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Burn Me Anthology

Page 59

by Shantel Tessier

  “I’ve only had one,” Derek speaks up.

  “Can you walk?” I whisper to Kinsley.

  “Just don’t let go,” she slurs tightening her arms around my waist.

  I manage to get her in the truck, and her seat belt fastened, while Shane does the same with Anna.

  “Brothers.” Anna giggles. “Kins, I’m so glad you gave in,” she says with a hiccup.

  Looking in the rearview mirror, I see her with her head resting on Shane’s shoulder, eyes closed. Risking a quick glance over at Kinsley, she’s turned toward me, head resting back against the seat with her eyes closed too.

  She’s beautiful.

  Unable to resist the pull of her within touching distance, I reach over and place my hand on her thigh. She doesn’t stir, too deep in her alcohol slumber. I hate that she’s out of it, that she’s not going to remember this. I’m like a starved man when it comes to her attention, but I want her to be able to remember it. The ride to their place is quiet, except for a few giggles from Anna and the rumble of Shane’s whispered deep voice. The radio plays softly drowning most of it out.

  “I really have to pee,” Anna says, as soon as we pull into the driveway. Shane takes action, opening up the back door and helping her out of the truck. I remain seated, watching them as they make their way up the steps of the front porch. Anna messes with the lock, until Shane steps in and takes over, and they disappear into the condo.

  Taking off my seat belt, I turn to face Kinsley. Her hair’s covering her eyes, so I reach over and gently tuck it behind her ear. Her eyes slowly flutter open. “Hey.”

  “Where are we?” she questions, blinking those big brown eyes.

  “Your driveway.”

  She lifts her head to look around. “In your truck,” she observes.

  “Yeah, babe. You were too far gone to drive, all of you were. Shane and Anna just went inside. Derek and Mason are getting Lacey and Mara home.”

  “Like a true hero,” she says with a soft smile.

  My heart trips over in my chest. I’ll be anything and everything she wants me to be. “Just taking care of my girl.”

  “Not your girl,” she whispers. Her big brown eyes are telling me another story as they stay locked on mine.

  “I’m working on that,” I tell her. She nods, giving herself away. She’s too drunk to even realize she did it. “Let’s get you inside.” Climbing out of the truck, I rush to the passenger side and open her door. She tries to turn to me, but her seat belt restricts her.

  “I’m stuck.” She slumps back in her seat heaving a big sigh.

  Cute as hell this one. I have to bite back my smile. “Let me help you.” Leaning in, I make quick work of freeing her.

  “You saved me again,” she says dramatically.

  “Let’s go you,” I laugh, and shake my head amused. I like her like this, laid-back. Hands on her hips, I lift her from the truck. Once she’s steady on her feet, we make our way inside. Shane and Anna are sitting on the couch. She’s on his lap, while he flips through the channels on the television.

  “So tired,” Kinsley says, her words almost incoherent.

  “Where’s your room?”

  She points down the hall, and I can’t help but chuckle at her. The condo is small. There’s a door on either side and one at the end of the small hallway. Kinsley leads me to the door on the right. As soon as she opens it, I know it’s hers. It smells just like her. Vanilla and… something uniquely Kinsley.

  “So tired,” she repeats, plopping down on her bed. I follow her into the room, making sure to close the door. “Ugh.” She pushes herself back into the sitting position, unsteadily. I watch as she tugs her shirt over her head and tosses it across the room. I stand still, frozen in my steps as I watch her unbutton her jeans. “Help,” she huffs, falling back on the bed.

  One word. That’s all it takes to bring me out of my mental recording of this moment. In two long strides, I’m standing next to the bed, looking down at her. “What do you need?” I ask, even though I already have a pretty good idea what she wants.

  With a yank at the waistband of her now unbuttoned and unzipped pants, she mumbles, “I need these off.”

