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Jericho (The Strong Pack)

Page 8

by Crystal Dawn

  Assured that no one stood directly out side my door, I took the knife and slid it down to the latch. I tried several times but the latch kept sliding back into the doorframe. I determined I needed a less smooth surface. I went to the bathroom that was next to my room and found a wash cloth. I covered the butter knife with it and tried again. Oh, sweet victory! I opened the door carefully in case it creaked and peered out into the hall. No one was there so I carefully stepped out onto the hardwood floor that continued on as far as I could see. I opened my senses in order to find any guards that might be close by. I sensed no one near. Maybe luck would stay with me. I walked down the hallway looking for a way out.

  I heard the sound of voices, either they were hushed or they were far away. When I reached the end of the hall I turned away from the voices. It led me to a dining area and I could see the kitchen next to it. In the kitchen I could hear a sound once in a while of pots and pans being moved about or glasses clinking together. I stopped temporarily frozen in fear of discovery. When no shouts sounded, I moved slowly toward the door I saw to my right. It was a patio door and didn’t slide. I hoped it would open quietly. I grabbed the handle and pulled it to me. it opened almost soundlessly. I stepped out into a well kept yard. I saw no more obstacles so I morphed to my wolf and ran like hell.

  I jumped a stump that was in my path then a rock. I hadn’t yet found a trail of any type. I ducked under a low lying limb and trampled a fern. Did no one walk these woods? I found no sign of a used path. Little animals scurried out of my way fearing the predator in me. My mouth watered at the thought of fresh blood even as my desire to hunt awakened, but I would not be deterred in my need to leave this place. How far had I gone? I didn’t know but I knew pursuit was imminent when I heard the sounds of an angry howl in the distance. My captors were aware of my escape and in hot pursuit. I ran even faster taking what care I could in this strange place.

  The howls were answered by others. I lost count of the different wolves I had heard. I couldn’t say how many joined the hunt. I wished, not for the first time, that I knew where I was. I ran faster and didn’t take the care I should have. One misstep and I hurtled down, down, down until I stopped in a barely running muddy stream. Maybe this was a good thing. The mud would mask my scent. It felt yucky but I rolled in the mud until I was fully covered. I was sure only my eyes peeked out. After that I trotted along. It was a little slower but I took more care watching where I went. Escape would mean little with a broken neck.

  The woods thinned and the ground became smoother and more even. I picked up to an easy lope. I wasn’t tired but I was aware I had gone a long way. I could still hear the sounds of pursuit but they seemed concentrated in one area. I was sure they were stymied at the mud hole I had fallen in. I felt a surge of relief. I now had an advantage I planned to use to the fullest. I hurried on. The sky hurried on too working toward night fall. My stomach rumbled letting me know I needed food for energy so I could continue. I saw animals along the way that jumped away from me surprised by my sudden appearance. They couldn’t scent me either until I was nearly upon them. It would give me the advantage in my hunt.

  I slowed down prowling looking for my perfect pray. I wished for something big enough to fill my tummy but small enough that nothing would go to waste. I spied my quarry up ahead. I felt a moment of regret before I flashed into action. Only the fast flawless action of a hunter would do. I had never eaten raccoon before. The rich blood and the well fattened body filled my empty stomach. The creature had been dead before it realized it was caught. I drained as much of its blood as I could before tearing delicious strips of meat from the carcass to enjoy. Once it was stripped bare, I left it for the scavengers to finish. I put as much distance between me and the remnants of my meal as I could.

  I looked for a place to hide and rest. I didn’t plan to rest the whole night, but even a few hours required a good place to hide. I found it in the middle of a brush pile. Someone had made a sad attempt to clear the way maybe for a road but I wasn’t sure. I crawled in a hollow space at the center of the pile pulling a branch behind me to cover the entrance. It wasn’t much but it was the best I could do. I was exhausted so I fell into a deep sleep. Morning seemed to come quickly. I woke confused but it quickly turned to upset because I had slept until dawn. I exited my handy shelter and headed out. I found an old dirt road little more than a trail not far from where I had spent the night. Roads usually went somewhere so I was hopeful that I would get out of these woods.

