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Burn Me Anthology

Page 37

by Shantel Tessier

  I’d been watching her from my office the entire time via the hidden camera in her room. I’m not even sure she realized how much she spoke out loud. But I heard every word. How angry she was at life and the hand it had dealt her. She was pushing me away because she thought I would leave.

  More than once I had to force myself to wait her out. I wanted to reassure her that I wasn’t going anywhere. For that reason alone, I needed to do this. To ensure her I was here. I wasn’t leaving. And I wouldn’t let her down.

  Finally exhausted from her fit, she’d laid down on the bed. Before the anger was completely out of her system and she had time to reflect on her actions, I made my move.

  This was going to be hard for her.

  Even harder for me.

  The first crack of my belt across her perfectly heart shaped ass resulted in an angry red welt that had her flailing about and gasping in pain. I followed it with several more in quick succession. I’d landed six strokes before she found her voice.

  “S-stop! You’re hurting me!”

  “That’s the point. I suggest you settle down. We’re just getting started.”

  Careful not to hit her twice in the same place too soon, I deliver stroke after stroke from the middle of her ass cheeks to the tops of her thighs. Then I layer the welts again and again. Watching her reaction. Listening to her breathing. Studying her body language. And witnessing her skin blush from a pale porcelain, to pink, to a cherry red, a deep crimson and then a light purple in the areas darker with bruise.

  Bruise was bad enough.

  I’d promised to blister.

  A few more strokes and she finally gives into the pain. Submits her body in defeat. Her mind now accepting of the punishment. Enduring because it’s deserved. Six lashes after that, a small place no bigger than a dime, located on her sit spot that had been repeatedly struck, swells to a blister.

  I drop the belt.

  Slightly winded, I look down at the trembling woman covered in a sheen of sweat from the back of her neck to her ankles. I want to hold her. Kiss her. But aftercare comes after a punishment. And though Mila has taken the brunt of hers, the worst is yet to come.

  The spanking put her in the mindset she needed to be in. Now, she needs to reflect. To think about what she refused to acknowledge when she was so angry. And without the pain of my belt to distract her, she’ll have nothing to do but think.

  Still on her stomach. I shift her body so that she’s lying straight on the bed with a pillow under her head and one under her feet. Then I pet her hair. Kiss her birthmark. Press my lips to her ear and whisper the words I know she longs to hear.

  “Good girl.”

  It’s been two hours and exhaustion has yet to set in. Her cries are silent, but I can still see her tremble with sobs.

  I should give her more time.

  I don’t want to risk going in there before she’s ready.

  Fuck it.

  I can’t be away from her a minute longer.

  The moment I open the door, she lets out a long, low wail that stops me in my tracks. I’m not sure if it’s a cry of fear or need. I hope like hell it’s the latter.


  My throat is so thick it’s tough to swallow. “Yes?”

  Her body relaxes on a breath and I recognize that whimper. “W-will you hold me n-now?”

  Two strides and I’m there. She’s in my arms. I leave the room and take her back to mine. I lay back with her on my chest. Raining kisses over her face and rubbing her back and arms with my hands.

  “Are you mad at me?”

  “No baby. All is forgiven. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Can I be your girl again?”

  I chuckle. “Sweetheart, you’ve always been my girl. My sweet, sweet, good girl. And I’m not letting you go. I won’t leave you. There’s no reason to push me away. You can try, but I’m not going anywhere.”

  She shatters. Wails. Screams. Begs. Apologizes. This is about more than the pain of her punishment. It’s about the pain of her heart.

  “Hush, now. It’s over. It’s all in the past. Just rest. I’ve got you.”

  Minutes turn to hours and still I hold her. Forever seems to pass before she finally drifts off to sleep in my arms. I’ll never forget this moment.

  Her cheeks stained with tears.

  Her ass blistered from my belt.

  Her head on my chest.

  Fingers fisted in my shirt.

  Soft lips parted as she breathes without worry.

  Without a care.

  Full of trust.

  Confident I’ll take care of her…


  I could never forget this moment.

  Because it’s the precise moment I fell in love with her.

