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The Science of Ghosts

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by Joe Nickell

  Camp Chesterfield, 217–18

  Capone, Al, 139, 143

  Carl, Christina, 96

  “Cask of Amontillado, The” (Poe), 49

  Castillo de San Marcos, 49, 135–37, 136

  Cayce, Edgar, 247

  Center for Inquiry (CFI), 9, 118


  defined, 345–46

  See also spirit communication

  Chapman, Sgt. W., 329

  Chinese ghosts, 178–79

  Christmas Carol, A (Dickens), 167

  Christopher, Milbourne, 114, 329–30, 333, 336, 340, 349

  Churchill, Winston, 211–12

  Cipriani, John, 136–37

  clairsentience, 139

  clairvoyance, 25, 139, 196

  defined, 346

  See also clairsentience; psychic phenomena

  Clement Hall, 61–63, 62

  Cockell, Jenny, 45–47

  Coffey, Chip, 310–11

  Coffin Hollow and Other Ghost Tales (Musick), 313–14,

  cold reading (technique of psychics), 232, 242–43, 270. See also psychics

  “cold spots,” 93, 273–74, 315

  Columbus Poltergeist, 3, 310


  defined, 346

  confirmation bias, 12

  Connecticut “demons.” See Southington, CT, demon/haunting case

  conspiracy theorists, 223, 226

  “contactees.” See alien abductions

  contagion, 320

  defined, 346

  Cook, Florence, 298

  Corner, Tony, 267

  Cottingley fairy photos, 298

  Crescent Hotel, 309

  Crews, Lionel, 61

  Cromarty, Barbara, 293

  Cromwell, Thomas, 38

  Crowe, Catherine, 20

  Crowther, Wells, 227, 228

  crystal gazing, 147. See also scrying

  “CSI” (explained), 287

  Cushing, Peter, 264

  Dai, Serena, 310

  Darwin, Charles, 195

  Davenport Brothers, 20–21, 210

  Dawson City Museum, 169

  daydreaming, 159

  Day of the Dead (Mexico), 178

  Dee, John, 153

  DeFeo, Ronald, 293

  déjà vu

  defined, 346

  Demonologist, The (Brittle), 329. See also Warren, Ed; Warren, Lorraine

  demons, 11, 18, 23, 181, 283

  at Amityville Horror House, 293

  Newbury Demon, 326–28

  in Southington, CT, 281–86

  See also possession

  de Phillipstahl, 159

  De Vaux, Samuel, 37

  devil's foottracks, 293

  Dickens, Charles, 167

  dissociation/dissociative state, 21, 39

  dissociative state defined, 347

  Dixon, Jeanne, 247

  Dobban, Alex, 41

  dollhouse, haunted, 91, 92

  double exposure, 306. See also photo analysis

  dowsing, 21, 89, 145, 270, 335

  Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 97, 298

  Duncan, Helen, 209–15

  Dundridge Manor, 39

  dungeons, haunted, 133–39

  Dunnigan, Brian, 37

  Eastern State Penitentiary, 138–39

  Eastman, George, 301

  ectoplasm, 21, 210–11, 272, 301, 306

  defined, 210

  Edison, Thomas A., 260–61, 273

  Edmunds, Charles, 41

  Edward, John, 217, 219, 241–44

  caught cheating, 232–33, 243

  electromagnetic field meter (EMF), 267, 272, 310, 310, 320. See also ghost hunting

