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ALIEN ROMANCE: Cream for Alien (Sci-Fi Alien Romance, Abduction Erotica, BBW, Alpha Male, Interracial, Alien Invasion, Fantasy, Short Story)

Page 4

by Styles, Celia

  Suddenly, the crowd surged forward in one motion as the doors opened. There was a rush for seats near the front, and I idly wandered to the middle till I found a one-seater table that gave me a perfect view of the stage. Catching the eye of a passing waiter, I asked for a rum and coke- make that a double- and settled back in my seat. Now that I thought about it, I remembered spotting White and Brown posters up at my local theatre, and almost losing my train of thought as I ogled at the pair of handsome men that stared back at me, grinning mischievously. Hmm. Maybe I wouldn’t have to look too far to share some meaningful looks tonight. The waiter arrived with my drink, and I took a long sip, trying not to grin to myself, as the lights went down. Damn, that was quick; I wanted to scope out any surrounding hotties to flirt with during the show. Oh well, I would just have to try and enjoy the magic for what it was.

  Then, of course, I saw them.

  When Eric White and Oliver Brown stepped out on to stage, it was if the whole world was holding its breath for a moment. And then there were cheers; thundering, explosive cheers, the likes of which I had never heard before, as the room rang with applause and whistles. But I couldn’t move. These were two of the best-looking men I had ever seen in my life. I couldn’t take my eyes off them. I was staring with openly carnal appreciation at these two fantastic specimens of male beauty. Eric White was definitely the more conventionally handsome of the pair, with a strong jaw and long nose that spoke to generations of good breeding, and Oliver had the more distinctive face; with big brown eyes and a face-splitting grin, I could have sworn that he looked directly at me in those few moments before the applause died down. They were both wearing old-fashioned tuxedos, dressed to the nines, and I felt glad that I’d put on my best dress. Shifting up in my seat, I stared at them, hoping for another glance or a look. Hell, if they needed an audience participant, they could be damn sure that I would be beating off anyone who dared tried to get in the way of my big moment. Eric held his hands up, calling for silence. The noise in the room slowly dimmed down to nothing.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. I am Eric White, and this is my partner, Oliver Brown. And tonight, we want you to be the first to enjoy our new show- Tales of the Unexpected.”

  He was momentarily drowned out by a spontaneous round of applause. I was surprised by how passionate people seemed to be, but then, this was a packed-out show for two of the most instantly recognisable magicians in the world. Just because it wasn’t the first thing I’d have chosen to do didn’t mean that some people weren’t crazy about it. I pulled my brain back into focus as Eric continued to talk.

  “Over the course of this evening, Oliver and I will be weaving many a tale- from tales of loves lost and found again, to tales of wanton debauchery the likes of which most of you will never even be able to imagine.”

  Try me, I thought.

  “So, settle in, and be prepared for a show which will have your mind doing somersaults and your eyes playing tricks on you. Are you ready for a night of magical entertainment?”

  There was a deafening cheer from the audience around me.

  “Very good. Oliver, shall we begin?”

  Eric turned to his partner, and they exchanged a tiny smile, the kind you could only see if you were sitting as closely and watching as intently as I was. I wondered what kind of relationship they had; friends? Lovers? I shivered a little at the thought; the image of these two perfect men, naked, enjoying each other’s bodies, struck me in a way that I didn’t expect it to. I shifted my weight in my seat, hoping that my sudden shock of arousal wasn’t showing.

  The show was a truly magnificent one, the kind that drew you in and didn’t let go. It was clear the two of them had spent months practicing the old-style vaudeville act, with each smoothly taking over from the other as they wove tales about saucy housemaids who wound up sawn in half by jealous wives, rich husbands who lost their money to secret lovers, and other tales that seemed plucked from an eighteenth-century penny dreadful. The way they bounced off each other, sliding into roles and taking on personas with ease, kept me enraptured; their chemistry together was really something else. And, of course, it didn’t hurt that they looked as damn good as they did. I pressed my knees together as my mind drifted without permission to the thought of being with one of them; the feel of their strong hands on my ass, their teeth on my breast…

  Then came the binding trick. That was the one that stuck with me. The one that made me want to come back for more.

