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A Bride For Adam

Page 9

by Cyndi Raye

  Would he be able to pull it off?

  Adam hung his head.

  He was a man of honor.

  Unlike his Pa, who had fooled everyone.

  Adam would be honorable and follow through with a marriage to a woman he’d never love.

  He smirked, picking a blade of grass and throwing it at the water in defeat. It had been heaven for one glorious moment thinking he’d try to make life so miserable for his new bride she’d run back to wherever she came from so fast it’d make everyone’s head spin.

  He stood, staring at the blade of grass floating in the creek. No use daydreaming. It was time to get back to real life.

  To a new life.

  Without his Melody.

  His two brothers rode up on him so fast he hardly had a chance to turn around, yet he knew it was them. They must’ve saw him head on out this way. They were all smiles until they saw the look on his face.

  “Everything alright?” Luke was the first to speak.

  Adam nodded.

  “I was gonna pounce on you but by the look on your face, I best just stay right here,” Samuel tried teasing.

  “Yeah, not in the mood for wrestling.”

  The two nodded in understanding, slid from their horses in unison and threw an arm across Adam’s shoulder.

  The three stood there for some time, in silence, letting the day drift on like the blade of grass slowly making its way downstream.

  Finally, Adam spoke up. “I’ll be married in a few days.”

  Luke nodded. “You sure it’s what you want, Adam? There’s always time to change your mind.”

  Adam shook his head. “I made a promise, Luke. I have every intention to keep my word. You know how important my word is.”

  Samuel gripped his shoulder. “You made the promise before Melody came back divorced. We know you still love her. You always have.”

  “You’re pretty smart for a little brother,” Adam told him. “It still doesn’t change anything. I am a man of honor and will keep my word.”

  “Whatever,” Samuel mumbled. “I gotta get back, and since there won’t be a wrestling match here, little Tommy wants to ride his pony. I promised him I’d help before supper.” He rode off by himself, leaving Luke and him to stare at the creek.

  Adam waited for his oldest brother to start a lecture. “What’s going on Luke?”

  Luke nodded. “You know, Adam, Tommy is a fine little boy. Seems a shame for him to grow up without a father. You could be that man.”

  “It’s too late, Luke. I’ve made a promise. I won’t go back on it.”

  “If you’re so sure, then I guess I’ll let you in on my good news. You’re the first to know.”

  “What news?”

  Luke grinned. “Abigail is expecting. We’re going to announce it at supper tonight.”

  Adam slapped his brother on the back. “Congratulations, Luke. You deserve happiness.”

  Luke locked arms with Adam. “So do you.”


  Melody was furiously trying to keep her eye on the end goal and stay far away from Adam in case she slipped and told him what they were planning. She was actually amazed at how quickly Nora had agreed to the idea.

  Everyone stood around the table for the evening prayer. She lifted her head and peeked to find Adam watching her with a guarded look. His eyes, oh, those eyes were so stricken, so sad. It was almost unbearable to see him like this.

  She stepped forward only to feel a hand on her arm. “No,” Nora whispered softly, as if reading her mind.

  Melody listened, lowering her eyes. It wasn’t time yet. He wouldn’t understand what they were doing. His loyalty and honor were at stake here and they were going to free him of this but it had to be done the right way.

  Saturday was only two days away but it felt as if time had stopped moving.

  Nora gave Melody a smile of encouragement. “Sit down and eat, dear,” she said, following suit.

  The crowd of men began to pass around the food, grunting and gobbling it the second it hit their plate. It was quite lively tonight. Everyone seemed in a fine mood. Rusty, her grandfather, kept winking at little Tommy, as if they had a secret together. Melody chuckled when Tommy winked back.

  After everyone was well fed, Luke cleared his throat and stood. Abigail joined him at his side. “We have an announcement to make.”

  Melody grinned at Nora. She had been waiting for this.

  “Abigail and I are proud to announce we are expecting a child.”

