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Burn Me Anthology

Page 30

by Shantel Tessier

  "I hate to be a buzzkill, but I really want sleep." I slouch my shoulders forward. My body is winding down to sleep mode. I'm not sure if Wade had other plans for us tonight, but after the day I’ve had, I'm likely going to repeat last night and pass out face first on the bed.

  It was sometime after two in the morning when I finally locked the gallery up. The cleaning crew had been by and did their magic. Whatever artwork hadn’t been destroyed, I carefully catalogued while waiting for the crew to finish.

  Wade stood beside me every step, patient and protective. He understood the responsibility I felt for the artwork, and he did what he could to help me process every piece.

  His steel eyes watch me standing barefoot in the middle of the kitchen before he crosses the room to me and gently lifts me up into his arms.

  At first, I'm shocked, maybe even a little speechless, but I get over it quickly because I'm not light by any standard.

  "Wade, put me down. You're going to hurt yourself," I exclaim, slapping at his chest to put me down. But he doesn't. He carries me into his room, where he sets me back down on my feet.

  "If I ever hear you say those words to me again, so help me, woman, I will take you over my knee and tan that sweet ass of yours." My body quivers for the first time tonight. His words awaken something in me I can't quite explain. The thought of him spanking my ass should leave me feeling outraged, but it doesn't. Instead, I can't help thinking of things to say to make it happen.

  He chuckles—the sound of my quick breathing gives me away—and crosses to the dresser, pulling out a large T-shirt. He hands it to me and points me in the direction of the bathroom. "Go. Change. Before I change my mind and strip you myself before having my way with you."

  Shit, another idea to think about.

  No, Viv, you need to sleep. I do need sleep.

  But now I need him.

  Chapter 8


  I sense her before I feel her, but I lie still, managing even breaths.

  Waiting for her to make a move.

  Her hand dips into the waistband of my pants, careful not to wake me. Little does she know.

  My body tingles with anticipation, fully aware of her. The moment her hand wraps around my cock, she gasps in surprise at the size of me, and it hits me like a lightning bolt. I struggle to keep up the charade I'm playing, unable to stop a sleepy moan as she slowly strokes my cock to life.

  The urge to roll over and pin her beneath me subsides as my curiosity gets the best of me. How far is she willing to take this?

  Her thumb runs along the underside of the head, while her grip becomes bolder and braver. She quickens her pace, stroking me from top to bottom. I feel her pull and tug the covers as she shifts on the bed, and I lose her hand in the process.

  A moment later, I feel both hands at the waistband of my pants, this time pulling and tugging them down my hips, freeing my cock underneath the blankets. Without warning, she takes me into her mouth, and I nearly come up off the bed from the sensation. Unable to pretend any longer, I snake my hands into her hair, gripping her head as she sucks me down her throat.

  "Fuck, Vivienne," I groan before releasing one hand on her and pushing the blankets down, needing to see her work my cock. Her blue eyes connect with mine, intensifying everything tenfold.

  She releases me from her mouth with a loud pop before sucking me back into her mouth. Her tongue flattens against the underside of my cock, creating more suction and sensation. I feel my cock grow larger in her mouth, but it doesn't faze her. I'm larger than average and thick around, but she sucks me down even further, like she has no gag reflex.

  "Shit, Vivienne, don't hurt yourself," I choke, thrusting my hips up. Her free hand reaches in between my legs, grasping my balls, and she quickens her pace along my shaft. A familiar tingle runs along my spine, and I know I'm seconds away from shooting my load.

  "Babe, stop, I'm going to..." I grasp her head, trying to get her to stop, but she moves even faster, ignoring my hands in her hair. My body shakes as I try to hold back, but I feel a finger stroke the sensitive entrance of my asshole. "Shit, Vivienne, if you don't stop, I'm going to come in your mouth."

  She moans, her blue eyes staring up at me, begging me to come.

  Daring me to come.

  I throw my head back, groaning loudly into the room, as I feel my release fill her mouth. She doesn't slow either, just continues milking and sucking me for every last drop. As my body jerks one final time, she releases me with a satisfied grin plastered to her face.

