Ultimate Alpha Boxed Set: A BBW and Wolf Shifter collection

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Ultimate Alpha Boxed Set: A BBW and Wolf Shifter collection Page 44

by Bolryder, Terry

“She wants to hear from Lock,” Lindon cuts in, but Lock shrugs.

  “Sure, my hair,” he says, not looking like he cares much about his answer.

  “Alright,” I say, moving on down the sheet, thinking Lock probably isn’t going to be winning the kiss today with that kind of passivity. Bummer.

  “Tim?” I ask the bigger brother. “How about you?”

  Tim shrugs. “I’m good at sharing.” He nudges his brother and leers at me, and Tom just rolls his eyes.

  “Tom, same question?”

  Tom thinks for a moment. He really does have gorgeous features, and I can tell there’s a lot of intelligence behind those bewitching gray eyes. “I’m a good listener,” he says simply.

  Tim looks at him in surprise, a flash of insecurity that’s gone in a second. I can definitely tell who is more the dependent one in this relationship.

  “All right, Matthew?” I know he’s not interested but I want to give him the same chance as anyone else.


  Or not. “Alright then.”

  “Did I win?” Thor asks, never the brightest apple in the barrel.

  “No,” I say. “The game’s not over.”

  “Talking is boring,” he says, before being nudged by Lock.

  “I don’t mind it,” Tom says, locking eyes with me. Something definitely puts me off balance with Tom, but I’m also attracted to him. Like I am to all of the guys. After all, they’re born to be attractive and continue the packs, attract women.

  I eye Thor carefully. Short tempered, blunt, not fun to talk to. But what would it be like to kiss him?

  Thor swears and Lock puts a hand on his collar. “Hold it, big guy,” Lock says. Thor shrugs away.

  “Next question,” Thor says, averting his eyes from mine, a slight blush on his cheeks.

  I look around the room and notice both the brothers and the twins are averting their eyes from me.

  “Am I smelling good again?” I ask.

  They all nod, looking various degrees of embarrassed or aroused, and I sigh. “I’m sorry, nothing I can do about it.”

  “Next question!” Thor says, folding his arm. “Then I kiss you.”

  My eyes widen at that, looking at the question that comes next.

  “Biggest weakness.”

  “I’m too strong,” Thor says, straight-faced. “And I always win everything.”

  Lock’s face tightens like he’s trying not to laugh, and when he composes himself, he answers. “I can be too much of a pleaser sometimes.”

  I nod and wait for Tim and Tom.

  Tim goes first. “I can be selfish. And possessive.” He eyes Tom, who goes next.

  “I can be obsessive. And I’m not particularly possessive, compared to other wolves.”

  Thus the sharing, I think. But an image of gray eyes looming over and around me as they give me pleasure pops into my head and I flush and wish for a better question right now.

  I fold the paper and bite my lip, unsure if I even want to keep questioning them right now. Thor’s abs, Lock’s smile, Tom’s eyes, Tim’s hair…

  Control yourself, woman. The scents of the males in the room are mingling and irresistible, and even if I’m a little disgusted with myself for thinking of it, I could really see myself kissing any of them.

  If I picked Tom, would I get Tim too?

  I close my eyes and think, and hear the alphas shift restlessly. I need to remember these are men used to fighting physically for what they want and running wild through forests.

  “I choose Lock,” I say, and the brothers exhale in disappointment, Thor’s eyes widen in shock, and Matthew hmphs.

  Lock stands with a gracious smile and comes over to offer me a hand. When I take it he pulls me forward and gently cups the back of my head to pull me into a kiss.

  His lips fit perfectly over mine. My first kiss.

  A low growl from someone in the room, but I don’t care. It feels like heaven as Lock’s tongue slides deftly over mine, his soft hands supporting me as he drinks me in. He brings his other hand up and buries it in my hair, and deepens the kiss as he presses me to his hard body.

  For the first time in a long time I feel feminine, petite, up against that hard, tall frame. And his gentle hands make it all the easier to be aroused by the soft, intense kiss.

  Oh gosh, do all alphas kiss that his? What would Lindon’s feel like?

