Ultimate Alpha Boxed Set: A BBW and Wolf Shifter collection

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Ultimate Alpha Boxed Set: A BBW and Wolf Shifter collection Page 45

by Bolryder, Terry

  I bite my lip and stifle a grin. “I think you have a fever, Lindon, and you’re going to regret saying this in the morning.”

  He shrugs. “Maybe, but that’s the morning. This is tonight. Give me tonight.”

  I blink. Tonight, with Lindon? He waits for my response, blinking those long lashes that are so feminine compared to his masculine, hard face.

  Of course, he just means the questions, and maybe the kiss, doesn’t he?

  “What are your strengths?” I ask.

  “Ah ah ah, you didn’t ask me my favorite book,” he says.

  “Okay, what is it?”

  “I don’t have one,” he says. “I could never choose. I could read all day and never feel like my mind was full. I just wanted you to know that.”

  Smart is hot. I swallow. “I love books, too.”

  He nods. “I can tell. Next question. My biggest strength?”

  “I think you remember the questions better than I do,” I mutter, twirling my finger in the carpet between us.

  “Maybe.” His eyes flick to mine. “I have a near perfect recall of spoken conversations.”

  “Interesting,” I say. “A man of many gifts. So what is the greatest?”

  He grins. “I suppose my greatest strength would have to be, my strength.”

  “Oh yeah, how is that possible anyway? I saw what you did to Asher. Are all male wolves that strong?”

  He shakes his head. “I’m not sure how far to go into it, but in some families, alphas have extra abilities that are passed down genetically. In mine, one of them is super strength.”

  Now that I find interesting. Could I possibly have any hidden powers I don’t know about?

  “I know what you’re thinking,” he says. “But no, I can’t tell you if you have any other abilities. I didn’t know your parents, only Rowan did.”

  “What is a Pack’s Promise?” I ask him. “You said Rowan had one with my dad.”

  “Kind of like a godfather in the human world. A promise that if you ever needed us, we’d be your pack. Almost like you were Rowan’s adopted daughter, but not of blood relation.”

  “Hm, weird.”

  “Pretty rare. Most wolves only watch out for their own pack. I don’t know the full story, but it probably had something to do with River, Rowan’s alpha female.” He shrugs. “Anyway, I want to keep answering questions. “Want to know my greatest weakness?” he asks, eyes flashing to mine.

  I look over his long body, unable to keep myself from measuring his long legs and well formed thighs, calves, and hips with one long glance. I gulp. “How can you even have a weakness?”

  He locks eyes with me. That gold seems to go on forever, like looking into the sun. He bites his lip, but not in a way that seems hesitant. In a way that looks like he’s holding himself back against something uncontrollable, with regards to me.

  Wake up, Misty. This has to be a dream.

  “Sometimes,” he says, “My greatest weakness is that I’m just not the wolf I want to be.” He blinks and keeps his eyes locked with mine, and my breath freezes on my lips as his hand reaches around the back of my neck and pulls me closer as he rises to a sitting position and brings us together, sitting on the carpet.

  His lips lock on mine like they’re the other half of a puzzle, perfectly fitting and closing out the world around us. Everything seems to spin and disappear as his lips seal mine. No tongue yet, just a slow, patient build, as his other hand moves possessively to my waist and he pulls me between his legs, cradling me as if I’m small, holding my body with his hands and my lips with his mouth.

  Warmth, pleasure so intense it makes me want to cry, floods through me.

  “This is another of my gifts,” he says against my lips, and I stifle a sob as his hand plays at the sensitive skin of my waist. “Lovely,” he says, squeezing the soft flesh there even as I try to move away. “You’re so lovely, Misty.”

  I try to pull back, scared by the overwhelming feel of him, but his strong, sure hands keep me there, and his lips claim me again, this time pressing me open so he can dive deep inside with his tongue, much further, much more intense than Jack. I gasp and his hand moves down over my thigh, then back up to my waist, as if he’s resisting temptation.

