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ALIEN ROMANCE: Kalazaron Jaylin: SciFi Alien Abduction Invasion Pregnancy Romance (Blue Planet Warriors)

Page 3

by Maia Starr

  As I finished, ten, armed warriors entered. It was time to take them into the base. "Stand up," my sergeant said to the human females. "Stand in a line."

  They did is they were told and the sergeant then put their wrists into cuffs that were linked with chains between all of them on one, long leash. The fighter female shot daggers at me. I just smiled in return.

  As the sergeant put his hands on her arms in order to put the chain on her wrist, she elbowed him in the face. It came out of nowhere to him, but I had been expecting it. The sergeant punched her in the stomach and she doubled over, but that did not stop her. She swung an uppercut swing straight under his ribs and he doubled over, gasping for air.

  The other warriors moved in, but I stopped them as I said, "Enough!"

  Everyone froze in their tracks except for the sergeant, who was still doubled over, trying to grasp for air. She knew exactly where to hit the body under the ribs to make one suffer. But I knew that the sergeant had great strength and his blow to her stomach must have been incredibly painful and possibly caused some extreme harm.

  "Take the females to their new shelter. Bring this one with me," I said as a pointed at the female. "What are you called, female?" I asked her. She said nothing and put her chin in the air and defiance. "Very well, say nothing, but if you do not tell me what you are called, then I will allow my warriors here to make up a name for you and that shall be your name. They will not be kind, I can assure you."

  "Serena Swands, Special Forces," she said with anger.

  "What kind of special forces? Do you have powers?"

  "I am good with guns. I can shoot a target over a mile away," she said proudly. My warriors began to laugh. No one was that good. Our technology on our blaster guns couldn't do it automatically. It took a very skilled warrior to do something like that. We had never seen it done before.

  "Very well, Serena Special Forces, you can come with me now, without a fight, or you can stay here and die."

  She looked at me as though she was actually contemplating death. I admired her for that. It took a hard person to sacrifice themselves for freedom. This is what the entire rebel cause did. She had that same principle inside of her. Then she took steps forward and came without anyone touching her. I don't think she liked the idea of being in chains, but she was willing to come with the armed escort.

  "To Pentor," I said to the warriors that were escorting her. I followed along behind them, keeping an eye on her. I would not walk in front of her because she could do something stupid once again. She needed to be watched.

  As we walked out of the ship, I watched her take it all in. She was examining every area of the landing base. This was new to me. Usually females of the human race coward and cried as they were led across the landing port. This one was taking in information with her eyes. She was memorizing every single thing she saw.

  If I was a captive it's exactly what I would do as well, in case I wanted to escape. I knew she was thinking about it. She was being smart about it this time, though, and would not do something so brash. She would definitely need to be watched.

  As we walked out of the landing ports and through a carved tunnel, we came out on the other side of the mountain wall into the area we called the Village. This is where our main systems sustainability took place. Since we did not use a form of exchange that the humans called money and the Kalazaron called sums, we did not have use for markets where goods would be sold. Instead, we had markets that were run by the rebel organization where food and supplies were rationed out equally amongst everyone. In exchange, everyone did work that would help the sustainability of the base.

  There was a lot of work to be had there at the base. From engineering to make sure that our water system and lighting and electrical technology worked to farming the fields, to mending cloth coverings. Cooking, taking care of the younglings, and other domestic labor was left to the female Kalazarons.

  There was work to be done every day, but this area of the village was where everything was gathered. This is where you would find our reconstructionists, who healed the bodies of our warriors. This is where tables were laid out for rations to be supplied. It is where everyone met for conversation and where we held our meetings and where Elect Official Treen spoke to us from the mountain side ledge overlooking the gathering space of the village forum. This was the heart of the rebel base.

  As I nodded to the warriors that led Serena in to Pentor, I said to them, "Leave us."

  They all looked at me strangely, as though I was crazy for suggesting to be alone with this female that had already demonstrated that she would fight anyone. But I knew what I wanted, and I was going to get it. "Leave us."

  They obeyed my orders and I closed the door behind them. I moved in, walking over to a long table and said, "Take off your clothes. Take everything off."

  She gasped and shouted, "Absolutely not, you pig!"

  "What is a pig?" I asked as I smiled at her, amused by her strange defiance.

  "Commander Jaylin Brakin. It is a pleasure. What may I assist you with?" Pentor asked as he entered the room.

  "This human female has just arrived from space. She had a physical altercation with the sergeant and he gave her a hard blow to the belly. I wish to have her examined for any damage."

  "Very well; remove your clothing and lie on the table," Pentor asked her as he moved to the drawers and shelves to gather tools.