  electromagnetic fields

  as alleged source of mystical experiences, 307–08

  in ghost hunting, 267, 272, 310

  electronic voice phenomena (EVP), 146, 165, 261, 273

  Ellis Hotel. See Winecoff Hotel

  elves, 11

  Emma mine, 155

  Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits, The (Guiley), 266

  Endor, Witch of, 17, 268

  energy, “life” or “spirit,” 25, 27, 103, 145, 149, 246, 272

  Enfield disturbances, 329–30

  Entities (Nickell), 328

  epilepsy, 45, 351

  ESP. See psychic phenomena

  ethics, 313–17

  Evans, Hilary, 29

  Evergreen Cemetery, 55–57, 56


  anecdotal, 20, 197

  best, 12

  evolution, 195

  EVP. See electronic voice phenomena

  exorcism, 251, 335, 341. See also demons; possession

  expectancy, 150

  defined, 347

  expectation. See expectancy

  extrasensory perception (ESP), 347

  faces, ghostly, 64, 65

  fairies, 11

  “fakelore,” 93. See also folklore

  fantasy proneness, 121, 147, 159, 164, 207, 247

  criteria showing, 239, 347

  defined, 347–48

  Faraday, Michael, 197

  Farnsworth House, 84

  fingerprints, 295

  Finley, Rush, 148, 149

  Finley, Ruth, 148

  Finucane, R. C., 17, 178, 343

  Fischer, John F., 288, 289, 296

  Fish, Leah, 187–88

  Fisher, Frederick, 175–77, 176

  Flint, Captain, 123

  fluorescent powder, 338

  folie à deux, 165

  defined, 348

  folklore, 36–37, 51, 54–55, 62, 69–71, 103–104, 125–26, 317

  traditional, 313–14, 317

  See also “fakelore”; “folk”-lure; “jokelore”

  folkloristic studies, 13

  “folk”-lure, 313–14

  footsteps, ghostly, 110–11, 292–93

  Ford, Arthur, 201

  Ford, Stetson, 61

  forensic linguistics. See linguistic analyses

  forensic science

  and ghosts, 287–96

  forensic serology, 290–91

  fortune telling. See cold reading; psychics

  Fox, John, 185

  Fox, Katie (Katherine Fox Jencken). See Fox sisters

  Fox, Maggie (Margaret Fox Kane). See Fox sisters

  Fox cottage, 185–93, 186, 192

  Fox sisters, 20, 72, 185–93, 209

  Franklin, Marguerite, 104

  Friedman, Michael Jan, 275

  Ganz, Kathleen, 93

  Gardner, Martin, 230

  Garner, Sue, 118

  Garton, Ray, 286

  Gef (talking mongoose ghost), 97

  Geiger counters, 145, 266, 310

  Gettysburg-battlefield “ghosts,” 81–86

  Ghost (movie), 23

  Ghost and Mrs. Muir, The (TV show), 23

  Ghostbusters (movie), 23, 271

  Ghost Busters, The (TV show), 23

  Ghost in the Mirror (Rule), 147

  ghost hunters. See ghost hunting

  Ghost Hunters (TV show), 138–39, 274, 275–80, 309

  Ghost Hunters (Warren and Warren), 264

  ghost hunting, 27, 149, 259–68, 314–15, 319

  equipment of, 261–62, 267

  pseudoscience of, defined, 271

  ghost light (theatrical), 166

  Ghostlights (DVD), 166

  Ghostlight Theater, 166–67

  “Ghostmobile,” 264

  ghost money, 178–79


  defined, 11, 19

  clothed, 25–30

  forensics and, 287–96

  gesturing, 175–77

  headless, 31–39, 126, 238

  imaginary, 165

  See also apparitions; ghost hunting; haunted places

  ghost ship, 172–73

  Ghost Trackers Club, 271

  “ghost train” death, 311

  “Ghost Whisperer.” See Winkowski, Mary Ann

  Ghost Whisperer (TV show), 245. Se
e also Winkowski, Mary Ann

  Ghost Writer, The (TV show), 23

  ghoul, 11

  “gilded cage.” See Bird Cage Theatre

  Ginsberg, Paul, 14

  Glanvill, Joseph, 19

  Glickman, Bob, 139

  “Gold Bug, The” (Poe), 124

  Golden Lamb Inn, 323

  Goodlin, Gerald, and family, 328–29

  Goodlin, Lisa, 241

  Graham, Rev. Billy, 68, 69

  Great Ghost Tales, 23

  Gregory, Anita, 329

  Grey, Lady Jane, 38

  Gross, Hans, 287

  Guiley, Rosemary Ellen, 149

  Gurney, Edmund, 197

  Habsburg, Rudolf von, 34

  hallucination, 345, 348

  defined, 348

  See also near-death experience; out-of-body experience; waking dream

  Hamilton, Trey, 61

  Hamlet (Shakespeare)

  ghost in, 19, 159, 178, 259

  Hand Hotel, 321, 321

  handwriting comparison, 294–95, 296

  Hansel, C. E. M., 237–38

  Haraldson, E., 345

  Harding, David, 241

  Harris, Diana, 107, 108, 110, 152, 163

  Harris, Melvin, 329

  Haskins, Mrs. James A., 44–45

  Hatfield, Sid, 149

  Hatfield-McCoy feud, 149

  Hauck, Dennis William, 33–34, 94, 116, 123, 128–29, 269

  Haunted Inns of America, 137

  “Haunted Light, The” (Miller), 117–18

  haunted places

  bar, 119–22, 120

  battlefields, 81–86, 84

  bridge, 175–77

  castles, 53–55, 127–30, 171–72

  cemeteries, 55–57, 56, 90, 90, 130–32, 131, 173–75, 180

  chapel, 33–34

  dollhouse, 91, 92

  fort, 35–37, 35, 36

  hotels, 63–65, 65, 78, 78–79, 101–105, 102, 147–52, 250–52, 320–23, 321, 323–24, 324

