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Ultimate Alpha Boxed Set: A BBW and Wolf Shifter collection

Page 20

by Bolryder, Terry

  He takes my hands gently in his, lightly kisses my fingertips, sucks gently on each, making me moan quietly in desperation, and then pushes my hands softly to my sides, so that I’m open to him. He returns to kiss the base of my neck, then moves to my shoulder, lightly nips the skin there, then kisses the tip of my chin, and even places a tender kiss on my nose.

  Nothing in the world compares to the sight of Rafe, here with me, loving me wholly.

  He lets go of my hands, which he was still holding at my sides, and reaches for my shirt, sliding it over my shoulders to expose my bra. He licks his lips at the sight of my mostly exposed chest, and I motion for him to take off his shirt while I take of my bra. He pulls it over his head with both arms, leaving him shirtless and breathtaking in front of me, with that magnificent chest and that face I love so much, striking and beautiful, yet completely masculine.

  I reach for the back of my bra, undo it, and let it fall onto the ground.

  I hold my breath, waiting for his next movement.

  Chapter 8

  For a moment Rafe just looks at me, taking in the sight of my beautiful body. He bites his lower lip and then brings his hands to my breasts, holding them and supporting them. Then he gives both a delicious, satisfying kiss, sucking and nibbling the tender skin there. I blush and bring my arms up but he pushes them away and takes my breasts again, heat radiating from his brilliantly blue eyes. He kneads them a little, enjoying the softness. I can hear him sigh lightly.

  “You’re so beautiful Aspen. You drive me crazy,” he says, his breath husky.

  He’s gone back to kissing them again. Kissing and licking a searing path over my sensitive skin and nipples. He pauses over each, meeting my eyes with his before flicking a tongue out over the sensitive nibs.

  He’s driving me crazy, making me feel hot as if my entire body is on fire, but especially between my legs, where I’m ready for him. Waiting for him. Wanting him to claim me now.

  “Are you going to claim me or what, sexy guy?” I manage to gasp out between the soft moans that he seems to draw from me compulsively.

  Rafe smiles at me, his eyes dark and erotic. I let him undo the button to my pants. He pulls them off carefully, then crawls over me possessively. I love feeling his big body. I pull him close and just hold him there this time, breathing against his shoulder, listening to his heartbeat.

  “I love you, Rafe.”

  “I love you too, Aspen,” he says, nipping my lip and kissing my nose lightly.

  “So,” I say, reaching for the waist of his jeans. “Is it my turn to see you naked too?”

  “I was naked when I carried you in the other day.”

  “So you were, but I didn’t get a chance to really notice or enjoy it.”

  “Well, I guess you’ll get that chance now, then.” He gives me a wolfish grin and takes a deep breath, like maybe there’s still a hint of nerves at showing himself to me completely. But with typical alpha courage, he stands up, pulls off his shirt in front of me, and goes to remove his pants.

  “Wait, just a second. I want to enjoy this,” I say, trying to keep from giggling at how absurdly hot he is. He smiles at me, eyes slightly curious as to why I’m doing this, but he obeys my command and stands there, my alpha, posing for me in his tight jeans that sit on his perfect hips.

  Everything is perfect about him- his gorgeous face, taut pecs, abs that taper with ken doll lines down a tight waist. Not to mention the tight bulge in the front of his jeans that tells me he thinks I’m equally perfect and fills me with anticipation of what’s coming.

  “Ok. Now come claim me, alpha,” I say playfully as he joins me back on the bed again. The room is a perfectly dimmed brightness, where we can see each other perfectly, but the mood is erotic and mysterious.

  “This time, we’ll go all the way together. Just you and me, and forever in front of us,” he says. He kneels and slowly undoes the button to his jeans and I resist the urge to lick my lips in response. My heart is racing, waiting to see him as he pulls it a little ways down.

  “Nothing in the world makes me happier than you do, Aspen,” he says.

  “You, my love, are teasing me,” I say.

