he could stroke his thumb over the top of Taemin’s hip, just where his shorts started. “Okay?”

  “Yes,” Taemin managed between kisses, shifting. “Here, let me—”

  “Can I?”

  Taemin blinked up at him, startled, before he grinned. “Whatever you’d like.”

  Marcus grinned back as his heart raced faster. “That’s giving me a lot of power.”

  Taemin chuckled. Pinned underneath Marcus, splayed out and open. “I trust you.”

  Marcus had to kiss him again, take his mouth even as his free hand trailed just a little lower, popped the button on Taemin’s shorts and unzipped, before he slid his hand inside.

  Taemin bucked up underneath him at the touch, letting out a quiet moan that Marcus greedily swallowed before he started to kiss down Taemin’s chest, tongue circling a nipple and then sucking it into his mouth. This time the moan was louder, Marcus smiling against Taemin’s skin before he moved to the other nipple, still stroking him inside his shorts. Taemin clutched at Marcus’s shoulders before he pushed at him lightly. Marcus obligingly pulled back. “Too much?”

  Taemin shook his head. Then he grinned up at Marcus, hooked his ankle around Marcus’s own, and neatly flipped them over.

  Marcus blinked up at him. “Okay,” he said breathlessly. “Wow.”

  Taemin’s fingers found the waistband of Marcus’s own shorts. “May I?”

  “Better idea, if you’re okay with it,” Marcus managed. “All clothes can go.”

  Taemin laughed, sounding just as breathless, before he got up and off Marcus. Marcus was disappointed for all of two seconds before Taemin shimmied out of his shorts and briefs. Then he took a moment to simply look at him.

  Taemin shifted on the bed. “I’m hoping that expression means you see something you like.” He sounded playful, but there might have been an undercurrent of worry there.

  “You are the sexiest fucking thing I have ever seen,” Marcus panted. And I get to have this. I get to have you.

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” Taemin tugged at the hem of Marcus’s shorts. “Off?”

  Marcus wriggled out of his clothes and dropped them over the side of the bed, then kneeled back up to catch Taemin for another kiss.

  They shifted until they were horizontal again, Taemin back on top, propped on Marcus’s chest as they traded messy kisses, grinding against each other, movements getting desperate.

  Marcus, well and truly overwhelmed, came first, curling up underneath Taemin, his groan punched out of him. He barely gave himself time to catch his breath, though, before he rolled them over, pressing down to feel every inch of skin as he curled a hand around Taemin.

  When Taemin came, it was with a gasp, head thrown back, legs tightening around Marcus’s own where they were tangled together.

  He was so, so gorgeous.

  Taemin adjusted them until they were lying on their sides facing each other as they both caught their breath. He leaned in to press a light kiss to Marcus’s cheek, a quick, gentle thing, before he nuzzled into Marcus’s chest. Marcus immediately brought his hands up to hold him.

  “I like this,” Taemin said quietly, after several long moments of peaceful silence. “Just having you here with me, like this.”

  “So do I,” Marcus said.

  WHEN TAEMIN blinked awake, the lighting in the room had changed, denoting the fact that it was now early evening. He shifted in Marcus’s arms, and Marcus stirred next to him.


  And that was a sight, watching Marcus slowly open his eyes. And smile, sleepy but so bright. “Hey there.”

  Taemin couldn’t help but smile back. “Hey. We ended up drifting, it looks like.”

  Marcus sat up and stretched. Taemin admired the lines of him. “Can’t say I minded waking up to you.”

  “Same here,” Taemin said. Because oh, he really hadn’t.

  Marcus reached out a hand to cup his cheek before leaning in to kiss him. When he pulled back, he looked rueful. “We should probably get cleaned up. If nothing else because it looks like it might be dinnertime. And even if we ordered in, I think the delivery people would appreciate if we wore clothes.”

  Taemin hadn’t even thought about that, but he supposed Marcus was probably right. However, “I’m not sure how right you are, about them wanting you to be dressed.”

  Marcus grinned at him. “Yeah?”

“But I really would prefer having you all to myself.”

  A laugh. “Me too.”

  Taemin got up off the bed, rolling his shoulders as he stood up. “Would you like a shower?”

  Marcus looked at him mischievously. “Do I get you in it with me?”

  “If you feel like following me in,” Taemin said playfully over his shoulder as he walked to the bathroom.

  Both of them were used to quick showers, but now they took their time, washing each other instead of themselves and kissing under the spray. When they both finally did emerge, it was to pink cheeks and a cloud of steam.

  They detoured back to Taemin’s bedroom to grab their discarded bottoms, then headed out into the living room for their shirts. When Taemin went to put his on, Marcus waved a hand. “Wait,” he said plaintively. “We haven’t even ordered food yet. Can I get you shirtless for a little bit longer?”

  Taemin laughed but obligingly folded his shirt and placed it on the arm of the couch. “Better?”

  “Much,” Marcus said with feeling. “What are you in the mood for?”

  Taemin raised an eyebrow and tracked his eyes up and down Marcus’s body, appreciating the fact that he, too, was still shirtless.

  Marcus snickered. “Okay, point taken. But seriously, to eat?” He held up his phone.

  “Are you sure you don’t mind eating in again?”

  “Not at all. I’d really rather be here with you. I much prefer your eyes on me, over the public’s ones.”

  Taemin nodded in understanding. “Well, all right. Panera, maybe? Since we had Chinese food for lunch, I think I’d like something a little lighter.”

  “Yeah, that sounds great. Let’s do that.”

  When their food arrived, they took it back to the couch instead of eating at the kitchen table, sitting side-by-side and talking about the week’s plans.

  “I can’t believe you leave next Friday,” Marcus said, when the trials came up.

  “I know! I’m still not sure I’m ready, but I also am about as ready as I’ll ever be, I think.”

  “You’ve been working really hard.”


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