  houseboat, 295–96

  houses, 41–43, 50–53, 59–61, 87–94, 87, 185–93, 281–86, 282, 291–92, 325–41

  Kremlin, 177–78

  lighthouses, 107–14, 115–18, 278–80, 279

  mines, 155–57

  pasture, 95–96

  plantation, 276–77, 276

  prisons, 38–39, 133–39, 141–46

  restaurant, 79

  ship, 172–73

  theaters, 159–70

  train trestle, 311–12

  Haunting in Connecticut, The (movie), 281

  events behind, 281–86

  Hawes, Jason, 138–39, 274, 275, 275–80, 309

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 263

  headless ghosts, 31–39

  healing powers, 254

  Heck, Judson, 93

  Heijboer, Pierre, 156

  Hermann, James M., and family, 333–41

  Hickok, Wild Bill, 160

  Historic Haunted America (Norman and Scott), 118

  hoaxing. See pranks, ghostly

  Hockenberry, John, 243

  Hohenfels, Dietrich von, 34

  Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, 150–52

  Holmes, Sherlock, 163, 286, 343

  on ghosts, 343

  Holyrood House Palace, 29

  holy water, 335. See also exorcism

  Holzer, Hans, 76–77, 263–64, 268, 269–70

  Hooft, Gerard ’t, 155

  Hornbeck, Shawn, 253

  Hornby, Sir Edmund, 197

  horse, phantom, 95–96. See also animals, spirit

  hot reading, 243. See also cold reading

  Hotspur, 159

  Houdini, Harry, 201, 214, 241, 271

  Hound of the Baskervilles, The (Doyle), 97

  Hound of the Baskervilles (play), 163

  hounds, spectral, 97. See also animals, spirit

  “House of Blood” mystery, 291–92, 291

  Howard, Julia, 126

  Hugo, Victor, 34

  Hurst, Ann, 138

  Huse, Bertha, 195–96, 198–99

  Huygens, Christiaan, 155

  Hyde Park Barracks, 133–34

  Hyman, Ray, 352

  hypnagogic hallucination. See waking dream

  hypnopompic hallucination. See waking dream

  hypnosis, 247

  defined, 348

  See also past-life recall

  hypnotic regression. See hypnosis; past-life recall

  ideomotor effect

  defined 348–49

  See also dowsing; Ouija board; table tipping

  illusory experience, 349

  imaginary friends, 229, 239, 247. See also fantasy proneness

  infrared imaging, 25, 262, 266. See also thermal-image “ghost”

