Book Read Free


Page 12

by Jessica Frances

  “Yep. Well, I mean he spent thousands on me. I’m not sure it was with the sole purpose of getting into my pants.”

  I give him a look that says of fucking course Prince was trying to get into your pants.

  Conner leans toward me, brushing his fingers gently over the side of my face. “It didn’t make a difference. I don’t need excessive presents like that. Possessions don’t make up for what is really important. And what is important is what we have together.”

  “Good,” I grunt, getting more turned on by the second from the close confines of the car and Conner touching me, which has moved from my face to run through my hair. “You either keep touching me and I don’t let you stop until we both get off right here in this car, or you move back to your own seat and we don’t make a scene in broad daylight.”

  Conner reluctantly lets go, grumbling about the fact that we’re at a motel, as I start up the car and we get back on the road.

  Chapter Eleven

  I stand out front of Bell and Tyson’s front door with River on one side of me and Conner on the other. I keep telling myself that this is not a big deal. I’ve been coming over for dinners to Bell and Tysons’s house for years. In fact, for a while there, we were making it an every other week tradition. However, it’s obvious what the difference is tonight, and he is standing to my right.

  “Just breathe,” Conner whispers.

  I inhale a much-needed breath, unsure when I stopped doing that. I should be the one who is chilled about this, and he should be the one freaking out, right?

  “I’m fine,” I hiss out of the side of my mouth.

  When River glances up at me, I smile down at her, hoping she doesn’t see the fear I’m desperately hiding.

  “Then maybe try to blink like a regular person.” Conner elbows me gently, and now I notice my eyes are watering. Shit, why is my body malfunctioning like this?

  “You look a little crazy, Daddy,” River unhelpfully admits.

  “Thanks, sweetheart. Appreciate the love.” I ruffle her hair, and she leaps away from me, moving to Conner’s side.

  “You sure I look okay?” Conner pulls at his collar while glancing down at his clothes.

  He had to have a major shopping day just to restock his lost wardrobe. Love went along. When he arrived back home, I’m not sure I’ve seen so many clothes bought at once before. He purchased a new suitcase to leave it all in.

  I think his plan might be to set up residence at The Last Resort. Mayor Fuller has already offered him free accommodation there. But, while this issue with the threats is still ongoing, he’s staying with me.

  River came back to the house a couple of days ago, and there hasn’t been any issues having us all living together.

  “You look fine.”

  “Just fine? Not incredible? Or smoking hot? Or even like the man of your dreams?”

  I face him in time to see he’s grinning.

  “I think you look nice, Connie. Your clothes are much better than Daddy’s.” She pokes her tongue out at me, using Conner as a human shield.

  “Hey!” I make a move to grab her with the intention of tickling her until she cries mercy, but before I can get a hand on her, the front door is opened and River squeals as she runs through the small gap.

  “Say hello!” I yell after her, but she’s already turned the corner in search of her best friend and to get away from me. Sometimes, I wonder if teaching her manners is as futile as thinking maybe one day she’ll eat all her vegetables without a fight.

  “It’s all right.” Tyson waves her off, opening the door wider and slapping me on the shoulder as I step in. “She’s got nothing on Mia when it comes to bad manners. Girl doesn’t know how to keep her mouth closed when she’s chewing half the time.”

  I snort. I’ve definitely seen Mia’s chewed food more times than I’d like.

  “This is Conner Sherwood.” I turn around and wave at Conner, who’s smiling brightly and already has his hand out. “Conner, this is my best friend, Ty.”

  “It’s really great to finally meet you.”

  Tyson eyes him for a moment before he finally takes his hand. “Can’t say I’ve heard a thing about you, other than from Bell.”

  Conner’s smile dims, and he seems unsure how to respond to this. I know it isn’t a dig at him but at me.

  “I’ve mentioned Conner plenty.”

  “Sure.” Tyson snorts, stepping back from us and into the house, waving us in. “You said the guy is a magnet for trouble. Didn’t think you were ever serious about what was going on. I mean, this is our family dinner.”

