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Ultimate Alpha Boxed Set: A BBW and Wolf Shifter collection

Page 41

by Bolryder, Terry

  “Maybe I will,” I mumble, slumping in a seat at the table.

  “Look,” he says, folding his arms. “If we’re going to do this together, I need to know you’re going to listen to me. Do what I say.”

  “Right, a man who wants me to do as he says? What a novel idea in your world,” I say sarcastically.

  “It’s for your own safety,” he says.

  “Said the patriarchy,” I retort.

  He sighs and puts his hand up to his face, resting there as if trying to gain patience. “Look, this isn’t the human world. There are issues, if I hadn’t showed up.”

  “If he’d done anything I didn’t want, I would have hit him in the nads. I’ve never had any trouble with guys before.”

  “What do you mean?”

  I shrug, thinking of a few incidents involving the bus stop or a public pool. “I just mean, like most women, I’ve met a few guys who didn’t know where to keep their hands, and I took care of it.”

  His eyes narrow in anger, deepening the gold color, but then he shakes his head and braces both hands on the counter on either side of him. “Look, those were humans. Of course you’d be stronger as a shifter. These are shifters. Not just shifters, the strongest of their lines.”

  “Right, right, I need you. Are you sure this isn’t just Rowan’s way of trying to get another alpha female for one of his sons? I mean, trying to convince me you’re some kind of protector? I mean, come on, you taking on someone like Jack, let alone ten of him?”

  Lindon glares at me. “Maybe you shouldn’t talk about my dad like that when you’re obviously wrong about him. And if you don’t want my protection services, you’re welcome to not avail yourself of them.”

  “I won’t,” I retort. “You’ll see. Just because they want me…”

  “You’ve never had an alpha try to seduce you,” he snaps back. “You are an ignorant little girl.”

  I stand up out of my chair. “Don’t you dare tell me who I am,” I say. “When you obviously don’t know me at all. You haven’t even tried to.”

  “Because I don’t want to,” he says. “I told you, I’m not worried about taking a mate, and that’s why you’re here. So let’s just try not to annoy each other to death while we’re doing this.”


  “And let’s start by you agreeing you’ll do what I say, because I know this world and you don’t.”

  I shrug. “Do I have a choice? You’re just going to keep lecturing me if I don’t.”

  He takes a step toward me, closing a lot of distance quickly with those long, lean legs of his. I back into the table and he crowds me in, putting me at eye level with those beautiful pecs. I kind of want to lick them.

  His eyes flick to me at that thought, and the scent in the room changes. Like a glass door is up, I can fully scent Lindon. Oh my hell…

  He smirks, watching me squirm as the scent affects me. I feel dizzy, heady, desperate to drag him to my room and make him take me.

  “You see, we have something in common, Misty. We both smell a little more…irresistible to the average shifter…the difference is I’ve learned to control mine. Suppress it. But I can let it out as needed. You don’t want that, do you?”

  I look up at him, not sure what I want anymore, except for him, inside me.

  “What you’re feeling, it’s not even scent really. It’s pheromones, telling me you’re an alpha and telling you that I’m alpha, and that we should mate. That you’re ready and I should take you. That’s what my body says.” He presses in closer against me, crowding me, making my whole body burn with heat at this beautiful devil. “This is how you’re going to smell to them,” he says, pulling away finally to fold his arms, leaving me to slump slowly to the ground, one hand weakly on the chair next to me.

  I stare up at him in shock at the sheer effect he could have on me.

  He grins. “Didn’t see that coming, did you? And that’s why we’re going to do this my way.”

  I frown and brush hair off my slightly sweaty forehead, composing myself as I stand. “No, I didn’t see that coming. But next time, I will. And as I already said, if someone tries something, I’ll kick them in the nads. The rest will learn not to try it.”

  “Ha!” Lindon turns on his heel and walks out of the kitchen, then stops and throws an insolent glance over his shoulder, sliding those beautiful gold eyes over my entire body. “Ha!” he says again, and then he disappears through the front door, presumably to get the bags.

