Book Read Free

Wish List

Page 3

by K.A. Mitchell

  Jonah licked his lips and looked past Evan to the door. “It doesn’t have a lock. What if your mom decides she needs you to leave for the store right away?”

  Jonah’s list had been pretty focused, but failed to indicate which side of that game he wanted to play. Time to find out.

  Evan reached out and latched on to Jonah’s upper arm, fingers biting into his muscles. “Then get across the hall into the bathroom and turn on the shower.”

  Jonah held Evan’s gaze for a second, then blinked, tongue flicking over his lips again. That’s what Evan had been hoping. The flush of power under his skin electrified him, then terrified him. There was a reason he’d locked this part of himself away. He loosened his grip on Jonah’s arm. “Go on. I’ll be right there.”

  Chapter Five


  That possessive need thrummed inside him, way deeper than the hunger that had his cock rising as if it had been days instead of minutes since he’d drained it. He gripped the door handle.

  The shower was running behind the curtain, splatting against the vinyl. As Evan popped open the bathroom door, a breath of humid air escaped and he caught Jonah twisting in front of the mirror, glancing over his shoulder to get a look at his upper arm. The spot where Evan’s hand had gripped was red. Jonah spun to face him, his cheeks darker than the mark on his arm.

  Evan turned and hid his smile as he locked the door. When he was able to keep his face blank, he put his back to the door and crossed his arms.

  Beneath the lean muscled chest, those sexy, threadbare jeans hung low on Jonah’s hips, revealing the waistband of his briefs and the silky trail of hair below his navel.

  “Still have your pants on.” Evan pitched his voice low.

  Jonah’s cocky grin was at full power. “So do you.”

  “Why don’t you do something about that, then?”

  There was a definite swagger in Jonah’s step forward. “Like what?”

  Fingers hooked in the sagging denim, Evan yanked Jonah off-balance, then pushed him toward the floor. “Like this.”

  Jonah let the shove put him on his knees, the grin never fading. After sitting back on his heels, he unfastened Evan’s jeans and yanked them to his thighs. With a smirk, Jonah leaned in and rubbed his face in the crotch of Evan’s boxer-briefs, making one long stroke up with his cheek.

  It was good pressure, comfortable, but that wasn’t what this was about. And Evan sure as hell didn’t need any help staying hard. He slid his fingers through Jonah’s thick hair and gripped tight, forcing his head back. “I was thinking you’d do that with your teeth.”

  Jonah blinked, and his smile faltered for a second before blazing back. “You want me to use my teeth on your dick?”

  Evan tugged harder at the roots of Jonah’s hair. “Stop screwing around and get your mouth on my cock.”

  Jonah swallowed, his throat working like he already had a mouthful. Evan relaxed his hold enough that Jonah could move his head. Jonah swallowed again and looked down, wiping his hands on his jeans before carefully pulling the elastic and cotton down to meet Evan’s jeans.

  Evan tugged a little on Jonah’s hair again, pulling him forward. Jonah licked his lips and the sudden softness in his eyes had Evan’s dick jerking as if it would find its own way into that wide, wet mouth.

  God, to think he could have this and Jonah too?

  A long swipe of Jonah’s tongue made Evan shudder, then Jonah’s laugh huffed first warm, then cold, on the damp skin.

  “Mmm. Tastes like you already had fun without me. That date with Mr. Righty wasn’t enough, huh?”

  Evan was about to say screw finding out where Jonah’s hot buttons were and stop his smart mouth with a washcloth while Evan fucked the shit out of him on the bath rug, when Jonah finally opened his mouth and sucked in the tip.

  Evan sucked in his breath at the quick flutter of Jonah’s tongue. “This is much better.”

  The bathroom filled with a foggy chill as the hot air from the vents battled the cold water streaming in the shower. The dual sensations of cool dampness and wet heat from Jonah’s mouth made Evan’s skin prickle. He wanted in deeper, knew Jonah was still teasing him.

  He used Jonah’s hair to drag him forward and hold himself against the convulsive press of soft throat, saliva trickling down to Evan’s balls, Jonah started to resist and Evan held him for another heartbeat before he relaxed his grip, letting Jonah breathe and rocking the crown back and forth over Jonah’s lips.