  He lets out a low groan as his tongue plunders my mouth completely, and I know I’d be falling apart if he wasn’t holding me, doing everything and just letting me stay there in a jellyish blob accepting all the pleasure he’s forcing on me.

  Who am I kidding? He’d never have to force anyone to feel this. And I only pulled away because I wanted to feel those strong hands reassure me, to know they really wanted me. It was a half assed effort to give up something I wanted but was afraid of.

  And now, I have no more resistance. I swear he could lay me right down on the carpet and take me right now.

  His hand moves to my breast, and I gasp against his mouth. He growls and catches my gasp and takes my mouth more fully, sealing off any further sound. I struggle a little, enjoying the passion of it, and he keeps my mouth dominated completely. I put hands up to press on his chest and he grabs both in one hand and brings them behind my back, uses them to push me toward him, chest pressed outward, and he strokes a finger softly down my face.

  “Another weakness, I’m afraid,” he says, eyeing my swollen lips, flushed face. “I have a great need to be in control. I’m afraid my only pleasure is your pleasure.”

  “That’s a bullshit weakness,” I say. “No one would—mmph.” He cuts off my words with another hard, overwhelming kiss. The pressure of it is intense, but his lips, his tongue, are velvet soft as he strokes against mine. I try to meet him but he simply keeps me where he wants me and plunders me fully, causing an unbearable frequency to buzz inside me.

  I need his hands everywhere. I pull back from his mouth and squirm. “Let my hands go.”

  “Are you going to be a good girl?” he asks, eyes dark and serious, just a hint of a quirk to his mouth giving any sense of good humor.

  I nod, totally turned on by the dominant glint in his eyes. I’ve never had someone want me like that before. It feels powerful, like the kind of force that makes the world turn.

  Gravity, between me and Lindon.

  “I’ll be good,” I say.

  He leans forward, takes my mouth, and then lets my hands go only to crush his arms around me, drawing me against him in a kiss that is saying he’ll never let go. Completely overwhelming, that’s what this man is.

  He dives deep with his tongue, and then takes one long, last stroke around my mouth, then gently flicks my lower lip, and then releases me, letting me sit back away from him.

  I catch myself with both hands on the carpet, and gasp for a few minutes while Lindon stands hurriedly and goes to the window, straightening his collar.

  “That shouldn’t have happened,” he says quietly, voice still hoarse. “I’m…damnit. Do I have no control?”

  “I think you have plenty good control, it must just be my pheromones,” I say, oddly hurt by the idea. But that’s why I’m here right? Because of my genes and my smell, not because of my personality, who I am as a person. It’s nothing to be sad over, I guess, unless I want to go back to being a spinster in that lonely bookstore.

  But Lindon, I can see him pace in front of the window, illuminated by the moonlight. He slams a fist into the wall and lowers his head, counting in a low tone.

  Then he glances at me, bites his lip again. “Damnit, Misty. I don’t know if I’m the best one to protect you after all.”

  “You are,” I protest, standing to go to him but he puts his large hand up to stop me, telling me not to come closer. “Why wouldn’t you be?”

  “Because,” he says, looking a combination of ashamed and confused. “I think perhaps I want you for myself.”

  A couple minutes go by in tense silence.

  I slump down on my bed in confused shock, running my fingers over my still-swollen lips as I consider Lindon’s words. My eyes meet his and then he looks awa
y and out the window.

  I thought he had a mate, I thought he wasn’t looking anymore.

  He looks back at me, gold eyes glittering, and I realize there is still so much behind those beautiful eyes that I don’t understand at all. Still a distance.

  He opens the window and night air blows in, cooling the room and blowing away some of the delicious heat and the scent we were making together. I wait for him to say something, to follow up what he just said.

  He shakes his head. “I’m sorry, I’m not sure what came over me.” He looks at his watch. I’m beginning to love it when he does that. “It’s late.” He runs his hands through his golden hair, as if he’s forgotten it’s quite short now, and then looks at me with eyes that are slightly lost. “I should go. Let you sleep. Tomorrow is going to get even crazier.”

