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Unwrapped: a MMF Holiday Romance

Page 7

by Taryn Quinn

  Then Tristan met Matt in one of his computer classes the second half of freshman year, and he quickly became the third spoke of their trio. She’d loved the way Matt made them laugh, how he came up with such crazy, fun ideas.

  When Tristan had decided to start his own design business, Cait and Matt not being a part of it hadn’t even been a consideration.

  Her feelings for the guys had been platonic for so long. Until they weren’t anymore. Those feelings had grown and intensified no matter how hard she tried to push them down. She’d come up with the plan to lose her virginity while still denying any deeper reason for wanting to be intimate with them. If last week had never happened, she’d still be denying.

  Well, not any longer.

  They’d done everything together for so long. She wanted to share in the physical closeness they’d found. Needed to as much as she needed the air in her lungs.

  “I expect it of me,” she said quietly. “Matt was right. I want this. And I’m not a liar. Or I won’t be anymore. If I expect the truth from both of you, I have to give it in return.”

  “What did you lie about?”

  “A lot of things.” She took a breath. “I planned on seducing one of you for my birthday. I wanted you both and I didn’t know how to choose.”

  Back then, she’d thought she had to. Any other option wasn’t doable.

  Or so she’d believed.

  “How could you seduce one of us if you didn’t know who you wanted?”

  “I figured we could discuss which of you would be the lucky driller.” Matt’s muffled laughter didn’t keep her from continuing. “One night, no strings.”

  Her only response was Tristan’s jagged breaths.

  “Tris,” Matt began in an even voice, deducing things were heading south. “Hear her out.”

  “You wanted to treat us like horses sent out for stud. When all we’ve ever done is love you.”

  “And each other,” she whispered bitterly. “And each other! I wasn’t part of that, was I?”

  Tristan hesitated for a moment. An eternity. “You weren’t ready to accept us. We would’ve been honest with you if we’d believed you could understand.”

  “I’m two days away from being twenty-five. Only two years younger than both of you. I’m not a kid. I’m woman enough to plot to seduce one of you, aren’t I?” Defiantly, she lifted her chin. “I’m in all the way. Newbie or not, I’ll participate in every step.”

  “What do you mean, newbie?” His whisper was stunned, harsh.

  Much to her mortification, a single hot tear squeezed out from under her blindfold, its salty path scoring her cheek like the tip of a blade. “I’m a virgin.”

  She couldn’t see him reel back, but she felt it. His hands left her lap, baring her to the cold air. “You’ve had boyfriends. A lot of them.”

  “Not that many.” She knew she sounded defensive. “And I could’ve dated a battalion, but I didn’t let them in my pants.” Her face flamed. “Well, beyond certain things.”

  “Trust me, Cait, now’s not the time for that,” Matt said, humor lacing his tone. “Just stick with the virgin line.”

  “It’s not a line. I was waiting.”

  “For what?” Tristan asked, each word heavy with weariness.

  “For both of you.” She closed her eyes behind the blindfold. “And you know what? You’re taking way too fucking long.”

  The silence that descended threatened to eat away at her sanity. She knew they were looking at each other, wordlessly communicating in that way they had. A way she would never be privy to.

  “You heard the lady,” Matt said. “So are you going to finish undressing her or am I?”

  Chapter 5

  A virgin.

  Tristan stared at Matthew, still shocked into inaction. Coming in here to find Caity tied up had been bad enough. Now this.

  He started to speak, but Caity cut him off. “So help me God, Tristan, if you ask me if I’m sure or tell me I don’t need sex, I’ll knee you hard enough to make Matthew cry. I’m not a delicate little flower, damn you. You saved me once. You don’t have to keep doing it over and over again, Hero.”

  Delicate little flower. He almost snorted at that. Looking at her right now—hands bound, eyes covered, and legs spread wantonly, revealing the damp spot on her lacy red panties—delicate was not the word he had in mind.

