Unwrapped: a MMF Holiday Romance

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Unwrapped: a MMF Holiday Romance Page 15

by Taryn Quinn

Matt swallowed and tossed aside the towel. He cast a quick glance at Cait, unconscious and curled up on her side on the bed. Water droplets glistened on her curves. “We need to dry her off,” he began.

  “It’s warm in here. She’ll be fine for a couple of minutes.” Tristan gripped Matt’s hair, a subtle, sexy dominance he never would’ve allowed any other man. “Now suck.”

  Matt got down on his knees and did as requested. The long, slow pulls of his mouth on Tristan’s hard-on provided a counterpoint to Matt’s erratic tugs on his own dick. He could feel the orgasm swelling in both of them, heightening the flavor of musk as he shifted to playfully tug on Tristan’s sac, building the overwhelming tightness in his own balls. While he alternated his attention between Tristan’s shaft and beneath, his best friend wove his fingers through his hair. He touched him so gently that even the hard cock in Matt’s mouth couldn’t distract him from the sting in his throat.

  Better get over it. This isn’t permanent.

  Caught up in his thoughts, Tristan’s sudden jerk and thrust shocked him, especially when followed by salty spurts of the liquid he knew so well. As if Matt’s erection were separate from his mind, his own cock went off, triggered by Tristan’s repeated groans and shudders. Matt stared down in wonderment at the thick white drops splashing all over his chest even as his body convulsed.

  Christ on a cracker, now he was coming without being fully aware of it. Who the hell had waking wet dreams?

  Tristan reached for one of the towels and cleaned himself up, then did the same to Matt. Just when Matt thought he’d gotten off scot-free, Tristan narrowed his eyes. “Wherever you just went in your head, hope there’s room for three.”

  Before Matt could scramble for a reply, Tristan headed into the bathroom and shut the door.

  Cait yawned herself awake and burrowed her nose in the pillows. Mmm, she could smell Matt. His minty gum, his equally crisp aftershave. The spicier notes of Tristan’s, along with that expensive cologne he sometimes wore that acted as an instant nipple activator. She’d had the best dream about them going down on her for so long that she came and came. There had been another dream too, one even more dirty and decadent.

  Sighing, she squeezed her thighs together at the little trickle of warmth between them. Still wet. Still aroused. What had they done to her?

  Could they do it some more? Pretty please?

  “She’s up.” Tristan’s low voice sounded beside her. The TV show she’d only been dimly aware of clicked off.

  “Mmm, about time.” From behind, Matt’s arm circled her waist. He snuggled against her, his smooth, half-hard length nestling into the cleft of her ass. “Sleep well, snoozing beauty?”

  When he moved just right and she felt a hot, forbidden glimpse of his bare flesh between her legs, she let herself imagine fucking him without a condom. Fucking both of them that way. Feeling every inch of their stiff cocks stretching her open.

  As much as she wanted that, she wouldn’t take the chance. Couldn’t. Way too dangerous. Even though she was on the pill, she’d be risking a hell of a lot just for some pleasure.

  Just to feel all of them, moving with her.

  She forced back a shiver. “Yeah, slept okay,” she said in a scratchy voice. “Sorry, champagne went straight to my head.”

  “Fun to watch you sleep.” Tristan lay down beside her and wrapped a lock of her hair around his finger. His lips softly met hers, eased back, then returned again. “Now it’ll be fun to wake you up.”

  Even if she had still been asleep, she could’ve heard the seductive promise in his voice. “What do you have in mind?”

  Matt tweaked her sensitive nipples, and she arched her back. He slid his cock between her ass cheeks, up and down in a slick motion that dampened her thighs even more.

  “Hope you have extra sheets,” she said to Matt. “Since I’m ruining these.”

  His warm chuckle had her eager nipples budding under his touch. “Ruin all my sheets, baby. That’s the sign of a good weekend in my book.”

  “So why don’t you tell us what you were dreaming about,” Tristan suggested, slipping his hand between her sticky legs. His groan proved what she already knew. “That got you all wet and bothered.”

  “Hot. It’s supposed to be hot,” Matt said.