  The whole table stood. Congratulations were in order, while the men shook Luke’s hand and gave Abigail a hug. Nora let a tear slip down her cheek. Dabbing at her tears, Luke took his Ma in his arms. “Thanks, Ma. For everything. For bringing Abigail here, it changed my life.”

  “I’m so proud of the man you’ve become,” Nora told him. She looked at her other two. “Now it’s time to get those two hitched.”

  Everyone laughed while Adam groaned. “It will be soon enough for me,” he complained.

  Samuel piped up. “I’ve decided I’m never getting married. I changed my mind.”

  Nora gave him a shocked look. “Samuel, we spoke of this the other day. Do you remember you told me you would follow in your brother’s footsteps and settle down?”

  “I decided it’s too much work. Besides, I have everything here that I ever needed. Ain’t gonna get hitched, Ma. Not now, not ever.” Melody didn’t miss the wink Samuel gave his Ma. She let out the breath she had been holding.

  If Samuel had changed his mind about marrying a mail order bride, it would be too late for her and Adam. But he was playing along, as they had asked him to. He did such a good job, Melody thought he was serious about never marrying.

  Earlier in the week, Nora and Melody explained everything to Samuel. When he realized he was able to help Adam be with his true love by offering to be the one to pick up the mail order bride in Wichita Falls, he didn’t hesitate to say yes. He agreed to marry the bride, even though she was meant to be for Adam. He’d just explain to her what happened and they would start their own trial marriage. Why wait three more months when everyone knew Melody and Adam were meant to be together?

  Nora told Melody she was sure the newest bride would accept anyone, she seemed particularly intent on marrying the moment her boots hit the streets of Wichita Falls. Her last letter had seemed a bit desperate. Even Miss Addie had mentioned so.

  It gave the Whites an advantage.

  Because while Samuel was in Wichita Falls meeting the newest mail order bride, Melody was going to be walking down the isle to become Adam’s bride. He’d find out at the alter.

  It was a perfect plan.

  Nora and Melody had plotted for this all week.

  Now all they had to do was execute it on Saturday afternoon.

  Was it wrong?

  She wasn’t sure but it seemed right. Adam was too stubborn for his own good, even his own Ma recognized this. She agreed the moment Melody told her what she had wanted to do.

  “I have an announcement to make,” Tommy’s little voice got louder as the crowd got silent.

  Nora smiled. “Go on, then, Tommy,”

  “You have to come outside and see what I can do.”

  Tommy ran out on the porch and down the steps, not waiting to see if anyone followed. He ran inside the barn while the others dispersed to the porch.

  While Tommy rode his pony towards them, he tipped his hat at the crowd out front. “I want to introduce you to my new pony. His name is Joey. I’m going to show you my new trick I learned from PaPa Rusty.”

  Everyone watched as the pony trotted around in a circle, Tommy sitting so tall as he led the pony one way. Then he switched it up and turned the other way, winding through the yard. It was a big feat for Tommy.

  Dust rose as a wagon came barrelling down the lane like a runaway horse and carriage, disrupting Tommy’s show. The driver pulled up directly in front of the house while everyone looked on. Melody spotted her former husband sitting in
the driver’s seat while a man in uniform sat on the other side of the bench.

  She stood, furious. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m claiming my property,” Thomas told her. “Your so called friends here snuck into the livery and stole my wagon and horse. That’s a crime.”

  “Poppycock! There is no proof my friends stole a thing. Now leave here, Thomas. You are not welcome.”

  The man in uniform stood up. “As an officer of the law, I am here to inspect all the wagons and horses to see if said wagon and horse are here as stolen property.”

  Melody tapped her foot. This was getting out of hand. “You, sir, do not have jurisdiction here. Did you happen to see the sign out front?”

  “Yes, ma’am, I did. I’m sorry to bother you kind folks, but Mr. Cromwell has reason to believe his stolen property is here.”

  “Shut up!” Thomas growled at the officer, probably someone he hired to come along. “I demand to be shown every single wagon on this property. I’ve been here before, I know where everything is kept.”