  Bell interrupts me before I can respond, pushing past Tyson and giving me a hug and a kiss. Then she does the same for Conner. “Conner, it’s so lovely to see you again! I was so thrilled when Rocky said he would be bringing you over.”

  “Thanks for inviting me into your home.”

  Bell waves her hand. “Hush, I’ve been at Rocky to get you over here since I knew you were in the picture. River talks about you a lot. I’m tempted to ask you to read me something before bed.”

  Conner reddens, while Bell laughs heartily.

  “Guess there’s no rest from your bodyguard duties,” Tyson mumbles. “Definitely one way to get into your pants—forced proximity.”

  I elbow him in the ribs, wondering what has crawled up his ass. “Don’t be a dick.”

  “What?” he coughs out. “That’s why he’s here, right? You can’t leave him alone?”

  Bell’s eyes are widening in panic, and Conner’s smile has gone from bright to forced.

  “I didn’t get to finish introductions before.” I pull Conner to me and wrap an arm around his shoulders, not easy to do while standing in a hallway. “Conner is my boyfriend. He’s here because I want him here.”

  Bell’s panic recedes, and she claps her hands, a toothy grin on her face. “Finally! Come on, Conner; let me give you a tour of our home. I’ve got some hilarious stories of Rocky to tell you.”

  With a curious gleam now in Conner’s eyes, he lets Bell lead him down the hall.

  I grab ahold of Tyson’s arm before he can take even one step to follow. “A word?”

  He nods and leads me into a side room that is used as his home office. Paperwork is scattered everywhere, most with the heading stating it belongs to Carter Construction, which is a company based in Paxton, one that used to belong to his father. After he died, Tyson took it over, and when he’s not working at the site, he’s usually in this office, catching up on paperwork or lending a hand to some local farmers when business is quiet. I guess maybe that is part of the reason we bonded in school—we both had legacies to live up to, and we both played our parts.

  I close the door then cross my arms over my chest. “Okay, get it out.”

  “Get what out?”

  “You were just a dick to Conner then. Get that out of your system now.” I wait for some sort of homophobic comment.

  I love Tyson, and I know he loves me. I never told him about my attraction to men when we were in school together. Then I had no reason to when I was with Sophie. After she left was when I finally admitted it to him. He was the first person I told, since I had no family left in my life. His family had been incredibly homophobic growing up, so I don’t fault him his initial comments.

  He was shocked, and he hadn’t been prepared for how to respond. However, he came around, and we’ve been fine ever since. I know that wasn’t easy for him—to overcome an entire childhood stating that I was wrong and vile—but I thought we had gotten past it. Maybe I was wrong.

  I have never introduced Tyson to anyone I’ve been interested in. Hell, I haven’t been interested in anyone other than Conner. Not seriously.

  “I didn’t mean to be a dick to Conner. I’m just worried, man.”


  “Why?” He throws his arms up as he begins pacing. “You barely mention this guy, and then you’re bringing him into my house for family dinner? And the guy has some kind of target on his back, w
hich means you’re putting yourself in danger even being around him. I don’t like that. And what do you know about him? You were a mess when Sophie left. Is he going to break you, too?”

  I take a couple of breaths, relieved this wasn’t what I feared it had been about.

  “I’ve mentioned Conner more than I’ve talked about anyone to you. You just weren’t listening. I like him, Ty. A lot. He means something to me, and I hope you’ll realize that and accept his place here. And yes, he might break my heart, but I can’t live my entire life keeping people away from me just in case that happens. I tried to keep away from Conner, and it didn’t work. Besides, don’t I deserve to be happy?”

  Tyson worries his lip, but I already see his resolve crumbling.

  “Sophie didn’t break me. I was a mess because I was suddenly a single parent. I was fine after she left … Maybe a little bruised. If things don’t work out with Conner, I’ll make it through that, too.”

