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Cowboys in Her Heart

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by Jan Springer

  Cowboys In Her Heart

  Cowboys Online #4

  After spending ten years in a maximum-security prison, JJ gets unexpected parole and a job on a Canadian ranch serving up scrumptious dinners and lots of hot love to three of the sexiest cowboys she’s ever met.

  Jennifer Jane “JJ” Watson has never been happier. She’s going to have a baby!

  Thankfully their wilderness ranch is a nice distraction for her three sexy cowboys while she’s away flying her plane. But when she’s home, her dominant hunks are tending to her naughty pregnant cravings and that includes plenty of sizzling ménages.

  Rafe, Brady and Dan don’t much like the idea of their woman flying the Canadian skies and being at the mercy of the unpredictable Northern Ontario weather. They would prefer having her warming their beds twenty-four seven. But she has a way of getting what she wants and right now she needs her new-found freedom.

  Worst fears are realized when JJ, her friend and JJ’s plane suddenly go missing and she doesn’t come back home to them.

  Other stories in the Cowboys Online series include: Cowboys for Christmas, Cowboys in Her Pocket and Loving Her Cowboys.


  For my Dad.

  Although you are no longer with us, I continue to send thanks to you in my prayers for introducing me to Canada’s beautiful north country.

  It was an awesome ride!

  Chapter One

  Early June

  Moose Ranch, Northern Ontario, Canada

  “Are these the plans for the cabin you’ll be building this summer?” JJ asked as she gazed over Brady’s shoulder. He sat at the dining room table with a large hand-sketched blueprint spread out across the table. A table that she needed to get set up for dinner.

  “Yep, that’s it. We figured it was best to keep the cabin small and simple. We’re placing it close to the lake so you can pick us up with the plane when the cattle drives are over.”

  The interior layout of the cabin looked pretty good but she wanted her men to have the best.

  “Hmm,” JJ muttered as she studied the sketch.

  Brady twisted in his chair and frowned as he looked up at her.

  “What do you mean, hmm? You don’t like it?” he asked with a frown. His blue eyes twinkled with curiosity.

  “Oh, I like it. But you’ll be spending quite some time there during other trips to check on the cattle and then there is haying in the area and come autumn at least a one week stretch there every year rounding up the cattle. I think this cabin should be a bit more…homey.”

  Brady chuckled. The sweet sound sent sparkles of happiness into her. His eyebrows furrowed as he studied her.

  “Homey? What exactly does that mean?”

  “Cozier. You need fireplaces so we can sit and watch the flames. You should have a fireplace in the living room and one in the bedroom.”

  He shook his head.

  “Fireplaces aren’t really practical. Woodstoves give off more heat.”

  “Fireplace inserts will make them practical. Remember we can fly everything in now. Oh, and how about a nice little outdoor barbecue area in back so I can cook up some steaks. I mean you did say I was coming along on the next cattle drive, right?”

  “You did say that she could come along, Brady” Dan chuckled as he walked into the kitchen.

  “And you also said she could have everything her little heart desires when it came to decorating all the buildings on the property,” Rafe said as he joined them.

  Emotions and arousal pummelled her as both Rafe and Dan swooped in close. Dan hugged her first. His strong arms made her feel safe and protected and she never wanted him to let her go.

  “I missed you like crazy, baby,” Dan whispered into her ear.

  When he let her go, Rafe quickly embraced her and kissed her sweetly on her mouth. Her lips tingled and her thoughts were scattering by the time he was finished.

  “Man, I’ve been needing that since I’ve been gone, sweetheart,” Rafe muttered as he held her tight. His dark brown eyes promised there would be more of those kisses coming tonight.

  She inhaled deeply. They always smelled so wonderful when they came in from working outdoors. Sweat, fresh air and pine never smelled so good.

  “I’ve missed you two, too,” she admitted. “I am glad my guys are all back together where I can keep my eyes on you.”

  The men chuckled.