  The road did go somewhere. It went to an old hunting cabin. The other way probably led to a main road but it also led to those who hunted me. I felt overwhelmed with disappointment but tried to shrug it off. At least I didn’t hear the sounds of pursuit. I moved into the cabin looking around for anything of use but it looked as if it had been picked clean years ago. I moved to the back door and out into the woods. I must be in the middle of a large forest. I decide to continue in the direction I was headed.



  I was going stark raving mad. Two days we searched and had not found a thing. The witch searched as well in her own way. Once in a while she sensed something and then it was gone. My dreams didn’t let up. I was sure she was in the forest fighting for her life. I didn’t think anyone believed me yet they searched there looking for her even as I did. The forest went on and on and even a wolf would have trouble finding their way from one end to the other. My father searched a different way. He tried to find the one who had taken her. He even tried to find the wolf who was after her. He thought he knew where Seymour was and he sent some of our wolves to check things out. He was waiting to hear back from them.

  I went to the forest where I had gone several times now. I howled the most lonesome sound anyone could ever hear. I listened but heard no answer. I morphed to wolf and ran through the forest. I smelled the damp earth and saw the green of the trees around me. I sensed the little animals as they ran for their lives fearing the angry predator that ran through their woods. I heard the birds high in the trees chirp one last time before looking for a safer place to visit. If my mate was at my side I would be in heaven right now. Instead I was loping through my paradise without the one I loved the most and that made it hell. I breathed deeply looking for any sign that she had been here. I stopped to breathe in again. There it was. Not my sweet loving mate but other wolves. There were many strange wolves lurking in the forest paradise that belonged to my pack alone.

  I knew right away what they wanted and why they were here. I smelled the familiar odor of Seymour. It wasn’t strong like it would be if it was him personally. It was the smell of wolves that had been in close proximity to their alpha. They were hunting and if I knew anything, they hunted my T.J. in my forest. Anger hit me first that they would dare not only to trespass but to hunt what was mine. Once anger ran its course, fear rushed in. What if they had found her and took her away? I wouldn’t allow it! I searched with greater desperation. The smell of a strange wolf tickled my nose closer than the smell of the others. I stalked closer hunting the predator that had now become my prey.

  The smell became stronger as I approached from upwind. I slid through the bushes on my belly getting ever closer until I could see my target. He was young and inexperienced that was why I had crept up on him. Once I had him at the mercy of my claws and fangs he would tell me all I needed to know. He hesitated making me wonder if he had heard me. I paused waiting until he started moving again. I would capture him, I had no choice. He would direct me to my mate. I prowled ever closer until I was within lunging distance. I waited as he took one more step closer. I jumped knocking down my target and secured him with my jaws at his throat. I growled letting him know how serious I was. He attempted to dislodge me so I raked his shoulder with my claws. I smelled his blood full of iron and rich with nutrients. I wanted to sink my teeth deep into his throat and lap up that rich blood, but I held myself in check.

  I felt him shiver as he realized my thoughts. He was young and wan
ted more than anything to live. He morphed to his human form as I relaxed my hold on his neck. I morphed also and released his neck from my jaws to put a choke hold on it instead. “Where is my mate?” I asked him as I squeezed his neck with my arm till he choked before I loosened up my hold to allow him to speak.

  “Who is your mate?” He asked stupidly.

  “T.J., the one I know you seek. Tell me if you want to live. My patience is at an end.” I told him ready to dispatch him if necessary.

  “She is in the forest hiding. She escaped and we can’t find her. Seymour is going crazy.” Out there in human form she would not have evaded capture. Even in wolf form it was impressive that she had escaped at all.

  “How long has she been out there?”

