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Lovely Lillian (Sisters Before Misters Book 1)

Page 7

by S Cinders

  His hand felt like fire against her skin, and imprint that would never go away.

  “Did I harm you?” Ryan asked gruffly.

  Lilly shook her head, “No, but I wanted you to wake up. I felt different, and I didn’t want to be alone.”

  Ryan traced her cheekbone with his finger, “How did you feel different?”

  Lilly didn’t think it was possible to blush even further. “I know what was happening.”

  Ryan traced her lips lightly before tugging on her full bottom lip with his thumb, “So tell me. I was dreaming so I need to know what happened, sweetness.”

  Lilly swallowed, her throat was dry, “Your cock was getting very large.”

  Ryan’s eyes widened, but Lilly plowed forward. She knew that if she didn’t get this story out now, she never would.

  “And you pulled me on top of you like I am now. And we were moving back and forth with your hand where it is, and I was feeling different, and I didn’t know what to do.”

  Ryan’s cock was starting to feel very large again.

  “Where were you feeling different, Lilly?” he rasped.

  Lilly shook her head, “I don’t want to say it.”

  Ryan took her face in his hands, “You can say anything to me, my love. I only want to help you, to understand what you need. May I kiss you?”

  Lilly desperately wanted to kiss him. Her lips flew over his, and although she was innocent in her kisses, she was desperate for his knowledge for more. Ryan helped her open her mouth so that he could kiss her deeper. Their tongues meeting and tangling together in a dance older than time.

  This was what Lilly had been searching for, and she hadn’t even realized it. This connection, this closeness with another human being. Every part of Lilly felt on edge. She wanted more. Soon, she wasn’t just being kissed, she was giving back as much as she was getting.

  Sinking her hands into Ryan’s hair, Lilly raked her fingers across his skull. Her body was thrumming. It felt alive in a way she couldn’t describe.

  That achy feeling from before was a tidal wave of want and need. She was grinding herself on him, desperate to claw off her ratty ball gown.

  She needed him to touch her breasts, ripping her mouth away she told him just that, “Touch me!”

  “Pardon?” Ryan could not have heard that right.

  “You heard me!” Lilly did not mince words.

  Ryan liked a demanding woman in the bedroom.

  It took about two minutes to have her ball gown removed. It took an additional thirty seconds to get her out of her stays. And then Ryan’s lips found her breasts, and Lilly decided that breasts were meant to be licked, sucked and kissed.

  “More, oh Ryan, please, please, more!” Lilly cried out.

  Ryan was in heaven. He couldn’t have imagined that Lilly would be so responsive to him.

  She was perfect for him, her body was perfect for him, and he loved her.

  Oh Lord, he hadn’t told her that he loved her.

  Ryan turned around just as he had dropped his drawers. Lilly swallowed. The man was in a class of his own. Not only were his shoulders a mile wide, but his narrow hips and muscular thighs were a reason to stare. His built chest and flat stomach were tanned and toned but nothing, absolutely nothing, compared to the long thick cock jutting out from between his legs.

  Lilly had heard many things at the Bluebell meetings. She knew that some women sucked their husband’s cocks and some women let their husband’s put their cock’s in interesting places.

  Lilly just wanted to touch it, “Can you please come closer?”

  Ryan wanted to profess his love, “Lilly, I need to speak with you.”

  It bobbed when he walked, Lilly was fascinated, “Does it always happen like this?”

  Ryan frowned a little,” I think so, my love. I am not certain. I haven’t done this before.”

  Lilly looked at him, “Not ever? With that thing, one would think they would be lining up!”

  Ryan was confused. One would think she would be happy he had never told another girl that he loved her. “No, you are the first.”

  Lilly smiled weakly, “Well, I am certain we shall muddle along just fine.”

  Ryan paused, “Lilly, what are you talking about?”

  Lilly looked up from his large member, “What? Oh, that you have never used your cock before. Why? What are you talking about?"


  “Why is it shrinking?”

  “You are going to be the death of me, do you realize that?” Ryan scooped up his naked fiancé and tossed her on the bed.

  Then he gently started kissing her face as he trapped Lilly underneath his outstretched arms. He had made sure not to place all of his weight upon her.

  “This isn’t your first time, is it?” Lilly asked between kisses.

  Ryan paused, not quite certain how to answer. He finally went with, “It is the first time that it matters. And for the record, I do wish that I had waited for it to be my first time.”

  Lilly’s eyes got all misty, “You are perfect, even with your wicked eyes.”

  Ryan laughed, “I am still uncertain why I have to have wicked eyes. But the feeling, dearest, is mutual. That is what I was trying to tell you earlier. I love you, Lilly. Quite to distraction, I am afraid.”

  Lilly nodded, a tear escaping and running down the side of her face to her ear, “I love you, too. I kept telling myself that you would come for me. I didn’t know how or why, but somehow I knew that you would.”