  “That too.” Tristan feathered his tongue over the pulse point at the base of her neck. “Tell us.”

  “We can’t do it,” she said, knowing they’d argue. But she was too turned on to think of a convenient lie, if she’d even been able to pull it off anyway. “It’s not safe.”

  “Unsafe means pretty sexy in my world.” Matt bit her earlobe. “Share.”

  “It’s just because I fell asleep all churned up.”

  “Yeah, okay. Spill it.”

  She glanced up at Tristan’s gorgeous face, cast in shadows from the dim overhead light. “You were both inside me.”

  “Hot damn,” Matt said, rubbing her ass, making her laugh.

  “Not like that.”

  Tristan’s eyebrow winged up. “Both here?” he asked, delving his fingers just inside her lower lips.

  “No. No,” she said hurriedly. “Well, yeah, but not how you’re thinking. You were both moving in and out, but alternating. Like one behind me, one in front. One comes in, one goes out. And,” she swallowed, “you weren’t wearing condoms.”

  “We can do that.”

  “No, we really shouldn’t,” she said over her shoulder, giving Matt the perfect opportunity to sink his teeth into her lower lip. One hard tug and she gasped.

  “We’ll just play. It’ll be fine. Neither of us needs to come for a while, so it’ll be just about you mostly. And you’re on the pill, right?”

  She found herself nodding mutely once Matt relinquished his possession of her mouth. Then a thought occurred to her. “Why don’t either of you need to come? You didn’t in the hot tub.”

  Tristan grinned at her. “We can take care of ourselves, pretty thing.”

  As usual her imagination took that little tidbit and got busy. “No worries there, trust me. But I’m fine with just, you know, hanging out for a while. There are presents, right?” She craned her neck to look at the chair piled high with boxes and bags in the corner.

  “Yes, there are presents.” Tristan laughed and nudged her back down. “Why don’t you let us give you a different sort of present first?” he asked, encircling his cock in his long, blunt-tipped fingers.

  “Oh, but—” She broke off with a moan. Matt had dragged her leg up over both of his and was already working himself into her from behind. All that hard, rigid flesh, boring into her without anything between them. So much heat. “Oh God.”

  “Hell fuck yeah,” Matt grunted, pushing in to the hilt. “You’re fucking dripping.”

  A flush climbed up her throat. She opened her mouth to reply, but Tristan gripped her chin. “Don’t ever be embarrassed about that. We want you wet and open to us. Wherever, whenever. Our dirty little slut.”

  She shut her eyes, sure she’d misheard him. He couldn’t have called her a slut. Not right then.

  “Look at me, Caity.”

  Cait’s eyes opened, already wet. As wet as the rest of her.

  “You’re not a slut, whatever that even means. No judgment here. But a word doesn’t have to hold any more power than you give it.” Tristan kissed her, so softly her heart hurt. “Sometimes people say certain things in bed, crazy stuff that turns them on. You know we like dirty talk.”

  “Yes. I do too. But that’s…”

  Hot. At least when he says it. Why won’t you just admit it?

  “If that word doesn’t work for you, I won’t say it again.”

  Matt slid out of her and drove in again. “She’s our slut, and she knows it. She just gets off on acting innocent.” He sucked a finger into his mouth, then reached down and circled her rosette. “Now she’s going to beg for my finger in her ass. Aren’t you, baby?”

  The dampness in her eyes evaporated as she took in Trist
an’s tender expression. He loved her. She trusted that he would never willingly hurt her. And if she was honest, if she dared to be, her clit had throbbed when he’d said that forbidden word.

  “I’m yours,” she whispered, thrusting her ass back toward Matt. Right now she would be theirs. Until she couldn’t be anymore. “Your slut. And I want your finger.”


  “In my ass,” she said, crying out when Matt gave her what she’d asked for.

  “Good girl.” Matt grazed his teeth along her shoulder while he pumped his finger deeper and sank his cock into her tight channel.

  Her eyes started to drift shut again, but they went wide when Matt pulled out, and Tristan gripped his cock and embedded himself inside her.

