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Lena's Story

Page 2

by Judy Waite

  “Come with me.” Lena led them through towards the stage. It was empty.

  “I must have imagined it,” Lena shrugged. “It felt weird being here on my own, and I was upset about some – er – stuff with my dad. I think my head must have got a bit screwed up.”

  Chelsea looked round. “There’s nothing here. Just dust and cobwebs. Probably a few pigeons in that broken roof.”

  Suddenly, Robbie began to bark.

  Lena picked him up but he wriggled free and ran under a row of seats. “He must be scared,” she said.

  “Him and me both,” said Sanjay. “Look what’s sitting in the front row, staring at an empty stage.”

  Chelsea gave a small shriek. “It looks like a ghost! The ghost of a soldier.”

  Chapter Eight


  Lena felt braver with the others there. “Let’s go nearer,” she murmured. “Perhaps we can help him. Maybe his spirit is trapped in time, and he doesn’t know how to leave.”

  She walked slowly down the aisle.

  The ghost turned, and gave her his thin smile. “So you came back. And you brought your own audience this time.”

  “We want to help you,” Lena said. “We think your soul might be trapped.”

  The ghost laughed. It was a proper laugh – not thin and whispery – but it still wasn’t a kind laugh. “I’m sure you can help me,” he said. “How about you pay me to leave?”

  “Pay you?” Kai had been close behind Lena and he walked round to stand by her side. “Are you saying that ghosts need money in ghost-world?”

  Chelsea and Sanjay joined them. Lena noticed they were standing close together. She felt a rush of warmth for her friends. They were all scared, but none of them would let her face this ghost on her own.

  The ghost stood up. “Yeah, that’s right,” he said. “We spirits need to pay our way in the afterlife, just like anyone else.”

  “You don’t sound much like a ghost,” said Sanjay.

  “Woooo oooooo,” said the ghost, and gave a little jump towards them. Chelsea squealed and Sanjay stepped backwards, but neither of them ran away.

  “You still don’t sound like a ghost,” said Sanjay.

  “More like an owl,” added Chelsea, although Lena could hear her voice was shaky.

  “But he must be a ghost. He was on stage, and then he was at the door before I got there,” said Lena, and she shook her head. “There’s no way a real person could have got ahead of me…”

  Kai interrupted. “I don’t know how he tricked you, but this isn’t a ghost.” He reached forward and poked the ghost in the chest. “Look: solid. Alive.”

  Lena’s eyes widened. Kai was right. “You’re wearing a costume from the dressing room. The ones they wore in the First World War play.”

  The ghost stepped back. “Well done. We could say you’ve seen through me. Ha ha.”

  “Very funny,” muttered Sanjay. “You’re just a human. Probably only a few years older than us.”

  “Real flesh and blood.” The boy pulled out a knife. “If you cut me, I’d bleed.”

  Chelsea gasped.

  “Put that away.” Lena tried to keep her voice level. The blade looked long, and sharp.

  The boy waved the knife at her. “I was planning on collecting cash for my own… er… charity,” he said. “This old army costume was perfect for the part. Now I can save myself the trouble. Just give me whatever money you’ve got and I’ll go.”

  “You’re joking.” Kai suddenly seemed to take control. He reached forward again. The boy stepped sideways, but his heavy soldier’s boot got caught in a loose floorboard. He stumbled, and the knife fell to the floor.

  He tried to grab it, but Kai moved faster. Kai held the knife.

  “No,” Lena’s voice shook. “Kai, don’t do anything stupid.”

  “Yeah, keep calm,” said Sanjay. “Why don’t we just all leave?”

  “Maybe you should.” The boy gave his thin, cruel smile. “But you might have to leave something behind.” He pointed upwards, towards the balcony seats.

  Lena and the others all looked at where he was pointing.

  A thin, pale figure in another soldier’s uniform was sitting in the front row. It got up slowly, and leant over the safety railings. Something small and brown wriggled in its arms. The figure spoke. “If you want to see this stupid mutt again, then I suggest you give my brother the cash he’s asking for.”

