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The High Lord bmt-3

Page 20

by Trudi Canavan

  Sonea stared at him. "So the Guild thinks you're the killer."

  "They are considering the possibility, yes. Balkan had rightly decided that, if I am innocent I will cooperate, and if I am guilty I must be confronted without delay. I was considering how I would deal with this, and what you should do and say, when the situation changed just now."

  He paused and sighed heavily. "Balkan wisely planned to isolate me from you and Takan. He sent a messenger with news of Jolen's death and a summons to meet with the Higher Magicians. When he heard I wasn't at the residence, he sent for you. He hadn't discussed with the others what he would do if you weren't there either, so I assumed he would do so next, and I'd hear of his intentions through Lorlen. But he must have already formed a plan." Akkarin frowned. "Of course he had."

  Sonea shook her head. "This has been going on while we were on our way back, hasn't it?"

  Akkarin nodded. "I could not say anything, with our guide present."

  "So what did Balkan do?"

  "He returned to the residence and searched it."

  Sonea went cold as she thought of the books and objects Balkan would find in the underground room. "Oh."

  "Yes. Oh. They didn't break into the underground room at first. But once they found books on black magic in your room, they became more determined to search every corner."

  Sonea's blood turned to ice. Books on black magic. In her room.

  They know.

  The future she had envisioned flashed before her eyes. Two more years of training, graduation, choosing a discipline, perhaps persuading the Healers to help the poor, perhaps even convincing the King to stop the Purge.

  None of it would happen. Ever.

  The Guild knew she had sought knowledge of black magic. The punishment for that crime was expulsion. If they knew she had learned black magic, and used it to kill...

  But she had done it, and risked her future, for a good reason. If the Ichani invaded, graduation or stopping the Purge would never happen anyway.

  Rothen is going to be very, very upset.

  She put that thought out of her mind with an effort. She needed to think. Now that the Guild knew, what should they do? How would she and Akkarin continue to fight the Ichani?

  It was clear they couldn't return to the Guild. They would have to hide in the city. Avoiding discovery by the Guild would make everything harder, but not impossible. Akkarin knew the Thieves. She had a few useful connections, too. She looked at Akkarin.

  "What do we do now?"

  He looked down the staircase. "We go back."

  She stared at him. "To the Guild?"

  "Yes. We tell them about the Ichani."

  Her heart skipped.

  "You said you didn't think they'd believe you."

  "I don't. But I have to give them the opportunity."

  "But what if they don't believe you?"

  Akkarin's gaze wavered. He looked down. "I am sorry I brought you into this, Sonea. I will protect you from the worst of it, if I can."

  She caught her breath, then silently cursed herself. "Don't apologize," she told him firmly. "It was my decision. I knew the risks. Tell me what I must do, and I will do it."

  His eyes widened slightly. He opened his mouth, then his gaze grew distant again.

  "They're taking Takan away. We must hurry."

  He disappeared down the stairs. Sonea hurried after. As he strode into the maze of passages she glanced back.

  "The stairs?"

  "Leave them."

  She broke into a run and caught up with him. Keeping pace with his long strides was difficult, and she bit back a comment about him having some consideration for people with shorter legs.

  "Two people must be protected through all this," he said. "Takan and Lorlen. Mention nothing of Lorlen's ring, or of his prior knowledge of any of this. We may need him in the future."

  All too soon he slowed and stopped before the door to the underground room. He took off his coat, folded it and placed it beside the door. Then he unbuckled the belt of the knife sheath and set it on top. A globe light sparked into life above their heads. Akkarin shuttered the lamp and placed it beside the coat.

  For a long time he stood regarding the door to the underground room, his bare arms crossed over his black vest. Sonea waited silently beside him.

  It was difficult to believe that this had happened. Tomorrow she was supposed to be studying how to heal broken ribs. In a few weeks the mid-year tests would start. She felt a pull toward the door, a strange feeling that she had only to find her way to her bed, and she would wake up to find everything continuing as it always had.