  “God. That’s so…”

  “Amazing,” Matt groaned when they swapped places again. A couple of strokes each and they switched, cursing whenever their cocks bumped.

  Ripples of desire unfurled in her lower belly, traveling outward from where they were connected. Her guys felt so different. Matt’s strokes were shorter, more unrestrained, while Tristan sank inside her and held before gliding in and out. Her arousal built much more quickly with Matt, but her climax lasted longer with Tristan.

  And now, with them doing as she’d asked, pushing her leg up and opening her to their alternating thrusts, she was both up and down simultaneously. Between each jump of excitement, there was a lull, but her core still cramped with her impending climax too damn quick.

  Tristan circled his thumb over her engorged bud of nerves while Matt’s finger coasted farther into her back entrance. Leaning down, Tristan nibbled at her lips. “Oh yeah, squeeze me. Just like that. Keep doing it.”

  She tightened around him and gasped at the burst of pleasure. Every time she clenched, the closer she rushed toward the first rise that would lead to so many more.

  Then she was there, grasping Matt’s hip and scraping her nails over Tristan’s taut stomach as she hurtled into the abyss. She moaned, the sound going on and on when Tristan dragged himself away and Matt plunged in while she was still coming.

  “Oh baby, yeah. Come for us. Again.” The finger in her ass pressed harder, and she came again. Or still. She didn’t know which. But this time she screamed as she hit her peak, her whole body shaking with the impact.

  She turned her face into the pillow as she fought to breathe. With the last of her waning energy, she grappled behind her for Matt’s cock and enfolded Tristan’s in her other hand. Slick from her, their lengths slid smoothly in her grip. With as much finesse as she could summon, she jerked them both off, moaning incoherently when, a few minutes later, Matt’s groan spilled over her just before his release splashed her back. A moment after that, her renewed concentration on Tristan’s granite-hard shaft resulted in a quick, steamy bath for her front.

  Matt dropped his damp forehead against her neck. “What was that about messy sheets?”

  Before she gave in to the urge to pass out again, she grinned and lifted her sticky fingers to her lips. Once she’d sampled Tristan’s salty flavor, she flicked her fingertips over her back and tasted Matt’s.

  Everything about them, right down to their release, was so different. So delicious.

  “Mmm. Definitely think I’ll need a shower after this.”

  “Hot tub?” Tristan suggested.

  She slugged his stomach, making him laugh. “No hot tub. No more orgasms. Not for at least an hour.” She threw another glance at the chair in the corner. Only pretty, wrapped boxes could distract her from her men. “I want my gifts.”

  “You already got them.”

  Matt choked out a laugh when she whacked him and crawled her way free of the guys and the tangled sheets. “Last one in the shower gets cold water,” she called, rushing into the bathroom.

  Thirty minutes later, they were all washed and soaped and sexed out—or at least she was, since Matt had insisted on “giving her one for the road” in the shower. Neither of them listened to her, and she was beyond grateful. At least when that not listening led to feeling so damn amazing afterward.

  She grinned and stacked the boxes and bags in front of her on the bed. Her sexy boys were sprawled out on either side, one eating chips, the other waiting expectantly for her to open her presents. The weekend had been perfect so far, and there was still more to come.

  Yeah, so she was kidding herself.

  This wasn’t her reality. But right now she couldn’t help pretending. How could she? She’d never felt like this before. Thinking about trading it all in for the life she’d had two weeks ago made her want to cry. Not that it had been bad. She’d been happy, all things considered. But it wasn’t this.

  “Hurry up,” Tristan said. “There’s a lot there.”

  She grabbed the candy-cane-covered bag at her knee, setting aside the actual wrapped candy cane that dangled from the handle. “Who wrapped this for you?” she asked Matt, seeing his name on the tag.

  “It’s not wrapped technically. Just tissue paper and stuff.”

  “Who did it?”

  He threw a handful of chips in his mouth and grinned. “Maybe the cute girl at the store where I bought it.”

  As many times as she’d heard him—both of them—talk about cute girls, now it took on a whole new meaning. “Which store?”

  What cute girl? Whose eyes do I need to scratch out?

  “Lorriman’s,” he said as she dug out the rectangular navy blue box and saw the gold foil lettering for herself.