  Chapter 13


  When life hands you lemons…

  I hate the saying.

  Life hands you nothing. It only takes and takes and takes. If you want to make lemonade, then it’s up to you to reach out and grab the damn lemons yourself.

  I could spend the rest of my days blaming the universe for the shitty hand it dealt me. I could carry hate in my heart. Lock it in a steel cage. Push people away. Never let anyone get too close. I’d done it before. I’d planned to do it again.

  But lying across that bed with my bottom on fire, my soul in shreds and the only man in this world I gave a damn about in the other room, I had an epiphany about life.

  Shane Daughdrill is my lemon.

  He is the main ingredient in my life. The one who makes me feel. Be it anger, hurt, sadness, happiness…I was numb before he came alone. And in less than a week, he’d awakened something inside of me I thought was dead.

  He keeps his promises no matter if they’re good or bad. He knows what’s best for me. He cares for me like no one ever has. If he breaks my heart, be it today, tomorrow or fifty years from now, it’ll be worth it. But after he’d told me that I’d always be his girl and he wasn’t going anywhere, I knew in my heart of hearts that him leaving wasn’t something I had to fear.

  After so much crying. So much sadness and pain, I’d fallen asleep in his arms. I don’t know how long ago that was, but when he shifts beneath me, I wake instantly and cling tighter to him. Those endless hours he’d left me alone are still fresh on my mind. And now I can’t stand the thought of being away from him even a second.

  “I need to look at you, baby,” he whispers, leaving me on my stomach as he slides out of bed. “You can go back to sleep. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”

  A dim, yellow glow illuminates the room when he turns on a lamp. His hand skims down my back and lifts the hem of my shirt. For a long time, he doesn’t move.

  “Shane?” I attempt to peak at him over my shoulder, but my body is just too weak.

  “Lie still, sweetheart. I’m just checking you over to make sure I didn’t break the skin anywhere.” His response triggers the memory of how awful the spanking was and I shudder. “I don’t ever want to have to do this again.” The sadness in his voice causes a deep ache in my chest. “But you need to know that I will if it means keeping you safe. You’re mine, Mila Parker.” His fingers ghost across my bruised flesh. I lift my hips at his touch. “My girl. My heart. My everything.”

  I summon my strength and turn to meet his thoughtful gaze. And though he hasn’t said the words, his love for me rolls off him in waves.

  “I want you, Shane.”

  “You have me.”

  “I-I want all of you.” My cheeks flush at my admission, but I hold his stare.

  “I want that too, baby. More than you know. But you’re too sore. When I take you, I’ll never be able to get enough of you. And this sweet ass of yours can’t take what I have planned for you right now.”

  I moan my disagreement, my hips bucking and my sex dripping at his admission. If I’m this wound up over his words, I can’t imagine what it will be like when he actually takes me.

  He reaches into the drawer of his nightstand an
d pulls out a silver container. “This will sting at first, but I promise it’ll feel much better soon. It’ll help with the bruising and will quicken the healing process.”

  The scent of lilac and mint fills the room as he removes the lid and scoops a generous amount onto two fingers. “Deep breath, baby.”

  I obey and my entire body stiffens when the cold crème makes contact with my battered skin. It hurts anew and I’m taken back to lying over that bed. His belt falling mercilessly on my behind.

  “Shhh,” he soothes, and I realize I’m whimpering. Tears prick my eyes but I force them back—I’ve cried enough.

  Soon, a light numbness replaces the burn and I relax beneath his touch. It feels…oh God…it feels so good.

  “Good girl. So wet. So ready for me.”

  “Yes!” I cry, needing him inside me. His hand slides between my lips and I nearly come at the contact.

  “Damn…” That one word holds so much praise. So much promise. So much appreciation.

  I’m a lucky man.

  The reminder of those words elicit another moan from me.

  “I love you, Shane.” His hand stills. I continue before I lose my nerve—encouraged by the overwhelming need to feel him closer. “I know it’s sudden. And though we’ve known each other for years, we’ve only been together a few days. But I’ve never felt like this. Never wanted anything more.”