  “Since the morning after her capture. Seymour will kill us all if we don’t find her.”

  I whistled and a wolf appeared. He morphed to human form. “Take this wolf to my father. He’ll know what to do with him.” The prisoner seemed relieved that he hadn’t been killed yet. If he was helpful he would be spared. I really just wanted my mate. I would spare or kill anyone in my way depending on what was needed. I hoped her wolf was doing what was needed. The instincts were there waiting to be accessed if T.J. would only allow it. In a forest of this size how would I ever find her? I searched for a few more hours to no avail. I headed back to the bar to find out how everyone else had done.

  Everyone seemed to be waiting for me as I entered the bar. The wolf I had captured was chained to a chair in the back. The bar was open and the usual staff ran it. Access to the back was restricted to certain people. The other staff was told a highly confidential meeting was being held by a local company that had asked for certain employees and wanted no others around. Some seemed a little angry that they weren’t chosen but they were given a share of the tip for the meeting which was generous and that seemed to calm everyone down.

  All of the searchers were assembled in the corner opposite the pool tables. Speaking in hushed tones ensured no one would overhear the conversation. Once everyone had spoke the conclusion was other than the wolf I had found, nothing new had been learned. I was angry and disappointed. It was now dark and that wasn’t the best time to be out looking. Knowing T.J. she had probably found an out of the way place to settle down for the night. I suggested going after Seymour but Alpha said we must wait. The council was investigating him and they wanted no interference. My opinion of the council wasn’t very good. I would sleep and look for her in the morning. I wasn’t sure where she was worse off, with Seymour or alone in the woods.

  The only thing in my thoughts or my dreams as I lay on my bed was my mate. I wondered what she was doing right now.



  I finished up the last bit of a possum. I decided next time I would starve rather than eat one. It must really be an acquired taste and I was in no mood to acquire it. I left the remains behind for whatever critter was hungry and willing to eat it. I ran for a short while even though the light was rapidly leaving. I didn’t want to stop for the night too close to where I’d eaten supper. I tried not to think about killing and eating an animal raw. It was a little gross for my human side but the wolf was pleased. I had traveled a few miles so I slowed to look around for an acceptable hiding place to rest for the night. Not just any place would do. I looked for a brush pile but there were none. Eventually I found a hollow log. One side was stuck in the dirt so it was inaccessible. I found a branch to cover the other side and I pulled it behind me to cover the opening I had entered. It wasn’t perfect but it would have to do. I hadn’t been lucky yet to find a small cave or even a hole in the ground that would accommodate me. I could only hope I would go undiscovered here.

  I lay trying to sleep but the pain from some of the scratches I had received made it hard to relax. I heard the sounds of the nocturnal hunters looking for prey. Some came nearby but passed without challenging me. It was good for them that they did since they might find me a fierce opponent. In some cases it was good for me as well since serious injuries were not a good thing for me right now. I finally drifted off to sleep some time during the night. I woke a few hours later with the dark still surrounding me. I wonder why I woke until I heard the low growl of some unknown predator. I peeked through the branch I had placed at the entrance and saw a wolf, a real wolf. It was a male and I wasn’t sure if he wanted to mate or kill the one the had dared to enter his territory. Either way was not an option for me. Werewolves tended to be slightly larger than the regular wolves so he was only slightly larger than me. Still he looked terrifying with his low growl showing his fangs and his body language saying ‘I’m king of this forest’.

  I didn’t think he intended to come in, but I knew I couldn’t stay here indefinitely. Even if I outwaited him and he left to eat or drink, he would track me as soon as he realized I was gone. Just one more hunter to make me his prey. He growled louder then stepped back as if to say, “Show me what you’ve got, sweetheart.” Damn wolf!

