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Snowy Nights at the Lonely Hearts Hotel: A heart-warming feel-good romance

Page 17

by Karen King

  He hugged her tighter. ‘Are you talking about a former boyfriend?’

  She nodded. ‘I’ve seen other people in relationships act like it too.’

  ‘It’s not a bad philosophy,’ he agreed. ‘Now how about we have a walk along the harbour, it’s only a few minutes away, then make our way to the pub? I’m ready for a drink and a snack. Unless you want to go home and change? Not that you need to, you look perfectly lovely as you are.’

  She shrugged, feeling comfortable enough with him that she didn’t care if she was wearing Hannah’s yellow duffle coat and wellies. ‘Lead the way, my tummy’s rumbling,’ she agreed, calling Oscar to her and slipping on his lead.

  The harbour was a few minutes around the corner. It was small and in a sheltered position, with a few fishing boats moored along the ancient brick wall, and had a snow-splattered expanse of beach leading out onto the pavement then road. Beyond that a selection of now-closed shops lined the harbour front. Saffy imagined it in the summer, bustling with tourists, the shops open, plying their wares – seaside rock, candyfloss, nautical knick-knacks and souvenirs, mussels. ‘What a shame it’s all closed up,’ she said wistfully.

  ‘Not all.’ Logan pointed to a little beach café, nestled in the corner, its red and white striped shutters up. The words ‘Hot drinks’ were scrawled on a sign beside it. ‘Fancy a hot chocolate?’

  Saffy almost clapped her gloved hands in delight. A hot chocolate was just what she needed. As she and Logan sat on a bench overlooking the harbour a few minutes later, sipping their hot drinks and watching the boats bobbing up and down on the almost frozen Atlantic she felt ridiculously happy. She was so glad she’d answered Hannah’s plea for help or she would never have met Logan. What a shame she had to go home on Saturday. She pushed the thought from her mind. She wasn’t going to think about that now, she was going to enjoy being in the moment. This time she was spending with Logan was like a slice out of real life, a magical time just for the two of them. She didn’t want to go back to Liwus Helyk, didn’t want to go back home. But she had to.

  They arrived at the pub half hour or so later. As soon as they walked in, someone shouted Logan’s name, and they turned around to see Marta, Toni, Ariane and Geoff, who looked very cosy together.

  ‘Come and join us!’ Geoff called, bringing two more chairs to add to their table. The afternoon passed in a whirl of chatter and laughter (although Toni made a point of never speaking directly to Logan) while the children played in the play area and Oscar, exhausted by the walk along the beach, slept by Saffy’s feet.

  ‘Well, I’ll have to be going and get these two to bed,’ Ariane said. ‘We’re not all child-free for the night,’ she said, casting a meaningful glance at Logan.

  ‘Now now, jealousy doesn’t become you,’ he teased.

  ‘When’s Hannah back?’ asked Geoff.

  ‘Tomorrow afternoon and I’m back home early on Saturday morning,’ Saffy replied.

  ‘Well, I hope you come down and see us all again soon,’ Ariane said as she scooped up her coat and bag. ‘See you around, Logan.’

  ‘Time for me to go too.’ Geoff called his son over. He nodded at Saffy. ‘Have a safe trip home.’

  ‘Are those two an item?’ Logan asked Marta as Ariane and Geoff left together.

  ‘If they aren’t, they soon will be. They got very pally Christmas Day. Seems like they weren’t the only ones,’ she added pointedly.

  ‘Hannah’s flight home has been delayed and seeing as Saffy gave up her Christmas to organise our party it would be rude to leave her alone,’ Logan replied.

  Is that the only reason he asked me out today? Saffy wondered. Judging by the look on Marta’s face she wasn’t convinced but she turned away to speak to Toni without saying anything further.

  Gradually the parents left, one by one, until there was only Saffy and Logan. They remained there for another hour or so, chatting, sipping their drinks, enjoying each other’s company. Saffy wondered what the next step would be. Logan had asked her to spend the day with him, and she had. It was almost six now. He hadn’t said anything about the evening. Did he want to spend that with her too? And did she want to spend it with him? Or would they both go to their separate homes and spend it alone?

  She considered it as she sipped the last of her drink. Logan too had only centimetres of liquid in his glass. They couldn’t drag this out for much longer.