  Saving her wasn’t at the top of his list either. Back when he’d acted as her rescuer at her first frat party, he’d seen her as just a cute kid, two years younger than most of her classmates. She’d graduated early from high school, though she’d been determined to do whatever her friends did. Drink, flirt shamelessly, tease guys.

  When he’d stepped in before that teasing went too far, he’d taken her back to his room and let her sleep off the booze. She’d awakened embarrassed and grateful, sparking one of the truest, deepest friendships he’d ever had.

  And now he was risking it.

  “You really want to know what I think you are?” he asked as he returned to her chair and knelt down again.


  He laid a finger over her lips, and she ground her teeth together. In a minute, she’d be biting him.

  He couldn’t wait.

  “Matt’s not interrupting me, but you are. Know why? Because he’s seen me in ways you haven’t. When the civility’s stripped away and there aren’t words left. The way you’re going to see me soon enough. If we let you watch.” He took immense satisfaction in the slackening of her jaw. “That’s dependent on how much talking you do between now and then. We have ways of keeping you quiet. If you think we won’t…well, you’re thinking wrong.”

  Her lips parted as if she were about to speak. Then she pursed her mouth and waited.

  He glanced over his shoulder at Matt, who hooked his thumbs in the pockets of his jeans and grinned. “Get her naked, Tris.”

  Tristan turned back to Caity and undid the buttons of her coat. Once he’d pulled the panels open to reveal her winter white sweater, he traced the delicate chain at her neck. She shuddered. He drew his fingertip down the valley between her breasts, over the soft rise of her belly to the waistband of her skirt. He recognized it as one of the shortest she owned.

  How many times had she teased his dick into brutal awareness with a glimpse of her in that ass-sculpting skirt? Too many times. Tonight, she’d pay for every one of them.

  He hooked his fingers in her waistband and tugged. She helped, lifting her hips to make it easier. Oh yeah, she was ready for them. Finally.

  Once he’d pulled the skirt free of her body, he tossed it aside and swallowed hard at the sight of her skimpy panties. That taunting strip of wet right down the center had only grown while he undressed her.

  “You said you’ve done things,” he murmured, grazing her moisture with the pad of his finger. “Like what?”

  “Wh-what do you mean?”

  “What have you let men do to you, Caity?”

  “Am I allowed to speak?”

  He chuckled, pressing down hard enough on the circle of wet to make her gasp. “Yes.”

  “Enough. Sometimes more than enough.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means I’ve done enough to have had my share of orgasms,” she said impatiently.

  Tris smacked three fingers against her pussy and she jolted. “Thanks for putting that image in my head.”

  “Uh-oh,” Matt said from behind his buddy. Matt had taken a seat on the couch and had already undone his belt. Obviously he was prepared to spring into action at a moment’s notice. “Cait, have I taught you nothing?”

  She licked her lips. “I’ve done everything but actual penetration.”

  “So you’ve let a guy eat your pussy,” Tristan said nonchalantly, still circling. When she blanched, he chuckled again. “You wanted this. Now you’re going to get it.” He waited a beat, then demanded, “Or are you blushing for a different reason?”

  “Uh, I’d vote for a different
reason,” Matt offered from the couch.

  Tristan pressed his finger harder. This time he didn’t stop until he could feel the swollen bud between her folds. “Did you let Matt eat you out, Caity?”

  “More like skim some off the top,” Matt said when she didn’t respond.

  “You’re lucky you’re over there,” Caity muttered, making Matt laugh.

  “So, like this, then? Through your panties.” Tris bent and arrowed his tongue into the cleft of her sex, flicking hard. His dick tightened painfully.

  Holy shit, she was delicious.

  Now he understood why Matt had looked so smug when he’d talked about tasting her. Her flavor was as hot and sweet as the peaches she always smelled like.

  She released a long moan, the most perfect sound he’d ever heard. “Yes. Like that.” She threw back her head and exposed the long, vulnerable line of her throat. “More. Please.”

  He did it again, alternating the speed and pressure of his strokes. Her body bowed before slumping down to wait for the next swipe. She spread her legs wide and tipped her pelvis to give him maximum access, her body responding so enthusiastically to his attention that occasionally a drop of her juice seeped onto the chair.