  “And now, ladies and gentlemen, we have the story of the disappearing submissive.”

  My ears perked up. What did he mean by that?

  Eric continued. “Only a few months ago, in one of the sex dungeons of this very hotel, there were a couple of fantastically gay deviants…”

  There was a small whoop from a table of well-dressed men sitting a few feet away from me. I grinned, amused, and Eric glanced at them, politely waiting for them to finish. Oliver had stepped behind a large board, disappearing for a moment as Eric spoke.

  “…who were rather well engaged with the world of BDSM.”

  It was at that moment that Oliver re-appeared. My mouth practically dropped open when I saw him; dressed in nothing but a pair of tight boxers, his body was on full display for everyone to see. And my God, did I wanted to see it- he was stunning, a perfect example of toned, taut manhood, with strong arms and lightly defined abs that I wanted to run my tongue across. Damn, no wonder the whole room had gone quiet. I couldn’t imagine I was the only one practically salivating at the sight of him. Once again, I thought that Oliver’s eyes flickered over me, sending a spark of electricity down my spine. I sat up straighter in my seat, trying to get a better look.

  “So, one of these days in their dungeon-away-from-dungeon, things were going as normal…the dominant had tied up his submissive, using all manner of leather and cuffs and bondage…” Eric continued, his voice caressing every word, as he gently pushed Oliver back against the board behind him. It was then that I noticed that it was covered in cuffs, cuffs that Oliver obediently arranged around his wrists as Eric strapped him in. God, that was hot- the sight of him all tied up and helpless, at the beck and call of his gorgeous partner. I tore my glance away from him for a second, and focused on Eric- the look on his face said it all. Even as he spoke, filling in the details of all the depraved things that this imaginary couple usually did to each other, the way his gaze lingered on Oliver said more than his words ever could.

  Strapping his wrists and his ankles down, Eric’s hands lingered over Oliver’s glistening flesh, as if savouring it inch by inch. When he strapped a leather belt across his chest, Eric’s fingers caressed the strong muscle beneath, bringing out a momentary, involuntary shiver in Oliver that seemed to amuse his partner. That soft, easy chemistry had built into something more certain as Eric teased Oliver with tiny touches and caresses, and I leaned forward to see the minutiae of their expressions and reactions. I had never realized how hot the thought of two men together would have been to me, but here I was, practically panting at the thought of these two getting it on.

  The trick continued, but I was mesmerised by the two men and their interactions. I missed chunks of the story, and only barely remembered to clap when Eric spun the board around to reveal that Oliver had vanished. It was an impressive trick, no doubt, but their chemistry had been what had kept me interested. I caught the waiter’s eye and ordered another drink. I knew if I got up to get one myself I would have to squeeze my legs together to keep from revealing the extent of my arousal.

  As the show went on, it was clear that the nature of their chemistry had taken a turn. Even when they were both dressed back up in their smart tuxedos, looking every inch the handsome young magicians that they were, there were still touches here and there, little moments and shared looks that seemed to imply something more. I supposed that they could just have been close work partners; after all, they must spend all day together working on new acts and in close physical proximity. But I allowed myself t
o revel in the notion that they might be a little more than just friends, if only because the thought was enough to make me want to slide my hand between my legs.

  The show came to an end, and there was an ovation around me; I couldn’t say that I was surprised. It had been an incredible evening, and I couldn’t believe that I was the only one who’d noticed the way they touched each other. As I gulped down my third drink, I knew one thing for absolute certain, and that was that I had to see them again, even just once, before I left. It wasn’t like I was going to get the chance to shamelessly ogle a pair of straight-up hotties like this for a while, and I was sure as hell going to make the best of it. I knew it was time for a little adventure, the kind that works best when you haven’t got any annoying fiancés in tow.

  Standing up, I casually grabbed my handbag and hooked it over my shoulder, brushing down my dress and quickly adjusting my cleavage so it stood out a little more. Hey, it didn’t hurt to look good, right?