  I sink onto the chair, then realize he’ll be coming back in, and bolt out of the kitchen through the living room and up the stairs to my room. I shut the door and press my back to it, still breathing heavily.

  What the hell was that? And why do I get the feeling it will only be like that with Lindon? I run my hand softly over the center of my chest, feeling my stammering heart.

  This is going to be tough.

  Chapter 5

  I’m up in the bathroom fiddling with my makeup, nervous about the men coming, when Lindon comes in and leans against the door frame in that way he has of looking comfortable while trying his hardest to make me uncomfortable.

  “I’m sorry for earlier,” he says quietly, staring down at his folded arms.

  I ignore him and flick a clump of mascara off one of my lashes. My lashes are curly and don’t like to take the mascara nicely, but I think I did okay, for never doing it usually. I stand back and blink a few times at my reflection, checking the effect. Fine I guess.

  “You don’t have to be doing all this,” he says. “You’re fine as you are. As you saw with Jack before.”

  “What if they only want me for my money?” I ask. “Or my lineage, I guess.”

  He shrugs. “And it would be better to want you for your looks?”

  I shrug back, leaning into the mirror to check my face for blemishes. “It’d be a first.”

  His face goes thoughtful and he takes a step into the bathroom. “Misty, you’re a beautiful woman. Surely you don’t need me to tell you that.”

  I shrug. “That would also be a first.”

  Anger flashes in those gold eyes and he takes another step into the room, arms still folded. “That’s too bad. Are the men in the human world complete fools?”

  I shrug again, feeling it’s the default reaction for anything I can’t really answer. “I suppose it’s my fault too. I guess I liked to hide a lot, never wanted to try. But if meeting a bunch of hot guys isn’t a good reason to overcome that, then I don’t know what is.”

  “Well, I suppose so. But you have your own kind of beauty, you know? I just think you should know that before going into this.”


  “Don’t believe me?”

  I snort. “I think you have reasons of your own for saying that to me. Or maybe Rowan has reasons…”

  “Are you this suspicious of everyone? Why did you even go with Rowan then?”

  I stop, straightening. “I guess I didn’t have anything I was leaving behind, and it sounded interesting.”

  “Bullshit. You’re not stupid, misty. You went because you trusted him. You could sense it. Just like you can sense that you can trust me.”

  I frown and prop one hip on the counter so I can study him while resting. I don’t really feel trust. I mean, I sort of want to trust him and I know when I’m worried, his face comes to mind. Maybe because I’ve interacted with him more than anyone else since I came with Rowan.

  But there’s something else about him. An attraction that feels almost dangerous. I feel like if I don’t watch my heart I could lose it to this beautiful, wounded man who doesn’t even want it.

  And there are apparently others who do want it.

  “Do you want help picking an outfit?” he asks.

  My heart sinks. After all that talk about being myself, he’s trying to make me over after all. Boo.

  “I want to make sure it’s nothing too seductive, too revealing.”

  My mouth quirks up at that. “Not too reveali
ng?” I ask.

  “Oh no,” he says. “No, I can see what’s going on in that devious little brain of yours. Remember, Misty. It’s my ass on the line if one of these guys gets out of line, so…”

  “So all the more reason not to worry about what I wear, since I’ll know you’ll be there to ‘protect’ me,” I say, knowing I sound like a brat.

  But it’s cute to see him flustered. He’s always so cold, aloof. He gathers his composure and manages to merely look coldly angry. “Misty…be appropriate.”


  “I thought you were going to start listening to me.”

  “Says you,” I retort. “Look, I’ll take care of myself okay.”

  He sighs and puts a palm up to his face. “What do I need to do to get you to trust me?” He removes his hand and looks at me earnestly. Honest, like he was that night in my room when I first got the hottie calendar. “I told my dad I would help you, and I owe him everything, so I’m going to do it. Please don’t make it hard on me.”

  I blink, biting my lip as unbidden tears sting my eyes. I blink them away and dab with a tissue, hoping he thinks it’s just my makeup. Don’t make things hard for people, Misty. Don’t be a burden, Misty. Why don’t you just disappear. I hate words like that. Words I’ve been repeating inside myself for a long time.