  But the room beyond was probably filled with magicians waiting for Akkarin's return. They knew that she had learned about black magic. They suspected Akkarin had killed Jolen. They would be ready for a fight.

  Still Akkarin remained motionless. She was just beginning to wonder if he was going to change his mind when he turned to look at her.

  "Stay here until I call you in."

  Then he narrowed his eyes at the door and it silently slid open.

  The backs of two magicians blocked the way into the room. Beyond them, Sonea could see Lord Balkan pacing the room slowly. Lord Sarrin was sitting at the table, regarding the items on it with a puzzled frown.

  They didn't notice the door open. Then one of the magicians standing in front of the doorway shivered and glanced over his shoulder. Seeing Akkarin, he sucked in a breath and backed away, dragging his companion with him.

  All heads turned to watch as Akkarin stepped into the room. Even without the outer part of his robes, he still looked imposing.

  "My, what a lot of visitors," he said. "What brings you all to my residence so late at night?"

  Balkan's eyebrows rose. He looked toward the stairway. Hurried footsteps could be heard, then Lorlen stepped into view. The Administrator turned to regard Akkarin, his expression unexpectedly composed.

  "Lord Jolen and his household were murdered tonight." Lorlen's voice was calm and controlled. "Evidence has been found that has given us cause to suspect you are the murderer."

  "I see," Akkarin said quietly. "This is a serious matter. I did not kill Lord Jolen, but you will have to work that out for yourselves." He paused. "Will you explain to me how Jolen died?"

  "With black magic," Lorlen said. "And since we have just found books on black magic in your house, including in Sonea's room, we have even more reason to suspect you."

  Akkarin nodded slowly. "Indeed you have." The corner of his mouth curled upward. "And you must all be frightened out of your wits by the discovery. Well, now. No need to be. I will explain myself."

  "You will cooperate?" Lorlen asked.

  "Of course."

  The relief on every face was clear to see.

  "But I have one condition," Akkarin added.

  "What is that?" Lorlen replied warily. Balkan glanced at him.

  "My servant," Akkarin replied. "I made him a promise once that he would never have his freedom taken from him again. Bring him here."

  "And if we don't?" Lorlen asked.

  Akkarin took a step to one side. "Sonea will go in his place."

  Sonea felt her skin prickle as the magicians noticed her standing in the passage. She shivered as she considered what they must be thinking. Had she learned black magic? Was she dangerous? Only Lorlen might hope she would rebel against Akkarin; the rest did not know the real reason she had become the High Lord's novice.

  "Bring them both here, and he will have two allies at hand," Sarrin warned.

  "Takan is not a magician," Balkan said quietly. "So long as he remains out of Akkarin's reach, he is no threat to us." He looked at the other Higher Magicians. "The question is: would you prefer to have Sonea in custody, or the servant?"

  "Sonea," Vinara replied without hesitation. The others nodded.

  "Very well," Lorlen said. His gaze flickered to the distance, then back again. "I have ordered him to be brought."

  A long, tense sile
nce followed. Finally, footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. Takan appeared, his arms firmly held by a Warrior. He was pale and anxious.

  "Forgive me, master," he said. "I couldn't stop them."

  "I know," Akkarin told him. "You should know better than to try, my friend." He took several steps away from the passage entrance, stopping beside the table at one side of the room. "The barriers are down and I have left the stairs open. You will find what you need just outside the door."

  Takan nodded. They stared at each other, then the servant nodded again. Akkarin turned toward the passage.

  "Come in, Sonea. When Takan is released, go to Lorlen."

  Taking a deep breath, Sonea stepped into the room. She looked at the Warrior holding Takan, then at Lorlen. The Administrator nodded.

  "Let him go."

  As Takan stepped away from his captor, Sonea started toward Lorlen. The servant stopped as he reached her, and bowed.

  "Take care of my master, Lady Sonea."

  "I'll do what I can," she promised.