  I bite back admitting that being a little bruised if Conner left would be the least of my worries. Broken might not be far off. The trust that was broken by Sophie will never be as sturdy or as easy to forge. If I get burned by Conner, then I don’t know what will happen.

  Tyson is eyeing me warily, but after some sort of internal discussion, his eyes soften and he throws his hands up in surrender. “You’re right; I was being a dick. I’ll apologize.”

  I smile and slap his shoulder. “Better do it before the food arrives. He might not survive one of these dinners. Best you don’t have this unfinished business on your conscience.”

  Tyson laughs, but we both know I’m not lying. Carter family dinners are never boring.

  We walk through the house, and I accept a beer from Tyson as I catch the tail end of the story Bell is bestowing on Conner.

  “… so he thought we were all doing it. Turned up for the last day in a wig and outfit, looking just like Brian May from the band Queen. It was hilarious! I’m certain I have a photo of it somewhere …”

  “Bell!” I growl, ignoring the heat covering my face from recalling the last day of school. I was so freaking embarrassed and angry that Sophie had fooled me into thinking we were supposed to dress up, but I kept it all inside and acted like I didn’t care. And maybe I wouldn’t still care if anyone let me forget it.

  She glances up at me, her eyes wide and innocent, while Conner has his hand covering his mouth. Bastard!

  I move closer to him and knock my arm against his.

  “Seriously, I would pay to see that look.”

  “I might still have the wig,” I waggle my eyebrows at him and smile when he breaks into laughter.

  “What’s so funny?” River yells as her and Mia race into the living room as though they’re running from someone, which becomes apparent when River hides behind my legs while Tyson chases Mia. I didn’t even notice him leaving the room.

  “Your dad is hilarious,” Conner informs her.

  “No way! He only has lame dad jokes.”

  “Hey!” I turn around, leaving her open for an attack from Tyson, who uses his free arm to grab her and pull her to him.

  “Dad!” she shrieks, while Mia sacrifices herself and leaps at her dad, tackling him to the ground.

  “Don’t worry about this. Completely normal.” Bell waves off the chaos and grabs Conner’s arm. “I’ll get you a drink. You want a beer, too? Or something else?”

  “I’ll …” Conner’s eyes widen, and I wonder what has gotten this reaction until something large charges at me from the other side, sending my beer flying and me landing hard on my side into the couch.

  Tyson laughs while the girls think this is hilarious.

  “You’re it!” Tyson informs me.

  “Oh, you’re gonna be sorry for that!” I leap up while Bell grabs my beer before it spills everywhere. Then I relish in the girly cry emanating from Tyson’s lips, as well as the girls who scatter, each leaving the room.

  I chase down Tyson and the girls, managing to get Tyson “it” again before having to scramble before I’m taken down. Conner and Bell attempt to avoid us at first, but once it becomes clear that this just makes them easy targets, soon the entire house is in chaos. By the time the pizza arrives, we’re all out of breath with rosy cheeks and permanent grins on our lips.

  “You’re still it, Daddy,” Mia says to Tyson as we all sit down at their dinner table and begin chugging the glasses of water Bell has left out for us.

  “No way. I got your mother before we called a truce.”

  “You did not!” Bell argues. “I kissed you before you could say I was it. That means it’s still on you.”

  “You can’t distract me with a kiss! I touched you!”

  “Rules of the game mean you have to tell me I’m it.”

  Tyson rolls his eyes and glances at me as though hoping for some help.

  “Bell keeps me fed; no way I’m agreeing with you here.”

  Tyson tilts his head, but I already know he’s not going to argue this. No one can resist Bell’s cooking, and no way would anyone put themselves in a position where they might lose the chance at having it.

  “Good plan.” Bell nods and gives me a smile before she notices Mia and scowls. “Mia, close your mouth when you chew!”

  River snickers, while Mia just seems to exaggerate her chewing.

  “Do you want any dessert tonight?”

  This gets Mia closing her mouth up tight. See? No one can resist Bell’s cooking!

