His Huge Rock

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His Huge Rock Page 52

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “Fine. I’ll listen right now.” Liz pulled out her phone and dialed her voicemail up. As soon as she heard Harrison’s voice start to speak she turned bright red.

  His voicemail said: “You called me tonight while you were drunk. Said you wanted my hands on your body. I want you too. I think we should stop this silliness and just be together. Bella will learn to deal with it. Life is too short not to be with the person you care about.” Then the message was over.

  Liz looked up at Harrison, who was smiling from ear to ear.

  “So what do you think?” He said.

  “I don’t know. How will we ever tell Bella?” Liz wanted to say yes, she really did.

  “How about we not worry about that right now. We will tell her when the time is right.”

  “Well she is mad at me right now, so I probably won’t even be talking to her for a couple weeks,” Liz said with a smile.

  “And I’m busy with work lately, so I hardly ever talk to her, except to check in for a quick phone call,” Harrison said as he stepped behind Liz’s desk and pulled her in for a deep kiss.

  “Harrison! Someone might see.” Liz said as she tried to push him away.

  “Let them see. I don’t care.” He joked as he continued to kiss Liz.

  That night Liz went home feeling the best she had felt in weeks, there was a sense of relief in finally agreeing to try things again with Harrison. He had been on her mind so much of every single day; it would be nice to spend time with him outside of work again.

  The next morning as Liz got ready for work she decided to wear a sexy white lace top that she knew would catch Harrison’s eye. She paired it with a tight red pencil skirt that showed off all of her curves. She suspected Harrison wouldn’t be prepared for the level of sex appeal she could throw at him. Liz was ready to distract him totally; she wanted to drive him wild.

  Harrison noticed the change in Liz the second she walked into work. She had been avoiding him for weeks, barely making eye contact and dressing in old lady boring clothes. But now Liz looked at him with desire, a desire that he had a hard time avoiding throughout the day.

  Several times during the day, Liz stepped into his office and picked up papers or took papers away. It took a level of self-control that Harrison did not know he had to stop himself from grabbing Liz and taking her right there on his desk. Last night it had been late in the boardroom and Harrison knew almost everyone was gone, he had joked that he didn’t care if anyone found them kissing, but really he did.

  Today though, he couldn’t contain himself. Watching Liz walk around in that tight skirt was killing him. Her ass perfectly shaped, just begged for him to touch it. The final straw happened when Liz turned to walk out of his office to bring as a stack of files to the office on the floor below his. She dropped the stack of papers when she got to his office door and then she bent over to pick them all up.

  Harrison sat at his desk and watched her bend over and slowly picked up each of the files. His cock ached for her. He had to have her.

  As Liz left his office and headed to the stairwell, Harrison followed her. He waited for her to drop off the files and then head back up the stairs. When she got to the top of the stairs, Harrison stood there waiting for you.

  “Oh, Mr. Wellington. How can I help you sir.” Liz joked.

  Harrison was filled with an urge that he had to have Liz. He grabbed her and pulled her into the corner of the stairwell.

  “You have been teasing me all day.” He said as he started to unbutton her lace blouse.

  “Whatever do you mean sir?” Liz pretended to be oblivious to her purposeful seduction throughout the day.

  “Oh, you know. This shirt. Your ass. I can’t take it anymore.” Harrison said as he turned Liz around and unzipped her tight red skirt.

  Her skirt fell gently to the floor, and Harrison couldn’t contain himself. Underneath her skirt was nothing. Liz had not even had on panties all day long.

  “Oh, Mr. Wellington. Oops. I forgot to wear panties today.” Liz smiled as she bent over and leaned against the railing of the stairwell.

  “Oh my fucking god,” Harrison said as he let his pants fall to the ground and pulled his cock out. He was about to slide inside of Liz when she stopped him.

  “No,” Liz said as she stood up and pushed Harrison into the corner.

  “What?” He said, and then he realized there was someone else in the stairwell. They seemed to be down a couple floors. No one ever had a reason to use the stairs to come all the way up to the top floor. But both Harrison and Liz were frozen there in silence and hoped this would not be the one time someone decided to come to the top floor using the stairs.

  Chapter 7

  Soon the threat of someone coming to their level in the stairwell was gone. Harrison grabbed Liz and bent her over the railing. Without hesitation, he slid inside of her.

  Liz tried to be quiet. There were over thirty floors of stairs, she didn’t want to make noise and have someone farther down the stairwell hear her. It was hard though. As Harrison thrust harder and harder, Liz felt like he wanted her to scream.

  Harrison did want to hear her scream. He wanted to win this battle of her seduction with a final tremendous orgasm that Liz couldn’t keep quiet through. He reached around and let his thumb press against her clit as he thrust inside of her.

  He committed himself to not cumming until he felt Liz give into the pleasure she felt. But soon he had no choice but to explode inside of her. He couldn’t stop himself, she felt so perfect wrapped around his cock.

  Liz relished in her win of seduction. She had so much fun seducing Harrison that day and driving him absolutely crazy for her. It made her smile that he had been trying to stop himself from cumming, but finally had given in. This was a fun game that Liz intended to play over and over again with Harrison.