  He starts for the door but I reach out and grab his hand. “What did you mean, you want me for yourself?”

  He frowns and refuses to meet my eyes. “I don’t know, Misty. It’s confusing. I was…I was certain that…it doesn’t matter. I’m here to protect you, not to take you. And I’ll have better control in the future.”

  I try to restrain a disappointed sigh. Even though things would have kind of fallen apart without him to run them, for a moment I really did want to think that Lindon could compete, and that the alpha challenges would be over sooner than I thought.

  But he had a mate, he said so, and he doesn’t want one again.

  “So, just my pheromones?” I ask.

  He flinches slightly, as if he doesn’t want to admit that’s the truth. “They’re strong.”

  I flinch and let my walls come back up. My body is cooling rapidly, whether from the chilled air from the window or the coldness radiating off Lindon, I don’t know. “Could you shut the window?” I ask.

  He nods silently and goes to do it, using that fluid grace he always has. Even when he flung Asher at the wall, he did it with that smooth coordination, like a dancer.

  “Lindon?” I say quietly, as he heads for the door.

  “Yes?” he turns back to me.

  I twist the blankets in my fingers, trying to think of exactly what I want to say. I’ve never really made an effort to talk to guys, and I don’t know how to connect with them if they aren’t in a book. “Never mind.”

  He rolls his lips together in a tight line, then nods. He gives me a short bow and opens my door. “Make sure and lock this after I leave,” he says. “I need to know you’re safe.”

  I stifle a groan. Doesn’t he see how confusing that is for me? For any woman?

  “You’ll lock it?” he asks again, too persistent for his own good.

  “Fine,” I snap at him. “I’ll lock the damn door.”

  “I’m sorry, Misty. I shouldn’t have lost control. After all, I—”

  “You already had a mate,” I say, biting my lip angrily. “I know.”

  He shrugs.

  “So maybe I won’t lock my door. Maybe I’ll go visit someone, or let them come visit,” I say.

  Anger flares in his eyes, lighting up the gold in the darkness, and he takes a step toward me. No, not anger, fury. “No, you won’t.”

  “Why not?” I ask, challenging him.

  “Because I’m going to need some damn sleep if I’m to deal with all of those idiots again and keep them off your ever-so-tempting ass.”

  I stick out my tongue at him, aware that it’s juvenile but not having any other good comeback. Plus, my ass obviously isn’t that tempting because he can just get up and walk away from me when I’m practically begging him to take me.

  He shakes his head. “Lock this door when I’m gone.” His eyes flick to mine, hard and dominant like they were earlier, without the sexy undertone. “You will, won’t you?”

  I nod. I only said that thing about the door to provoke him, because I was hurt that he forgot about this so-called other mate just long enough to make me hope. To say he wanted me. To kiss me senseless in a way that I feel no other man will ever be able to match.

  “Fine, I will. Now get out.” I turn my head away from him.

  “Misty, I…”

  “Get out! I need to sleep,” I say. He nods and leaves, shutting the door behind him. I sigh and get up to lock it, knowing he’s probably waiting out there for me to do it.

  Then I go to sit by the window. There’s a plush window seat cushion and I sit atop it and look out over the grounds.

  In the distance, near the tree line, several large wolves are running. Some of the guys must have gone out to run off some steam, and they’re beautiful, magnificent animals, lit by moonlight, flying over the grounds like silver bullets.

  One stops and looks up at me, then away, and I flush and lean against the window.

  I really am in a different world, now. But I no longer want to go back to my old one.

  I fall asleep against the window, not sure what I’m going to face when I wake up the next day.

  * * *

  * * *

  To be continued in Alpha Contender 2. Turn the page for the next volume!

  Alpha Contender 2

  Copyright © 2015 by Terry Bolryder

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover Design by Melody Simmons of eBookindiecovers

  Chapter 1

  In my dream I’m falling, falling, and then a loud knock wakes me up just as I’m about to hit the ground. I sit up in shock, hair standing on end, and jerk my gaze to the window.