  “He’s better at this than I am. I’d say I’m better at other things, but I’ll leave you to decide that for yourself.”

  “Braggart,” Matt said, making Tristan shoot him a grin over his shoulder. Matt had already taken out his cock and fisted it as he slid his hand up and down. Tris’s own shaft lurched, and he hissed out a breath.

  He needed to get this show moving or he’d be impressing Caity with how fast he could come without any stimulation at all.

  “Prove to us what you want, Caity. We want to hear you beg. See you open yourself up for our mouths.”

  “My hands—”

  Tristan untied her, but not for the reason she thought. He pulled off her coat and discarded it on the hearth, then did the same with her cardigan sweater. Beneath she wore nothing but a tiny scrap of bra that matched her panties. With two flicks of the front clasp, her breasts were free. They were small, compact like the rest of her. But her puckered, dark pink nipples were not. They already looked as if they’d been sucked. Hard.

  He brought her shoulders flush with the chair. “Arch your back.”

  She did, thrusting her sexy breasts high, and he grabbed her arms. She jerked in his hold, making quiet noises of protest in her throat.

  “Stay still,” he growled, pulling them behind her back. He looped the rope around her wrists and then around the back of the chair. Once she was secured, he went back to his post. With one swift move, he ripped her panties off her body.

  “Keep your legs open wide.”

  Visibly shaking, she spread her light golden thighs, revealing the copious liquid saturating the thatch of downy blonde ringlets and coating her swollen lower lips.

  “Matt,” he said in a low voice. “Come here.”

  “Say please.”

  “You wish. Get over here. Or I won’t let you have her first.”

  She whimpered as Matt came closer, his heavy footfalls echoing on the rough-hewn plank floor. “Maybe—”

  “Be quiet.” She moaned at Tristan’s directive, but he was pretty sure she wasn’t feeling any pain. God, how long had she been as desperate for them as they were for her? “You wanted this. You’re about to get it.”

  Tristan moved out of the way to give Matt room to kneel between her outstretched legs. Without a word, he dove in.

  She cried out at the first swipe of Matthew’s tongue, sliding through her slick folds like a miniature whip. Tristan had been on the receiving end of that tongue and could only imagine what it felt like on Caity’s dripping sex. He’d been with a lot of women, but damned if he could remember one so aroused. Or that responsive, her hips bucking with every one of Matt’s sensual lashes.

  He licked her for a long time, spreading the engorged lips of her labia to reveal her distended clit surrounded by a pool of cream. “Check that out,” he said in a reverent voice, giving Tristan room to get a good look. “I bet she’s a squirter.”

  “Huh?” Caity sounded as if she’d run three miles. Her chest heaved, pushing her breasts up and out so her tight nipples stood in stark relief.

  “Think you’re going to have to explain to her what that is.”

  God knows he couldn’t, not right now. He had more pressing matters to attend to. Like unzipping his ridiculously restrictive trousers before they strangled his cock.

  “Sometimes women ejaculate.” Matt said it so matter-of-factly even Tristan groaned. “Like a guy. They come by the bucket, not the teaspoon.”

  Tristan choked back a laugh, but Caity apparently didn’t think it was funny. “I’ve never done that.”

  “You will.” Matt grinned and slid just the tip of his index finger inside her. She cried out as if she’d been struck with an open hand. “Give us time.”

  Tristan studied her face while idly stroking his length. She was so beautiful with her features contorted with need. But he wanted to see her eyes. Had to make sure she knew exactly who was giving her this pleasure.

  “I’m going to take off the blindfold. For now.”

  Matt glanced up at him, a smile twisting his mouth. His normally light brown eyes were dark with arousal. “Told you he loved your eyes, Caity. Give him one of those pouty looks, and he’ll do anything for you.”

  Matt went back to his task, and Tristan moved behind her. He undid the blindfold, drawing it away from her face. She craned her head back to look at him, and just as Matt said, those sexy blue eyes dug his grave and threw dirt over the top. But for once he didn’t just fall a little more in love. For once he could actually touch and taste her.