  A clicking noise silenced everyone, causing the crowd to look towards the front door. The one holding the shotgun stood on the porch, an intimidating sight to see.

  Melody smiled. Her future mother in law was not one to antagonize.

  Thomas pulled back the collar of his shirt in a nervous gesture. “You can’t threaten me with a gun,” he shouted out, his voice crackling, uncertain.

  “Mr. Cromwell, you have less than thirty seconds to get off my land. This isn’t the city, your police officer has no authority here. If I see a trespasser, it’s my right to shoot him dead.”

  “I see. You want to play that way. I’ll be back. This is not finished.” He picked up the reins, his hands shaking. Melody doubted he ever met someone quite like Nora before, someone who wasn’t intimidated by his threats.

  Adam, Luke and Samuel surrounded the wagon. They stood there, an intimidating threesome. Thomas sat down on the hard bench. Sweat trickled from his brow.

  “You heard her. This is private land. If we catch you here again, you won’t leave in one piece.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  Adam took a step closer. “I don’t make threats, Cromwell, get out of here. Now.”

  “Yeah, get out of here!” Tommy’s little voice shouted out over top the commotion. Pony and rider raced towards the wagon. Tommy’s face was bright red but when he realized the pony was moving too fast he panicked.

  Melody began to run towards him. Adam looked at her then at the pony and swore. Luke, Samuel and Rusty ran towards Tommy. Joey was spooked, he ran straight towards the wagon.

  “Pull back on the reins,” Adam shouted.

  It was no use, Tommy let them go, sliding off the pony. His little body landed with a hard thump while the wagon in question moved out of the way, heading away from the ranch while everyone else was occupied.

  Melody cried out.

  Adam got to him first. He scooped the boy up, carrying him up the steps into the house. Nora cradled the shotgun in her arms, opening the door for Melody to get through.

  Tears flooded her eyes. If Tommy were hurt, she would kill Thomas with her bare hands. “He had no right to come here!”

  Nora placed the shotgun in its cradle, then enveloped Melody in her arms. “He will be fine. You take a look. I’ll get a cold rag and some water.”

  Melody stood beside Adam. They both worked diligently, checking all of Tommy’s limbs to make sure nothing was broken. When he didn’t cry out, she felt a sigh of relief.

  “There’s no bump on his head. I didn’t feel anything,” Adam told her.

  “Hush now, son. It’s going to be fine.”

  Tommy’s whimpers tore at her heart. He asked in his little boy voice, “Is Joey hurt?”

  Melody smiled through her tears. “I’m sure he’s fine.”

  Adam ruffled his hair. “I’ll go check, son. You stay here and let your mommy take care of you.”

  She looked up at the man she was deeply in love with. “Thank you, Adam.”

  “I’d do anything for you.”

  Melody almost told him the truth.


  Chapter 9

  Adam tried to adjust his tie. He was a man much happier in a plain button down shirt and pants. Just like Sunday morning church services, he didn’t like shaving either. Except for today, his wedding day, he’d do it out of respect.

  That was who he was. Loyal to his family. Honest. Above board and honorable. He was a man who did what he said, no matter what. Why then, did he feel as if he were making a grave mistake?

  It was supposed to be one of the best days of a man’s life. He looked in the mirror above the small dresser. It didn’t matter how he looked. If Adam were honest with himself, he wanted to get on his horse and ride the range so fast and go far away instead of walking down this path to the alter.

  He didn’t want to marry the mail order bride. There was only room in his heart for his best friend. This new bride would never replace the woman he truly loved. Even though he had tried these past few days, no matter what he did, he wasn’t able to get her beautiful face out of his head.

  The other night when Tommy fell off his horse, Melody had looked at him with her teary, beautiful eyes and he almost took her in his arms and proclaimed his true feelings. Before he turned and walked out to check on the pony, he realized as long as she was on this ranch there would never be a way to keep away from her.

  It wasn’t fair to the new bride.