  Spotting a small door that had “Backstage” spelled out in white letters, I hurried across there, trying to get lost in the melee of people heading for the door and chattering about how good the show was. It wasn’t that I didn’t agree, but I had a rather different mission in mind, and that involved letting them know how I felt personally.

  Glancing around one more time, I pushed the door and was surprised to find that it actually opened. Clicking it shut behind me, all I could hear were my heels tapping on the marble floor as I made my way down the corridor, hoping that I would stumble across some giveaway sign that would point me to Eric and Oliver’s dressing room. Luckily for me, I found it. As I turned down another corridor, I let out a small “oh!” when my brain registered what I was seeing.

  Eric and Oliver were there, still in tuxedos and stage make-up, making out furiously in the corridor only a few feet away from me. Oliver was gripping Eric’s jacket, and Eric had one hand tucked around Oliver’s waist, the other enmeshed in his hair, as their tongues hungrily perused each other as if they hadn’t eaten for days. It was, quite simply, one of the hottest things that I’d ever seen, and most of that came from the fact that it looked like these two were firmly in love. The way they grabbed at each other, pulling so close it looked as if they might disappear into each other, grasping and tugging and holding as if they couldn’t get enough. The tenderness caught me off-guard, and I turned away, immediately a little embarrassed that I’d intruded on this beautiful moment. As I did so, my heels made a loud squeaking sound on the tile below me, and I heard both the men pull away.

  “Hey, wait up!” Oliver’s voice came from down the hall as I cursed myself for walking into this awkward situation. They would probably think I was some stalker fan and call security to have me removed. So much for another chance to ogle them.

  I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the mild onslaught of awkwardness that was about to rain down on me. Could I claim that I had gotten lost? That I wanted an autograph? That there was a dampness between my legs that some crazy part of me had hoped one of them would be able to take care of? Turning around, I plastered a big, fake grin on my face.

  “Hi, sorry, I-“

  “Weren’t you at the show tonight?” Eric exclaimed, excited, keeping one arm wrapped tightly round Oliver as he did so. I couldn’t believe they’d recognised me.

  “Um, yeah, I was…I thought it was great. In fact, I was wondering when you guys were performing again?”

  I hoped my quick lie would cover my tracks. Surely they couldn’t get annoyed at me for wanting to offer them more custom, right?

  “Oh, we’re here all week. They booked us in for a short residency. I mean, I would have preferred Vegas, but this place certainly has it’s…charms.” Oliver’s eyes glinted at me. Was he flirting? No, he couldn’t be, not with one arm still tucked firmly around his boyfriend. That would be ridiculous. I shook the thought from my head, wobbling slightly on my heels. I’d had more to drink that I’d realized.

  “Well, I must come by and check you guys out again.” I realized what I’d said as soon as the words came out of my mouth. “I mean, check out the show again. That’s what I want. I’d love to come see you again.”

  “Couple of cocktails in, are you?” Eric laughed, stepping towards me, his sharp eyes examining me with interest. Wow, they were even better looking this close up, even slathered in as much stage make-up as they were.

  I laughed guiltily, holding up my hands in admission. “You got me.”

  “I must say, I’m flattered that a lovely young woman like yourself would come by to spend time with a couple of old illusionists like us,” Eric said, close enough now to place his hand on my shoulder. “Tell you what, we’ve got a couple of bottles of champagne back at the hotel room, why don’t you come by and share them with us? We’d love to hear what you made of the show. We know it so well now that it’s difficult to see it objectively, you know?”

  I nodded, my mind reeling. I didn’t want to step on their toes, but I definitely wasn’t averse to spending an evening with a couple of very handsome men. Maybe hooking up with someone wasn’t the best plan for this evening, and I should be focusing on getting myself really, really drunk and spending some time with some world-renowned illusionists. I shrugged inwardly. Well, it would make a good anecdote, if nothing else.

  “That sounds great,” I nodded, and Eric gamely offered me his arm. I took it, allowing him to lead me through the corridors and towards an elevator at the back of the hotel. His arm felt strong and muscular beneath his tuxedo jacket, and it felt so good to be close to a man like this.