  Her throat was suddenly tight. As she reached Lorlen she turned to watch the servant leave. He bowed to Akkarin, then stepped into the passage. When he had disappeared into the darkness, the panel slid back into place.

  Akkarin turned to face Lorlen, then looked down at the table and chairs beside him. The top part of his robes were still draped over the back of a chair. He picked up the black garment and shrugged into it.

  "So, Administrator, how can Sonea and I help you in your investigations?"


  Bad News

  Rothen had just donned a fresh set of robes when he heard the door to his rooms open.

  "Lord Rothen?" Tania called.

  Hearing the urgency in his servant's voice, he hurried to the bedroom door. Tania was standing in the middle of the room, wringing her hands.

  "What is it?" he asked.

  She turned to regard him, her expression pained. "The High Lord and Sonea were arrested last night."

  He drew in a breath, and felt hope and relief surge through him. Akkarin arrested at last! The Guild must have discovered his crime - and confronted him - and won!

  But why would the Guild arrest Sonea, too?

  Why indeed? Excitement withered away and was replaced by a familiar, nagging fear.

  "What were they arrested for?" he forced himself to ask.

  Tania hesitated. "I only heard it fourth or fifth hand, Rothen. It could be wrong."

  "What for?" he repeated.

  She grimaced. "The High Lord was arrested for murdering Lord Jolen and his household, and for learning some kind of magic. Black magic, I think? What is that?"

  "The evilest of all magics," Rothen replied heavily. "But what of Sonea? What was she arrested for?"

  Tania spread her hands. "I'm not sure. As his accomplice, perhaps."

  Rothen sat down in one of the guestroom chairs. He took a long, deep breath. The Guild would have to consider the possibility that Sonea was involved. That didn't mean she was guilty of the charges.

  "I didn't bring any food," Tania said apologetically. "I knew you'd want to know as soon as possible."

  "Never mind," he said. "It doesn't look like I'll have time to eat this morning, anyway." He rose and took a step toward the door. "I think I had better have a little chat with Sonea."

  Tania's smile was strained. "I thought you might. Let me know what she says."

  The young man sitting opposite Dannyl in the carriage was painfully thin. Though Farand had recovered well enough to walk in the week since his poisoning, it would still be some time before he regained his full strength. But he was alive, and very grateful for it.

  Dannyl had watched over the young man night and day throughout the voyage. It had been easy enough to hold back sleep and weariness with his Healing powers, but doing so always took a toll. After a week, he felt almost as bad as Farand looked.

  The carriage turned into the Guild gates. Farand drew in a quick breath as the University came into view.

  "It's beautiful," he breathed.

  "Yes." Dannyl smiled and looked out of the window. Three magicians stood at the bottom of the stairs: Administrator Lorlen, Expatriate Administrator Kito and Lady Vinara.

  Dannyl felt a little twinge of anxiety and disappointment. He had hoped the High Lord would meet him. But he'll probably want to discuss everything in private.

  The carriage pulled up in front of the stairs, and Dannyl climbed out. As Farand followed, the three Higher Magicians regarded him with wary curiosity.

  "Ambassador Dannyl," Lorlen said. "Welcome back."

  "Thank you, Administrator Lorlen. Administrator Kito, Lady Vinara," Dannyl replied, inclining his head. "This is Farand of Darellas."

  "Welcome, young Darellas," Lorlen said. "I'm afraid you will find us somewhat preoccupied with another matter in the next few days. We will make you as comfortable as possible, and deal with your unique situation as soon as this other matter is resolved."

  "Thank you, Administrator," Farand replied uncertainly.

  Lorlen nodded, then turned away and started up the University stairs. Dannyl frowned. There was something odd in Lorlen's manner. He seemed even more harassed than usual.

  "Come with me, Farand," Vinara said to the young man. She looked at Dannyl and her expression became grim. "Get some sleep, Ambassador. You need to make up for what you've lost."

  "Yes, Lady Vinara," Dannyl agreed. As she led Farand away, he looked at Kito questioningly.