  Ingersoll, Robert Green, 202–208

  International Association of Forensic Linguists, 296

  intuition, 139, 238

  defined, 349

  investigative approaches

  for ghosts, 109–13, 287–96

  for photos, 297–306

  for poltergeists, 337–40

  invisible companions, 229 239, 247. See also fantasy proneness

  Irving, Washington, 31, 166, 263

  Islamic theology, 179–81

  Ivan the Terrible, 178

  Jailer's Inn. See Nelson County, KY, jail

  jails and prisons, haunted, 38–39, 133–39, 141–46

  James, Jesse, 80

  James, King, 19

  James, William, 195, 198

  jinn (Islamic spirits), 181

  jnun. See jinn

  “jokelore,” 33. See also folklore

  Jordan, Phil, 218–19

  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 192, 213, 329

  Jung, Carl, 236

  Kahn, David, 339

  Kaiser, Christopher, 311

  Kanichchka (“Human Ostrich”), 212

  Kaspar (Heijboer), 156–57

  Kasprzyk, Elaine, 37

  “Katie King” (spirit), 298

  Kaye, Marvin, 263

  Keeler, P. L. O. A, 193, 201–202

  Keene, M. Lamar, 21, 214, 217

  Kennesaw Mountain “ghosts,” 83–85, 84

  Kentucky Book Fair, 317

  Kidd, Captain William, 124–25

  King, Francis X., 154

  King, Larry, 255

  Kirlian photography, 25, 298

  Klondike Kate. See Rockwell, Kathleen

  Konstatin, Raudive, 261

  Koren, Stanley, 308

  Kremlin, 177–78

  “Lady in Blue,” 110

  “Lady in Lavender,” (ghost). See Lancaster Opera House

  “Lady in Red,” (ghost), 167

  Lafitte, Jean, 119–22, 123

  blacksmith shop, 119–22, 120

  Lamb, Arthur J., 160–61

  Lancaster, Burt, 142

  Lancaster Opera House, 162–64, 163

  Larry King Live, 255

  laser examination, 287

  Lawrence, Cathy, 138

  Leek, Sybil, 263, 270

  Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van, 155

  “Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The” (Irving), 31, 166


  defined, 63

  Dutch mine, 157

  Elvis, 73–80

  migratory, 161

  “legend trip,” 18

  Lenin's ghost, 177, 178

  Leonard, Suzanne, 150–52

  Levy, Chandra, 253

  Liberty Hall, 320

  light, phantom, 113–14

  lighthouses, haunted, 107–14, 115–18

  lights, flickering, 320

  Lily Dale spiritualist village, 152–54, 153, 189–90, 190, 219–20

  Lincoln, Abraham, 147, 201–202, 229–30, 299

  Lincoln, Mary Todd, 299

  Lindley Street Infestation, 328–29. See also poltergeists

  linguistic analyses, 13, 296

  Loftus, Elizabeth, 345

  Louisville Ghost Hunters, 314

  Lovejoy, Gertie, 169

  Lovelace, Richard, 133

  Lowe Hotel, 147–49

  Lutz, George, 23

  Macbeth (Shakespeare), 159, 178

  Machen, Arthur, 83

  Mackenzie, Andrew, 345

  Mackenzie, William Lyon, 28, 41, 292

  Mackenzie House, 28, 41–43, 42

  acoustics and, 292–93, 319

  macroscopy, 293

  Madigan, Brian, 241

  magic tricks (in poltergeist cases). See poltergeists

  magnetic fields. See electromagnetic fields

  Mahner, Martin, 45, 95, 129–30

  Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, 119, 173

  “materializations,” 210–11, 213–15, 218. See also spirit communication

  Mather, Increase, 326–28

  Matter, Mary E., 207

  Maynard, Lt. Robert, 125

  McClannahan Hill ghost, 31–33

  McCoy-Hatfield feud, 149

  McElroy, Rob, 80

  McEneaney, Bonnie, 223–33

  McEneaney, Eamon, 223

  Meder, Theo, 156, 157

  mediums, 20–21, 22, 121, 152, 188, 198, 201, 209–15, 231–33, 245, 260. See also specific “mediums” by name

  Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, 156

  Melbourne Gaol, 134–35, 135. See also dungeons, haunted

  mementi mori, 134


  fallibility of, 319–20

  See also memory distortions

  memory distortions

  defined, 350

  Meyers, Ethel, 270

  migraine, 45, 351

  Miller, Juaquin, 117

  Miller, Lischen M., 117

  Minervini, Peter, 64

  mirrors, 147–54

  misperception, 316, 320

  Mitchell, Dr. S. Weir, 68–72

  moans, ghostly, 111–12

  mongoose, ghostly, 97. See also animals, spirit

  Monroe, Marilyn, 150–52, 151

  Mons, Battle of, 82–83

  Monster Quest (TV show), 147

  monsters, 11, 105

  Moody, Dr. Raymond, 44, 153

  Moroccan spirits, 179–81

  “Moroni” (angel), 185

  Morris, Frank Lee, 142

  Morse, William

  family of, 326–28

  Mothman, 147

  motifs, folkloric, 63, 104, 156, 161, 177, 314

  motor automism, 205. See also Ouija board

  Mueller, Stephanie, 62

  Mullholland, John, 188

  Mumler, William H., 298–300

  Musick, Ruth Ann, 67, 313–14

  Myers, Frederick, 197

  Myrtles Plantation, 147, 276–77

  mythology, 73, 74–75

  Napoleon, 128

  Nasca geoglyphs, 150

  National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 225

  near-death experience (NDE), 43–45, 153, 254

  defined, 350

  See also Moody, Dr. Raymond

  Nelson County, KY, jail, 137–38

  Nesbitt, Mark, 81

  neurology, 238

  New Age, 239, 246

  Newbury Demon, 326–28

  Niagara, Old Fort, 35–37, 35, 36

  Nickell, Joe

  background, 17, 79, 102, 108, 275

  Nickell, J. Wendell, 31

  Nienhuys, Jan Willem, 50, 51, 52, 155–57


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