Only With Me
Page 7
Her eyes lit up like fire. You could almost feel the desire bouncing between us. She chewed on her lip. Reaching up, I pulled it free and ran my thumb her soft plump lip. “The night part will come when you’re ready.”
“She’s ready.”
Gabi’s eyes snapped over my shoulder. “Charity, please go away.”
Focusing back on me, her cheeks turned red and she looked down. “It’s just, I haven’t been out with anyone in a long time and . . . well . . .” She swallowed hard. “I feel it too, Nic. So much so it scares me. Can we just take it day to day and let things go how they go?”
“Of course, Gabi, I’d never pressure you to do something you’re not ready to do.”
She smiled and my damn stomach dropped again. Fuck I wanted this girl, but I needed to be patient. I liked that she wasn’t eager to jump into bed with me. Not that I would argue if she wanted to.
Her smile dropped and doubt crept into her eyes. “I’m sure a guy like you isn’t used to waiting on a girl.”
Lifting my hand, I traced my finger down her jawline. “Agapiméni, some things are worth waiting for.”
I WAS GOING to kill Charity.
Kill. Her.
I couldn’t believe she had said that in front of Nic and packed an overnight bag for me. Why didn’t she just put whore on my forehead?
Of course, after how sweet Nic was, the only thing I could think about was having sex with him. What he would feel like inside me. Was he gentle or a little rough? Did he take his time or was he the type of guy who didn’t care if the girl was pleasured or not?
No. Not Nic. I could tell already by the sweet things he said to me he would be the type to take care of me first then him.
My heart raced the more I thought about sex with Nic. I needed to stop now. This is what happens when you go so long without sex.
Of course, it wasn’t lost on me that Nic picked up my overnight bag. Truth be told, I was hoping our hike would lead to his house, which would lead to a shower, which would lead to other things.
Stop it, Gabi! Focus!
“We’re almost there,” Nic called back. “Just around this switchback.”
I breathed in a deep breath. The air up here was amazing. It felt so pure. But at the same time, it was kicking my ass. I needed to get back to the gym. As I came up behind Nic, I gasped at the sight before me. The grassy meadow was unlike anything I’d ever seen. “Wow.”
“It’s called the Garden of Eden.”
“It’s beautiful.”
Nic turned to me. “I can’t believe you’ve lived here for so long and never been on any of the hiking trails.”
With a weak smile, I didn’t want to tell him I was afraid of being alone. That I craved the peace, but feared someone was following me.
“Charity isn’t much of an outdoor kind of girl. Even though she made me buy everything clothes and shoes wise to go hiking.”
He took my hand in his as we walked across the meadow. “I love being outside. I’ve hiked all over these hills. It helps me find the inner peace I crave so much.”
“I bet you need that with your job and all.”
“Yeah, my job can get pretty intense.”
I kicked at a rock while drawing in a breath. “And dangerous.”
Nic came to a stop and squeezed my hand as he turned to me. I could get lost for days in those eyes.
“Yes, but that’s why we train as much as we do.”
Running his finger along my jaw, I saw the excitement cross his face when my body reacted to his touch. “Does that scare you? My job?”
I thought for a moment. It didn’t feel like it was too soon to be having this conversation. There was no doubt we were drawn to each other, and I was positive more dates would be in our future. I got the feeling this was new to both of us. The last time I had a serious boyfriend was six years ago and even then, I wasn’t drawn to him like I was Nic. What started out as an attraction soon led to something far more dangerous.
“It scares me, but not in a way that would scare me off. Does that make sense?”
The corners of his mouth rose and a hint of his dimples showed through where he had trimmed up his five o’clock shadow. “That makes perfect sense. It also makes me happy.”
The way his green eyes lit up had my heartbeat racing. I’d never been so drawn to a man’s eyes. Or ever felt this way about a guy before. It was as if I couldn’t get enough of his smiles, kisses, and his touch. Lord knows I wanted more of his touch. I got the feeling Nic felt the same. We were both guarded, but curious as hell. Each time he touched me my body trembled, and I knew he saw it. You could see in his eyes he liked to see what his touch did to me.
“I’ve had fun today,” I said as I leaned against his body. He gently spun me around, wrapping his arms around me. It felt so natural. Like we’d been seeing each other for months. Like we fit together like two puzzle pieces.
He leaned over and whispered against my ear, “I’ve never brought a girl up here before.”
His confession thrilled and stunned me all at once. Looking up at him, I watched while he looked straight out over the meadow to the distant mountains. Like his statement was hard to admit.
“Why not?” I asked.
He held me tighter. “I’ve never wanted to share it with anyone before.”
Turning, I placed my hands on his chest, “Why share it with me?”
When his eyes met mine, I felt the air leave my lungs. I’d never had anyone look at me the way Nic did. Like he was searching deep within my soul.
“I don’t know. There’s something about you that draws me to you. Then last night, I couldn’t stop thinking about you and that sweet wet pussy of yours, aching for me to make you come.”
Oh. My. God.
I never in my life thought I would like a guy talking dirty to me. But I sure as hell liked Nic talking to me that way. My panties instantly were wet, and I longed for him to pick up where he left off.
