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Ultimate Alpha Boxed Set: A BBW and Wolf Shifter collection

Page 36

by Bolryder, Terry


  Gah, my head is reeling with thoughts right now. And yet, all I can really focus on is the feel of her soft skin on my lips. The memory of her supple breasts in my hands. Her beautiful body in my arms.

  A part of me is still unsure. Afraid this might be a hoax. That it’s too good to be true. But that part is getting increasingly more distant from me by the second. All I can do is wait patiently for my soon-to-be-mate and not lose my mind with attraction thinking about her in the meantime.

  My thoughts are interrupted by Rose’s voice coming from the bathroom.

  “Hawes? Could you come help me here with something?” her voice sounds nervous.

  “Is everything ok?” I ask, standing and quickly walking over to the bathroom door, standing next to it.

  “Everything’s fine. I just need your help… with something.”

  I have no clue what it is, but I can’t say no to her. She could ask anything of me.

  I open the door and go inside, closing it behind me. The room is warm, steam starting to form on the ceiling. I see Rose peering around the corner of the shower curtain, looking at me bashfully.

  “I needed help, um, washing my back,” she says, sounding as unconvincing as she looks.

  I eye her suspiciously, rolling my eyebrows playfully. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Please hop in. I figure you wouldn’t mind to have a quick wash too,” she says, unable to hide the excitement in her voice.

  I’m excited too. I shed my clothes, and I can’t help but catch her eyeing me hungrily, especially as I pull off my shorts. Her eyes pop open a little when she sees me down there, but I’m unable to contain my own excitement as well. I pull back the shower curtain and get in with her, closing the curtain behind me so she doesn’t get cold.

  And I see Rose again.

  So. Hot.

  So. Freaking. Hot.

  Every curve of her luscious body is perfect. Just as amazing as I remember it being from last time, yet even better. The intimacy of the shower is arousing, exciting, even thrilling.

  She returns the look, enjoying what she sees me bringing to the table apparently, then looks up at me.

  “I just couldn’t reach a certain spot,” she says, feigning innocence and pointing vaguely to nowhere in particular on her back.

  It makes me chuckle. “Well, let me get that for you…” I grab the bottle of soap and get a good amount on my hands, making a soapy lather. She turns to face the hot stream of water, and I begin to run my hands up and down her back, first getting the so-called “spot”. But then my hands start to move everywhere else.

  Her body is so soft, so curvaceous, that I can’t help wanting to explore every inch of her. Feel every curve. I come behind her, my long arms caressing her beautiful hips, then moving to her soft, curvy stomach, then up over her breasts. She gasps and I keep moving, but take note to go back there soon. I move over her shoulders and neck, then back around down her hips, coming agonizingly close to the place I want to go so badly, then back up to her breasts.

  I love the feel of her silky body, only intensified by the slick feel of the suds and her soft sighs and gasps as I move my hands over her.

  I’m so hard right now, touching her and feeling her like this. She turns me on so much. But right now all I care about is pleasing her completely.

  My hands enjoy the feel of her large, soft breasts, cupping them, caressing them, squeezing them gently. I move my finger over her nipples and she gives out a rewarding moan of pleasure, which only makes me feel even more turned on by the second.

  I squeeze her breasts again, pressing on the firm tips of her nipples with my finger, and she gasps again. Oh, so agonizingly good.

  I turn her around, wanting to look into her eyes and see her reaction. She looks up at me, shocked from pleasure, then back down to my erection, her eyes widening at the sight of it. I may be big, but I don’t see it as relevant while I’m pleasing my woman.

  I tip her eyes up to mine and smile, satisfied by the beautiful sight of her in front of me, but still not wholly satisfied that she’s been pleasured enough. Her eyes are blue and beautiful, her body is intoxicatingly hot, and I want her feel more pleasure than she’s ever felt before.

  I want to make her come over and over.

  I put my hands on her hips and bring my lips down to kiss her. She opens her mouth immediately, the hot, wet feel of her mouth heightened by the heat and wetness of the shower. I move inside her mouth, claiming her there.