  “Mate,” he says, pulling the zipper a little bit lower, a knowing grin on his face. “Your mate.”

  “Mate,” I say, testing the words on my lips. It feels right.

  He smiles, and then the zipper comes the rest of the way down. I grin. He’s gorgeous. Then the jeans are off, followed by his boxers. And he’s completely naked with me on the bed. And I’m not sure what’s hotter to me, his muscular, perfect body and gorgeous face, or the knowledge that this incredible man is head over heels in love with me.

  Both, I guess.

  Along with who he is as a person. The kind, caring, protective person that is reaching for me as we come together. As he gently sheds off the last of my clothing and brings our warm, hot bodies together.

  We have yet to actually complete the claiming, and I’m already turned on beyond what I can fathom. That’s what love does I guess.

  But then he makes a move, and I know the best is yet to come.

  I turn to my side in Rafe’s arms, allowing him to kiss my neck and back and anywhere else he likes in preparation. I give into him completely, and he takes me to places I never imagined I could go.

  He’s already coming to know my body better with each minute, but he still seems so pleased each time he finds a new place that sets my body on fire, like the end of my elbow, or the inside of my thighs. And I can see that he’s not only happy to kiss everything in sight, but driven by a primal urge to please me, to turn me on, that makes it feel like he’s everywhere at once.

  With a quick smile, he then lifts me up and gives me a long, slow kiss at the apex of my thighs that almost pushes me over the edge. I bring both hands to my face and just hold on, letting out a soft moan, and Rafe looks up at me with satisfied wolf eyes. He goes back to kissing me again, white hot kisses. All I can do is throw my head back and just surrender to the passion and the heat of his pleasuring.

  I’m with Rafe, completely, finally, and I can’t take my mind off waiting excitedly for the moment we are leading up to, when he’ll enter me and make us one, the moment he shows me just how much I’m his and his alone, and shows me that he belongs to me only.

  I can’t wait to see his face when I make him lose control. He continues to kiss me at the center of my sensitivity, building the fire inside of me until one last, slow kiss breaks me apart and I arch into the soft covers of the bed, twisting the sheets in my fingers, holding on as each wave of pleasure overwhelms me. I call out Rafe’s name over and over.

  I open my eyes and see him watching me, a possessive, heated expression that shows me just how much it pleased him to watch me go. I reach for him and he gathers me into his arms.

  “That was so amazing, I… I don’t know what to say,” he says, blinking a few times as if even he’s shocked by the intensity of the feeling. “You’re so beautiful.”


  “Yes, Aspen.” He sighs, his head next to my neck. “I’m not the best with words. Especially when it’s speaking with the woman I’ve loved my entire life. But watching you come apart in my arms, it’s the closest thing to perfection I can ever imagine.”

  I sigh and hold him tight, carried away by the emotion of it all. Of the wonderful experience we’re building to, and knowing that it’s only the beginning for us. The beginning of forever with Rafe.


  “Yes, Aspen?”

  “I’m ready.”

  Rafe smiles and growls again, and he sits up, looking me over again with those beautiful, striking blue eyes, darkened by arousal and his slightly lowered lashes. I lean back into the pillows, stretching sexily for his gaze. He eyes me over and his body responds. Then in one deft movement, he’s closed the distance between us, right on top of me, our chests touching, our eyes looking deeply into each other’s.

  He moves his hips against mi
ne, teasing me slowly at my entrance. I sigh, the anticipation and excitement building to record heights inside of me. He reaches for my legs, but unable to wait any longer, I pull them apart and wrap them around his back, locking around him with my ankles. Holding his weight up with his strong hands, he leans forward, and biting his lip in concentration, he enters me in one smooth stroke. I gasp in pleasure as he settles inside me easily. Like he was always meant to fit there.

  It feels so indescribably good, and my eyes close in pleasure as my head falls back against the bed. I run a hand through my hair, pulling it gently, so immersed in the feeling of him inside me, the pressure of him filling me, the warmth.