He then added, “I can’t help the way you make me feel. The things I long to do to you.”
My teeth sunk into my lip as I grabbed his T-shirt and lifted to the tips of my toes. “You do things to me too, especially when you talk naughty like that.”
He smiled. “Oh yeah? You like it?”
Nodding, I felt my cheeks heat. “I do, and that surprises me.”
Nic ran his fingers down the side of my cheeks. “You look beautiful when your cheeks get flushed. When I talk to you like that, they turn a beautiful pink.”
I dropped my gaze.
“Don’t be shy, Gabi. A nice girl can have a little bit of naughty in her too.”
My head dropped onto his chest and I felt his body rumble with laughter.
When I finally gained the courage I need, I dropped my head back and looked up at him.
“I’ve only ever been with one man. And even then it was a . . . forced relationship.”
Nic frowned. “He didn’t . . .”
I shook my head. “No, no, nothing like that. We were friends and our families thought we needed to be more. He never hurt me, but he certainly didn’t care how I felt about things. If that makes sense.”
There was no doubt that was anger I saw in Nic’s eyes. Maybe I needed to think about getting into a relationship a little harder. No. No I’ve waited long enough and I’d never felt like this with anyone else before.
The deal I made when I went into this was to wait three years before I became romantically involved with someone. It had been six.
There was only one thing I was unsure of though. Did I want a relationship built on a lie? The truth hidden deep within me and the fear it could show its ugly head at any time.
If Nic ever found out the truth . . . the thought made me sick to my stomach. He would hate me.
Bending down, his finger lifted my chin. “Hey, are you okay? You’re shaking.”
Forcing a smile, I nodded. “Yeah, just a little chilly with the wind up here.”
He didn’t believe me.
When he looked like he wanted to press me for more information, I stepped away and walked a little further into the meadow. My arms wrapped tightly around my body.
I had only known Nic two days, and I was already longing to tell him everything. I was greedy though. The longing for happiness outweighed the need for the truth.
“Gabi, you can talk to me, you know that, right?”
Smiling, I replied, “I know. I’m just taken by how beautiful this is and how I’ve been missing out on it.”
“I’ve got so many more places to show you if you want.”
In that moment I knew what I wanted. It was time to move on and leave the past in the past. I’d go to Italy, do what I needed to do and then never look back. It would destroy both me and my family, but the only way to be truly free was to break the tie.
Nodding, I softly replied, “I’d like that very much.”
I PUSHED AWAY the notion I had that Gabi was hiding something from me. I didn’t have to know every single thing about her past, just like she didn’t have to know everything about mine.
“I’m starving!” she gasped as we made it back down to where we first started.
“There’s a great place to eat in Woodland Park.”
The drive into town was comfortable and easy. Like always. There was never a moment of awkwardness between the two of us. The only time Gabi wandered away from the conversation was if it had to do with her past. Anything that had happened the last four years was open game, before that, forget it.
“This is it. Joanie’s. Best damn place in town.”
Gabi chuckled. “What no Greek?”
I rolled my eyes. “Let me get your door.”
Jumping out of my truck, I jogged around to the passenger side and opened her door.
“Such a gentleman.”
She wouldn’t be saying that if she knew the things I was thinking about doing to her right now.
The place was packed like always. When it was finally our turn to order, Gabi got a Chicken Pesto Melt and I got the Reuben.
Gabi snagged a table outside while I grabbed our drinks.
“Their desserts looked heavenly,” she said as I set her Diet Coke in front of her.
“I have an in with a bakery in Old Colorado. She makes the best panna cotta this side of the Mississippi.”
She cleared her throat and raised an eyebrow so I added, “In the whole country, honestly.”
“I have a confession.”
The waitress brought out our two sandwiches. “Anything else?”
We both said no.
I took a bite of my Reuben and asked, “What’s your confession?”
That sweet face of hers turned a shade pinker. “I made you something last night. I couldn’t sleep after . . . well . . . after you left.”
There was no way I could stop the wide grin from moving over my face. I knew I left her horny as hell, but the idea of her finishing herself off without me pissed me off. “I’m sorry about that, agapiméni.”
Her eyes lit up. “What does that mean?”
She pulled the corner of her lip in between her teeth. “I like that.”
“You’ll like it even more when I whisper it in your ear while making love to you.”
Her mouth formed a small “O” as she stared at me with a dreamy face. She whispered, “What are you doing to me?” Our gaze was locked on one another as we sat for a moment in silence.
Reaching across the table, I took her hand in mine and lightly placed a kiss on the back of it. “I could ask the same thing of you. Because I don’t make love, Gabi.”
Her brow lifted. “You don’t?”
Slowly shaking my head, I replied, “I fuck. Hard and fast. But with you, I want so much more.”
She softly whispered my name. “Nic.”
My chest ached. “I want to kiss you so badly right now.”
Her face blushed, and she took a quick look around.
“My brother Thano’s house isn’t too far from here. Feel like meeting some family?”
Her mouth dropped open. “Ah, um, o-okay.”
Laughing, I took another bite of my sandwich. “I needed to move us in another direction or we were about to have public sex.”