  Chelsea’s voice trembled as she spoke. “He must be a twin… and he’s going to throw Robbie off the balcony.”

  Chapter Nine

  Take Two

  Sanjay turned back to the first twin. “We don’t want any trouble,” he said.

  “None of us should be here,” Kai added. “The security guards will show up if we don’t leave now.”

  “That’s right.” Chelsea joined in. “Lena’s dad is looking for her, and my mum knows we came here. Either of them might turn up, too.”

  “We can make a quick getaway if we have to,” the boy sneered. “Me and Perry have got our bikes outside. We can be gone in a shot.”

  Lena gasped. These must be the two who had ridden their bikes at Robbie. They wouldn’t care at all about dropping him. They probably hurt animals for fun.

  She looked up at the twin on the balcony.

  It was a mega-drop to the ground. There was no way the puppy would survive the fall. She could hear Robbie’s little puppy yelps and could see him wagging his tail. He was probably thinking this was some new sort of game. She remembered how much she’d wished he was hers.

  “Keep soldier-boy talking,” she whispered to Chelsea. “Try and make him think you might give him some money.”

  “I haven’t got any,” Chelsea whispered back.

  “Just pretend. I know you’ll think of something,” muttered Lena.

  “Why? What are you going to do?” Chelsea whispered again.

  “I’ve got an idea.” Lena squeezed her friend’s arm. “Just trust me.” She edged away.

  Chelsea stepped forward, holding her phone up. “You can have this,” she said. “There’s a second-hand shop along the street. They buy phones there.”

  Lena saw the twins exchange glances. She wondered if they could read each other’s minds. Chelsea had done well. Now Lena could sneak off.

  She crept away, then darted down the corridor that led around to the backstage area. In front of her was a narrow wooden door. It was the door to the secret stairs – the ones she’d tiptoed up when she was a fairy.

  The area was sound-proofed. She couldn’t hear the others any more. If she couldn’t hear them, they wouldn’t hear her.

  The door was stiff. Or locked. She pushed at the wood panels. They creaked, but didn’t break. She suddenly remembered Kai with his kick-boxing. The way he jumped and spun and kicked. He’d told her that whenever he had a fight looming, he’d imagine himself doing all the moves. Being fast. Being awesome.

  Lena had laughed at him then, but it didn’t seem funny any more. She closed her eyes. She imagined herself jumping. Spinning. Kicking.

  Then, with a wild leap, she jumped, span around, and swung a kick towards the door.

  It broke easily, one side panel splitting away. At the same moment a blood-curdling yowl filled the air.

  Chapter Ten

  Into the Dark

  Lena stood, terrified. What was happening?

  She wanted to go back, but then she thought about Robbie. There was no way she was going to give up trying to save him. Taking a deep breath, she edged through the gap in the door. At the same moment a scrawny ginger cat yowled again. It rushed away up the stairs, its tail held high.

  Lena almost laughed. A cat!

  “Sorry, Mr Cat,” she called softly. “I’m not chasing you. But I’ve got to come up these stairs too.”

  She rushed up the stairs and slowed down as she reached the top. Then she took a deep breath. She crept out onto the back of the balcony. It was dark and full of shadows.

Chapter Eleven

  End Game

  Perry was still standing between the front row and the railings. He was still holding Robbie.

  Lena crept between the rows of seats. She had to keep low. If the first twin saw she was creeping up on his brother, it would be game over for poor Robbie. And if he got the knife back from Kai, it might be game over for her friends too.

  Chelsea was clutching her phone. “Your brother has to let Robbie go, before I give you this,” she said.

  “No chance.” The first twin sneered. “Why should we trust you?”

  “You are the ones who seem happy to splatter a puppy over the floor,” said Kai. “We would be stupid to take chances with you.”

  “One phone isn’t enough,” Perry shouted down to them. “Me and Preston want cash as well.” He held Robbie high and rocked his body slightly, as if he was getting ready to throw.

  “This phone is all I’ve got,” begged Chelsea. “Please.”