  It’s not going to be like that anymore. I’m going to be in the way if I want to.

  “Are you okay?” he’s there in a second, one hand gently lifting my chin, the other deftly wiping away any trace of tears with his thumb. “What did I say?”

  “It’s not you,” I say, sniffling. “Just my issues. All my life I tried to just accept less. I tried to just be okay with whatever wouldn’t trouble anyone. But inside, I wanted more. I’ve always wanted more.” I let my shame shine out of my eyes and see comprehension dawn in his eyes. And maybe a little warmth, though I could be hallucinating.

  “Wanting more, huh?” He releases my face slowly, but stays close to me. “I thought life was good for you in the human world. With your family at least.”

  I bite my lip and turn away jerkily. It was good enough. It was more than I deserved. I was happy. I told myself I was.

  And now I don’t have to live inside the confines of what someone else thinks is good for me. Even if that someone is Lindon.

  “I’m sorry I made it sound like you were a burden,” he says. “That must have been hard for you, as an orphan.”

  I nod, but I’m already busy putting my hair this way and that again. A sweep of pain that is gone already. The world is what it is, and I’m going to meet hot guys soon.

  And that will make it okay that there’s a hot, understanding man right here that acts protective and possessive and doesn’t want me at all.

  “And I promise, no ulterior motives. I’m never going to fall in love with you, Misty. You’ll have at least one person you can always count on as just a friend.”

  I feel like someone just tossed a bucket of ice water on my vagina. Thanks Lindon, you beautiful bastard.

  The doorbell rings and Lindon flips his wrist up to check the time on a sparkling steel time piece. “A little early, but we should probably let them in. Are you ready?”

  “Sure,” I say. “Let me get changed.”

  He nods. “Sure, I’ll see you downstairs.”

  I walk down the hall to my bedroom, go straight to my dresser and pull out the sexiest shirt I have. A long tee shirt in silky, body skimming material that glides over my curves, outlining their shape but not making me self conscious. It has a deep v in the front and I tighten my bra straps to make extra cleavage show in front.

  Damn, if nothing else, I have great boobs. And I’m going to let that thought sustain me while I try to be brave about meeting a bunch of men that are just like all of the men who have hurt me throughout my life.

  I have to, if I’m ever going to get over this pet crush on Lindon. I sigh and pull the v neck down a little in front, pull my hair out of the ponytail, and after one last look in the full body mirror that convinces me I’m a curvy vixen, I’m ready to go downstairs.

  Watch out Lindon, here I come.

  * * *

  This was a mistake. Even as Lindon lets in the first male, I want to run back upstairs and change my clothes. Lindon’s eyes keep flashing to my cleavage disdainfully the shifter in front of me flatters and stutters, shaking my hand as his eyes molest my chest.

  His name is Bradley. He smells good. Not as good as Jack, nor is he as tall. But he’s nice, pleasant. His hair is a light brownish red, softly combed to one side, and he’s wearing a light linen shirt over jeans. Casual and fresh. Someone you’d bring home to mom, if you had one. Like all shifters so far, great features and skin. He looks a little like someone who’d be in a boy band ten years ago, with a boyish face and a rakish smile and soft hands. He may be an inch or two shorter than Jack or Lindon but he towers over my rather short height.

  Lindon clears his throat and looks pointedly at my hand, which the guy is still holding. “Bradley.”

  “Right, sorry Lindon.”

  I smile at him as he releases me and we go into the living room to wait for the others.

  Both men keep darting eyes at my body, my cleavage, and I can tell from the glow in Bradley’s eyes that even if he was here for the money, he’s staying for the sex. He actually wets his lips and doesn’t hear Lindon ask him how his pack is doing and has to raise his head and nod, pretending he did.

  I smile. I guess a part of me is happy to feel attractive. Another part is starting to see the wolf inside the men. Bradley may have a pretty boy face, but those eyes darting over me as if he could eat me alive are all animal. I squirm and Lindon sits beside me, leaning forward to intercept Bradley’s gaze.