  Logan swigged back the remains of his drink and put his empty glass down on the table. ‘Fancy coming back to mine for a bite to eat?’ he asked. ‘We could actually sit and watch a grown-up film too, with Chloe out the way, while Oscar snoozes by the fire. I’ve still got some of his food and a bowl so he can have tea at mine too.’

  ‘I’d love that, thank you,’ she replied. Back at home she never minded spending an evening alone, she was surrounded by her own things and there was always plenty to do, but she felt restless at Liwus Helyk. The family pictures on the wall, box of toys in the lounge, brightly coloured plastic cups and plates in the kitchen cupboard, the family souvenirs and mementoes all reminded her that this wasn’t her home. Not only that, it was a home she would never have. A family home, filled with the love and laughter of children.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  It had been a perfect day, Saffy thought as she tucked into the spaghetti carbonara Logan had rustled up whilst she fed Oscar. Logan was such easy company, she’d never felt so comfortable with someone before, she really didn’t want this day to end.

  They’d put their meals on trays and taken them into the lounge, listening to some music as they ate, while Oscar, exhausted by his day out, lay snoring softly by the fire. Saffy loaded the dishwasher while Logan made another hot chocolate, laced with brandy, and brought out mince pies and cream. Then they snuggled up on the sofa and watched an old movie. It was a perfect end to a perfect day.

  ‘I’m afraid I’m going to have to go,’ Saffy said, stirring at last. She really didn’t want to, she wanted to stay here, cuddled up to Logan. But it was late.

  ‘Thank you for a lovely day.’ Logan wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her nose. ‘You’re pretty amazing, you know.’

  ‘You’re not bad yourself,’ she replied, playfully tapping his nose then trailing her finger down, stroking his stubble before tracing the outline of his lips, his sharp intake of breath sending darts of desire through her body. He reached out his hand and stilled hers, easing the finger gently into his mouth, brilliant blue eyes locking with hers as he slowly and sensually sucked it. Then she gently eased her finger out of his mouth, wrapping her arm around his neck and leaned forward to kiss him on the lips. He pulled her to him, deepening the kiss, his hand on the back on her head, strong fingers running through her hair. His tongue was sensuously probing the inside of her mouth whilst his body was pressed against hers, his arousal evident, and she was filled with an almost uncontrollable desire to tear off his clothes, feel his bare skin beneath her fingers.

  ‘Fancy spending the night here?’ he asked huskily.

  ‘I thought you’d never ask,’ she whispered in his ear.

  Then they were pulling each other’s clothes off and his body was just as taut and perfect as she thought it would be, and they were walking up the stairs, stopping to kiss and caress on every step. Then Logan opened his bedroom door and they crossed the room as one, and lay on the bed, kissing, caressing, lost in the pleasure of each other.

  * * *

  Saffy stirred and lay for a while, enjoying the warmth of Logan’s body spooning hers. Yesterday had been fun and last night sensational. It was as if she’d been granted a few magical days out of her normal life and she didn’t want them to end; she wanted to lie like this a little longer, wrapped in Logan’s arms. Any moment now Logan would wake up and normal life would take over. Today Chloe was coming home. And so was Hannah, so this was the one and only night they would spend together. Tomorrow she had to go home, back to her life, her job. Say goodbye to Logan.

  She pondered
over the possibility of them keeping in touch, of her coming down once a month maybe to see Hannah and catching up with Logan again. But how could that work? Logan had made it clear his priority was Chloe – as it should be – and there was no way they could have any intimacy around her. This was a one-night-only event.

  ‘Morning, sexy.’ She felt the brush of Logan’s stubble as he trailed kisses down her neck. For a moment she lay still, enjoying the sensation, then she lazily turned around.

  ‘Morning.’ She snuggled into his chest, feeling the fine hairs brush against her breasts.

  ‘How did you sleep?’ he murmured against her hair.

  ‘Zonked out. How about you?’

  ‘Same.’ He kissed her forehead. ‘It was quite a session.’

  ‘Well, if you’d been more of a once-a-night man we could have finished it earlier,’ she teased.

  ‘Finish? I’ve only just started.’ He pulled her closer to him. ‘Fancy a replay?’

  Did she?

  ‘I don’t mind if I do,’ she replied. ‘If you’ve got the energy, that is.’

  He had.