  Sanjay turned his pockets out. “Look. Empty. I haven’t got cash either.”

  “I’ve got coins. Four quid. Have it.” Kai threw his money onto the floor.

  Lena was crouching three rows from the front. Perry held Robbie high. She would have to do something quickly – except she had no idea what that ‘something’ might be.

  She crept along between the front two rows. She could see through the gaps between the seats and the safety railings.

  She couldn’t see everything that was going on, but she could see enough.

  Preston stooped to pick up the coins, keeping one eye on the knife in Kai’s hand. “If there’s no more cash, then we want all your phones,” he said. “Put them on the floor and slide them towards me.” Chelsea, Kai and Sanjay dropped their phones on the floor. Lena was relieved. If the twins accepted the phones, then she might not need to do anything.

  Preston went to pick up the phones, then stopped. “Hey, hang on a minute. There should be four of you. Where’s the lovely Miss Lena Kowlaski?”

  Lena saw Perry begin to turn, moving back from the railings. There was no time left. Whatever she was going to do, she had to do it now.

  Then two things happened at once. Lena scrambled over the front row seat and grabbed Perry by the shoulders. She pushed him sideways.

  At the same time, there was a bark and a yelp. Robbie had spotted the cat. He leapt away from Perry and chased the cat up between the seats, and out through an upstairs exit.

  “Robbie’s got away,” Lena yelled. “These twins can’t threaten us any more.”

  “You don’t think so?” said Perry, and he grabbed at Lena.

  He was stronger than her. He stood up and pulled her with him. He was gripping her shoulders. Pushing Lena forwards, he grinned at Preston down below.

  Kai, Sanjay and Chelsea all stared with new horror.

  Lena knew what they were thinking. How crazy were these twins? Was Perry mad enough to throw her over the balcony?

  Chapter Twelve

  Curtain Call

  Preston glared up at Perry. “You’re an idiot,” he shouted. “You can’t even keep hold of a stupid puppy.”

  Perry stopped grinning. “Lena surprised me. She knocked me over,” he whined.

  “That’s even worse. She’s much smaller than you!” Preston seemed to have forgotten about the phones. He seemed to be fed up with Perry.

  Kai still held the knife.

  Chelsea shouted up at Perry. “You do anything to Lena and we’ll do something to your brother.” But Lena could hear her friend’s voice shaking. The twins would know she was bluffing. There was no way Kai would use the knife. He was just playing for time. But time for what? Perry had something to prove now. He only had to push her hard. Lena didn’t imagine she’d flutter like a fairy. The drop would be fast, ugly, and final.

  It was Sanjay who made things happen.

  Darting forward, he grabbed his phone back, punching in numbers. “Police. We need help. There’s a guy attacking my friend at the Jester theatre, on the corner of Swatton High Street.” He waved his phone at Preston. “The cops are pretty quick around here. How do you fancy a life behind bars?” he asked.

  Preston scowled at him. “Get stuffed,” he said. But he started backing away, then turned and ran.

  Perry was still gripping Lena. “Hey,” he called after Preston. “What do you want me to do?”

  Lena took a deep breath. “He wants you to follow him,” she said. “I know twins always do everything together.”

  “She’s right,” Kai shouted up. “Plus, if the police catch you and not him, he’ll be even more fed up with you.”

  Perry hesitated. Then he shoved Lena backwards, scrambled over the seats and made his own escape.

  At the same time Robbie bounded back in, wagging his tail. He had a crumpled theatre poster in his mouth. He dropped it at Lena’s feet. Lena bent to stroke the puppy’s ears. She buried her face in his soft fur and he wriggled, trying to chew her ear.

  “You OK?” Looking up, she saw Kai running down the aisle towards her.

  “Yeah. Just about,” she said, with a shaky smile.

  Kai put his arms around her and hugged her. Lena’s heart thumped wildly, but this time it was with relief. Relief that Robbie was safe, and relief that she had such awesome friends.

  “Do we have to wait for the police now?” she said. “Will we have to give statements?”