  Jumping into action, I grab her hands and bring them to my lips for a kiss, then place each on either side of her, resting on the bed. “Let me,” I tell her. With deft fingers, I grip the waistband of her jeans and begin to ease them off her. “Lift, baby.” She does as I ask, barely, but enough that I can pull the denim over her ass and down her legs. There’s a chair in the corner that I toss them on. Turning to look at her, it’s a sight I’ll always remember. Every minute, every second, every day for the rest of my life, I’ll never forget this moment. Her long tan legs lead to a tiny pair of lace panties. Her flat stomach leads me to incredible plump breasts, also covered in thick black lace that lead me to a slender neck, and blonde hair splayed out on the pillow and those big brown eyes staring straight at me. She’s watching me memorize every delectable inch of her.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” Her voice is soft.

  My voice thick with want, with need for her, I ask, “How am I looking at you?”

  “Like you want to devour me.”

  “Because I do.” Fuck me, I really do.

  “You can’t.”

  “You keep telling me that. Tell me why?” It might be wrong taking advantage of her inebriated state, but maybe I’ll finally get an answer. If I can get honesty from her, then I can finally figure out my next play, whether that be to try a new tactic, or hell, even let her go. The latter sits heavily in my stomach.

  “You’re a firefighter.”

  “I am.”

  “That’s why,” she says, closing her eyes.

  “That’s my job, Kinsley. What does that have to do with you giving me your time?”

  “My dad,” she says, curling up on her side, resting her hands under her soft cheek.

  Her dad? “Did he tell you not to date me?” I ask, confused.

  “He loves you.” She smiles softly, eyes still closed.

  Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, I rest my hand on her bare hip, well bare but for a thin strip of black lace. “What about your dad?”

  “He was never there, missed stuff, birthdays, school. Never get close to a firefighter,” she mumbles. “Dangerous to your heart and dangerous to them.”

  Fuck me. I let her mumbled reply sink in, and understanding hits me. This incredible woman missed her father as a little girl and vowed to never have the same in her adult life. At least, that’s my guess.

  “I love what I do, and there will be times I might miss out on, but I promise you, I’ll always make up for it,” I tell her. I’m not sure why I’m trying to reason with her in this state.

  She doesn’t reply, sound asleep. Sleeping, she looks like an angel. Unable to resist, I cup her cheek with my hand, running my thumb over her soft skin. I remember the day I decided I wanted to get to know her. She had just moved home from college and stopped by the station to bring her dad some lunch. Her hair was pulled up into a messy knot. She had on short shorts and a tank top, with flip-flops, casual, yet I’d never seen anyone more beautiful.

  From that day, I’ve asked her out. Hell, I’ve lost count the number of times. I’ve done everything, even told Captain Spears that it was my intention to pursue her. He gave me his blessing, not that I needed it, but it’s nice to know her father, who is also my boss, approves. All of that combined, all those moments bring me to now. The moment when I reaffirm that it’s more than just the chase. It’s not just about getting her to say yes. I want her in my life. I want her to be mine, more than anything I’ve ever wanted.

  Leaning over, I kiss her forehead. “Sweet dreams,” I whisper, before standing and bringing the cover up over her.

  “Brant,” she says softly.

  “Yeah, baby?” I ask, bending down so I can hear her soft voice. “I wish it could be you.”

  My heart stills in my chest. “It will be,” I
tell her with certainty. One more kiss this time on the corner of her mouth, and I sneak out of her room. I want nothing more than to climb into the bed beside her and pull her into my arms, but that needs to be her choice, and she can’t make that right now.


  Chapter 4


  I wake with a pounding headache and what feels like a skunk in my mouth. Groaning, I pull my pillow over my eyes to block out the light of the sun. It’s not often I drink like I did last night, and this is why. The day after is always pure hell.

  I hear voices outside my bedroom door, deep male voices. Shit! What did we do last night? Lifting the covers, I see I’m in my bra and panties, which is a good sign. Beside me, the bed remains untouched. I relax with the knowledge that I slept alone. Needing to face the music, I climb out of bed, grab a pair of yoga pants and a T-shirt, then throw them on. I make a pit stop in the bathroom to brush the funk off my teeth before heading out to the living room. I find Anna sitting on one of the two recliners with a bagel in her hand. Shane is sitting in the other, empty plate in his.