  I can feel her legs shudder, and not wanting to stop for fear of her slipping, I turn her and kiss her on the wall, propping her up with my hands on her hips.

  The feeling is more intense now, my tongue thrusting into her, my mouth covering hers, stifling her moans of pleasure. The steam in the room is building, as if put there by the attraction and heat between us.

  Unable to help myself, I leave one hand on her hip to help her stand, while the other moves down toward her legs. I put my hand in the place I put it before, at the hot spring, and move my finger in the center.

  Rose wraps her arms around me and I catch her, shock and arousal in her face, tense like she’s close to coming, but not wanting to in the shower.

  “Shall we take this to the bedroom?” I ask.

  Rose nods eagerly.


  Being in the shower with Hawthorne is so incredible. He’s so hot, and his hands are a flurry of pleasure. But I’m afraid I’ll slip in the shower if I have an orgasm like the one in the hot spring. And it’s looking like it’s going to feel like that. Or even better.

  I quickly dry myself off, but before I’m done Hawes picks me up in his arms.

  “Which way?” he asks playfully, his smile arousing and contagious.

  I point, and he opens the bathroom door and walks into my bedroom. Everything there is as it was when I left it a few days ago, in perfect order. My bed is a nice queen bed I got recently, but part of me longs for the huge, luxurious king bed at the mansion.

  “We’ll have to go to the mansion tomorrow,” he says with a grin, as if reading my mind. “But for tonight, this is perfect.”

  He lays me on the soft white sheets in the middle of the bed, and though normally I feel like the bed is just the right size, I feel dwarfed by Hawes kneeling above me. Every part of him is thick and muscled and hard. At the hot springs I didn’t really have a chance to enjoy the full view. But for now I’m soaking it in, the sight of his tanned skin everywhere, with ripped pecs and arms with a perfectly formed six-pack and ken doll lines.

  “Shall we pick up where we left off?” he asks, gently pulling back the towel wrapped around me, revealing my naked body. His eyes are eager, dark, and sensual as he eyes me up and down, feasting upon the sight of me. He growls, a deep and territorial sound. He runs his hands up and down my body, as if looking for the right spot for something. His touch feels amazing.

  Then he starts to kiss me everywhere, and my body is on fire.

  He starts with my shoulders, moving across the top of my chest, up my neck, down it, then farther down to my breasts. He licks and sucks on my breasts, holding them in his hands and kneading them as he kisses. I feel ablaze with pleasure. The feeling is so intense that it overwhelms me, but I don’t want it to stop.

  He continues by kissing my soft belly, then down my side and my hips, down the outside of my thigh then back up the inside of my leg. The closer he gets to me down there, the more electric the feeling is. The faster it builds. It’s so agonizingly good. It’s as if he’s trying to toy with me, trying to extend my pleasure even farther. Trying to give me an even more powerful orgasm this time.

  He’s circling me, kissing my legs and my hips and the lower part of my belly. Getting closer, closer. And I’m getting closer, closer, so close. Every part of me is on fire, all my senses are burning with the building arousal inside of me. It’s so intense that I’m unsure if I want the release or not. But as Hawes looks up at me from where he’s at below me, and smiles smugly, I
know it’s coming whether I’m ready or not.

  Holding my hips with his two large, powerful hands, he goes down and licks me, his tongue moving deftly down the middle of me. His hot, wet tongue hitting just the right spot, and at the same time feeling like he’s making love to my entire body at once.

  The feeling is so incredible that it pushes me over the edge, and I come, all my senses exploding with sweet, sweet release. Hawes comes up over me as I come, and I grab him around the shoulders, anchoring myself to him as if to prevent myself from getting lost in the sea of pleasure cresting over me, wave after wave of pure ecstasy pulsing inside of me and through every part of me.

  The sea eventually ebbs though, and I feel relaxed and pleasured. But not yet satisfied. My wolf is crying out for him to completely claim me. The pheromones in the air are thick and intoxicating, along with the sight of the sexy alpha on top of me. Looking at him, I can tell he feels the same way about me. His wolf is saying the same thing.