  “We’re on the twentieth floor, penthouse suite,” Oliver explained, pressing the appropriate buttons. “I like coming to casino hotels like this, because they’re so luxurious in such an over-the-top way. All the gold and velvet and silk. I love it.”

  I giggled, and Oliver flashed me a smile. I felt totally at ease in the presence of these two men, and I wasn’t sure if that was the alcohol or because they both seemed so sweet.

  “So, where are you staying…I’m sorry, I’ve just realized we didn’t get your name?” Oliver said, apologetic.

  “Rachel. I’m Rachel. And I’m staying somewhere in this hotel, with my fiancé. Well, my ex-fiance.” I replied briskly. No need to beat around the bush.

  Eric’s brow furrowed. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “Don’t be. He was cheating on me so many times over. I’m glad to finally have an excuse to be shot of him.” I waved my hand in the air, brushing away his concern. As I said the words, I knew that I meant every one. In this moment, I didn’t care about Vic at all.

  Oliver scrunched up his face, looking disapproving. “He sounds like a dick.”

  “He was.”

  “What was his name?”


  “Vic the dick. Fits him.” Oliver grinned, leaning in to me conspiratorially. I caught a heady whiff of his aftershave, and wanted to press my nose into his neck and inhale every drop of his scent. The lift pinged, and I was snapped out of my x-rated fantasy as Oliver and Eric led me out into the amazing penthouse suite they’d been gifted for the weekend. And Oliver was right- it was tacky in the way only the best casino hotels could be tacky, as if someone had thrown a big pile of money at it and kind of left it at that. There was a marble-topped mahogany bar sitting off to the right, in front of giant, open-plan windows that looked out on to the glowing neon of the city. An electric fireplace crackled into life as the lift opened, lighting up the two velvet couches perched in front of it. Damn, I wouldn’t mind a place like this to myself.

  “So, about that champagne?” Eric nodded towards an ornate ice-bucket, and Oliver nodded, hurrying towards it.

  “I need a drink. It went well tonight, but you can never be sure until the critical reviews come in.” Oliver glanced at me. I could hear a waver of nerves in his voice.

  “You were both great, “ I reassured them, “It was an amazing performance. The best magic show that I’ve ever been to.�

  “And how many magic shows have you been to?” Eric inquired.

  “That was my first.”

  “There it is,” Oliver nodded, pouring out three glasses of champagne. The bottle looked expensive, more expensive than anything I kept in the barely-stocked liquor cabinet at home. Vic usually drank everything that I bought in, anyway. God, I was glad to be rid of that loser. Oliver handed me a glass, and I took a sip, the bubbles running straight up my nose and fuzzying my head. Mmm, it was good.

  “To the new show, and new experiences,” Eric toasted, raising up his glass to clink it against mine and Oliver’s. The tiny look he threw my way when he mentioned new experiences had me doubly certain that I had made the right choice coming up here. Maybe it was just the champagne going to my head, but there felt like there was some kind of tension building between us now. Maybe just really, really wanted there to be. Oh, hell, whatever it was, I wanted to enjoy an evening in a luxurious suite with a couple of international celebrities. There was no way that evening couldn’t be fun, no matter what else went down, right?

  “So, Rachel, tell me, what do you do for a living?” Eric asked, cocking his head and looking at me.

  “I’m a stylist. I put together looks for magazine shoots and adverts and stuff like that. It’s kind of like being an interior designer, but instead of painting walls I drape clothes on stupidly gorgeous people.” I shrugged. It was my usual response whenever someone asked me what my job was. “And I don’t need to ask what you guys do.”

  They both laughed. They had good laughs, throaty and hearty, so that it felt like a prize to have amused them. “How long have you both been at the magician game, anyway?”

  They exchanged a fond look with each other. Eric was the first to speak. “I started out messing around with it in college, and when I went pro, I was mostly working kid’s birthday parties and stuff like that. Then Oliver came along, with all these amazing ideas for new tricks and illusions, and it just made so much sense for us to start working together. We put together our very first show twelve years ago, when we were in out early twenties, and it just went from there.”


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