  “Hey,” I greet them cautiously.

  “Morning,” Anna says cheerily. She always bounces back from a night out of drinking. If she weren’t my best friend, I might hate her just a little bit for it.

  “You went to get bagels?” I ask her. I know we didn’t have any in the fridge. We are way past due to go to the grocery store. That’s actually on the agenda for today, at least I thought it was. I turn my gaze toward Shane. “And brought Shane back with you? Wait? Did you spend the night?” I question him.

  Before either of them can answer, his heat touches my back, and his hot breath brushes against my neck. A shiver races down my spine. “Morning, beautiful,” Brantley whispers, just for me. Wide-eyed, I stare at Anna, and she smiles and shrugs. “This is for you. Sit. I’ll grab you some coffee,” Brantley says, one hand on my hip, the other holding a small paper plate with a toasted bagel and what appears to be my favorite cinnamon cream cheese. Turning to look at him over my shoulder, he winks.

  I stare at the plate, trying to wrap my head around what the hell is happening. Why are the Price brothers in our condo? Why is Anna acting like it’s normal?

  “It’s your favorite, right?” Brantley asks. “Sit, Kins, you’ll feel better after you get some food in you.”

  Not sure of what else to do, I take the plate and round the couch, taking a seat. “What’s going on?” I ask Anna.

  “We brought y’all home last night,” Shane answers. “We left Anna’s car and my truck at the Tavern.”

  The details of last night are a little fuzzy. There’s this hazy memory of Brantley pulling the covers up over me. “So why are you both here? With bagels?” I ask him.

  Before Shane can answer, Brantley takes the seat beside me, right next to me. His thigh presses up against mine, and I struggle not to tremble at the touch. “Figured Anna would need her car,” he says, holding a steaming mug of coffee up for me to take.

  “Thank you for breakfast.” I finally remember my manners. Setting my bagel on my lap, I take the offered caffeine and take a hesitant sip. “I could have taken her to get it,” I tell him, then take another steaming sip of coffee.

  “Yeah, but then I would have missed out on seeing my girl.” He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. He didn’t whisper, so I know Anna and Shane heard him.

  “Your g-girl?” I sputter. “What exactly am I not remembering from last night?” I focus on remembering, which causes my headache to throb. Ugh, I’m never drinking that much again.

  “You’ve always been mine, Kinsley. I’ve just been giving you time to catch up.” His tone tells me he’s serious.

  Anna giggles. My gaze turns sharply to her as I narrow my eyes. My head’s still reeling, not only from the effects of the alcohol but from Brantley’s proximity. “What?” I ask her. I give her the “you’re my best friend and are supposed to be on my side” glare, but it doesn’t seem to faze her.

  “Nothing.” She grins and takes a sip of her own coffee. I notice Shane is sitting close to her, and she doesn’t seem the least bit bothered by it. What’s going on there? What else did I miss?

  I release a heavy sigh and close my eyes. “Brantley.” My eyes remain closed. “We’ve talked about this.”

  “No, you’ve talked,” he says.

  Opening my eyes, I see he’s leaning into me. His face is now mere inches from mine. “We have,” I say, barely able to find my words with him so close.

  “No, baby. You’ve talked. You’ve pushed me away, but last night you told me you wished it could be me. That’s all I needed to hear. I’m going to show you why we belong together.”

  I open my mouth to reply, but nothing happens. Words escape me. He’s right. I do wish it was him, and I mentally scold my drunk ass for admitting that to him. He’s gorgeous and a good guy, but he’s a firefighter. I want forever. The white picket fence, the babies, the dog, and a husband who doesn’t get called away during dinner, birthday parties, or holidays. I grew up with that and always swore I would never do it to myself or my kids.

  “We’ve got a meeting down at the firehouse. Finish your breakfast and go back to sleep. I’ll be back later this afternoon.”

  “Why?” I blurt. Out of sorts, I can’t wrap my head around what’s happening.

