Unwrapped: a MMF Holiday Romance

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Unwrapped: a MMF Holiday Romance Page 14

by Taryn Quinn

  “You must really think I am a superhero.” With the way she made him feel—the way they both made him feel—she wasn’t too far off.

  “I always have.” She tightened her arms around him. “Promise me something.”

  The fragile peace between them felt so tenuous he hated to shatter it. But he wouldn’t lie to her unless he had no choice.

  “What?” he asked, immediately on guard.

  “That no matter what, we’ll always be friends. Nothing can change that, right? Because I honestly don’t think I could handle losing you.”

  “You didn’t mention Matt,” he said, his voice strained.

  How could she ask him to promise eternal friendship when he hadn’t even seen how this would play out? It was as if she wanted to have her cake, eat it too, and then force him to pretend to like that she’d scarfed the rest without sharing.

  “I don’t have to worry about him.”

  “He is your real best friend, isn’t he?”

  “It’s just different,” she said dismissively, waving a hand. “He’s a survivor. He’ll deal with whatever happens. Now promise me.”

  “And I’m not a survivor? I’ve dealt with a hell of a lot, and I’m not dead yet.”

  “Of course you are. But you take everything so much deeper than he does.”

  “Did it maybe occur to you that you don’t know him as well as you think? That maybe his fascination with bondage isn’t the only side of him you’ve missed?”

  Her eyes flashed. “Matt’s not up for discussion right now. You are. Stop stalling.”

  He sucked in a deep breath and closed his eyes, resting his forehead against hers. “I promise,” he said finally, though he didn’t look at her when he said the words.

  For the first time, he’d made a promise he didn’t know if he’d be able to keep.

  Chapter 9

  Matt heard them laughing and whispering when he finally returned to the cabin late that afternoon. It was nearing sunset, and he’d been gone all day. Skiing first, as he’d said in his note; then he’d gone back to the loft to gather Cait’s birthday gifts. Bringing them to the cabin had been Tris’s job, but he’d forgotten. The pain in the ass oversight had turned out to be a blessing in disguise since he had a surprise visitor waiting for him: his mother, suitcases in hand and wearing a bright smile because her vacation had started a week earlier than planned.

  Wasn’t that awesome?

  Well, yeah, of course it was. He was thrilled to see her. A couple of trips back and forth per year weren’t enough. But had she really had to pick this Christmas to do a sneak attack? He would have to cut their weekend o’sex at the cabin a day short, though he already felt bad making his mom stay alone at the loft tonight. He’d made up some nonsense story about him and Tristan treating Cait to a special weekend for her birthday, which wasn’t totally untrue, and left his mom with a stack of movies and a quick dinner he’d whipped up.

  Guilt wasn’t an emotion he experienced often. If he had regrets, he did his best to correct what he could and move on. Brooding was something he left to Tristan most of the time.

  Tonight wasn’t one of them.

  He hated skipping out on his mom after she’d traveled all that distance to be with him. It was just one night, but still. That he’d left her to go play sex games with his roommates made his guilt even worse. Probably because he knew she’d never understand what the hell he was doing and why he couldn’t just do it with one partner, namely Cait, whom she loved like a daughter and would’ve been over the moon to see him end up with.

  She just wouldn’t be thrilled about the guy who came with her.

  Then there was issue number two. They’d already had very little time to convince Cait about the rightness of the three of them. Now they’d have a day less. Though from the sounds of things in the hot tub, Cait and Tristan were having a fine time without him.

  Matt dumped Cait’s presents on the chair in the corner and headed into the bathroom as noiselessly as possible. Candlelight reflected off the polished wood floor and the black tile walls. Bubbles and water splashed over the sides of the hot tub as Cait eased through the froth to snuggle against Tristan’s chest. He cradled her in his arms, muscles flexing, and she whispered something as she rested her head on his shoulder.

  God, they looked happy. Maybe they could be permanently if he wasn’t in the picture. After all, he’d been the last to meet both of them. They’d already been a unit by the time he’d been partnered with Tristan in one of his design classes freshman year of college, and he’d been sure they were a couple. Most people still thought that to this day when they first met them. The vibe they gave off definitely spoke of love, and this weekend had only amplified that.