  Someone in the room clears their throat and Lock pulls back from me with a low groan. He gives me a smile and threads his fingers through his hair roughly, and when I look into those usually placid amber brown eyes, I can see fire that wasn’t there before. Even he seems taken aback by it. He moves slightly toward me, but Lindon pulls me back against his side possessively.

  “That’s it,” he says.

  Lock touches his lips with his fingers as if still in shock at the intensity of the connection. I know I am. Then his lips curl in a smile again, nearly making me melt at the knees.

  I can’t wait to kiss another of these alphas.

  I eye Thor. Kissing him would probably be like kissing a hurricane, where Lock was like kissing a sunrise.

  And the brothers? Hm…

  Lindon clears his throat again and I look up at the tall blond alpha to see his expression stern and uncharacteristically hard. Like he’s bothered by something.


  “Next group,” he says. “Call them up.”

  * * *

  Things seem to be going better with this group. Asher is still here, but even though Lindon forced him to apologize, a scampy wink from him shortly thereafter made me think our resident bad boy isn’t much reformed at all.

  “Okay,” I say, “Favorite book.”

  “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,” Asher says, surprising me.

  “Wow, good pick. Artsy.”

  “I just know it has motorcycle in the name.”

  “Do you actually have a motorcycle?” Lindon asks.

  Asher shakes his head, stretching his muscled arms over the back of the couch he’s on. “Not everyone comes from money like you, dipshit. I’m working on it though.”

  “Say that again,” Lindon says, the threat of death plain in his voice.

  “Eh, not worth it.” Asher sends me another wink and I’m beginning to think he has a twitch or something. Until he makes a little kissing motion with his full lips.

  “Crime and Punishment,” Jack says.

  I turn my attention to him in surprise. An educated choice. Jack has been so normal that between Fifi, Asher, and the brothers, I’d nearly forgotten about him and his sleepy, pretty jade green eyes and masculine, striking features.

  “Good pick,” I say. “Why?”

  He shrugs. “It’s just a classic.”

  “Interesting,” I say. “Okay, Fifi?”

  “He’s just not that into you,” Fifi says tersely.

  Um. Okay.


  “What’s your favorite book?” Bradley replies.

  “I don’t know,” I say.

  “So you’re asking us something you can’t even answer?” Jack says. But there’s a playful tone in his voice.

  “Well, she’s not the one on the spot,” Fifi retorts, flipping his ponytail over his shoulder. “Though I guess she should have an answer.”

  “I loved the Anne of Green Gables books,” I say.

  “Too bad there aren’t any Gilberts around here,” Lindon mutters. I flick my gaze to him.

  “You’ve read them?”

  He shrugs.

  “Lindon, since you might be participating, same question.”

  Lindon eyes me, as if considering whether to speak, and Bradley interrupts.

  “I never got to answer.”

  “That’s your fault,” Asher retorts. “You answered a question with a question.”

  “I was just trying to show interest in the lady’s interest.”

  “Suck up,” Asher says.

  “Maybe you should suck up a little more
,” Bradley says.

  “Oh, I intend to suck on something…” Asher says, eyeing me. Lindon’s eyes send him little daggers of hate, but Asher ignores him.

  “Anyway, my favorite book would have to be Ulysses,” Bradley says.

  “Wow, um, tough one…” I say, impressed.

  Bradley grins nervously. “Just kidding, never read it.”

  Bradley’s handsome, with that boyish, all American face and soft hair and nice height. Lean, natural muscles that aren’t huge like Asher’s or large and cut like the twins.

  But something about him is kind of off putting, like he just can’t answer any question straight because he just wants to say whatever you want him to say.


  I ask them to name their best qualities. Jack says he’s perceptive, but also that he hears he has nice eyes. Which I can agree with. Fifi says his beauty, Bradley says he treats women nicely, and Asher says his guns, reminding me of Thor.

  Do any of these men hold actual jobs? Do shifters do that? I make a mental note to ask Lindon about it. And to ask him these questions later as well.

  That makes me think of a kiss with him, and that makes me blush and forget where I am in the questions.