Gabi laughed.
“They won’t bite, I swear. You’ll love Kilyn and she is going to love you.”
She worried her lower lip and I could see the sheer fear in her eyes.
“I haven’t seen my niece Kira in a few weeks. I promised Thano I’d stop by and visit with her and we’re so close.”
Gabi grinned. “Sounds like fun.”
Nodding, she replied with a giggle, “Yeah.”
Gabi rubbed her hands over her pants and took in a deep breath.
“If you don’t want to go, we don’t have to stop.”
Turning to me, she smiled. “No. It’s just . . . you know.”
“Family on the second date?”
Laughing, I ran my finger along her jawline. She was so beautiful. And the way her body shook with my touch was a fucking turn on if ever there was one.
“We won’t stay long. I promise.”
“I’m enjoying myself and I’m sure I’m going to enjoy meeting your brother and his family.”
I leaned over and kissed her cheek quickly before jumping out and jogging over to her side. The moment she stepped out of the truck, I laced her fingers with mine. If I knew Kilyn, she was already watching everything.
Heading to the front door, it flew open before we reached it.
I knew it.
Kilyn’s face was lit up like the fourth of July. “Oh. My. God. The heavens did answer my cries of mercy!”
Gabi’s smile faded a bit before she plastered it back on.
“Forewarning, Kilyn may be a little excited to meet you.”
“Um, why?”
“Oh, you’ll find out in about five seconds.”
And right on cue, Kilyn rushed out and took Gabi into her arms. “You are an angel sent straight from God.” Pushing her out at arm’s length, she looked her over. “You’re not Greek.”
Gabi laughed. “Nope.”
Kilyn looked up at the sky and mouthed, thank you. Focusing back on Gabi, she nonchalantly shook her head. “I’ve finally got another normal person on my side.”
“Um . . . yay?”
Kilyn hooked her arm with Gabi and lead her into the house. “I know I sound crazy, but give me thirty minutes and I’ll have you all caught up on the crazy. Also known as, the Drivas family.”
Gabi looked back at me with wide eyes. “Better you know now than after we have sex and you fall in love with me.”
She snarled her lip at me while Kilyn dragged her off.
“So, she’s pretty,” Thano said as he walked in as the girls walked out of the room.
Turning to Thano, I smiled. “She’s fucking beautiful.”
He laughed. “Are you trying to scare her off?”
“No, why?” I asked giving him a confused look.
“Kilyn is going to fill her in on everything. Mom. Dad. The family.”
I waved him off. “Nah, Gabi won’t be scared off. Besides, I don’t plan on the family meeting her any time soon.”
Thano laughed. “Yeah, good luck with that. Mom has some weird sense for these things. I’m telling you, she’ll find out and when she does, all hell’s gonna break loose.”
“She likes Kilyn.”
Handing me a beer, Thano nodded. “She does. But do you remember that shirt dad used to wear all the time?”
“Which one? He has a ton of them.”
“The one that said Italian food is just like Greek food . . . except with less flavor.”
I laughed. “Oh yeah.”
“You know how Mom and Dad feel about Italians after that whole incident with Thad. Add in the fact that Gabi owns a bakery and I’m guessing she likes to cook.”
My beer stopped at my l
ips. “Fuck. I forgot Thad dated an Italian girl.”
“Whose mother tried to steal away Mom’s middle son.”
“The shit’s gonna hit the fan.”
“Yep,” Thano said before taking a long drink.
“Gabi’s different. She has no parents, and she’s a simple girl. Mom will love her.”
My brother raised a brow and said, “You keep telling yourself that. All I know is that if things work out with you and this girl, my wife is getting a major break from Mom.”
I chuckled. “Then let’s toast to things working out.”
“Hell yeah.”
Our beers clinked together. “Nic, I’m glad to see you dating someone. You deserve to find love.”
“Don’t get all emotional on me, little brother. We’re having fun, that’s all.”
He stared at me for a few seconds before smiling. I knew he could see right through me. I didn’t have fun by dating one single girl. I had fun by fucking a different girl every other week. Here I was sitting in his house with the girl I’d only been on two dates with chatting it up with his wife.
I tried like hell to ignore the feeling deep within my chest. The one I’d never experienced before, but grew more and more with each passing moment I spent with Gabi.
“I’m not looking for love, Thano.”
He nodded and lifted his hands up. “If you say so.”
I downed my beer. “I say so. Now where’s my niece?”
SITTING IN A stunned silence, I stared at Kilyn. “You had to have a Plan B birthing plan?”
She nodded. “Yep.”
“Wow. I thought my family had issues.”
Kilyn laughed. “For as much of a pain in the ass they are, there isn’t a damn thing they wouldn’t do for me or Kira. I know that with all my heart. But, if things do turn serious for you and Nic, be prepared to not only have Nic’s immediate family in your life, but all the family. It’s like a package deal. At Kira’s birthday party a few weeks ago, this entire back yard was filled with Thano’s family. I woke up three nights in a row in a cold sweat with dreams of people yelling out Opa!”
I covered my mouth to hide my laugh.
“Well, we’re just getting to know each other. It’s only our second date.”