  "Fuck, baby girl, that was unbelievable," I murmur, pulling her up from in between my legs. She giggles excitedly, kissing me hard on the lips. Deeping the kiss, I push past her lips, taste myself on her tongue. Some men might find that disgusting. I find it erotic.

  My hands wander over her body, slipping beneath the T-shirt she slipped into just before bed, and I breathe in her scent.

  My T-shirt.

  My bed.

  My woman.

  "What are you thinking about?" She lays her head down on my chest, and I feel her fingers drawing little circles onto my skin. I chuckle, trying to figure out how to tell her about the dirty thoughts flying through my head and the different ways I want to fuck her.

  "How I'm going to convince you to sit on my face," I confess, dropping my voice further. "I'm thinking about your pussy and how badly I want to touch it, taste it, and most importantly, fuck it."

  "Wade..." She trails off, her voice a strangled mess in her throat. I glance down at her, prepared to beg, but she knifes up and moves into position. One knee on either side of my head, her thick thighs parted, showing off the hottest pussy I've ever seen. As her pussy hovers just above my face, I realize she isn't wearing panties.

  "Holy shit, babe, no panties?"

  "Nope," she says, popping the last sound of the word, like she did my cock earlier. Her bare pussy glistens down at me, and I reach for her hips, pulling her closer to my mouth. Her sweet scent surrounds me. My mouth waters, desperate for a taste.

  Using both hands to support herself, she holds on to the wooden headboard, preparing herself for my assault. The look on her face, the breath she holds in her lungs, fuck, it's breathtaking.

  My tongue darts out, swiping along her slit, and she moans, rocking her hips a little.

  "Fucking tease," she groans, and I smile, loving the way her body responds to my touch.

  I respond by plunging my tongue deeper, past her outer lips, connecting with the tiny bundle of nerves. She gasps at the sudden contact and grinds her hips harder against me.

  "Shit... fuck... don't you dare fucking stop..."

  The idea is tempting, but I don't think I could stop, even if my life depended on it. Her pussy is like a drug, and I find myself falling further and further into addiction with each flick of my tongue and taste of her honeypot.

  While I use one hand to keep hold of her, the other moves under her from behind, dipping into her wetness. She grinds down onto it, grunting her pleasure.

  "Wade..." I hear the desperation in her voice, feel her need dripping down my fingers as her body tenses, growing closer to her climax. Adding another finger to the mix, I slowly drag them both in and out of her, feasting like a starving man on the most sensitive part of her.

  "Yes, baby, right there," she murmurs, her hips move, and she falls into the rhythm I've set between my tongue and fingers. Desperate for her release, we sync a quicker pace, thrusting and sucking, grinding and flicking, until she can't take it anymore and freezes, letting me take her over the edge.

  "Fuck, baby, I'm coming," she manages, releasing a flood of her sweetness onto my tongue. I groan in pleasure, the taste of her unlike I've ever had.

  Sweet. Perfect.


  She rides the waves of her orgasm, both hands tangled in my hair, holding me steady against her pussy. Her bright blue eyes stare down at me through a mess of honey blonde, wearing nothing but my shirt, her pussy attached to my face—the best f
ucking way to greet the morning.

  She slumps forward and releases her hold on my head. I lift my arms and drag her down my body, settling her over my massive hard-on. Hearing her sounds of pleasure, tasting her ecstasy on my lips, left me feeling like a randy teenager. She mewls the moment my cock nestles in between her legs, and I can't help the surge of my hips, needing the friction.

  "Vivienne, my sweet Vivienne," I murmur, kissing down the length of her neck and reaching for the hem of her shirt. She leans forward, letting me pull it over her head. Her breasts hang like perfect teardrops, and her dusky nipples stand alert, ready for my greedy hands. "So fucking perfect."

  Surging forward, I cradle her and push her onto her back, and her legs wrap around my waist.