  Evan glanced down, but Jonah wouldn’t meet Evan’s gaze, lips screwed tighter as Jonah took Evan deep again, a hard wet bob almost distracting enough to not notice that Jonah was sliding a finger back to press and rub on Evan’s hole.

  It took both hands to get Jonah to back off. Evan dragged his control back in gulps of cold air, then tipped Jonah’s head back again.

  “Is that how you think this is going to go?”

  Jonah could still reach the tip with his tongue and he flicked it, prompting another gasp. He wasn’t wearing the same smile as he said, “Isn’t that how this usually goes?”

  He had a point. They’d hit a kind of groove lately—or maybe it was a rut. If Evan felt like fucking Jonah, Evan started by sucking him off, and when he wanted Jonah in him, Jonah started off with his mouth on Evan’s dick.

  Good time to shake things up. Rubbing his cock on Jonah’s cheek, Evan said, “I think it’s going to go exactly how I want it to.”

  “Yeah.” Jonah kissed the shaft, then rolled his eyes. “That’s pretty usual too.”

  “Less talk, more suck.” Evan couldn’t help smiling.

  “Wow. I should have gotten up earlier. I could have had some toppy flakes for breakfast.”

  “Maybe you should have.” Evan released Jonah’s head and slipped around him before peeling out of shirt, jeans, briefs and socks. Slapping the condom on the counter, Evan said, “Because I want your cock in my ass.” He braced himself over the counter and watched Jonah between the condensation drops on the mirror.

  “You got it.” Jonah rolled to his feet and grinned at Evan in the mirror before tonguing the length of his spine. Jonah put his hand over the condom, “Did you—”

  “In my jeans.”

  Jonah dipped out of view and came back with the small lube bottle. “Glad you packed ahead.” He wrapped his arms around Evan’s chest, palms sliding down over his pecs and ribs, chin tucked onto Evan’s shoulder.

  Evan caught his gaze in the mirror. “Jonah. Fuck me.”

  Jonah’s surprise at Evan’s shift of mood faded as his brown eyes darkened in determination. The burn of the initial stretch around Jonah’s finger made Evan realize it had been more than a few weeks. Was Jonah’s list a result of feeling—Evan’s thoughts stuttered as Jonah worked in another finger, the sting making Evan bite down on his lip and close his eyes. Jonah’s other hand slid down Evan’s back, at first a caress, then the firm press at the base of his spine, urging him to bend farther, push his ass out more.

  He’d wanted to get their feet wet, test out a little D/s space without scaring Jonah off it for good, but Evan had forgotten how Jonah tended to get his back up when a challenge was issued. Right now, Evan’s top space was disappearing up his ass with every rough, twisting thrust of Jonah’s fingers.

  Evan took a deep breath and lifted his head. “That’s enough, babe. Want your cock.”

  Jonah grinned at him in the mirror.

  “Do it right.”

  Jonah’s gaze lowered, teeth tugging on one top corner of his lip like he did when he was working out a puzzle. His slippery fingers took a grip on Evan’s hips, then Jonah rocked his dick along the crack, then shifted so it glided under to press on Evan’s balls.

  When Jonah worked the tip in, his head came up, eyes open, glittering in the drops of moisture on the glass
. But he waited, and Evan’s body was long past ready before he nodded at Jonah.

  He shuddered a little as he sank in deeper, fingers squeezing, legs quivering against the back of Evan’s thighs, but Jonah kept watching Evan.

  “Wait,” Evan commanded, and drank in the convulsive spasm in the hands holding him, the tension in the muscles pressed against him. Knowing Jonah was holding himself back because Evan had told him to set off a buzz in his head like two quick shots of whiskey.

  Jonah’s lips parted, panting hot moist breaths on the cool skin of Evan’s neck and ear. The dark lashes dipped over Jonah’s eyes.

  “Open your eyes and hold still.”

  They held each other’s focused stare in the mirror as Evan slowly swiveled his hips, shifting the pressure inside him, rippling his muscles along the length of Jonah’s cock. Jonah let out a grunt, but he didn’t move.