  Would Adam and his mail order bride have to leave the ranch in order for him to have any peace of mind? Would he be forced to leave the only place he had ever known in order to forget her sweet face?

  Confused and heartbroken was not a way to start a new marriage. Was it fair to the mail order bride? She had mentioned in her letter that even after the three month trial, she wished to continue the marriage, even without knowing anything about him. He thought it was a strange request but didn’t have time to dwell there.

  Adam made his way to the front porch when his two brothers ran up beside him. Samuel jumped him from behind while Luke swung around and picked him up over his shoulder. The weight made them all collapse onto the porch and a wrestling match began.

  Sooner than later, the three were sitting in a heap on the front lawn, laughing out of control.

  “Boys! This type of behavior on your wedding day! Adam, I am sorely disappointed!” Nora White stood above the three, hands on her hips. She peered down at them.

  “I’m sorry, Ma! They attacked me, I had no choice.”

  Luke and Samuel stood up, brushing off the dust from their new trousers.

  “The wedding is in a little over four and a half hours. Samuel, you best be on your way to the train station. Wichita Falls is two hours away, an hour and a half if you hurry. This will give you plenty of time to pick up the bride the moment the train comes in.”

  Adam sighed, frustrated at his Ma’s demand. “I don’t know why you want Samuel to pick up the bride. I can do it. She is my responsibility.”

  Nora shook her head. “I told you Adam, there are last minute touches to the cabin I prefer you do. Samuel is not a carpenter as we all know. You want it to look nice for her, don’t you?”

  “Honestly, I care little about how the cabin looks.” He didn’t realize he said it out loud until his Ma cursed under her breath.

  The three men stood at attention. When Ma did such a thing, they knew she was done arguing with them, no matter how old they were.

  She was about ready to let them have it and they all knew it, mentally preparing for her lecture.

  “Luke, Adam and Samuel! I am sorely disappointed in the three of you and the behavior bestowed upon me this morning. Now, Luke, you have a wife to tend to. She will be needing help bringing food to the tables. Adam, I’ll meet you in your new cabin in exactly twenty minutes and Samuel, get on your way. I expect you will be bringing a bride home to the ranch in four hours time.”

/>   Samuel looked up at his Ma before walking towards the wagon. “I’m doing this for you, Ma. You know how I feel about getting married. Three months, that’s it! Okay, Ma!”

  Adam and Luke looked at each other. “What’s he talking about?” Adam asked.

  Luke shrugged. “You got me. Dang kid must’ve knocked his head hard when we all went down. Look at the back of him, he’s got dust all over his backside!”

  Adam grinned. “We can’t let him go into town like that.”

  Luke turned away, heading towards his own cabin. “Sure we can. He deserves to walk around like that, the way he’s always playing tricks on us.”

  Adam headed towards his own cabin which was almost ready for his mail order bride. There were a few items to hang that his Ma thought were appropriate. Then, he’d be getting married in about five hours flat.

  He pulled at the tie he wore, wondering why he hadn’t seen Melody or Tommy this morning. Usually, they were right there in the kitchen with everyone else. He supposed they had slept in today since there would be so much celebration later on this evening.

  Adam wasn’t even nervous to meet his new bride. As he placed two shelves on the wall, his hammer stopped in mid-air. He couldn’t do this.

  Wave after wave of true, hard feelings for Melody began to stampede his heart. His chest pounded, the air in his lungs tightened until he didn’t think he was able to breath.

  Adam dropped the hammer. He marched from the cabin to the barn, where Roger was grooming some of the horses. Adam ignored him, instead saddling his favorite mare, guiding her towards an open field. He didn’t look back to see the others placing tables and benches around the yard or bringing in decorations for the reception. Adam wanted no part of this wedding. He needed to get as far away as fast as possible!

  An hour and a half later, he stopped at their favorite creek. He led his horse to the edge of the water to drink. She was probably thirsty by now. Adam stood on the bank staring at the water as it cascaded across the murky rocks and stones. Not knowing how long he stood, his horse nuzzled his arm.


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