  For the next several weeks, Liz and Harrison had a great time at work and outside of work. They spent their days flirting and having fun and their nights wrapped up in each other’s arms. It was hard for either of them to even remember why they had not just told Bella they were together in the first place. But as the weeks went by Liz started to worry that it would be harder and harder for them to come clean to Bella.

  Now they were lying about the relationship. Well not technically lying since Liz had not spoken to Bella in the last couple of weeks. But Liz still felt like she was not being truthful.

  Harrison had spoken to his daughter several times over the last few weeks, but he spent most of those conversations asking Bella about school and how her homework was going. He tried to avoid all conversations about his life and instead just redirected Bella to talk more about her own life at school. This was an easy tactic with Bella since she enjoyed talking about herself so much.

  Bella did stop by her father’s house a couple weeks before school was scheduled to end. They had dinner, and Harrison did his best to keep her distracted and talking about her school work and friends.

  “So do you have a boyfriend?” Harrison asked.

  “No, Daddy,” Bella said as she ate the pizza her father had ordered for them.

  “How is all your schoolwork? Are you ready for finals?”

  “It’s good. You know Dad you are looking good lately. Are you working out?” Harrison tried to hide his smile, but it just slipped out. He couldn’t help but think about all the late night sessions him and Liz had been having lately. It was a whole different kind of workout than Bella was talking about for sure.

  “I have been working out,” Harrison said.

  “You look happy too Dad. How is the Boston office? You look so much less stressed out than you normally look.” Bella liked this new Dad she saw. He wasn’t all stressed out and worried, and he seemed to be working less than he typically did.

  “Yeah, things are really good Bella. I’m really happy.” Harrison said, and it was the truth. He felt happier than he had felt in many years.

  They finished their dinner and Harrison almost told Bella about L
iz at least a dozen times. She needed to know. She needed to hear it from him and not from Liz. But Harrison just couldn’t bring himself to tell her, especially right before finals. He decided it would be best to wait until after Bella had finished her finals. She still had another two years of school left and Harrison contemplated not telling her at all until she was done with college, but finally settled on waiting a couple weeks until school was over.

  “You know Liz is graduating next week,” Bella said totally out of the blue.

  “Oh, yea. Are you two still hanging out?” Harrison didn’t want to let on that he knew the girls had not been hanging out for several weeks. He knew this for a fact because Liz had been spending many of her weekends at his apartment.

  Harrison had even spent a couple nights over at Liz’s place. He didn’t mind it over there at all. It was small, but it was actually pretty fun to hang out at a place different than his house.

  “Well, we had a fight a little bit ago, so we haven’t been hanging out. But we always make up from fights. It’s just a girl thing.” Bella said as she finished her dinner.

  “Women. I’ll never understand you all.” Harrison joked.

  Bella wanted to ask her Dad if he and Liz had really stopped hanging out together. She knew Liz was working as his assistant, but that was all she knew. Originally the only reason she had come over was because she wanted to try and get information out of her Dad. Seeing him looking so happy though, it made her second guess herself. Maybe he had a different girlfriend now? Maybe he was still seeing Liz?

  Bella wanted to know the answer, but then again she wasn’t sure she was really prepared for the truth.

  Chapter 8

  Bella tried to make an effort to run into Liz at school, but she just could not find her. Finally on the day before graduation Liz had just finished up her last final and Bella caught up to her near the dining hall.

  “Liz!” Bella screamed as she waved her arms in the air to get Liz’s attention.

  At first Liz didn’t think that Bella was talking to her, she looked around behind her to see if there was anyone else there. Of course, there was not. Liz walked over to Bella.

  “Hey, Bella. How are you?” Liz said.

  It seemed odd to Liz that Bella was not mad at her. For the last several weeks, Liz had thought for sure Bella was pissed off. But here they stood acting like everything was perfectly fine without a care in the world. Liz was relieved that they could move forward from the fight they had.

  “Liz. I’m so glad to run into you. Are you excited about graduation?” Bella smiled and gave Liz a big bear hug.

  “Yeah. I can’t believe I actually made it. I’m kind of in shock.”

  “Who all is coming to graduation? Friends from home, your Aunt, your Grandma? Bella said with excitement. It was pretty darn exciting that Liz had finally graduated from college after she had spent the last five years working her ass off.

  “Nah, no one is coming.” Liz tried not to sound too pathetic as she said this.

  But it was the truth; Liz did not have anyone that would show up for her graduation. In fact, there weren’t too many people in her family that even called to check up on her. When they did, it was around her birthday or Christmas, and that was about it.

  It was at that moment that Bella realized something that she had never truly understood before, Liz really didn’t have a family. Yeah, technically she had people that were her family. But Liz did not have a single person that would put aside their day to day life for one day and support Liz as she graduated from college.

  Bella couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of sadness. Liz was literally alone in this world. She had tried to explain this to Bella many times and although Bella thought she understood it.

  It wasn’t until Liz said that not a single person from her family would be showing up at her college graduation; it hit Bella. Liz was stronger than Bella had realized.

  Bella knew that there was always a core group of at least a dozen family members that would show up at anything she did. Birthday parties, graduations and even a silly dance class she took her freshman year. The recital for her dance class was filled with her entire family.