  "Tell me, is your dick as magical as your mouth?" she asks before capturing my lips with a fire-filled kiss. I chuckle and push my hips against her, more than ready to prove how much better it is. Her fingernails dig into my back when I hit her clit; it's still sensitive from her earlier orgasm. "Condom?"

  I pull away and reach into the drawer of my nightstand, pulling out a gold foil packet. I rip it open with my teeth and roll it down my cock, clenching my jaw at the sensation. Fuck, I'm already primed.

  Lowering my head, I capture one of her nipples with my mouth, while my hand caresses the other one. I bite down gently, scraping my teeth along the sensitive bud. She yelps, thrusting her hips against me. "Please, Wade, I need you."

  My lips make their way up her neck, connecting once again with hers. She drags her teeth along my bottom lip, sucking it into her sweet mouth. I place the tip of my cock at her entrance and hesitate for a moment. I want this to be right between us.

  "Baby, once we do this, there's no going back." She cracks her baby blues at me, her brow puckered with frustration. But I have to be clear. She has to know where I stand. "From the moment I laid eyes on you, you were mine. This right here, right now, means you accept that fact. But it also means I'm yours. Can you handle that?"

  I listen to the sound of her breathing, waiting for her to respond. After a moment longer than I feel comfortable with, she finally says something.

  "I don't believe in love at first sight," she confesses, and I feel my heart crack a little. If she can't accept what I've told her, what does this mean for us? Do I stop? Or do I accept everything she's willing to give me and work like hell to make her feel it, too? "But there is something between us, something I've never felt before. It scares me, Wade, but it excites me just the same." I reach up and caress her cheek, feeling the uncertainty in her body slowly ebb. "I wouldn't have started this tonight if I didn't already feel the same way you do. This thing is beautiful, and I can't imagine my life without it in it. Without you in it."

  Staring down at her for a moment, I feel a rush or warmth spread through my body, because I couldn't have said it any better.

  "My answer is yes. You're mine. I'm yours. Now, stop talking and make us one."

  When she pulls my head to hers, our kiss is tender and sweet. I slide into her, feel the stretch and strain of her muscles as they adjust to my size.

  "Fuck," I groan, bottoming out inside of her. It’s like we were made for one another, the burn just right. Trying to make it last, I let myself sink, relishing the feeling of her tight little hole and the surge of wetness drenching my cock.

  "Don't stop," she demands, gripping my ass with her nails. "Don't fucking stop. Fuck me, Wade. Make me yours."

  I move at her command, sliding out slowly, but my woman doesn't want it slow.

  "Damn it, Wade, if you don't fucking move your ass and give me what I want, I'm going to take it." Her threat works, because I slam back into her, hard. She cries out, gripping my ass harder. The sting of her nails pushes me forward and makes me thrust faster.

  Reaching in between our sticky bodies, I press down on her clit, adding to the pleasure. She picks up my rhythm and begins thrusting with me, the sound of my balls slapping against her skin filling the air around us.

  "Yes, just like that," she breathes, her lips on mine. She a fucking spitfire in bed, nothing like what I thought. I didn't understand what she meant when she told me she was worried I wouldn't like the woman she is, because everything about her either makes my dick hard or plays at my heartstrings. She sets me on fire with only a touch.

  In and out, our bodies thrust to find release. To become one.

  My balls tighten and tingle, and I know it won't be much longer. The intensity of the moment is too much for me to hold off. My fingers press harder against her nub, and I feel her body quake as her orgasm rips through her.

  "Wade, I'm coming..." she cries, and it's like music to my ears.

  Her pussy clamps down like a vice, pushing me over the edge and right into familiar waters.

  "Vivienne..." Her name falls from my lips like it was always meant to be this way. Wave after wave hits me as she milks me for everything I have.

  The high of our orgasms begins to recede, and I fall forward, covering her body with mine.

  "I can't... breathe," she gasps. I pull out, instantly missing the feel of her wrapped around me, and roll off her. She moves to my side, tucking herself against me.