  I open my eyes, still overwhelmed by sensation, and look up at him. His lips are parted slightly. He looks down at me with the same look he had earlier. Like he’s overcome with lust and satisfaction at seeing the woman he loves overcome with pleasure. Pleasure he caused.

  But he also looks like he’s experiencing something incredible, something intense and overwhelming at the same time.

  “So hot,” he utters. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” I nod eagerly, encouraging him on with a tilt of my hips.

  He smiles, and starts to move inside of me, slowly pulling out and then pushing back in, achingly filling each inch of me as I bite my lip against the surge of unexpected sensation beyond anything I had ever imagined. He’s sending off fireworks inside of me that go off across my entire body.

  I can see Rafe’s pleasure too. His body tightens with it, his eyes go unfocused as he fights to focus on me and not the feeling building within him. He sighs, a sound that resonates in the room.

  “That feels so amazing, Aspen,” he says. “You don’t even know…I can’t explain…I never thought…”

  “Just don’t you dare stop,” I reply.

  “I won’t,” he assures me. Despite the tension in his face, he’s still maintaining perfect control, coming in and out of me with each perfect motion that maximizes the pleasure for me, allowing me to savor every inch of him as he joins with me completely. I almost feel like we’re one being, Rafe and I. I don’t even know where he ends and I begin, but I do know that the pressure is building inside of me at an unbelievable rate, and I can’t hold off for much longer.

  “Rafe, I…” I bite down, unable to finish my sentence as my mind goes blank and my senses explode with pleasure. Every nerve ending and square inch of my body comes with incredible force, hot like a firestorm and crashing like the sea. For a moment all I can see are stars, the room appearing lit up by the unimaginable sensations. Wave after wave of perfect completion cascades through me as I climax. I can hear myself crying out his name, over and over, and I can feel Rafe inside of me, waiting, holding me close. The sensation begins to subside as I return to myself, almost as if coming back from an out-of-body experience.

  Rafe, eyeing me with triumph and satisfaction, brings his head down and rubs my nose lovingly, then kisses me on the lips.

  For a moment I lay there, thinking about us, here and now. How far we’ve come. I’m amazed to think of what I would have thought had I known this is where we would be two years ago. Before everything that has happened recently.

  “That looked like it felt good,” he says.

  All I can do is nod while still gasping for air, my lungs having expelled all my breath a few seconds ago.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll claim you completely.” I can hear anticipation in his voice too.

  I smile and he starts to move inside of me again. This time a little faster. His tantalizingly slow motions are becoming faster thrusts, and I can feel the pleasure building inside both of us along with his movements.

  I can hear his and my breathing getting quicker, our breaths coming and going in unison with each thrust. It’s getting closer. I want to reach where this is taking us, and yet I never want it to stop. It’s so pleasurable it’s almost painful, each nerve in my body tensed in anticipation of the possibility of a orgasm even more powerful than the one I just had.

  I feel like I can’t get any closer to the edge without careening off it at this point, and the heat and pleasure in Rafe’s eyes makes me think he’s ready too.

  His muscles are tensing, his eyes are locked on mine. He’s clearly waiting for me to come first, so he can go over the edge with me. The heat of anticipation is palpable in the air.

  All at once, I can feel both of our bodies go together. Even stronger than before, the pleasure explodes inside of me, and then I can feel Rafe let go, can feel him hard and rigid inside of me, moving as if trying to ensure every last bit of pleasure for me as I take my release.

  All I can feel is Rafe and the complete, utter joy I’m experiencing right now with him. Rafe’s face tenses, then releases as he throws his head back. He lets out a low howl, an act of sheer dominance and pleasure as he claims me completely.

  The wolf in him is finally home.

  I’ve been claimed, and all I know is that I want to be claimed by Rafe again and again.

  The waves of pleasure are starting to recede back, leaving me with a comfortable light headedness, and I slump back into the soft bed, finally sated. Rafe comes out of me slowly and rolls over to lie next to me, arms coming around me and snuggling me against him possessively. We both sigh long sighs of relief, satisfaction, and pure happiness, and then look at each other and smile.