  Ryan crushed her lips against his own, this kiss possessive and dominating. Lilly melted against him, their bare skin brushing intimately against one another. This was it, the moment that they had been flirting with all season long.

  He made love to her mouth, ravaging her from every angle. As he did so, the tips of her breasts brushed the fine hairs on his chest bringing them both to a heightened sense of awareness.

  This time when he slid down to pay homage to her breasts, Lilly slipped into a sexual haze. Begging Ryan to suck her nipples a little bit harder and to tug those tips a little bit longer, he wanted to plow into her.

  Her cries were coming in harshly, “Please, Ryan, I need more!”

  Ryan knew what she needed but wasn’t sure she was ready yet. He felt between her legs and felt her curls. Although they were damp, she was quite tight, obviously a virgin.

  He stroked her softly, “Open for me, Lilly.”

  Her legs fell open at his request, and he kissed her lips as he gently stroked her core.

  Lilly had never in her life felt anything remotely this amazing.

  Ryan’s fingers were magical. And they were in a place that no man had ever been before. Every touch of his against her brought more pleasure. Lilly’s hips rose and fell against his hands as he made love to her, his lips still alternating between her breasts.

  Ryan’s fingers were slick with her virginal juices, and he wanted to lick them clean but hated to leave her wanting even for a second. She was a live wire in his arms, thrashing back and forth, her eyes wild, trusting him implicitly to keep her safe.

  He loved her so damn much.

  Her folds were swollen and soaked with need. He knew that she was seconds, if not a moment, away from ecstasy. Something that she had never known before, and something that she would only know with him. That knowledge alone sent a surge of pride and love so strong that his eyes misted.

  She was his, and he was hers.

  “I need, I need!” Lilly cried out.

  Ryan looked into her passion filled eyes, “I love you, Lilly.”

  And then he sucked her nipple into his mouth and rubbed her clit in a clockwise motion, and she flew over the edge screaming his name.

  It is a shame that Lilly’s voice carries so terribly well.

  Some might call it fortuitous that her older brother, The Marquess of Lancaster, Lord Phillip Randall, was able to locate them in the very inn that they had taken shelter in the night before—not Ryan and Lilly, but some called i
t fortuitous.

  Eden thought it was hilarious.

  Sophie had to ask her uncle, once again, for a special license, and there was a stern talk about the type of people one associated with one’s self.

  Lilly was mortified. She left the inn with her brother, Phillip, and his wife, Eden, in disgrace.

  Despite being engaged to Mr. Stanford, Lilly could not look anyone in the eye. To be caught in such an embarrassing situation was beyond anything she could comprehend.

  To make matters worse, Phillip was acting like an angel who never had in his life committed any sin. He couldn’t bear the thought of his sister copulating with a man—it was beyond the pale.

  Finally, Eden was finished with all of the foolish behavior. She promptly called for her husband’s best friend to come and reinstate some normalcy in their household via the cold hard truth.

  When the Baron arrived, Lilly was hiding in her room as she had been for the past four days. Ryan had also been invited, and he had arrived five minutes previously.

  Eden didn’t even speak to him beyond the basic civilities. She just motioned for him to follow her up the stairs to the family bedrooms.

  Lilly screamed when Eden flung the door open.

  Eden turned to Ryan, “We will need Lilly, please bring her down.”

  Ryan frowned, “What if she doesn’t want to come?”

  Eden smiled, “You are bigger than she is. I trust you can work this out.”

  Ryan grinned, he was going to like being a part of this family. He walked over to the bed, “Are you mad at me, Lilly?”

  She was hiding, “Go away!”

  Eden stood at the door, “You have five minutes, and then we need to start!”

  “Lilly, you need to come out of those blankets,” Ryan said, walking over to the bed.

  The blankets shook, and Ryan assumed that meant that she wasn’t coming.

  So, he grabbed the whole lot and threw it over his shoulder. The countess had said that it would be worth his while, and quite frankly, he had tried everything else.


  It was a ragtag group of misfits in his own drawing room. Phillip did a double take just to be certain he didn’t enter the wrong home.

  “Elias, what are you doing here?”

  Elias grinned, “Always a pleasure to see you, Randall, thank you for having us.”

  Phillip scowled, “I didn’t invite you.”

  Eden’s lips twitched, “Well, yes, dearest, I did. I asked the Mangroves, Mr. Stanford, and of course, our sweet Lilly, here because I wanted to clear-up a little confusion that seems to be running about our home.”

  “I am not speaking to Lilly,” Phillip growled.

  Lilly’s hazel eyes, already tired and worn, filled with tears.

  Ryan was not about to sit still while the woman he loved was insulted. He tried to stand, but Lilly, guessing his intention launched herself at him. Seeing as how she was in her dressing gown, bedsheets, and blankets it was a flurry of activity.