  Serena stood frozen. When Pentor gave her his attention once again, he was confused as to why she had not done what he had asked. "Do you wish to be examined or not?" he said to her.

  She turned and looked at me. I knew what she wanted. She wanted me to leave. I didn't have to. She was a prisoner and I could make her do whatever I wanted. I did not have to leave. I could do whatever I wanted. But in the interest of not fighting her, I resigned and said, "I will be outside."

  I walked out of the room, but I was not done with her.

  "Commander," Prana Qaboen said as he walked up to me as I stood outside the door. Prana had come to the rebel base as a youngling. He was eight years younger than I was, and I was already a Kalazaron of high command when he reached us. He had been left an orphan when his father and mother betrayed the capital city organization and were tried, convicted, and executed. After that, he lost faith in the capital city and made his way through the secret underground travel system that brought Kalazaron to us. Ever since he arrived, he was always eager to learn. He was one of the most intelligent warriors that we had. However, sometimes his over eagerness could get a little annoying.

  "How was the scouting trip? I heard you brought back a large cache of artillery from a human Earth ship? Is that true? How much did you get?" He went on and on with his questions.

  "It is true," I said. He looked at me and realized that I was standing guard by the door.

  "What is it? What's in there?" he asked, but he did not give me time to answer. He was through the door before I could stop him. I followed him in and we were both met with a surprising yet delicious sight.

  Serena was lying completely naked on the table while Pentor moved a projector scan tool across her body that analyzed for damage on the holographic screen on the wall. Her eyes were closed and she did not notice that we had entered. Her long, lean body was stunning for a human female.

  She was tall, taller than the human females that I had seen thus far. Her long, yellow hair was in a tie on top of her head. Her breasts were ample, with rosy pink nipples crowning them. My eyes roamed down them to her belly and to her special, female spot that was covered with soft, light hair. She was exquisite, and had a toned body that showed her strength in fighting.

  "Shit!" Prana shouted at the sight. She opened her eyes and turned to see both of us staring at her with our mouths open like the lustful beast that we were.

  "Get out!" she shouted.

  "Do not move or we will have to start over!" Pentor said to her. She stiffened and did not move, but she yelled again, "Get out, you pigs!"

nbsp; I laughed at her as I took another fill with my eyes. Then I grabbed Prana and pulled him out of the room, though he was reluctant to leave.

  Once outside the room, I close the door.

  "What the hell was that? Who is that?" Prana asked.

  "A new human female brought here to the base," I said to him. She was on the Earth ship and tried to escape a few times. We did what we had to do to stop her from escaping, so now she is being checked for injury by the reconstructionist."

  "I have never seen a human female like that," Prana said as he took another step back toward the door.

  "Enough. Leave the human female alone."

  "Fine. Show me the artillery?" he said as he arched an eyebrow at me.

  "Yes, I need to attend to it anyway. Come with me," I said to him as we moved to walk through the village and through another tunnel that would lead us to the training ground and military section of the base.

  Chapter 3


  I was there to get all the information that I could; it had always been that way. It was not an easy thing to do, but I had been able to do it all those years. However, it didn't mean that I could not have fun while I did it.

  When I walked in and saw that human female lying naked on the table, I knew I had to have her. She was going to be mine. Seeing her made a stirring in me and I was almost completely hard as I looked over her body. The way she shouted at us in such a feisty manner only increased my interest. She did not shrink away like so many human females. She was a fighter, like me. I liked her instantly.

  When we left her, I had to occupy my mind with other thoughts in order to calm the heat that was stirring inside of me for her. I would have to deal with her later; for now, my focus was on the recent shipment. That was the most important thing. I watched as the commander went through managing the new inventory. I watched and listened and made notes with my eyes. They had commandeered a very large bank of weapons. It was impressive. We knew how to work the weapons of the humans, after so many years of taking over their ships and capturing their females.

  "What are the numbers?" I asked the commander.

  "What do you mean?" he asked.

  "How many blaster guns? How many explosives? How many blaster nets?" I listed out the various items that could be seen.

  "We won't have the totals until later. For now, I must report to Official Treen," the commander said.

  "May I accompany you?" I asked him, wondering what he was going to report.

  "Best sit this one out, Prana," he said as he walked away.

  "Shit," I said under my breath. That would be vital information that I would miss out on. I wondered what this new plan would be now that we had these military-grade weapons from Earth. They would be put together with our arsenal and double it in size. Now that Treen would have this, he would want to use it.

  Official Kahren Treen was the Official of Blue Mountain Base. He was the descendent of Lieutenant Treen, who was the initiator of the rebellion years ago. He was the one that had planned the attack that led to the rebels splitting off from the capital city of Konthos.