  Brantley leans in even closer, our lips a breath apart. “I want to see you, Kinsley. You can’t deny this anymore. There’s fire between us.” Reaching up, he traces his index finger on the line of my jaw. Goose bumps break out across my skin. “Every damn time I’m near you, I feel the sparks. I’m not letting you deny either of us anymore. Whatever it is, we’ll work through it. I’ll show you it’s not as bad as you’re thinking.” His lips press against my cheek, trailing kisses to my ear. “I’ll show you what happens when sparks collide.”

  A slight tremble flows through me at his words.

  I feel it.

  I want it.

  I want him.

  “I’ll be back later.” Leaning in again, he kisses the corner of my mouth before standing from the couch.

  I watch as Anna says goodbye to Shane. He gets a shy wave and a blush, and then they’re gone.


  Anna laughs. “I wish you could see your face right now. That man has it bad,” she says.

  “Why did you let them in?” I ask her.

  “Come on, Kins. The fucking Price brothers brought us breakfast. No way was I turning them away.”

  “What’s up with Shane?”

  She shrugs. “Nothing yet. Only time will tell.”

  “You’re interested?”

  “Are you blind? Have you seen him? Wait, no you probably haven’t. Although you deny him, you’ve only ever had eyes for Brantley.”

  “What? That’s crazy talk,” I say, shoving a bite of bagel in my mouth.

  “Kinsley, we’re best friends. I know you. I know you want him, and I know why you push him away. I think you should see what happens.”

  “I don’t want a fling,” I tell her exhausted from this conversation.

  “Who says it’s a fling. Brantley seems pretty serious to me.”

  Swallowing thickly, I try to push aside her words. “It’s the chase,” I remind her. “He wants the chase.”

  “Your dad’s his boss,” she all but scoffs. “It’s more than the chase.”

  I hate that she might be right, and I love it at the same time. So, I don’t comment. Instead, I shove in yet another bite of my toasted bagel with my favorite cinnamon cream cheese and try not to think about how Brantley Price knew it was my favorite. “I’m going back to sleep,” I tell her. I’m too damn tired to even attempt to figure out the craziness of this morning.

  “Me too. We still on for the store later? Hopefully, we can go before Brantley gets here.”

  “Nap first. He can be here if he wants. We won’t be. He can’t just tell me what’s going to happen.” I steel my resolve. Time to step up my g
ame or I’ll never be able to resist him.

  Anna’s far too amused when she says, “I don’t know, Kins, I’d let either one of those Price boys tell me how it’s going to be.”

  I throw a pillow at her head before climbing to my feet and heading back to my room. I need more sleep.

  Chapter 5


  The monthly staff meeting went on forever. I was tempted to tell Cap to rush it because his daughter was waiting for me. Didn’t he know I had important places to be? When it finally ended, I waved to the guys, getting a smirk from my brother, Shane, and rushed to my truck. I’m not letting her push me away anymore. I can tell she wants me; I can feel it every time I’m close to her.

  Pulling into her driveway, I see that her car is not there however, Anna’s is. After climbing out of the truck, I knock on the door, but there’s no answer. She’s avoiding me, and that’s fine. I’ll wait right here. I make myself comfortable on the small stoop of their condo and pull out my phone. I scroll through social media and check my e-mails. I’m just getting ready to start a game of Candy Crush to quell my boredom when they pull into the drive. I stay where I am until I see them round the back of the car and start pulling out filled grocery bags. I’m on my feet and striding toward them in no time at all. “I got these,” I offer, taking Kinsley’s bags and reaching for Anna’s.

  “I got this. Kins, grab the rest. We can do this in one trip this time,” Anna chirps and saunters past me to the front door.

  “What are you doing here, Brantley?” Kinsley asks, exasperated.

  “I told you I was coming back to spend time with you. We can do whatever you want.”

  “I don’t want to do anything. I still feel terrible from last night. All I want is to put these groceries away and lounge.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do.” Leaning in, I kiss her forehead. “Missed you,” I say, before stepping around her, leaving her with a shocked expression on her face. I refuse to tip-toe around the fact that I want her. Like I told her earlier, she’s mine and has been for a while. It’s time for her to admit it.


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