  Rafe and Dan had been gone for a couple of days checking the herds in the north quarter of the property. Wolves had been a problem all spring, taking down several cows up that way. She was always worried when the guys went out on their trips.

  Her uneasiness about their safety while working the wilderness ranch had only increased after that close call with Rafe last year. He’d been seriously injured late last autumn when he’d sliced open his leg with an ax after being interrupted by wolves while he’d been chopping firewood at one of the shelters. With the wolves watching him, he had managed to crawl into a nearby cabin and lain helpless on the floor, needing serious medical attention. When he hadn’t called in at an appointed time, they’d gone out looking for him.

  But now with all three of her men back home and healthy, she could relax. And they would take turns with her again, whenever she wanted and whenever they wanted her.

  JJ swallowed as sensual heat whipped through her. Oh yes, she couldn’t wait until tonight. It would be a wonderful welcome home at bedtime. She hurried back into the kitchen so the men wouldn’t notice how red her cheeks must be at anticipating what would happen this evening.

  “Did you find the nuisance pack of wolves?” Brady asked.

  “Yep,” Rafe replied. He tossed his knapsack onto the table.

  “We caught them in action. They were just about to pounce on the herd when we came along. Boy, did we give them a huge surprise. We popped off a few rounds to scare them. Never seen wolves run so fast,” Dan said as he also placed his gear onto the table.

  JJ frowned as she retrieved plates from the cupboard. She didn’t like the idea of the men alarming the wildlife, but she understood the necessity of frightening them off. She also knew the wolves would be back to hunt down the cattle. Not good for business when wolves, or bears for that matter, began to dine on their herd.

  “Get all that stuff off the table or you’ll be eating off your knapsacks and those cabin plans,” she complained as she brought out the plates and set them beside the cups on the kitchen counter.

  There was a shuffle of noise and JJ smiled. She peeked over her shoulder and watched as the three men headed into the living room.

  The table had been effectively cleared. Now she could get to the business at hand. She was about to grab the utensils from the drawer, when an odd queasiness whispered through her.

  “Oh,” she whispered and her hand flew to her suddenly upset tummy.

  “JJ?” Dan must have heard her because he was suddenly jumping up from the living room sofa and hurried toward her.

  She waved him away.

  “It’s nothing.” She injected a cheeriness into her voice. It was a cheeriness she didn’t feel. Not in the least bit.

  “You look awful pale, JJ,” Dan growled.

  She shook her head, but the queasiness only got worse

  Oh no.

  “Are you having an anxiety attack?” Rafe asked as he and Brady crowded in around her. They were staring at her with such concern she felt horribly guilty for upsetting them.

  “No, no. I just got airsick while I was up in the plane this morning.” she lied. Why did she just lie?

  Oh dear, she couldn’t answer any questions. She really was going to be sick.

  “Set the table and I’ll be back
in just a minute,” she urged.

  A weird bitter taste flooded her mouth. Thankfully the guys didn’t follow her as she raced to the bathroom. She thought she would vomit, but just as suddenly as it came, her queasiness disappeared.

  “Huh, that was weird,” she muttered at her reflection in the mirror.

  Perspiration glistened like sparkling jewels on her forehead and more beads popped out above her upper lip. She looked pretty pale too. Her legs were shaky and she felt weak. The possibility that she might be pregnant flashed briefly across her radar, but she dismissed it quickly.

  Brady had been trying to get her pregnant for several months now, but she continued to get her periods. She just couldn’t be pregnant.

  So what was her problem with the nausea? This wasn’t the first time she’d felt sick. It had happened a few times over the last month or so and then a bit more often over the last few days, but this episode had been the worst yet. A jolt of anxiety zipped through her. Was she maybe seriously ill?

  JJ shook her head and immediately went into her avoid-a-panic-attack mode.

  She slowed her breathing, inhaling leisurely and deeply. In her mind, she imagined herself at her favorite place where she always felt safe and serene. At the dock down by the lake.