  That was many, many, many, years ago, and we had established a new order at the rebel base. We did not have a Master, like they did in the capital city of Konthos. Instead, we had an elected official, voted in by every Kalazaron at the rebel base, including the females. It was something that the rebel cause had wanted in the capital city of Konthos, but it was denied. So began the rebellion, and it had been that way ever since.

  Now that the commander was occupied and I could not tail him in order to gather information, I thought I would turn to more pleasant matters. I backtracked to the reconstructionist room, and to the human female. I smiled as I thought of a delicious lie.

  When I entered the room, she was fully dressed and I was disappointed.

  "I have been sent by the commander to escort the new human female to her quarters after you are done, Pentor," I said as I stood in a stoic manner, staring at the wall as though I was an obedient warrior and had no other reason to be there.

  "I am done with her. I will send the diagnosis of my report to the commander. It appears she has some internal bruising, but nothing to be alarmed about. She is a strong human female," Pentor said as he worked at his station.

  I looked at the human female and she seemed very angry and frustrated. I guess I would be also, being trapped at the rebel base away from home. It was something I could relate to.

  "This way," I said as I motioned toward the door. She walked toward me and said nothing. I could tell that she was going to make this hard for me. I liked the challenge. I could deal with the challenge. Hell, I was a challenge. No one had figured me out yet; I was that good.

  As we moved away into the village, she began to look around. She seemed fascinated by it all. "I am to take you to your quarters."

  "You mean my prison," she said back.

  "Yes, it is unfair. I am aware of that. However, I could defy orders and take you to the feeding hall instead. I won't tell the commander if you don't. I assume that you must be hungry and thirsty; I know I am," I said to her, trying to get on her side. She took the bait.

  "Yes, show me," she said.

  "It is this way, through the village and toward the back. I am called Prana. Should I address you as human female or do you have another word that you are addressed by?"

  "Serena," she said that she followed me.

  "Serena, no need to follow me like a prisoner. You may walk side-by-side with me and converse. I mean you no harm," I said inching my way into her friendship. She aligned herself side-by-side with me as we walked, and I began to point things out to her.

  "This is what we call the village. As you can see, it is the great gathering place of every one that lives on the base. Over there is where we hand out food rations to be taken to the homes of the Kalazaron. However, the majority of the big meals of the day are given over here at the feeding hall. Please, join me," I said as I walked into the grand hall.

  We walked in and I showed her how the system worked. We grabbed two trays and stood in line as we were rationed scoops of various foods and given water to drink. I took her to a corner table for some privacy, though it was obvious that everyone in the feeding hall was staring at her. It was still early in the day and most of the evening feeding would be commencing in an hour. We were lucky that it was not too crowded at this time.

  "Why is everyone staring at me?" Serena said as she dove into her food.

  "Isn't it obvious?" I asked her. She stopped eating and gave me a strange look. I wondered if I should give her a compliment, but something told me she would not take it lightly, so instead I said, "You are a new human at the base. They are just curious. Not a lot of new things happen around here."

  "That makes sense," she said to me.

  "I want to give you an apology for my earlier and behavior. When I walked into that room, I did not know what was on the other side of the door. But once I saw you, I could not take my eyes off of you and that was wrong. I am better than that. I hope that you will hear my apology, even if you do not accept it," I said as I looked down at my food and ate it. She said nothing. She continued to eat and look around. After a few minutes, she finally spoke.

  "I was brought here with other human females. Do you know where they are?" She asked.

  "No, I did not know about the others. I only know my orders from the commander to take you from Reconstructionist Pentor to your new quarters. Perhaps they are there as well. It is where all the human females are taken when they first arrive. I am happy to take you there after the meal so that you may see for yourself."

  "Thank you," she said.

  During the rest of the meal, I started to feel the wall that she had around her begin to fall slightly as we discussed trivial things about our planet that she was curious about. We kept the conversation light and somewhat boring, but I answered her questions. I wanted her to feel comfortable.

  After the meal, I walked her from
the village through a tunnel to the living quarters of the rebel base, which were on a different side of the mountain, but not too far. I did not know exactly where she needed to be since I had made up this order myself. But I did know that most of the human females were brought to living quarters known as the Versa Quarters.

  "This is the human female that came with the new shipment of human females today. She was with the reconstructionist and now she will be joined with the other human females," I told the guard warrior at the entrance. He nodded and let her in.

  She turned to me and said, "Thank you, Prana."

  "It was my pleasure. Please remember my name if you need anything; just ask for me and someone will seek me out."


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