  “So, Conner, heard you were leaving Midsummer. That true?” Tyson’s tone isn’t friendly, but considering what he said before, I can understand why he’s sounding standoffish.

  I realize then that he never did apologize.

  Conner nods. “Yeah, after the Sunshine Carnival, I’m going to take off for a while.”

  “Just for a little while, right?” River looks so hopeful that my heart feels like it stutters. If this is going to blow up in my face, there is going to be some serious collateral damage.

  “Yeah, just a short while. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  River is appeased by this, while Tyson still looks uncertain.

  “I can’t wait for the carnival!” Mia speaks up, breaking the long silence. “I’m going to go on every ride a hundred times!”

  Tyson snorts. “How you going to pay for that?”

  “With the money you promised me when you asked me not to tell Mom that you put a dent in the car.”

  Tyson’s and Bell’s mouths drop open, while it takes Mia an extra moment to realize her mistake.

  I cough to hide my laugh and glance at Conner, who looks like he’s biting his lip to stop himself from smiling.

  “Ty!” Bell shouts, pushing back from the table.

  “It’s not that bad! I’ve already got it booked in for Gertie to fix!”

  “Sorry, Daddy!” Mia calls out after them as Tyson follows Bell outside, no doubt to inspect the damage.

  “So, you know anyone as crazy as this?” I ask Conner while grabbing another slice of pizza.

  “You know, I do know a crazy bunch back in Chicago who would probably scare the hell out of you.”

  Listening to Bell’s outraged cry, and then running footsteps as Tyson races back through the house, an angry wife on his tail, I have to wonder if Conner is right about that.

  “So, are the rides the best part of the carnival? What else should I make sure I see and do?” Conner asks the girls, not even batting an eye when Bell and Tyson race around the table a handful of times before Tyson breaks off into the living room.

  “The food!” River excitedly gasps.

  “No! Ms. Marissa does really cool face painting! You have to do that!”

  “What about the fireworks! They’re the best!” River argues.

  “Okay, they’re good. But I love the toys you get in the show bags!”

  River’s eyes light up, and her pleading gaze locks on mine. “I’m going to get a show bag, aren’t I?”

  I barely hold back from rol
ling my eyes, because River can’t truly expect me to refuse that. I swear she’s just practicing her puppy dog eyes until she’s ready to unleash it on me when she demands a pony or something equally impossible.

  “Only if you’re good,” I throw out there. That’s parental enough, right? “You have one last week of school before you’re on summer break. Don’t make me ground you through them.”

  River nods while promising this won’t be a problem. Not that my grounding of her this time around has been much of a punishment. I might need to up my game next time and take away her books. Now that would make her think twice before doing anything naughty again.

  “I won’t be getting any show bags. I bet Daddy won’t even give me money for rides now.” Mia pouts.

  “Conner told me that I should tell my daddy I love him as much as possible, because it’ll soften him up, and it totally does. I get my own way all the time.”

  My mouth drops open, while Conner loudly clears his throat.

  “Not likely to work now, River,” he grumbles.

  “I knew you were saying it more often than normal!” I mock outrage. I can’t even muster up being annoyed, because it actually has been nice to hear it more than normal. Since we got into our fight, I would do just about anything to get her to say it to me more often.

  “Only because I love you more every day, Daddy.” River smiles at me sweetly, and even though I know I’m being played, I don’t even care. This is the first time she’s said it since she kept telling me how much she hated me, even after we had made up.

  “Nice save!” Conner whispers loudly, winking at me when I give him a mock glare.

  “No dessert for you for a month!” Bell shouts as she stomps her way back to the table, loudly dropping into her chair.

  “No!” Tyson groans, his breathing heavy as he tentatively moves back toward the dining table. “I can’t live that long without dessert! I’ll waste away! I’ll die! Do you want to be a widow?”

  Bell narrows her eyes on him as she looks to be seriously considering this.

  “I love you, Daddy!” Mia shouts. “I’m sorry I said what I wasn’t supposed to. But I love you so much.”


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