  When the guys were away and she needed a quick break from work, she loved to sit on one of the Adirondack chairs. The mild lake breeze would blow against her skin, and she would listen to the waves as they gently lapped against the pontoons of her float plane that she had moored nearby.

  The air would be quiet, broken occasionally by the knock knock knock of a woodpecker cracking its beak against a giant pine tree. Or a chipmunk or red squirrel would chatter nearby.

  JJ he felt herself calming down. She’d learned the breathing and imaginary techniques from a CD, her pilot friend, Kelly had sent to her just this past Christmas.

  The CD had helped immensely with her anxiety issues. Just as recalling the techniques she’d committed to memory helped her now.

  JJ blew out a breath, turned on the cold water and splashed her face until it was nice and chilled.

  “There, now you look better,” she said as she smiled at her rosy cheeks.

  She sucked in another breath and then blew it out slowly.

  It’s probably just a bug trying to get me. I’m strong. I can fight it off.

  JJ jumped when a knock erupted at the door.

  “JJ?” Brady’s deep voice called from the other side.

  “Come in,” she answered.

  The door swung open and she swallowed at the dark look on Brady’s face. Oh, oh, he wasn’t happy about something. Mentally she quickly assessed what she might have done wrong, but came up with nothing.

  “Why did you just lie? You told them you took the plane out. I was in the barn all day and I didn’t hear the plane.”

  Oh shoot. Think fast, JJ.

  “Sorry, I didn’t want you guys to worry. I—”

  “You are having an anxiety attack, aren’t you?” Brady asked, cutting her off and giving her the perfect excuse.

  “Actually, yes.” Another lie. Oh dear, she was lying way too much.

  “Can I help?” he asked as he stepped closer. His brow was furrowed as he studied her.

  “I’m better now. I just used some imagery and it helped.” At least that part was true.

  He smiled and the sweet way his lips curled upwards and the sparkles of love in his blue eyes made her heart beat faster. Gosh, he looked so cute she could just eat him up.

  “Don’t tell the guys, ok?” she whispered.

  “Hmm, I’ll have to think of a way to blackmail you in order for you to ensure I keep that secret,” he whispered back.

  He wanted to kiss her. She could read the twinkles in his eyes. But just as he lowered his head, she side stepped him. If he kissed her, then no one would be getting any supper.

  His laughter chased her out the door.

  It was Rafe’s night with her tonight and she couldn’t wait to be with him, JJ thought as she stepped into the steaming shower. They’d agreed to meet in her room tonight. She knew what that meant. Rafe wanted to tie her down and make love to her.

  She creamed at that idea and a breathless excitement rushed through her. She still had trouble believing how, after being incarcerated for ten years and told what to do everyday by the prison guards, that she was now free to do what she wanted. And she wanted to live with her three sexy cowboys.

  It was sinful. Shocking. And nice having her men paying so much attention to her.

  What had she done so right in her life to get so lucky? She thought as she hummed happily and soaped her curves, paying extra special attention to her very tender nipples. They were so ultra-sensitive lately. It was almost hurtful when the guys touched her there. But it was a sharp erotic addition to their tender lovemaking.

  She’d noticed the guys were a bit overly gentle with her since she’d asked Brady to be the father of her first child. She didn’t mind the gentleness. Much.

  A tinge of sadness whispered over her at the thought she still wasn’t pregnant. Last fall, when she had abruptly decided she wanted a baby with Brady, her decision had felt so right.

  She wanted this ranch house filled with her children. With their children. Lots of babies. She wanted a real family with the men.

  She frowned and stopped humming as she soaped between her thighs. What if she never could have a baby? Maybe all the stress of being in prison for so many years and all the anxiety and panic attacks she had experienced had screwed with her body?

  Maybe she was infertile? A rush of panic snapped through her.

  Oh no you don’t! Reign in that over-active imagination, woman! Her inner voice chastised.