  Doubt settles in my gut at his silence. Then he’s flipping me to my back. Laying his big body between my legs. The lotion has numbed the sting in my bottom, but the ache is still there. Pulsing through my core and igniting a fire inside of me.

  “Say it again,” he breathes, his hands framing my face.

  “I love you, Shane.”

  His eyes flutter closed. When they open, the heat and love and desire I see reflected in them steals my breath and captures my heart. “I love you too, Mila. Always have.”

  The moment is intimate. Perfect. Just the two of us lost in one another’s stare. Absorbing the happiness radiating around us. But it’s not enough. I want more. And judging by the stiff length pressed against my sex, he does too.

  “Are you sure you want this, baby? We have forever. There’s no rush.”


  “I want this. Please…”

  After kissing me breathless, he sheds his clothes. Seeing him naked in front of me, lying on top of me, spreading my legs, kissing my stomach…it makes me feverish. Then his mouth is devouring my pussy. Tongue licking. Thrusting. Swirling around my clit with the perfect amount of pressure and practiced skill.

  “Come on my mouth, Mila. I want to taste more of you.”

  The thought of soaking his face in my arousal shames me as much as it turns me on. It takes some people years to reach the level of comfort I feel with him. Maybe if I wasn’t drunk on lust, I would feel different. Right now, all I want is to please him. And the idea of humiliation only adds to my desire.

  I come hard. Fast. I cry out his name. My body pulses. Sex clenches. Everything fades. I’m still experiencing the aftershocks of my orgasm when the second starts to build. And he’s not even touching me. Just on his knees between my legs. His gaze fixated on my sex. His cock thick and hard, impossibly large and very intimidating, stands tall and erect.

  “You’re so fucking pretty here.” He touches my clit with the just tip of his finger. “Pink. Soft.” He drags his finger lower then spreads some of my essence across my bottom cheeks. “Even here…your ass bruised from my belt.” His eyes lift to mine and he’s serious.

  “I’ll go slow. But you tell me if it’s too much or if I hurt you. Don’t lie to me, baby. I’m a big man. I need you to be honest so I don’t injure you. Understood?”

  I nod, anxious to have him already.

  “No, Mila. I need you to tell me. Promise me. This is important. And if you lie to me, I’ll be disappointed, but more than that, you’ll lose my trust.”

  He knows me. Knows I’ll lie because I want him to feel good. I won’t want him to stop. But it’s not worth losing his trust. I almost did that earlier today. I won’t make the same mistake again.

  “I promise, Shane. I’ll tell you.”

  “Good girl.”

  My heart soars at his words. Then he moves over me—kissing his way from my knee to my lips. He places a sweet, lingering kiss to my birthmark. “Keep your legs open wide for me, baby. There will be some pain. I’ll talk you through though, I promise. And if you just relax and stay spread for me, it’ll hurt less and pass quickly. Then I swear, I’ll make you come harder then you ever imagined.”

  “OhGodyespleaseShane…” My words string together on a plea.

  He positions himself at my entrance, teasing me with just the head. When he pushes inside, it’s only an inch, but the fit is tight. I stay relaxed as he instructed.

  “So beautiful. So soft. So warm.” He continues to thrust inside me slowly—his cock going a little deeper each time until he presses against my hymen. “I want you to feel this, sweetheart. Every bit. Absorb the pain. Cry. Let go. I want you to always remember the first time I took you. The night you became mine and I became yours. The first night of forever for us.”

  I don’t need the pain to cry. The sincerity and love in his promise has them springing to my eyes. I quickly blink them away so I can get lost in those deep, ocean blues of his as he towers over me and brings his warm lips to mine.

  He pulls back and looks down at me. “Deep breath, beautiful. Just relax.”

  I do as he says, my body sinking further into the mattress as all my worries dissipate along with everything that isn’t him. He pulls back slightly before burying himself in my depths—tearing away my innocence and thrusting deeper than I thought possible.

  “Shane!” I cry out, my hands moving to his shoulders. Trying to push him away. Anything to relieve the aching burn and overwhelming discomfort in my center.