  It’s crazy to think that not more than a few days ago, this man wasn’t more than a name in a file to me. But ever since our interaction that first night, part of me always knew it was going to be him. Always wanted him. As if we were made for each other, perfectly balancing each other out while making us collectively more than we could ever have been by ourselves. Two pieces that fit perfectly together.

  “Hawes?” I ask. He looks at me intently. “What happens next?”

  He just cocks his head to the side, puzzled.

  “I mean, what happens after tonight?” I respond, clarifying.

  “Ah. Well, I get the spend the rest of my days being the happiest wolf in the world to have you, and I have the honor of doing my best to make you the happiest wolf in the world. And I promise, I will make you happy,” he says, earnestly, completely meaning it.

  “But what about MMA?” I ask.

  “Oh that? Yeah, when you quit your job, I quit mine. I’m my own boss though, so the decision was unanimous.” He caresses my body while he’s on top of me, listening to what I have to say and responding to my questions. His touch is both soothing and arousing as I lay here on the bed.

  “So what next for you?”

  “It will be my pleasure to see to pleasuring you with whatever you want 24/7,” he says with a smile.

  This man definitely looks like he couldn’t be happier doing exactly what he means. It reminds me of what I heard my father say before about shifters finding their mate. Sometimes it was a process, a courtship, a traditional sequence of getting to know someone and falling in love. But sometimes it was something you just knew, deep in your bones and penetrating your soul. I think that’s how my parents were. And I’m sure that’s how we feel about each other.

  Satisfied by Hawes’ responses and getting more turned on by the second by his caressing hands, I look up at Hawes, who looks back at me, waiting on my every word.

  “So, are you going to finish what you started?” I ask Hawes, trying to sound sultry, but still so elated from just going that I’m not sure I accomplished it.

  “With pleasure,” Hawes replies.

  I open my legs as he moves down and makes his chest parallel with mine. I have no idea what to expect. But with Hawes, everything is amazing. So I’m hopeful.

  But nothing could have prepared me for just how good this part would feel.

  Chapter 10


  My Rose is so beautiful, so hot, lying beneath me on the bed, looking up at me with anticipation. Her light blonde hair is a little damp from the shower, her skin soft and pale under my tanned hands. My body is so hard. Hers is so soft. She’s perfect, more than I could have ever dreamed of having.

  In the past few days so much has happened. And yet it feels like it’s just the first letter in the paragraph that will describe our lives, and it excites me. It excites me to know that each day I’ll get to wake up next to this wonderful woman. That she’ll be with me always. That I will always be the one who gets to make her happy. Who gets to protect her.

  And I will. With all of my strength I will.

  I wait just outside of her entrance, hard and ready to go inside of her, but wanting to be gentle. I’ve never been turned on like this for so long, but every moan from her, every sigh, instantly arouses me.

  I go inside slowly, her softness and wetness enveloping and surrounding me completely. Her eyes go wide at the completely new sensation, and small gasp escapes her lips. I wait to make sure she’s ok, and I’m reassured with a soft moan of pleasure from her.

  I move the rest of the way, coming all the way to the hilt. I’m completely inside of her, and it feels like I don’t even know where I end and she begins. I lean down and kiss her deeply on the lips, wanting to be as connected with her in many ways as possible. The sensation is overwhelmingly good, and it looks like she feels the same.

  Leaning on one hand, I move to massage her breast with the other, still kissing her. I can’t stop wanting to pleasure her in every way possible, and I won’t be satisfied until I have.

  My entire body is tensing in anticipation of moving inside of her. She’s so hot, and I want her so badly, but I need to give her time to adjust to me.

  While I’m still pressing her breast gently and moving my finger on her nipple, I move up to her neck, where I kiss her and lick her gently. She moans, and the sound is as exciting as it is sensual, revving me inside, making me even harder.