  Sanjay and Chelsea came down the aisle too. Sanjay shook his head. “My battery was flat. I didn’t make the call. I was acting,” he grinned, but he looked shaky too.

  Lena lifted her head from Kai’s shoulder, looking towards the stage. “Seems we have all just given the performances of our lives. I hope those two get picked up for something else. They deserve to be caught.”

  “I’m sure they will be caught for something soon,” said Chelsea. “They are trouble.”

  Lena nodded. “Double trouble,” she said.

  Above them, something creaked. They all looked up. A pigeon fluttered through a crack in the ceiling. “We must get out before the roof falls in on us,” said Sanjay. “I suggest we take a final bow, then run for it.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Puppy Love

  Lena burst in through her front door, carrying Robbie.

  “Dad!” She raced into the kitchen. “We need to talk. I think I know what happened to Mr Bukoski’s wallet.”

  “Shhh – no need to shout,” said Mum. She was sitting at the table, drinking coffee. “Oh, hello, puppy!” Mum made a clucking noise with her mouth. Robbie wriggled out of Lena’s arms and bounded over to her.

  Moments later Mum was kneeling on the floor with Robbie, tickling his tummy.

  Dad looked up from checking his emails on his laptop. “You don’t need to explain anything, Lena,” he said. “The wallet turned up half buried in the plant-pot by the front door. I’m sorry I suspected your friends. I feel very ashamed.”

  “I knew it would be something like that,” Lena said. “This afternoon Robbie stole Kai’s keys and tried to bury them. And later he snatched Chelsea’s phone and…” She hesitated. She wasn’t sure it was a good idea to admit that a knife had been pulled on them inside a crumbling theatre. “Anyway, he’s just a naughty puppy, but in a super-cute way. So, Dad, if I take that Saturday job at the café and earn enough to buy all Robbie’s food, can I keep him? Please?”

  Dad and Mum exchanged glances.

  Robbie jumped up, grabbed an oven glove from the kitchen worktop, and bounded out to the hall with it.

  “You can see how naughty he is,” Lena begged. “I’ll have to train him. I’ll need to learn all sorts of skills. Maybe one day I’ll be a police-dog trainer.”

  Suddenly Dad looked interested.

  Mum hid her smile behind her hand.

  “Yes,” sighed Dad. “It’s my way of offering my biggest apology.”

  Lena hugged Dad. “Apology accepted,” she grinned.

  She ran out into the hallway, where Robbie was busy burying
the oven glove underneath the ‘Welcome’ mat beside the front door.

  Bonus Bits!

  Quiz Time!

  Check how well you paid attention to the story by answering these multiple choice questions. The answers are at the end of this section – no peeping!

  1 What was the puppy chasing at the start of the story?

  a a ball

  b a chip paper

  c an empty drink can

  d a page of a newspaper

  2 How did Sanjay try and get the puppy’s attention when it was running in the road?

  a he whistled

  b he shouted

  c he called

  d he threw a stick

  3 Which country had Lena lived in until she was six years old?

  a Brazil

  b Poland

  c Sweden

  d France

  4 Why was Mr Bukoski so cross when he was in the kitchen?

  a he had spilled his cup of coffee

  b his wallet had been stolen

  c Lena’s dad did not agree to the deal

  d the puppy had torn the sleeve of his jacket

  5 Why did Lena go into the theatre?

  a she wanted somewhere to shelter

  b she had a drama class

  c she wanted to find a disguise

  d she had agreed to meet her friends there

  6 What did Lena see in the mirror?

  a a ginger cat

  b her dad

  c a thin, pale figure dressed in a soldier’s uniform

  d the missing puppy

  7 What made the shoe ‘move on its own’?

  a a ghost

  b a rat

  c the wind

  d a cat

  8 What did the puppy take from Kai’s pocket?

  a his house-key

  b a dog treat

  c his wallet

  d a sandwich

  9 What does the ‘ghost’ say they can do to help him?

  a play a game with him

  b give him some food

  c pay him to leave

  d help him find the exit


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