  Evan arched to pull Jonah in to his balls, then tipped away toward the counter, everything slow. The hot friction in Evan’s ass rippled through his belly, pulsed sweetly in his cock, but it was watching Jonah, feeling him quiver as he fought to stay still that made Evan’s heart pound with wave after wave of surging power.

  Evan slammed his hips back, and Jonah gasped.

  “Okay, go,” Evan whispered.

  Jonah stayed frozen for another instant, then his lips twisted. “Yes, sir.”

  Evan knew Jonah had meant to be sarcastic, but the breathy groan couldn’t manage it. Bowing his head and bracing his elbows on the counter, Evan let Jonah set the rhythm of the fuck, deep upward bursts from his hips. With his legs outside Evan’s to line them up, Jonah couldn’t get the kind of leverage and force he’d get on the floor, but since Evan’s legs were close together there was more than enough friction, and the thick ridge under the head of Jonah’s dick was hitting just right inside.

  Evan rocked along with Jonah’s pace, but when he started to buck faster, Evan lifted his head. “Don’t come.”

  “Uhn.” It was more of a grunt than a whine of protest but Jonah slowed.

  “Don’t come until I do,” Evan insisted.

  Jonah stopped moving and wiped the sweat from his face onto Evan’s shoulder. “And what if I do?” His grin was challenging again.

  Evan held Jonah’s gaze in the mirror and delivered the promise in a calm voice. “If you do, I’m going to toss away that condom and lick you clean. And I’m going to keep on licking and stroking your sore, wrung-out dick until you’re hard again. And you will be, because my fingers will be up your ass. And it’s going to hurt but you won’t be able to stop it because you’ll still feel good. And when you need to come again, I’m going to walk away.”

  Jonah’s body shook against him. “Shit.” There was a hint of a shaky laugh in his voice.

  Evan just stared.

  “Okay,” Jonah said. His thrusts were rougher now, but slow, as if he were searching for what would tip Evan over. Evan straightened up enough to lean on one hand and use the other on his dick, but it wasn’t a prize-winning stroke he was waiting for. Jonah wrapped his arm across Evan’s chest and clamped down on his shoulder, as if that could help Jonah hold on to the need driving them both forward into their reflections.

  “Please, Ev.”

  Close. The heat started to wash up from Evan’s toes, but his hand still kept a lazy rub on his dick.

  Jonah’s breath roared against Evan’s ear, hoarse and desperate. “C’mon.”

  Jonah lost all sense of rhythm, his hips jerking erratically, his head buried in Evan’s shoulder.

  “Look at me,” Evan whispered.

  Jonah’s head came up and there it was. Surrender. Eyes soft and open, fixed on Evan’s, body under Evan’s control as surely as if he’d put Jonah in cuffs and a collar.

  Evan let himself drop into that space with him, let the power and awe wash them both to the edge. “Go, babe.”

  With a sound like a sob, Jonah slammed his way home as Evan turned his hand to a blur on his cock, the friction surging with the force of the pressure in his ass, a blast of heat and pleasure from his ass and his balls flooding his cock with spasm after spasm. The orgasm left him high enough to dull the ache of Jonah still pounding away.

  Evan watched Jonah, felt that rush again like it was in his own body, the high burst of tension, felt the sweetness of finally, finally finding release, the aftermath in the flush of heat prickling his skin. Jonah sagged and Evan caught him, holding tight to Jonah’s forearms and locking them together to keep Jonah on his feet.

  “Damn.” Jonah heaved out a breath against Evan’s neck.

  “I’ve got you.”

  “Thanks.” Jonah’s lips moved softly as he spoke, a tickle on Evan’s skin. “I—thanks.” He eased back out of Evan’s body.

  Evan draped one arm around his neck to give Jonah support and turned to face him, still leaning on the counter. Jonah met him in a slow wet kiss then pulled away and put his head on Evan’s shoulder again.

  “Feels like I got fucked.”

  “Yeah?” Evan rubbed Jonah’s back, waiting, listening. It was Jonah’s turn to tell Evan how things should go.

  “Weird, huh?” Jonah lifted his head and moved as if he’d step back.

  Evan steadied him with a hand on Jonah’s hip. “Not really.” He cupped Jonah’s cheek. “You know you can tell me anything, right? Anything you want. Anything you need.”