  “Well, I’ll be there!” Bella said with a smile. “I mean if you are alright with that?”

  “Yeah. Of course.”

  “You’re looking really good Liz. You look happy.” Bella said.

  She had been trying to figure out what it was about Liz that looked different. Although she couldn’t pinpoint what it was, she certainly knew that Liz looked happier than she normally did.

  “Ah, probably just because I’m graduating. It’s pretty exciting.” Liz thought about trying to tell Bella about her and Harrison, but she didn’t want to ruin the moment.

  Plus Liz really wanted to have Bella there at her graduation. It would be nice to have her best friend there as she walked across the stage to get her diploma.

  “Yeah, it’s crazy exciting!” Bella said with her usual high level of excitement. “Do you have a boyfriend now?” Bella asked.

  Liz instantly froze. She didn’t want to answer the question, and she wanted to get away without totally lying to Bella. Liz tried to think of something she could say that wouldn’t be a lie.

  “Well, I better get going. I’ll see you tomorrow at graduation.” Liz hugged Bella, and a total sense of relief filled her body. It felt so good to have made up with Bella.

  Although from talking to Bella it seemed that maybe they had not been fighting like Liz had thought. But whatever had been going on, Liz was excited Bella would be at her graduation. This was going to be one of the best days of her life.

  Liz went back to her apartment and gathered up her things before she headed over to Harrison’s house.

  Harrison had been planning a romantic dinner to celebrate Liz’s graduation, and she couldn’t get over there fast enough. She wanted to relax and enjoy the night before her big day tomorrow.

  Chapter 9

  Liz was amazed at how romantic Harrison had become over the last few weeks. She looked forward to spending time with him. They talked and cuddled. They watched television and sometimes just lay in bed together. And, of course, they made love, often.

  Liz and Harrison were official a couple. They spent more time together than they did apart. His assistant had decided to retire, and Liz worked with him full-time. Although she wanted to move into marketing when she got her degree, she didn’t want to leave Harrison. But Harrison encouraged her to follow her dreams. He wanted her to find her dream job, and that made Liz love him even more than before. He was willing to let her go if it would make her happy.

  Of course Liz could find plenty of marketing jobs in New York, and she wouldn’t have to go far away from Harrison.

  That night they ate dinner and made plans for their future. Liz wanted to find an awesome job in marketing where she could really follow her dreams. Harrison playfully tried to convince her to try out the marketing team at his law firm, although he knew she needed to move onto a new job that she really loved.

  Midway through dinner Harrison got up suddenly from the table and grabbed Liz. He carried her in his arms to the bedroom.

  “I’m so happy,” Liz said as she looked into Harrison’s eyes.

  Only a few months ago she had been a shy college girl who couldn’t even look at Harrison. Anxiety had consumed her and feeling like she wasn’t worthy of having a man as kind and handsome as Harrison.

  But Liz realized that she was worthy of this man. She was worthy of having the happiness she had always dreamed of having. Life felt perfect. Well almost perfect. There was still the big looming concern over Bella and how she would react to finding out that Liz and Harrison were together. But Liz didn’t want to think about that, she would deal with it another day.

  “I’m happy too Liz,” Harrison said as he threw her down onto the bed.

  “Oh, you look happy,” Liz said as she eyed his hard cock as it pressed up against his pants. “Li
ttle Harrison looks happy too.” Liz joked.

  “Little? Oh no, you did not just say that.”

  “I did.” Liz laughed.

  Harrison threw his shirt at Liz and then took off his pants. He stood there naked. His hard throbbing cock stood at attention.

  “You can’t tell me this is small.” Harrison had a look of concern on his face.

  “Oh, I think you will need to bring it a little closer.” Liz continued.

  Harrison knelt on the bed and brought himself up to Liz’s head. He let his cock hang only inches away from her face.

  “How about now?” He asked.

  “I think I’m going to have to put it in my mouth. I mean to get a true feeling of its size.” Liz said as she wrapped her lips around Harrison.

  His body reacted by getting harder. He loved the feeling of Liz’s lips wrapped around him. It was hard for him not to instantly explode in her mouth.

  He only let Liz suck on him for a short period of time before you grabbed her again and made quick work of getting her out of her clothes. Soon he had her sitting on top of his cock. It was by far his favorite position with Liz.

  Harrison loved to watch her body riding up and down on his cock. He loved to watch her face as the excitement built up inside of her. She moved harder and faster as the orgasm took control of her body. Soon she let out a scream of delight and collapsed onto Harrison’s chest.

  It felt good to be so comfortable with each other. To feel totally able to let go and enjoy the cardinal satisfaction of being together.

  “I’m going to come to graduation tomorrow,” Harris said as he let his hand stroke Liz’s hair and her bare back.

  Liz lifted up her head and looked at Harrison. As much as she desperately wanted him to be there, she couldn’t risk him coming and Bella coming. Bella would know something was up as soon as she saw Harrison was there.

  “I don’t think it is a good idea. Bella is coming.” Liz said.

  “I want to see you get your diploma. You worked so hard.”


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