  * * *

  Afterwards, they lay wrapped in each other’s arms, as if they were both savouring the moment. Then Logan leaned up on one elbow and kissed her on the forehead. ‘I hope I’m not making a fool of myself here,’ he said softly. ‘I’ve never met anyone like you, Saffy. I think we’ve got something special and… I don’t want to let it go. I’d like to keep seeing you. If you’d like that too.’

  What exactly did he mean by that? Was he suggesting that they be an item, that she become his girlfriend? Or did he just want to keep in touch? Saffy looked up at him. ‘I’d love to. I was thinking that I’d like to come down and see Hannah more often, maybe once a month,’ she said casually. ‘Perhaps we could meet up then?’

  ‘That sounds good. We could go for a meal or watch a film? Annie next door would sit with Chloe so we could have an evening out.’

  And then what? She’d go back to Hannah’s while he went home alone? Take it as it comes, Saffy, don’t overthink it, she told herself. She nodded. ‘That sounds good to me.’

  ‘Great, because I don’t want you to walk out of my life.’ He lowered himself down on her, kissing her on the lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

  Loud barks from downstairs made them pull apart. Damn, she’d forgotten all about Oscar. He’d been downstairs sleeping by the fire all night.

  ‘I’ll let him out,’ Logan said, flinging back the duvet and reaching for his jeans. ‘You stay there and wait for me.’

  He returned a few minutes later and they resumed where they’d left off. When they were both finally ready to get up, Logan went down to make breakfast, leaving Saffy to shower in the very masculine en suite. As she pulled on the dark blue towelling dressing-gown that was hanging on the door she heard her phone ping. She went to answer it and saw a message from Hannah to say they’d landed and would be home in about an hour and half. She glanced at the clock on Logan’s beside table. Gone twelve already. This week seemed to have sped by. She made her way down the stairs, pausing halfway as she heard Logan’s voice on the phone.

  ‘Hello, poppet, have you had a nice time?’

  She peered over the stairs and saw Chloe’s picture on his screen. She must have video-called him, because she was pretty sure Logan wouldn’t have called Chloe until she had gone.

  ‘It’s been super. Mummy wants me to stay another night,’ Chloe said. Then she waved. ‘Hello, Saffy! Why are you wearing Daddy’s dressing-gown? Did you get your clothes wet in the snow again?’

  Shit! Chloe had seen her. Best to brazen it out. ‘Hi, Chloe!’ She waved, then moved away from the screen and mouthed ‘Sorry’ to Logan.

  ‘Saffy spilt coffee over her dress, so I’m going to pop over and get her something else to wear from Hannah’s,’ Logan said.

  ‘As if!’ A dark-haired, very glamorous-looking woman peered over Chloe’s shoulder. ‘Well, seeing as you have company, I’m sure you’ll be very grateful for me having Chloe for another night.’

  Saffy heard Logan’s sharp intake of breath but he managed to keep his voice controlled as he said, ‘Chloe, you go and play, poppet, while I speak to Mummy. I’ll see you later.’

  ‘Okay, Daddy.’ Chloe blew him a kiss. ‘Bye, Daddy, bye, Saffy.’ And she ran off leaving a very angry-looking Jade.

  ‘So this is the Saffy Chloe’s been talking about. It didn’t take you long to move her in, did it? I bet she was in the door as soon as Chloe was out.’

  ‘What I do is nothing to do with you, Jade, we split up years ago. But for the record, Saffy is not my girlfriend and is not moving in. Now I want Chloe back today as we arranged or I’ll make sure you never have her overnight again. Do you understand?’

  Not my girlfriend. Well, she guessed she wasn’t, even though they had just arranged to keep in touch with each other. And she didn’t want to move in, although he didn’t have to be so emphatic about it, Saffy thought as she went back upstairs to get dressed, wishing she’d done so before she came down, then the situation wouldn’t have been so awkward.

  She was dressed and made-up when Logan came up the stairs, carrying two cups of coffee. ‘Sorry about that.’ He put the cups down on the bedside table and sat on the edge of the bed. Although he was trying to mask it, she could see that he was very agitated.

  ‘I’m sorry for coming down in your dressing-gown, I didn’t realise Chloe had FaceTimed you. Not having kids, I’m not too up to date with what they get up to nowadays. I had no idea six-year-olds used FaceTime.’

  ‘I put it on her iPad so she could call me and talk to me if I was out. I told you Annie babysits now and again.’ Logan sighed. ‘I think things with Jade are going to get messy. She suddenly seems to want to play a bigger part in Chloe’s life.’