  Jonah swallowed, and for a minute Evan thought it would come out. They’d hash things out and when they went to New York, Evan would take Jonah into a few shops and, based on how he reacted, maybe then Evan would take him to the old club, only to watch.

  Jonah only pasted on his bright smile, as if at this moment Evan couldn’t see through him when they were still so close, even if their bodies weren’t meshed anymore. But this had to happen at Jonah’s pace.

  “Right now what I want is to sit before I fall down,” Jonah said.

  “Here, keep leaning.” Evan peeled off the condom and flushed it, then lowered the toilet lid for Jonah to sit on.

  “Thanks,” Jonah muttered again. “Good time, though.”

  “Yes. Very good time.” Evan stroked a hand through Jonah’s hair.

  “Guess we both seriously need a shower now.”

  “I’ll turn on the hot water and hope no one ran the dishwasher.”

  Evan soaped Jonah up and washed his hair, and Jonah let him, passively moving in and out of the warm spray.

  Jonah rubbed his hand across his stubbled jaw. “Am I acceptable for the grocery run or do I need to shave?”

  “You’re fine.”

  “Okay. Um.”

  “Yes?” Evan waited, watching Jonah blink the water out of his eyes.

  “If you don’t mind, I’m gonna crank up the heat and use up the rest of the hot water. Kind of got chilled in here with the cold running.”

  The diffidence told Evan Jonah wasn’t quite back to himself yet, but there was no doubt about the fact that Jonah wanted some time alone.

  “I’ll be across the hall.”

  “Thanks. I’ll clean things up.”

  Evan dried himself off and put out a towel for Jonah on the rack. The dark burgundy curtain didn’t show so much as a shadow of Jonah, but Evan heard the spray pattern change as Jonah shifted under it.

  Evan wiped up the counter, then pulled the folded paper containing Jonah’s list and transferred it back into one of Jonah’s pockets. Steam poured thick and choking over the curtain rod, as if Jonah wanted to boil himself clean.

  No matter how much Evan wanted to check off Jonah’s wish list, the guy wasn’t making it easy to play Santa.

  Chapter Six

  Jonah had never come so hard in his life. His balls still tingled with it, thighs sore in an oh-so-good way. And that should have been rea
son to be dancing, or at least to put a bounce in his step as they ran errands for Evan’s mom. Instead, he was standing in the steaming shower freaking the fuck out.

  Evan telling Jonah what to do had been hot. And it made Jonah more convinced than ever that he wanted to see if he liked some of the rest of the stuff on that list—especially before he said forever to one guy. To Evan.

  Jonah wanted to tell Evan about the stuff Jonah had been fantasizing about, but Jonah had seen Evan cut his toenails while sitting on the toilet, heard him snore and rolled him into bed when he was giggling drunk. It made it weird to contemplate saying to Evan, “Please tie me up and fuck me and do you think you could find an old Ping-Pong paddle to smack my ass with too?”

  Evan would look at him like he was nuts, or worse, feel bad for not living up to something Jonah wanted. He couldn’t do that to Evan. It wasn’t playing fair to change the rules in the middle of a game.

  Things were back to normal when Jonah slipped across the hall and into some clothes. Evan looked up from his phone and said, “Ready?” like nothing all that wild had happened.

  When Jonah nodded, Evan dropped his usual goodbye or good night of a quick kiss on Jonah’s lips and a light rub of his shoulder blade and headed out the door.

  Things were pretty normal in the grocery store too, Evan insisting on maximum efficiency by dividing up the list. He always gave Jonah the inside aisles because Jonah got distracted by the displays and was as likely to pick up some “cool looking fruit” or “but they were on sale” triple fudge brownies as something on the list.

  Yeah, probably Evan going all control freak in the bathroom was your basic-issue Evan. It had definitely been hot, not that sex wasn’t good with Evan usually, but that had been a step up. Maybe that was enough. What made Jonah think he could handle the serious stuff with chains and leather and actual pain?

  Because his dick was hard as a rock, right there in the middle of the supercenter grocery store at the thought of it, and it took a long hard stare at baby food and diapers to get himself under control.

  He glanced up to find Evan waiting at the end of the aisle, a loaded basket on his arm and a smile on his face like he knew what Jonah had been thinking about.


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