  His throat constricted, and the unexpected heat in his eyes made him turn his back. If you love them, do what’s best. Step away.

  He was the problem, after all. Without Cait, he and Tris weren’t happy. Cait would never be part of a long-term threesome, and truthfully after seeing his mom tonight, he didn’t know if he could deal with it either. At least not publicly. He would never hurt his mom that way -- and she would be hurt, blaming herself for what she would see as his dysfunctional lifestyle. She wasn’t a cruel woman, but she was old-school. She’d never get this. Nor would she be pleased at the likelihood she would never have grandchildren.

  Really, how the hell could they handle kids? True, it was far out. No reason to even touch on that now. But he had to be realistic. If he wanted to go the whole home-and-family route someday, how could that fit into this scenario?

  Tristan could father a couple while he fathered the rest? Crazy. And the kids would have two daddies? How the hell would that work? Or would they lie to them and have them call one of them “daddy” and the other a “special family friend”?

  With a grimace, he reached behind him to pull his T-shirt over his head. Maybe Cait was right. They were living a fantasy this weekend. And all fantasies had to end. This one’s curtain would come down tomorrow morning.

  He’d almost decided to head back into the bedroom and bypass their tub hijinks altogether when Cait murmured, “Hey, you. We almost sent out a search party.”

  Did you really care? Or was I an afterthought?

  Pasting on a smile, he turned around and tossed his shirt on the floor. He removed the long-sleeved shirt he wore under his Anthrax T-shirt and stopped. For once he didn’t know what move to make next.

  His cock said to get in the tub with them. It was built to hold four, and they’d have more than enough room to play. If he was honest, his heart wanted the same thing. It felt altogether too cold outside the circle the three of them made.

  Which was just dumb. He wasn’t a romantic, and a blanket would warm him up as thoroughly as sharing their body heat. Maybe not as spectacularly, but he’d better start dealing with reality soon.

  As good as he was at taking curveballs and making them work with his plans, he didn’t have a clue how to go forward from here. His blueprints weren’t worth shit anymore.

  “Hey, man,” Tristan added, his voice roughened with desire. Not too surprising since he had their gorgeous little blonde practically supine in his arms. But when Matt’s gaze connected with his best friend’s, he could tell Tristan didn’t only desire Cait. “Wondered where you went.”

  “Went skiing, just as the note said. And I went home for a bit.”

  “Home?” Cait’s expression clouded. “Why?”

  Matt looked at the two of them, really looked, and knew he couldn’t intrude on their protective bubble just yet. He needed this night with them so badly. What that made him, he didn’t know. Horny. Desperate. Maybe just stupid. But who the hell could blame him for staring into Cait’s gorgeous blue eyes and Tristan’s equally sexy green ones and wanting to move heaven and earth to keep them in his life just a while longer?

  And not just in his life. Naked. Vulnerable. Totally his, for as long as it lasted.

  “Somebody forgot Cait’s presents,” he
said lightly, resting his hand on his fly. Dumb to need to be asked to the party after all they’d done together, but there it was. He wouldn’t join them unless they invited him.

  “You get shy all of a sudden?” Tristan said, his gaze dropping pointedly. “And why the hell aren’t you in this tub yet?”

  One out of two.

  Cait cocked her head, her wet hair streaming over her shoulders and dipping into her huge, trusting eyes. Later he was sure the wariness and nerves would return. Now all he could read in her gaze was excitement and hunger. “We missed you,” she added huskily, her sensual voice caressing every word. “Don’t you want to come play?”

  Matt flipped open the button of his jeans and dragged down the zipper. “Hell yeah I want to play. Though I bet you’ve been playing plenty without me.”

  “We tried another new position.” She laughed and stroked Tristan’s chest. “Well, new for me since I’m pretty sure he’s done it plenty.”