  I didn’t know enough about my own skills much less those of the natural wolves to deal with a problem like this. Somehow I recognized that Jericho would never have this problem. Alpha rolled off him in waves especially in wolf form. I knew I was alpha too so it was likely this big boy was looking to get lucky. Eww, that was just yucky. So not going to happen. If he was here, where was the rest of the pack? They must have decided to give Romeo here some privacy. Thinking through all this made me decide to run. I just needed to get him to step back a little further. The branch was my answer. I pushed it back a little. He took a step back. I pushed it a little more. He took another step even though he didn’t have to. I pushed it back harder and farther and he jump back in surprise. I leapt out of the log and took off through the woods like…well like a damn wolf was after me wanting a piece of my ass.

  I didn’t look back because it would slow me down but I could hear the sounds of his pursuit as he hit small branches and occasionally yipped as if to say, “Where the hell are you going?”. I only ran faster until the sounds of pursuit dulled more and more. It showed me that werewolves were clearly superior to regular wolves. It had never occurred to me that they might be attractive to them but now I knew to be careful of them and run if I ever saw them. I slowed down now to get my bearings. I wasn’t sure where I was which was nothing new, but now I didn’t know where I was in relation to the direction I’d been heading. Life had been throwing me one curve after another. I could only hope I wasn’t running in circles or heading back the way I’d come.

  I trotted looking for any signs I had been this way before. As I moved along my body was on automatic as my mind worked through other things. I thought of Jericho and the rest of the pack. Their easy acceptance of me had gone a long way in making me feel like part of the pack. My mate had made me feel like the most important thing in the world to him. I thought of the questions my family had asked me while I had been on the phone with them. They had asked how can you feel so much so quickly? What is it exactly that makes you ready to settle down with him? They didn’t understand and if they never met their soul mate they never would understand. When I first saw him a feeling hit me. Deep inside me I knew he was dangerous. I didn’t want a mate so I tried to have him on my terms. Why does no one believe in love at first sight? Why do they believe it is impossible for two halves of a whole to immediately recognize that is what they are? Yes, I resisted him, but in the end it only wasted time we could have spent together.

  Every moment we spent together since has only shown me his strength and his love. Those are his two best qualities and they are shown not only to me. He uses them for his family and his pack which is like an extended family. Added to those qualities are his intelligence and his ability to make anyone laugh. I’m not always sure that he means to be funny but he is and he can’t seem to help himself. It goes without saying that he is handsome beyond anyone I have ever seen. He has a body built for pleasure and he knows how to use it. Of course I would never mention that t
o my mother. I don’t think she would care or understand. She would think it the worst reason to bind myself to a male for life. That shows what my mother knows. It is one of the very best reasons to stick with him since he is addicting. The pleasure we find enjoying each others bodies can make a bad day seem good.

  I tripped over a branch because my mind was dwelling on my delicious mate. It was time to pay attention to my surroundings since the brush had gotten thicker. The trees were further apart allowing more light down encouraging the growth between them. I looked both ways for an easier path and argued with myself over the decision to either go through or try to go around. In the end, I pushed forward hoping that less trees meant this had been harvested at some time and would be closer to a populated area. That should mean a road was near. I went as fast as I could in the heavy growth. Hope spurred me on. Hope is such a fragile thing and after going for hours with nothing noteworthy in sight, my hope began to fail. The one positive aspect was furry little animals flourished in the underbrush. I caught a rabbit to assuage my hunger then a while later caught another. They were such tiny things they were more like snacks then a meal.

  I chased after another catching it with ease. I felt sad, depressed even for the first time since my capture. Before I had been overwhelmed with fear and the need to escape. Now I had escaped my abductors but had no way home. What in the hell was I going to do? Jericho and I had been having sex like bunnies since we first met but if I ever got home I would tell him how much his other wonderful qualities meant to me. I would show him that sex was now just the cherry on top. I fought back tears as I wondered if I would ever make it back to him. It was time for a serious talk with myself, I was a wolf dammit! I could survive in this environment indefinitely. I knew they were searching for me. It wouldn’t be long before they found me. I continued on feeling a little bit better about my chances of surviving until I was found.


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