  Oh right. Weaknesses.

  Asher says he’s too good looking. Fifi says nothing. Jack says he’s stubborn, and Bradley says he has too many flaws to name.

  Once again, okay.

  But if I eliminate the ridiculous answers, there’s only one clear option. Luckily, it’s the other person tied with Lock for my top of the list so far.

  A list Lindon can’t be on anyway.

  “All right, Jack,” I say. Come and get your kiss.

  Jack looks up at me with surprise in those sleepy jade eyes. Eyes that are suddenly much more alive. He shakes a black lock off his forehead and stands slowly, coming over to my chair and leaning forward with his hands on the arms of my chair.

  I can hear a quick intake of breath from Lindon, but when I look in his direction, he turns away, arms folded. What was that about?

  A soft finger gently redirects my gaze to the man in front of me.

  “Look only at me,” Jack says, keeping his heated gaze on me as he comes forward. My lips part slightly in anticipation and he comes closer, closer, till our lips are just a feather’s distance apart. He breathes out like he’s waiting for something, and when I let out the breath I’m holding he closes the distance, lips warm over mine.

  At first my chest clenches, and then warmth and relaxation flood through me as his lips work over mine. Then he gently presses his lips against mine to open them, slides his tongue in, searing and soft, exploring the hidden, sensitive cavities of my mouth. As the kiss deepens, his hand moves from holding the tip of my chin to cradling the back of my head. Like I’m precious, like I’m important.

  When he finally pulls back, leaving me breathless, heated, his gaze stays locked with mine as he slowly stands, and I swear I couldn’t look away if I tried. I’m wet from the kiss and can feel my increased heartbeat. Kissing alpha males is something else.

  I touch my lips and think over the two kisses.

  Lock’s kiss was dominant, hot. But Jack’s makes you feel like you’re the only woman in the world, the only one he wants to kiss. I can feel the heat off my body and am sure I’m emitting pheromones like never before.

  Asher’s dark eyes flash to mine, and I wonder for a moment if he’s going to attempt what he talked about early. But I don’t think Lindon would have let him stay if that was a possibility, and with Lindon standing now, giving the entire room a silent, imperious warning, I’m pretty sure no one wants to get thrown into a wall.

  “Okay, I’m putting Misty to bed,” Lindon says, checking his watch and then pulling his sleeve down over it, like he doesn’t want the others to see it. I’m guessing given their already intense jealousy of him, a Rolex wouldn’t do much to help his image.

  A low growl from several of the males in the room. From a distance, any of these men could look like something from a clothing catalogue full of male models. But when their eyes flash at me, I can see the animal behind their eyes, and a shudder of fear, and something else, something primal and arousing, goes through me.

  “Just taking her to her room,” Lindon sighs.

  “No funny business,” Bradley says, sitting up with folded arms. “You don’t get anything we don’t.”

  Lindon raises one eyebrow at him coolly. “Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware you were in charge, Bradley.” Lindon seems less patient than usual right now and I wouldn’t push him if it was me. I think he’s about had it with males about now.

  “I wasn’t aware you were either,” Bradley retorts. I think my opinion of Bradley is increasing, given that I thought he was a pushover before. He has that clean cut, good boy look, but the look he gives me with those brilliant blue eyes, and the way his muscled shoulders flex in his shirt as he shifts position, gives me a little thrill that insists there’s more to him than that.

  “Misty?” Lindon asks, looking to me with folded arms. I gulp up at him, eyeing his perfect body and sharp, superior features that are even harder to look at now that I’m semi-aroused by Jack’s kiss.

  “Huh?” I say stupidly, aware there’s not a woman in the world who could be thinking clearly right now. Ten. Alphas. Ten alphas!

  “What would you like to do?” Lindon asks. His gold eyes are cold and glittering, and there’s a warning in them that says I’d better do what he said we were doing before. Retiring for the night. Seeing the hungry looks of the men who are eyeing me, including Jack, I decide Lindon is probably right.