  “Shhh…” he kisses my lips. My cheeks. My birthmark. His face in my hair, lips at my ear, he whispers to me. I hear every word, despite how focused I am on the pain of having him still inside me.

  “You’re okay. I’ve got you. Relax. I love you so much. You’re so beautiful. You feel so good. Deep breaths. That’s it. Good girl.”

  I melt beneath him and he moves, tentatively. The pain doesn’t subside like I thought it would, it burns more as his hardness rubs back and forth across the spot where he tore me. I want to power through. I don’t want him to stop. But I made him a promise.

  “It hurts.” I squeeze my legs together out of pure instinct.

  His brow furrows with concern and regret flashes in his eyes. “I know, baby. And I’m so, so sorry. But it’ll pass.” He places his hand on my knee and gently pushes against it. “Spread yourself for me, sweetheart. The sooner your body gets used to me, the sooner I can make you feel good.”


  I can only describe his words as magic.

  Or maybe it’s his angle. When he presses my knee to the mattress and shifts slightly, the pain subsides—replaced with a tingling sensation as he strokes over a spot deep inside me. I moan with the contact.

  “Talk to me, baby,” he urges, never slowing his pace.

  “T-that feels…there.” I liquefy when he finds it again. Then instead of pushing him away, I’m pulling him back, needing him to touch me there again.

  “Good girl.”

  His thumb moves to my clit and his mouth dips to my nipples. He licks and sucks and I’m lost. Free falling into ecstasy. Everything ignites at once. I scream so loud my throat burns. Come so hard I nearly lose consciousness. When I blink past the fog, I’m met with his hot gaze.

  He thrusts deeper. Moves faster. Grips my hips and plunges harder. It’s so much, yet not enough. The sounds of our passion fill the room. My moans match his. Both of us panting. The wet, slippery noise from my arousal is unmistakable and so erotic.

  “Come with me, Mila. I want to feel that tight little pussy of yours squeezing me. Milking every ounce from my co
ck as I fill you full.”

  I shatter. Dissolve. Melt. Cry. Beg. Come with a passion so great it scares me. Overwhelms me. He stills deep inside me. Flooding me with his release. Every pulse of him triggers aftershocks of my own orgasm. I feel weightless, yet heavy. My body floating but my limbs too weighted to move.

  “That was perfect, baby. You were perfect,” Shane says, trailing his mouth across my collar bone. I mumble something unintelligible and he chuckles—his breath hot against my neck.

  He pulls out slowly and I wince from the loss and the tinge of pain I feel now that I’m not writhing in orgasmic bliss. My body instantly cools without his heat and I shiver a little despite the light sheen of sweat covering me.

  “I need to look at you, sweetheart.” Before I can argue, his face is between my legs. Having him inspect me this close shouldn’t make me feel shy considering what we’ve just done and how intimate he’s been with me thus far. Nevertheless, I flush all over.

  His finger lightly brushes against my lips—parting them slightly. “You feel okay?” he asks, looking up at me. I’m so thankful to have his eyes on mine and away from my sex, I don’t even consider lying.

  “I’m a little sore. But nothing too bad.” He narrows his eyes a little and I swallow. This time I have to look away to admit more of the truth. “When I…when I clench, you know…inside…it hurts.”

  He runs his hands over my legs and plants a kiss over my pubic hair. “Nothing a hot bath and some rest can’t cure. Although I might have to sleep on the couch to avoid taking you again tonight. You’re pretty tempting, Miss Parker.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” I tease back, leaning up on my elbows. My smile is short-lived when I notice the blood on my thighs. I follow it to the sheets. Then his cock that is still semi-hard. And just as intimidating.

  “It’s just a little blood. Some people bleed more than others. This is completely normal.”

  “Y-you’re not turned off?”

  He grins. “Nothing about you turns me off, baby. Having the virginal blood of the woman I love on my cock has quite the opposite effect on me.” As he speaks, I can see his length thickening. My cheeks heat at how good it would feel to have him inside me again—too absorbed in all the pleasure he brings to think about the little bit of pain it might cause.


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