  JJ shook her head and stepped beneath the steaming shower spray to allow the water to drown away her insecurities.

  If there was one thing she was guilty of, it was her imagination being vivid. She laughed to herself and then shampooed her hair.

  “You are just freaking yourself out about everything lately, aren’t you?” she mumbled as she quickly washed out the shampoo. She should be the happiest woman alive having three sweet men at her beck and call and—.

  She tensed as a shadow moved on the other side of the steamed shower glass door. And then another shadow appeared.


  She turned to explore who was out there when the shower door suddenly slid open. Rafe stood there. He wore a crooked grin and a very nice erection. Awareness zipped through her as he stepped inside the stall. He was followed by Dan, who was also naked.

  Mercy. Their cocks looked thick and hard. Intense excitement flooded her and JJ licked her lips with anticipation as she saw the rope in Dan’s hand. Okay, so much for Rafe tying her to her bed. They were going to tie her in here.

  “You were taking too long, sweetheart. I thought I’d bring the party to you, with a little bit of help from the guys and some foreplay,” Rafe said as he slipped one end of the rope through a sturdy stainless-steel eyelet located on the ceiling. The guys had installed several eyelets along various areas of the shower stall and JJ had enjoyed many naughty trysts being tied in here with the guys making love to her.

  Her breath caught as she spied the leather cuffs at the other end of the rope. She held still as Dan slipped the restraints around her wrists. Then he pulled on the rope which in turn raised her arms upward until her armpits stretched with a sensual burn. The warm water splashed against her upper back, nicely loosening any tense muscles this new position caused.

  He tied off the rope to a grab bar.

  She enjoyed when they restrained her. Feeling helpless, yet knowing she was very safe with them, shot exquisite desire through her.

  Her pussy grew hot and heavy as Dan and Rafe studied her breasts and stroked their engorged cocks.

  She tensed as Rafe grabbed the portable showerhead from its perch overhead. He angled the spray over his head soaking his bro
wn hair. Then he squirt a dose of shampoo into his hand. As he kept his brown gaze fixed to hers, he handed the shower head to Dan and then Rafe shampooed his hair.

  She blew out harsh pants as she watched the muscles in Rafe’s chest and arms bulge with his every movement. Dan joined Rafe, shampooing his own hair while JJ was forced to watch them. There were two gorgeously naked men mere inches from her and she could do nothing!

  Oh, come on! They were going to torture her by making her wait until they decided it was time to make love to her? The buggers!

  Rafe retrieved the showerhead from Dan, and quickly angled the spray over Dan’s head rinsing his hair. White bubbly suds dribbled over his nipples and she followed the sudsy trail as it arrowed over Dan’s taut belly and into his nest of pubic hair.

  JJ’s breath caught as Rafe handed Dan a bar of soap and then moved the water jet lower, over Dan’s tummy and then sprayed his scrotum. Dan swore softly at the impact and he quickly soaped his sac and then rubbed soap onto the jerking length of his shaft.

  Rafe followed up by squirting away the suds. Once again Dan cursed as the water zapped his cock. JJ giggled as Dan, a bit pissed off, tore away the showerhead from Rafe and turned the jet on him. Rafe laughed and quickly soaped his chest and then his ridge-board muscled abdomen. JJ licked her lips as Rafe’s penis straightened and engorged even more than before beneath his attentive fingers.

  "My own personal tv porn stars," JJ giggled.

  "Only, this is real life," Dan growled. He aimed the pulsing water over Rafe’s slightly hairy chest and then took his revenge by spurting his cock and scrotum.

  “Man! That hurts!” Rafe complained.

  Dan laughed and shot water against Rafe’s left nipple. He was greeted with another curse.

  "Getting crowded in here," Brady’s deep voice echoed above the splashes of water as he entered the bathing area. He wore nothing but heavy lidded blue eyes and a very promising erection.

  JJ’s pussy clenched at seeing Brady.

  "The more the merrier," JJ replied in a husky voice.


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