  “Um, I’m probably ready for bed,” I say, stretching. I need to get some rest and recover so I can be my sassy self again, and not some gasping woman overcome with hormones from the sheer number of males. That was never me and I’m not going to let it be this time. Once I recover, I’ll be able to show them the woman I really am, I hope.

  The one who uses a donut as a bookmark and doesn’t think anyone can fall in love with her.

  Lindon puts out an arm and I don’t take it, but just head out ahead of him. He puts his arm on my lower back, ignoring a growl or two from the men behind him, and escorts me up the stairs to my room.

  Chapter 8

  When we get to my room, Lindon opens the door and gently shoves me inside.

  Then he crouches on the ground, hand in his hair, and then slumps forward on the carpet.

  I gasp and run forward, touch his hair, tap his back, trying to get him to respond. When he does, he rolls onto his back and shoves his hand through his slightly sweaty hair. Right now, he’s not the usually put together and cold alpha male I’m used to.

  His long lashes flutter as he looks up at me, and then his eyes close, and his lips part slightly. I want to trace my finger over the deeply curved indent of his cupid’s bow, feel the velvety softness of his pink, pouty lower lip.

  He’s so beautiful and in this moment, so vulnerable.

  But what’s going on with him?

  He takes short, raspy breaths.

  “Lindon, what’s wrong?” I take his hand, but he pulls it away. “Do I need to call someone?” I ask. “What about Rafe?”

  He catches my hand and pulls me forward, so that my face is close to his, and I can feel his breath, smell his pheromones faintly, can feel the heat of his feverish body. “No. Not Rafe. Just let me rest.”

  “Stressful?” I ask.

  He nods. “Something like that. I’m not really up for explaining it right now.” He wipes sweat from his brow. “For some reason I have an unusually strong reaction to you. I’m not sure I even understand it, as I already had a fated mate, but it’s like…” he breathes in deeply. “Damnit. Control yourself, Lindon.”

  I blush. He has to control himself for me? I thought he wasn’t interested. “I thought you weren’t interested.”

  “I’m not,” he says. “That doesn’t mean my body isn’t aware of you. It very much is.” He grins at me, fl
ashing a fang and looking more unbridled than I’ve seen him. “A part of me very much wants to roll you over and take you right now.”

  A part of me wants to say, ‘do it’, and just end these alpha games. But he’d be giving me only his body, not his heart.

  I try to pull back but he keeps his hand in my hair, playing with the hair at my nape with his long, slender, capable hands. Even his fingers seem to be doing as much as anyone else did with their lips.

  “You know,” he says. “I may only be half, as far as we know, but Rowan had really strong alpha blood. A very pure line, so I’m still more alpha than any of those men out there.”

  I cock my head. “Why are you telling me that?”

  “I don’t know,” he says, face still flushed, but looking slightly calmer. It doesn’t really matter that we’re on the floor, because the plush, luxurious carpet is soft.

  He toys with my hair, brushing the sensitive base of my neck and locking his gorgeous eyes on mine. He’s the most stunning man I’m ever going to see in my life, I just know it. And I can’t have him.

  Just on loan.

  It would be my luck to have so many hot guys and not be able to fully appreciate it because I’ve already partially fallen for someone else who isn’t involved.

  “You didn’t give me a chance to answer the questions. Maybe I wanted to earn a kiss too,” he teases, a mock pout on those full lips.

  A kiss from Lindon? HELLZ YEAH. “I can ask you now,” I say, pulling up and forcing him to let go of my hair. I can’t think when he’s touching me like that, and I want to be able to hear his answers.

  “Do I get a kiss if I win?” he asks, eyes darkening with an unknown intensity.

  “Only if you don’t tell the others,” I say. “I don’t want them to think I’m unfair.”

  “Alright,” he says. “I’m good with secrets. Especially if it’s from those Neanderthals. Plus, I deserve a little something for wrangling those idiots all day.”

  I grin. “I didn’t think you’d want something like that from me.”

  “I didn’t think I did.” He rolls onto his side and leans his head on his hand, looking up at me curiously. “But I do. You’re a beautiful woman, Misty. Somehow even more beautiful the more I get to know you. Bewitching.”


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