  He gripped her chin and leaned down to brush her lips with his. His sweet Caity had turned into a writhing, sexual creature, almost while he watched. “How does his tongue feel?”

  “So good I’m sure I’m dreaming.”

  “Put your foot on his shoulder.”

  “Which one?”

  “You’re getting better at taking direction.” To reward her—and himself—he reached down to pinch her nipples. They were even harder and redder than just a few moments ago. She cried out again. “Shh. Unless you want something in your mouth.”

  She looked right into his eyes, proving her growing boldness. “I do.”

  “Oh sure.” Matt nipped her thigh. “When I made that offer, I was resoundingly rejected.”

  “So switch places.” Her voice sounded husky, the perfect timbre for phone sex.

  “I’m not done.” Matt raised her calf and set her left foot on his shoulder. He used his other hand to spread her thighs wide and licked his lips as he looked his fill. “Gorgeous.” He pushed two fingers inside her, his palm flexing so hard that Tristan knew his friend was having a little G-spot fun. “You were made for two hard cocks.”

  She shot a nervous glance at Tristan. “Two? Is that even possible?”

  Chuckling, he ran his hand through her soft, shiny hair. He kissed the side of her neck, and together they watched Matthew work. Some time ago, she’d begun shaking nonstop. Probably around the same time Matt began fingering her in earnest.

  “Sure, it’s possible. Lots of things are.”

  Her head fell back toward his shoulder. “It’s also really possible that I’m going to come.”

  He snagged two handfuls of her hair and lightly pulled. Just as he’d expected, she mewled like a hungry kitten. “Enough, Matt.”

  “What? Why?” she asked.

  “You’ll come when we say and not before.”

  Her wounded expression made him laugh in spite of himself. “Want the blindfold back?”

  “I have a gag too,” Matthew offered, giving her one last thorough lick that made her belly ripple. “Maybe we should just tie her to the bed, blindfold, and gag her. Stick one of those vibrators I bought inside her on low, so she’d never be able to climax. How do you like that idea, Cait?” />
  She pursed her glossy pink lips. “I hate you right now.”

  “Good. Then we’re doing our job.” Matt lifted her foot from his shoulder, but he didn’t get up right away. “Think we should tie her legs open, Tris. I like looking at her like this.” He flicked his fingers through the curls on her mound, and she arched, drawing the rope tighter. “Would you like us to shave you?” He traced her folds with the edge of his finger. “You’d come every time we kissed these sweet lips.”

  “You guys don’t want me. You want a blow-up doll you can tease and taunt.”

  “Doesn’t sound like she’s adapting well to being submissive. Guess we’ll have to do what you suggested.” Tristan bent to untie her wrists, but she shook her head.

  “Don’t do it. Please. I’ll go crazy.” The urgency in her voice would’ve made him laugh if he hadn’t caught a whiff of her arousal.

  The tang of it curled in his groin, and his balls tightened in warning. He had to get his pants off or he’d be the one going crazy.

  “Keep eating her,” he decided, shedding his boots, socks, and pants with the minimum amount of movement. His cock sprang free, hard and ready with a fat drop of precum on the crown. “We’ll switch in a minute.” Then to Caity, he murmured, “You’re going to suck my cock. If you do a good job, we won’t tie you to the bed. Yet.”

  Caity swallowed as she eyed his erection. “What counts as good?”

  “Depends.” He rubbed his thumb over her lower lip, already imagining his shaft sliding over her pliant flesh. “Do you spit or swallow?”

  “Sort of both.”

  From between her thighs, Matt laughed. He’d gone back to running his tongue along her seam, but slowly, with only the slightest pressure. “Only you, Caity,” he said, stroking his long, hard cock.

  Tristan stared down into her eyes as he dragged the head of his dick along her cheek, branding her with his moisture and scent. He didn’t speak until he saw what he needed to in her eyes—her total consent. She wanted to be mastered like this. He hoped to God only by them, but right now he’d take what he could get.

  And right now he was about to get her mouth.


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