  “Which one is that?” Matt shed his jeans and boxers, wincing a little at how eagerly his cock stretched up his abs. Fucking A, he was hard. Already. No one had even touched him yet. “Been working your way through the Kama Sutra?”

  “Too impatient for tantric sex. Maybe in a few years when I’ve made up for lost time.” She shifted in Tristan’s arms, rising up so that her puckered pink nipples floated just above the surface of the bubbles. “Nope, we tried the kitchen table. Me bending over it, that is. It was just the right height.” She shot Tristan a grin. “Then we had lunch.”

  Matt sat on the side of the tub. “Where else did you two desecrate my house?”

  “That’s it. We stayed in bed most of the day, but we just talked mostly. Oh, and watched cable.”


  “No, a bunch of home reno shows.” She giggled, and for the first time, Matt saw the bottle of champagne on the floor next to the tub. No wonder she was so loose.

  “You got her drunk, huh?” Matt shook his head and trailed a hand through the fragrant bubbles until he could wrap his fingers around her shapely calf.

  “Only had a glass or two.”

  “Or half the bottle,” Tristan said dryly, coiling her hair around his finger. “But who’s counting?”

  “It’s my birthday. Almost. And my present’s to get drunk and fuck my two favorite boys.” She sidled forward and rose out of the water to throw an arm around Matt’s neck. She pulled hard enough to drag him into the tub, splashing a ton of water onto the floor.

  “Jesus, Cait. Yeah, she’s drunk,” Matt said, fisting a handful of her hair to right himself once he’d landed in the soapy water.

  “Oops.” She laughed and wrapped herself around him, settling her warm, wet body between his legs. “Missed you,” she said again, kissing him with the same strength she’d used to pull him into the hot tub. “Did you miss us?”

  Her tongue speared into his mouth, and he groaned as he responded. He enfolded her in his arms and sucked on her flesh, enjoying the taste of the champagne and the chocolate that flavored her kisses. “What’ve you been eating?” he asked when he had to draw away to breathe.

  “More chocolate cake. We polished off half of it.” Her eyes closed on a dreamy sigh, and Matt took the opportunity to glance at his best friend.

  With a smile, Tristan stretched his arms along the side of the tub. His troubled eyes belied his lazy pose. That he’d barely spoken since Matt had arrived said everything.

  Normally Tristan was talkative, unless he was unhappy. Despite how he’d been this weekend, he wasn’t unhappy much. The guy usually fought to see the rainbow in every damn cloud. Even after his little sister had died, he’d done his best not to fall into the murk that could’ve swallowed him so easily.

  “You okay?” he asked in a low voice, nudging Tristan’s leg with his foot.

  “Sure.” Instead of continuing that line of conversation, Tristan scooted forward in the water to encircle Cait’s waist in his arms, drawing her back against his chest. “Except I don’t like sharing.”

  “Oh no? Since when?” Matt shifted his legs until they were outside Tristan’s and moved forward until Cait was completely surrounded. “This one doesn’t mind being shared, do you?”

  She gave him a sexy smile and picked up his hand, tugging it between her legs. Who was he to argue?

  He separated her swollen folds, zeroing in on the tight bundle of nerves. She let out a soft cry when he pushed a finger inside her, inching in and out while she circled her arms around Tristan’s neck and arched up to kiss him.

  With his free hand, Matt flipped a button on the side and turned up the jets, sending plumes of hot water jetting all around them.

  Including millimeters from Cait’s pussy.

  “Shift over, baby,” he said, glad he’d sprung for a model with plenty of room to move. He pulled her off her knees and onto his lap. “Now open up those thighs a little…”

  Her moan told him she’d gotten the drift. She braced a hand on the wall and eased closer, using her fingers to spread herself open for the blasting jet. He’d experienced those jets against his cock often enough. But that was nothing compared to watching her cheeks bloom with color as he cupped her breast, squeezing hard while he sculpted her ass with his other hand. He separated her cheeks, teasing her rosette with the tip of his finger while Tristan drew up her leg, angling her just right so the pulsating stream hit her where she needed it most.

  “I want to taste you,” Tristan said thickly, his need evident in every taut line of his face. “Want to lick up every drop as you come.”