  “So, what’s it like to be claimed by the Alpha?” he asks, a knowing glint in his pleased blue eyes that seem happier than I’ve ever seen them before.

  “It’s not bad,” I reply playfully. “How does it feel to know you’ve finally won the alpha games?”

  “Oh, Aspen. There was never any real competition.” He smiles back with a glint of knowing in his eye. “I always knew I was going to win.”

  I guess he’s right. And holding my alpha here in my arms, I’m pretty sure I’m the real winner.

  Chapter 9

  Rafe goes to the bathroom and turns on what sound like the tub, then comes back and leans over me.

  “Would you like to spend a few minutes relaxing in some hot water?” he asks.

  “That sounds marvelous,” I say with a stretch, still feeling very pleased and satisfied from tonight’s adventures.

  With a single motion, Rafe picks me up and walks me gently towards the master bath connected to his room. He sets me in a giant jacuzzi tub that’s already half-full. The water is warm and feels luxurious, and I lay back and enjoy the feel of the water warming my skin and cradling my body. Rafe grabs a jar of something from a counter and pours it into the tub. The scent is very mild, lavender and other flowers mixed with a smell that reminds me of an ocean breeze crossed with a spring meadow.

  “You never told me you had one of these back here,” I tease Rafe.

  “Frankly, I hardly ever use it, but I figured you would like something nice to relax in after tonight,” he replies, unable to keep a smile from his face while talking about what happened earlier. I smile too and blush a little. The physical memory is still fresh in my mind and body. I feel completely content, and yet I can’t wait for the next time we’re able to do that again.

  I catch Rafe looking at me, smiling peacefully, as if he knows my thoughts and is thinking the same thing.

  The tub is full at this point and Rafe turns off the faucet, leaving the jets on. I let them massage my back as I motion for Rafe to come join me.

  “I need to get something real quick,” Rafe says. He then walks out of the room, and I can hear rustling from the other room.

  I’m curious, but too sedated by the sex and the bath to want to get up and see. I close my eyes and let my mind wander and my muscles soak up the luxurious sensation of the jacuzzi.

  I hear a little tap next to me where I’m sitting in the tub, like Rafe has just set something down, and I open my eyes and look at it. It’s velvet and black and big enough to fit in the palm of my hand.

  “This is for you,” Rafe says. “I got this because you said you wanted to be woo
ed. You know, in a human way. I hope I did okay.”

  I pick up the box, gingerly because my hands are still wet, and open it. Inside is a beautiful gold ring, with a huge diamond in the center encircled by a halo of tiny diamonds. There are additional stones going halfway down the length of the ring. It’s incredibly brilliant, and sends shimmering sparkles everywhere as it catches the light of the bathroom.

  I gasp, completely taken aback. “Rafe, I…”

  “I know it’s not typically how werewolves do engagements, being claimed is as good as married for us. But I wanted you to know that I love you entirely, both the wolf and the human parts of you.” He gingerly picks the ring out of the box, puts the box down, and places it on my outstretched hand.

  “If it doesn’t fit, the jeweler said we can get it resized for you,” he adds.

  “No, it’s perfect. It’s absolutely perfect, Rafe,” I say, still catching my breath in awe of the workmanship and beauty in the ring that is now on my finger.

  “How did you…”

  Rafe answers, “It helps to be filthy rich. I just walked into the store and asked them to show me their most beautiful rings. I chose this one because it makes me think of you. Shining brilliantly, classy, beautiful. I thought it would look nice on your finger and make you smile,” he explains.

  “It couldn’t have been any better if I had chosen it myself.” I place my other hand around Rafe’s neck and bring him forward and kiss him. I playfully pull him into the tub with me, and he slides in with a splash. Sitting up, Rafe smiles and kisses me again, then picks me up and puts me on his lap. I close my fingers around the ring so it can’t slip off.

  “So I guess this means we’re engaged?” I ask.


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