  "What is this other matter that Administrator Lorlen spoke of?"

  Kito sighed heavily. "Lord Jolen was murdered last night."

  "Murdered?" Dannyl stared at him. "How?"

  The magician grimaced. "With black magic."

  Dannyl felt his face grow cold. He glanced at the carriage where the book lay deep within his travel trunk.

  "Black magic? Who...?"

  "The High Lord has been arrested," Kito added.

  "Akkarin!" Dannyl felt the chill spread through his body. "Not him!"

  "I'm afraid so. The evidence is damning. He has agreed to assist with our investigations. There will be a Hearing tomorrow."

  Dannyl barely heard him. Strange coincidences and occurrences were shifting into new places in his mind. He thought of the research Lorlen had asked him to begin, then cease. He thought of Rothen's sudden interest in the same information - just after Sonea had become Akkarin's favorite. He thought of what the Dem's book had revealed. Ancient magic - higher magic - was black magic.

  He'd assumed Akkarin's search had ended without this discovery.

  It seemed he was wrong.

  Had Lorlen suspected this? Had Rothen? Was this the reason for the research?

  And I was going to give that book to Akkarin!

  "We will discuss the rogue after the Hearing," Kito said.

  Dannyl blinked, then nodded. "Of course. Well, I had best obey Lady Vinara's orders."

  The Vindo magician smiled. "Sleep well, then."

  Dannyl nodded, then started toward the Magicians' Quarters. Sleep? How could he sleep after learning this?

  I continued this research with Akkarin's blessing, and I've got a book on black magic in my trunk. Will that be enough for me to appear guilty of the same crimes? I could hide the book. I'm certainly not going to be giving it to Akkarin... or discussing anything with him.

  He drew in a quick breath as he realized what this meant for him personally. Who was going to believe Akkarin now, when he explained that Dannyl and Tayend's relationship was just a ruse to entrap the rebels?

  The last time Sonea had been inside the Dome had been during her training for the Challenge. It was a huge, hollow stone sphere, once the practice room of Warriors. The Guild had abandoned it after the Arena had been built, but she had used it while preparing for the fight with Regin so that her lessons would not be observed by him or his supporters. Akkarin had strengthened the walls to ensure she did not damage them. Ironically, his magic was now helping to keep h
er imprisoned.

  Not that she intended to make any escape attempts. She had told Akkarin she would do whatever he instructed. He had said only that they must protect Takan and Lorlen. Then he had exchanged her for Takan. So he had meant for her to be here.

  Either that, or he was willing to sacrifice her for the sake of keeping the promise he had made to his servant.

  No, she thought, he needs me to back up his story. Takan was too close to Akkarin. Nobody would believe him.

  She paced the Dome interior. The plug-like door remained open to allow air into the room. A pair of magicians stood beyond it, watching her whenever she was alone.

  But she hadn't been alone much. Vinara, Balkan and Sarrin had each questioned her about Akkarin's activities. She did not want to risk revealing anything before Akkarin was ready, so she had refused to answer. They had eventually given up.

  Now that she was alone at last, she found she didn't like it. She kept wondering where Akkarin was, and if she was doing what he wanted by keeping silent. It was impossible to tell the time, but she guessed it was well past dawn now. She hadn't slept all night, but she doubted she would have even if there had been a soft bed instead of the sandy floor.

  A movement beyond the door caught her eye. Looking up, she felt her heart twist painfully.


  He stepped into the Dome, his face lined with worry. As she met his eyes, he tried to smile, and she felt her stomach sink with guilt.

  "Sonea," he said, "how are you?"

  She shook her head. "That's a silly question, Rothen."

  He looked around the Dome and nodded. "Yes. I suppose it is." He sighed and looked at her again. "They haven't decided what to do with you yet. Lorlen told me they found books on black magic in your room. Were they planted there by Akkarin or his servant?"

  She sighed. "No. I was reading them."


  "To understand my enemy."

  He frowned. "You know that just reading about black magic is a crime."


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