  She lifted her face from where she’d pressed it against Matt’s neck. “You’ll drown.”

  Not sure if she meant from the level of water in the hot tub or from her release, Matt chuckled. “Don’t think so, sweetheart. Pretty sure he can manage.”

  “I want you both to lick me. At once.” She climbed up on the edge of the hot tub and spread her legs, motioning them closer with a crook of her finger and a bewitching smile. “Maybe when you’re done, I’ll do the same for both of you. And…” She dropped her voice to a whisper as she pulled on her nipples. “Maybe I’ll even let you come right here.”

  Tristan shot him a glance, lifting his brows. “Some deal, huh?”

  “Sounds good to me.” Not wasting any time, Matt dipped his head. “Hold yourself open for us,” he said, his breath coming short when she obeyed. Already her clit swelled and pulsed for their touch.

  True to their agreement, he pushed her thigh back as far as he could on his side and waited until Tristan fit himself in beside her. It was awkward positioning to say the least—unless they wanted to break Cait open like a damn wishbone—but they did the best they could, sliding in and sipping from her hot pussy as if she’d turned on a spigot. Tristan slipped in a finger and indicated for Matt to do the same, and together, they finger fucked her and ate her until she clutched at their hair and practically screamed.

  “Too good. Stop, stop!”

  Breathing hard, they both pulled back. Then she shook her head again. “No, it’s okay. It’s just your fingers and your mouths together are—”

  “Too intense?” Matt asked, feigning sympathy.

  She nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Oh, if that’s all, then…” Tristan flashed a grin at Matt and dove back down for more. “Too fucking bad,” he said, nuzzling her folds and taking her flesh between his teeth.

  Matt barked out a laugh and joined him, immediately taking up the position he’d just vacated. They each added their fingers and additional pressure, pushing her up to the point of no return so fast she screamed. Her inner walls contracted around their digits, but they didn’t stop.

  Tristan nudged him away as he fit three fingers inside her dripping slit. “Now eat her,” he instructed, moving as far out of the way as he could to give Matt room to work.

  “No. Really. I’m good.” She tried to draw her thighs together and moaned as Tristan pumped in and out. “I can’t come again yet.”

“Wanna bet?” Matt wiggled his tongue at her, and she kicked out at him as they all laughed. Before she could voice any additional objections, Matt resumed devouring her.

  In not long at all, she cried out and tumbled over the brink again, her release as warm and stimulating as the bubbles that flowed out all around them. She went lax against the tile wall, her face so slack that Matt knew she’d be out in no time.

  “Too much booze and too many orgasms make Caity a sleepy girl,” she mumbled, earning another laugh from the guys.

  Matt glanced at Tristan. “Let’s get her in bed.”

  “If I go to bed, you hafta sleep too.”

  “Think that was an argument?” Tristan asked mildly, scooping her up into his arms.

  “Not gonna sleep.” She slung an arm around Tristan’s shoulder after giving him a loud, smacking kiss. “Just rest my eyes.”

  “Right.” Matt laughed and got out of the hot tub. He grabbed a stack of bath towels and followed them into the bedroom. He arranged one on the bed just before Tristan laid Cait down. After drying himself with the towel, he noticed Tristan watching him with a brow cocked.

  “Going to share that towel?”


  When he started to toss it, Tristan beckoned him closer. “You scared of me all of a sudden?” Tristan asked.

  “No. Of course not.”

  Matt came around the bed and worked the towel over his friend’s chest, trying to ignore his cock’s immediate interest in the proceedings. He dried Tristan’s muscled shoulders and back—and even his ass—without difficulty. But when he reached Tristan’s notable erection, he swallowed and swiped the towel up and down without looking any more than he had to.

  If he was going to try to figure out how to cool things down between the three of them, at least while his mom was in town, he might as well start by not responding to Tristan’s boners as if he wanted to do his best impression of Pavlov’s dog and get down on all fours.

  “So what if I told you to take care of this?” Tristan asked, circling the base of his length with his fingers.


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