  I start to move in her, slowly coming nearly out and pressing back inside. Her body reacts to me, her back arching as I get into a slow, rhythmic motion. Each thrust builds me to heights of unimaginable arousal, turned on by the incredible sensation of feeling her body on mine, feeling her enveloping me, wet and warm and soft. So perfect.

  To further intensify things, Rose is moving her hands up and down my body, feeling my pecs, taking in what I have to offer her. It turns me on knowing that I turn her on too.

  I know I love her. If someone were to ask how, I’d just say “because I know”. I’ve fallen so completely for her, and I can’t help but be excited as the pleasure continues to build.

  She starts moving with me, coming up to meet me with each thrust. The feeling is mind-blowing. It exceeds anything I’ve ever felt in my life, and as I look down at her she looks up at me, biting her lip. Her light blue eyes are sultry and alluring, aroused by me as I’m aroused by her. An amazing match like that.

  I’m unable to continue massaging her breast, but instead have to plant my two hands on the bed to try to hold on longer. She’s watching me though, and when she senses me starting to lose control, she starts to move more quickly. My body reacts automatically, moving with her in time. It’s so hot, seeing her move onto me, seeing where we connect, seeing her look up at me with eyes that are so aroused and vulnerable, yet dominant in her own way. In the way that she blows my mind and sends me to unimaginable heights of pleasure.

  Played like a true alpha, Rose.

  The thrusting is getting harder and faster, and my body feels like it’s engulfed with fire, the sensation is so strong. Her breathing is getting heavier too, and I can feel the pressure and the pleasure rising in her too. It’s coming faster and faster, and I don’t know how much longer I can hold on. Between the sight of her soft, milky skin, the arousal in her voice, her scent filling the air, and the feeling of being inside of her, I can only do so much.

  Taking a deep breath, trying to hold on a few seconds more, despite Rose’s motions becoming more and more determined, I bring my hand down to her center and move my finger there. If I’m going to lose control completely, I want her to as well. I want us to go together.

  With only a second or two of soft friction, I feel her muscles tense all at once, and she calls out my name loudly and I can feel her come. The second I hear her voice, calling my name, I lose it as well, my body exploding with energy, pushing all the way inside of her and holding there as I release.

  The sensation of her going while I’m going is mind-numbing. I’m completely blank, min
d blown far away by the intensity of the pleasure pulsing inside of her and wringing every last ounce of amazing goodness that I’m completely unable to describe from me.

  I find myself unable to resist calling her name as well, which I say loudly, follow by an instinctual howl which comes from deep inside of me, my wolf side expressing itself openly.

  I’m still coming, but it’s starting to ebb. I look down at Rose and wrap my arms around her, riding out the final waves of satisfaction pulsing inside of me and her. She wraps her arms around me, and for a moment I feel like I’m one person with her. This woman I love. She and I.

  I know this isn’t going to be the last time we’ll be together like this. But for the moment I just hold her, hearing her breathing on my neck, kissing her gently, worshipping this beautiful woman I love so much.

  “Wow, that was something else,” she says, panting.

  “Yeah,” I hear myself say, wide-eyed, brain too overcome to think of anything witty to say.

  I come out of her slowly, then snuggle next to her on the bed, pulling the sheets over us so she doesn’t get cold. I nestle into her neck and kiss her there, and she gives out a long, happy sigh.

  “You’re amazing, Rose,” I tell her, overcome with satisfaction.

  “You are too, Hawthorne,” she whispers back.

  There’s a small pause, the only sound I can hear is her breathing slowing and evening out. She pulls my arms further around her, and I can feel her smiling next to me. I can’t help but smile back.

  “So, is being claimed all it’s cracked up to be?” I ask.

  Rose chuckles. “I don’t know, how does it feel to be the one doing the claiming?” she retorts playfully.

  “Unlike anything I’ve ever experienced, ever,” I reply wistfully.

  She turns to look at me over her shoulder, our faces only inches apart. “I’d say about the same,” she says with a satisfied grin.

  I kiss her on the lips one more time, unable to resist her touch, unable to resist her. She snuggles into my arms, and I can feel her rapidly falling asleep in my arms. My precious mate. My Rose.


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