  ‘That’s a good thing, isn’t it?’

  ‘I don’t know.’ He got up and walked over to Saffy, putting his arm around her. ‘I hope none of that made you feel awkward.’

  ‘It’s fine. It’s not as if I’m your girlfriend or anything.’ She hadn’t meant that to come out so brittle. What the hell was the matter with her?

  ‘I didn’t mean that how it sounded, I just didn’t want to complicate things with Jade, and Chloe.’ He kissed her on the cheek. ‘Are we okay?’

  The kiss melted the lump of annoyance. ‘Yes, of course. But I have to go now. Hannah texted to say she landed about half an hour ago. She’ll be home soon and I want to tidy up and be there to welcome her.’

  ‘You’ll come and see me before you leave?’ he asked.

  ‘As if I would go without saying goodbye.’ She kissed him. ‘But I want to spend some time with Hannah tonight, and also give you some time with Chloe.’

  ‘Okay, I’ll text you later,’ he promised.

  As Saffy walked down the path with Oscar, away from Logan’s house, she wondered whether she’d made the right decision in agreeing to keep in touch, to come down and see him. Logan and Chloe came as a pair, and it was obvious that Chloe was already fond of her – what had Jade said? ‘This is the Saffy Chloe has been on about.’ Plus it seemed like things were getting complicated between Logan and his ex. Did she really want to get involved in all that, as much as she was attracted to Logan, and adored Chloe?

  * * *

  Damn, Chloe couldn’t have FaceTimed him at a worse time, Logan thought. He couldn’t ignore the call, not when Chloe had been away for her first overnight stay. He’d thought he could answer quickly before Saffy came down, expecting her to get dressed first, not come down in his dressing-gown. Not that it should matter; Jade had had several partners during the years they’d been apart, but he could see by the look on her face that she didn’t like it and had a horrible feeling that she was going to use this against him, that this sudden interest in Chloe wasn’t a one-off.

  Jade always had an agenda, and always acted out of self-interest. Whatever happened, he didn’t want Chloe to be hu
rt. She’d got used to not having Jade in her life but he knew it bothered her. Chloe often said she wished he and Jade lived together, and that she had a little brother or sister. It’s what all kids wanted, to be part of a loving family, for their parents to live together. He’d been lucky enough to have that and felt eternally guilty that he couldn’t offer Chloe the same. He was willing to step back a little, to forget his own feelings, and allow Jade to play a bigger part in Chloe’s life but any sign of her upsetting Chloe and he’d be reining her in. One night was enough for now; Chloe wasn’t used to being away from home. He would always put his little girl’s interests first and intended to make sure that Jade did the same.

  He walked over to the window and watched as Saffy unlocked the door of Liwus Helyk and went inside with Oscar. They’d spent a fantastic day and night together, but Chloe phoning and Jade’s attitude had suddenly made things awkward. As much as he liked Saffy, a relationship, however casual, was a complication he didn’t need at the moment.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Saffy had barely had time to walk Oscar, put the heating on, change her clothes, fill the kettle and get out some cups when she heard the front door open.

  ‘Saffy! We’re home!’ Hannah shouted.

  Oscar pricked up his ears and went bounding out into the hall, wagging his tail and barking with joy as he ran around Hannah and Lee.

  ‘Well, someone’s pleased to see us,’ Lee chuckled. ‘How are you, boy?’

  ‘He’s been no trouble at all,’ Saffy said, rushing to help them inside, hugging Hannah, then Lee, before bending down and talking to the twins, who looked all shy and bashful. ‘They’ve forgotten me!’ she said to Hannah, feeling guilty that she hadn’t kept up more contact with her sister.

  ‘They’ll soon remember you again. Now let’s have a cuppa then you must tell me everything. Everyone’s been messaging, full of praise about the party. They all had a fantastic time. And Robbie and Duncan were a big hit too, so pleased they’re back together. Marta said they were showing everyone their engagement rings. How romantic.’ Hannah unbuttoned Miles’s jacket whilst Saffy unbuttoned Lily’s. ‘And she said that you spent the day with Logan yesterday – never underestimate the power of WhatsApp,’ she explained, seeing the surprised look on Saffy’s face. ‘Marta was dead jealous. She’s been after Logan for ages but he’s not interested in her.’


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