  “Lorriman’s? What could you possibly have gotten there?” She pried off the lid and gasped. Arranged on a swatch of silky navy blue sat the dangling sapphire-and-diamond earrings she’d coveted from the shop window when she and Matt had gone to a movie last month. “Are you crazy?”

  “Now there’s gratitude talking.” Matt bumped her with his knee, but she didn’t laugh.

  “Do you know how much these cost?”

  “Yep, since I signed for them.”

  “You’re nuts. I can’t accept these.” She closed the box and set it aside, though she was already envisioning them on her ears. Maybe with that long black off-the-shoulder dress that—

  No. She would not accept such an outrageously expensive gift from a man who wasn’t her boyfriend. It wasn’t right.

  And doing what you just did with them in this bed was? Wearing a pearl everything when you did the walk of shame into the shower?

  She frowned and pushed the box a little farther away.

  “There’s no expectation tied to them, you know,” he said, still munching chips. “I bought them before you walked in on me and Tris, by the way.”

  “You did not.”

  “I did so.”

  “But you’re cheap,” she tossed back, glaring at him while he ate his snack as if he wasn’t the least bit concerned.

  “Which is why I can afford them.” Matt bumped her again. “Put them on. And I promise, if you keep them, the only thing I’ll expect is maybe a couple more blowjobs. But only because you’re really good at them.”

  The laughter bubbled out of her throat. “You’re such a pig.”

  Tristan reached for another, bigger box and laid it on her lap. “Once you open mine, you can model both for us.”

  She shot him a panicked glance. God, what was next?

  Suddenly opening her gifts wasn’t as much fun as it usually was. Not when she didn’t think she’d be able to reciprocate in the way they expected her to.

  She tore off the bright green-and-red-striped paper on Tristan’s present and opened the box. Inside was a luxurious robe, long and fluffy and lined in something thick and plush that felt like a bearskin rug and probably hadn’t cost much less.

  “Tristan,” she said softly, overcome for the second time.

  “Yours is all ratty.” He shrugged and rearranged the robe until she could see the monogrammed initials over the breast.

  “CB?” Catching on, she grinned. “Oh man.”

  “Monogramming was free.”
He shrugged again, smiling faintly.

  “This is just too much.”

  “See, this is a perfect example.” Matt crunched into his chips loudly behind them. “When I give her a gift, she starts ranting. You give her a gift, and it’s cooing and wet panties.”

  She turned her grin on Matt. “I didn’t coo. And my panties aren’t on, so therefore they’re not wet.”

  Which was kind of remarkable, now that she thought of it. The three of them were sitting around completely in the buff as if it was the most natural thing in the world, and they’d only been lovers for a little more than twenty-four hours.

  And friends for a lifetime before that. Or at least it felt that way.

  “You can give him my earned blowjobs so he feels better,” Tristan said in a somber voice.

  “Keep it up and you’ll be blowing each other.”

  “Some threat,” Matt said, his reward a thwap very close to his most prized possession. “Now that’s a threat.”

  “Open the rest,” Tristan said, urging another bag on her.

  By the time she’d opened the other bags and boxes, the pressure building behind her eyes had turned into a genuine ache. They’d given her clothes and books and a couple of her favorite movies. Each one had been chosen specifically for her. They weren’t generic things, but thoughtful, sweet gifts that made her chest burn with regret.

  “What happened to certificates for the pizza joint and handwritten coupons for back rubs?” she said quietly, running her finger through the handle loop of the replacement cartoon coyote mug Tristan had rush ordered for her.

  “Hey, my gifts were never that lame,” Tristan protested.

  “No, they weren’t. When you remembered to buy me something and didn’t just spring for an extravagant meal instead.”

  Instead of arguing, all three fell silent. And it didn’t take a genius to discern that their thoughts were probably running in similar circles.

  “Maybe we finally figured out we couldn’t keep dicking around forever. Ever think of that?” Matt asked, sitting up next to her. He grabbed the box of earrings and held it out. “Put them on. Please.”

  Please from Matt was a plea of the highest order. She couldn’t say no.


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