  I let out my breath in a long sigh and turn to put my feet solidly on the ground, facing away from the window. I must have imagined it.

  Another knock sounds, and I flip around again to see a pair of amber brown eyes glaring at me from the side of the window. Short, dark red hair and tanned skin. A stubborn, jutting jaw.

  “Thor?” I ask in shock.

  He frowns and motions for me to open the window. How the hell did he get up here? I decide to open the window, knowing Lindon won’t approve but not knowing how else to deal with the idiot shifter so he doesn’t fall and kill himself out there.

  The minute the window opens, his stern look turns to a pleased grin and he swings in. I dodge out of the way and stumble back toward my bed as he lands in a crouch and then comes to his feet in front of me. Impressively tall. Impressively handsome and put together this early in the morning.

  Impressively pleased with himself. He folds his arms and looks at me eagerly, and I wish I hadn’t landed straight on the bed. I also wish he wasn’t seeing me like this. Rumpled from sleeping in my clothes. The feel of Lindon still on my skin. My hair mussed everywhere.

  “Damn, you smell good in the morning,” he says, taking another step closer. Flexing those impressive biceps as he adjusts his folded arms. He smells of a sharp, clean scent. Icy mountain water, soap, something like that.

  I gulp. “You know what else smells good in the morning?” I ask sardonically. “Bacon. I think maybe you should give up the wall climbing and get yourself some of that instead.”

  He shrugs. “There are columns. Too easy.”

  “You know there are stairs,” I say.

  He shrugs. “I didn’t want to deal with anyone else seeing me. I wanted some time to you with myself.”

  I cringe and bite my lip, unsure if this is where I should yell for Lindon. He senses my intent and lunges forward, catching me with his hand gently over my mouth and his other hand on the bed before I can say anything.

  “Calm down, I’m not an animal. I’m not going to hurt you. I just wanted to get to know you. I feel like I don’t know you at all.”

  “You and everyone else,” I say warily, once he removes his hand, once he’s sure I’m not going to scream.

  “I know, but I’m the one you’re going to pick,
so you should probably give me more info.” He walks around the room, looking around.

  “What are you doing?” I ask. The conceited, ab-obsessed shifter is walking to my desk, my closet, moving things around like he has a right to.

  I groan and rub my temples. If you’d told me a month ago that I’d wake up to a hot guy knocking on my window after climbing the wall to my second story bedroom, I’d have said you were crazy. But as Thor picks up the romance novel I left on my nightstand, I realize this is complete reality.

  And I’m about to be completely embarrassed.

  “What’s this?” he asks, seeing my reaction and flipping it open. “You and these stupid books. Books are so useless…” he trails off and a deep flush moves over his tanned, perfect cheekbones. Even though his face is identical to Lock’s his features look sharper with his shorter hair.

  He bites his lips and flips another page. “What is this? This is…” he looks at me, brows furrowed in confusion as he flips another few pages and looks down. Then he chucks the book away from him as if burned.

  “Those people, they were mating. You read books about mating?” For the first time, it looks like I’ve finally thrown the arrogant, sure-of-himself shifter off his game. And all it took was a romance novel.

  “Oh yes,” I say, picking up the book and coming forward. The big man backs up a little, looking almost afraid of me and my book. “And I expect whoever I mate with to do it just like this guy,” I say, pointing to the book. I’m just teasing, but it’s funny watching him sweat.

  He hooks a finger into the neck of his tight crew neck tee and pulls at the collar. Then he stops fidgeting and seems to calm himself. He takes a step forward, reaching out a hand for the book. “Fine, let me see it. If I’m going to be the one mating you…”

  I hand it to him, but not before opening it to a rather spectacular love scene.

  “Impossible!” he bursts out, throwing the book across the room. “Besides, I don’t need this Sylvester’s help to know how to please my woman.” He takes a step forward, arms at his sides, a predatory gleam in those gorgeous, amber eyes.


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