  "Just a second," I tell her, throwing back the covers and taking off into the bathroom to dispose of the condom. I open a drawer and pull out a washcloth, running it under the warm water, then wringing the excess.

  Walking back into the room, I find her propped up on her side, her hair a mess but her body flushed with satisfaction. She's pulled the sheet up to her neck, and I don't like it.

  "Let me clean you up," I murmur, showing her the washcloth. She flattens out, and I reach under the blanket to place the cloth over her, letting the sting of her muscles relax from the warmth. She moans when I pull it away and toss it into the dirty hamper across the room. "What time do you have to be at work today?"

  "Not until three. What about you, Chief? When do you go in?"

  "Today's my last day off. I head in early tomorrow morning for the next five days."

  "Five days?" she asks with big eyes.

  "I've been single for a long time, baby girl. I take the long shifts, so my crew can be home with their families." My explanation makes sense, but I see her put up a guard.

  "And now that you're not single any longer?" It's a fair question but one I've never had to answer.

  "I'll sort it out with the guys," I offer, and she smiles. I realize she was testing me to see if I believed myself to be that same single guy.

  Now she knows I'm not.

  I'm hers.

  Chapter 9


  Cloud nine.

  That's what I have to be experiencing. A feeling of something bigger than joy, but feeling complete for the first time in my life.

  And it's all because of him.

  Fire Chief and sexpert Wade Walker.


  I spent the better part of the morning in bed with him. The sex was phenomenal, and the parts in between are indescribable. I’ve never felt this open with another person, ready to bare myself completely and spill all my secrets.

  I discovered things about him I didn't expect. He's a third-generation firefighter. His father died fifteen years ago in a car accident. His mother is a retired teacher who moved to Florida with her sister. And he has no siblings.

  When he dropped me off in the early afternoon, he kissed me as if our lives depended on it. His tongue invaded my mouth with precision and power, much like he’d invaded my pussy this morning.

  I hadn't planned on things happening between us, but I woke up dreaming about him and needing to know what he felt like, what he looked like, and what he tasted like. If I had to sum it up in one word, I would choose ‘heaven.’ Because it truly was an out-of-this world experience.

  He sent me inside with instructions to pack a bag, because I would be once again staying at his place. This time, however, I'm driving myself there, and since he has to be at the station early tomorrow morn
ing, it makes sense to have my own way of getting home.

  We've spent the day texting when we could, but for the last two hours I haven't had a moment to check my phone. The study session was intense, and more kids came than we’d anticipated, so it lasted longer, too.

  But now the last of my students walk out the door, and I make my way around the front desk, keys in hand to lock up for the night. My stomach flutters, and warmth floods my body because I'm so close to being wrapped in his arms again.

  Before I reach the door, it suddenly pushes open, and a dark figures steps inside. My steps falter as the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and my eyes connect with the figure. It's a man, and at first, I don't recognize him. Until he sneers.

  "Jeffery," I gasp, clutching my keys to my chest. "Where have you been? We've been looking everywhere for you."

  "You fucking bitch," he growls, a little spittle falling from his lips. He looks like a deranged mess, wearing the same clothes I saw him in yesterday, only now they are rumpled and dirty. Nothing like the normal clean freak I've come to barely tolerate. His eyes are dark. Menacing. Filled with hate. And they're focused on me. "You think because you have your precious master's degree you can come into my territory and take over?"

  "I have no idea what you're talking about." I grimace, feeling the anger roll off him in waves. He stalks forward, and I move backward, trying to keep distance between us. Whatever he's about tonight, it's not good. Is he mad over the show or what happened?

  "Don't lie!" he yells, stepping quicker to close the distance. I turn, trying to make it to the office, but I'm not fast enough. He reaches out, grasps my hair, yanks me backward, and I slam down onto my ass. I cry out as pain rips through my body, blinding me to anything else. "You called him. You told him it was me. You wanted him to fire me. You wanted my job. And now, you're going to pay for being such a meddlesome bitch."

  He wraps his hands tighter into my hair, pulling me in the direction he wants me to go, leaving me no choice but to comply.


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