  “Good Lord, Lillian, do not kill the man, you have already caught him!”

  The Dowager had joined the fray. It was all Lilly needed to start crying again.

  “What the devil is the matter with you people. I will not have you treat her this way! Lilly, we are leaving. Why didn’t you tell me they were mean to you dearest?”

  “Mean to her?” Phillip was aghast. “We are a loving family!”

  Lilly clung to his large frame as he cradled her against him, “I won’t leave her here. What have you done to her?”

  Eden loved a good show as much as the next Bluebell, but there was more to the story that needed to be revealed. “I believe that our Lilly is embarrassed about the situation at the inn.”

  Phillip puffed up his chest, “As well she should have been! To behave in such a manner, it was uncalled for!”

  Just then Lilly started to sob a bit louder, and Ryan had the grace to blush.

  Elias smiled, “I should not enjoy this quite so much, however, since it was at my house and I could not avoid it then. I find that getting something out of it at this late date makes me feel ever so much better.”

  Phillip rolled his eyes, “I have no idea what you are going on about, nor do I know why you are here.”

  Sophie, who was sitting next to her husband, Elias, turned to Lilly, “We had invited Eden to live with us because her mother was simply horrible. It is so much worse than you could even imagine. Your brother had made a complete hash of things.”

  Phillip’s head popped up, “Why are we talking about this?”

  Eden laughed, “He was living in the tree outside of the window of my room.”

  Elias grinned, “I never said he was bright.”

  Phillip gave a sheepish smile, “She wouldn’t have anything to do with me. I was desperate. I would have done anything to get her back. And yes, for a short while, I did live in Mangroves’ tree. I still don’t see how that has any bearing on this situation.”

  Sophie quirked a brow, “You see. He hadn’t married her yet.”

  Phillip paled.

  “Phillip!” The Dowager’s plea went unheeded.

  Elias rubbed his hands together as if they were just getting to the good part, “My twin sister, Cece, and her husband, Charles, were visiting. We were sleeping when all of the sudden we were awakened by…”

  “I don’t see how this has any…” Phillip tried one last time to save himself.

  Eden waved him off, “He was yelling out, ‘Look at my cock!’ and at the top of his lungs no less. There wasn’t a soul in the house who didn’t hear him.”

  Elias and Sophie nodded to confirm the story.

  “My sister makes jokes about it every time she sees Randall,” Elias shrugged.

  Lilly blushed, “I know Mrs. Rotherford; I just cannot believe it of Phillip. The impropriety of it all. I thought that we had to be entirely proper at all times.”

  Eden took her hands, “Your brother owes you an apology. He is just having a hard time with you growing up. Ryan has come to call every day since you have returned. Why don’t I let you two talk?”

  Suddenly it was only the two of them in the room, and Lilly was very much aware that she was sitting on his lap in her nightdress.

  “I am just in the next room, Lillian,” Phillip called out.

  “We are getting married tomorrow,” Ryan called out just as firmly.

  Lilly giggled, “We are?”

  Ryan searched her face, “Can we? I can’t take any more days apart, Lilly. I love you so very much.”

  Lilly dimpled, “I would like that.”

  She grabbed his face and kissed him hard taking his breath away, “I love you, Ryan.”

  The door was swung open, and Phillip was striding into the room, “Enough of that, you will have her all too soon.”

  But for the first time in days, Lilly wasn’t sad. She wasn’t a bad person for wanting Ryan. And somehow, she could help Phillip see that.


  “What do we do now about the case?” Jules and Samantha sat in sprig muslin gowns in the back parlor of Samantha’s large home.

  “I am not certain what move to make,” Lilly shrugged in a morning gown of her own, staring at them. “The Comte is more than likely residing at the bottom of the sea. I cannot imagine that Jack let him live, but I could be wrong. What I did learn, was that he was trying to get Jack to smuggle gold from England to France to help Bonaparte finance his war. There was a name that I heard that might help.”

  “What was it?” Samantha asked leaning forward. “We don’t have any more leads, the Countess has disappeared, and Jules said that Mr. Harris wouldn't even speak to her about it anymore.”

  Jules looked a little uncomfortable, “It isn’t that he won’t talk to me about it. It is that he feels it is too dangerous since Lilly was kidnapped, and I have to agree with him to some extent. I was terrified when we couldn’t find you, Lilly.”

  Lilly's lips twisted, “I am so sorry that I
put you both through that. I honestly thought that I could slip outside and he wouldn’t see me. I am not as quiet as I had figured I was. I know that you would like to pursue the case Samantha, and I do wish you every bit of luck. But Ryan and I will be sailing to America to check some holdings there.”

  Jules looked miserable, “I know that you will have the best time.”


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