  Whew. They talk about Bradley’s family and I flip through the hottie catalogue, wondering who will be next. The door knocks and Lindon sends me a glance that says he’s getting it and to stay there. When he gets up, Bradley takes his seat, the sudden movement making me take in a little gasp.

  “Misty, I wanted to say…” Bradley says.

  “Shove it, Bradley,” Lindon says. “Misty, you take the armchair so you can see everyone when they introduce themselves.”

  His eyes flick to mine and there’s something in them that’s different. His gaze drops to my cleavage, then back to my eyes in irritation.

  Ah, so that’s it. Maybe Mr. Lindon isn’t impervious after all? Bradley puts his hand on my arm to get my attention and Lindon’s quick intake of breath has him pulling back instantly, giving me an apologetic glance as I get up to move to my chair.

  Is Lindon…no way it’s possible…but he seems almost…jealous.


  Lindon opens the door and another man comes in. He’s medium height and solidly muscled, with a square face and large, striking dark eyes that match his ink black hair that is shaggy and falls over his forehead and ears and down around his collar. Sort of like a typical bad boy hero from an 80’s movie. He pushes past Lindon and searches the room with hungry eyes until his gaze comes to rest on me. Then he smiles, and those intense eyes glow like a falcon spotting its prey. He starts forward, but Bradley stands and comes between us and Lindon grabs his arm, hauling him back easily.

  The shifter smiles, whips black hair off his forehead and says something to Lindon I don’t hear. Lindon says something back, calm and factual. Meanwhile I blush as the new guy sweeps his eyes over me, a hot, sensual gaze that says just how much he appreciates my frame.

  He breaks out of Lindon’s hold and goes to sit on the couch across from me. Bradley joins him, seemingly mollified. The new guy is wearing a leather jacket and he takes it off and puts it sloppily over the side of the couch, and goes on leering at me. He’s wearing a tee shirt and his upper arms are covered in tattoos.

  Even though I should find his overt, objectifying attention grating, I don’t. His arrogant, blatant appraisal of my breasts doesn’t negate the fact that he has great hair, hair that makes y
ou think of riding on a back of a motorcycle. Hair a woman could hold onto during sex.

  “I’m Asher,” he says. “And you’re going to mate me.”

  I blush. “I’m misty.”

  “I like that blush,” he says. “Can’t wait to see it full-body.”

  My jaw drops and Lindon lets out a long suffering sigh. “What did I tell you, Misty?”

  Asher just shrugs and settles into the couch, as if having said his piece he’s now content to just wait for the games to begin.

  The doorbell rings again. This time it’s the twins.

  Even more gorgeous than their photo, but as they come and introduce themselves to me and the guys, I can start to see differences that weren’t apparently in photos. One has multiple earrings in one ear, and his dark auburn hair is soft and feathered around his gorgeous, exotic looking face. The other has short, butch hair, no piercings, and seems much more serious compared to his twin, who is shaking hands with Lindon and apologizing for being late.

  The more serious twin watches me, eyes slowing sweeping up and down, and the smallest hint of a smile quirks one side of his mouth. The twins have beautiful, full lips. Wide, almond eyes that are an amber brown, and tanned skin that looks exotic with their dark auburn hair.

  The friendlier one with longer hair and piercings is wearing a leather jacket with fringe and I notice for the first time he has a motorcycle helmet under his arm. Is this the real bad boy in the room?

  No, I think, shivering as my gaze switches to the other twin, who is folding his arms and looking at me with that intense amber brown gaze. He’s wearing a simple black tee shirt and distressed, dark jeans that fit powerfully sculpted legs. And he can’t stop watching my breasts.

  Maybe this is the bad boy.

  His long haired twin grins and throws an arm around his shoulder. “Come on, Thor. Introduce yourself to the lady.”

  “I’m Thor.”

  I swallow at the name. “I thought it was Thornton,” I say.

  “Too bad,” he mutters. “It’s Thor.”


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