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Unwrapped: a MMF Holiday Romance

Page 22

by Taryn Quinn

  He’d come twice. Two ball-bustingly hard, incredibly intense times. How the hell was he supposed to perform his role in any bargains when he’d already been shoved so close to the limits of his endurance?

  But when Matt pushed him down on the chair by the fireplace and the moans started, Tristan’s flagging hard-on jumped right back up to say hello.

  “If you kill me,” Tristan warned, “you’ll need a new plaything. So you might want to pace yourselves.”

  “Oh, oops, sorry. We just turned on a movie.” Caity’s voice sounded especially girlish and especially sexy. “Want us to turn it off?”

  Hearing his own groans on-screen, Tristan gritted his teeth and shook his head. The freaking porno. He’d forgotten all about it over the past couple of weeks. Listening to it now, he had no clue how.

  “Ever gonna let me see it? Since I never have.”

  “Guess we can allow that, right, Matt?” Caity undid Tristan’s blindfold and gestured to the flat wide-screen TV on the opposite wall. “Enjoy.”

  Tris could’ve, would’ve, if she hadn’t paraded in front of the chair wearing just a tiny scrap of panties and lacy bra that barely contained her small breasts. She strolled over to the couch and sidled on top of Matt, who wasted no time in sliding his hand between her legs. With one flick of his long fingers, she arched and clung to his neck, putting her breasts at the level of his mouth. Matt sucked on her nipple as he fingered her, his free hand massaging her exposed ass.

  She’d just had to wear a thong.

  Tristan shifted uncomfortably on his chair. Why had he asked to lose the blindfold again? Between the sex on the screen and the sex on the couch, his cock hurt. Actually hurt. He was still a young guy, but come on. How much could he take?

  The moans rose on the movie as he watched himself enter Matt’s ass. His balls gave a warning throb. Damn, that was hot. He shifted forward when movie Tristan grabbed a handful of Caity’s hair and dragged her face to his.

  The kiss seemed to last forever. Lips brushed, eyes closed on breathy sighs. While he ate at her mouth, she cradled his jaw. She smiled as she pulled back, her vulnerability and love shining for anyone to see.

  For him to see.

  Tristan’s heart kicked. How, how could he have seen that smile and wondered how she really felt? Her emotions were written in every line of her face.

  Through Caity’s orgasm, then Matt’s spectacular explosion in her mouth, followed by his own amazing finish, Tristan’s muscles tensed in anticipation. His dick throbbed. But when the three of them cuddled together on-screen and he glimpsed the look Matt gave him as Caity settled between them, his breath quickened all over again. When Matt’s hand wandered over her soft belly to clutch his and their fingers tangled, his pulse sped up with another kind of anticipation altogether.

  He’d been blind, entirely. Looking for words and over-the-top gestures when they’d offered him their hearts all along. And it didn’t take a kidnapping and a bazillion SUV blowjobs for them to prove it.

  All he needed was them. Just them. Not trying to be sexy and rev his motor, not putting on a show worthy of a backroom sex shop. He needed to hold them and love them just as they’d given him their love in a million little ways he doubted they even realized.

  Tristan swallowed over the boulder that had formed in his throat and glanced at the couch, only to find the action had stopped.

  They stared at him, then at each other.

  “What’s wrong?” Caity murmured, rising. She threw a worried glance at Matt, who looked just as concerned. “Did we screw up somehow?”

  Tristan nodded and did his best to look grave. “Yes.” It took every ounce of his acting ability not to give away the truth. “Time to untie me.”

  She hurried to comply, which made a smirk twitch onto his lips. He glanced at Matt, hoping he hadn’t seen it. But Matt wasn’t looking at him. He gazed off into the distance, his jaw locked tight.

  “We need to talk,” Tristan began, well aware that he wouldn’t be able to continue this charade for long. “Let’s go in the bedroom.”

  If either of them thought that was an odd request, they didn’t argue.

  A couple of moments later, Caity and Matt sat on opposite sides of the bed near the headboard. Tristan didn’t sit.

  “We know you’ve been upset for a while,” Caity said, intertwining her fingers, then immediately pulling them apart.

  “And we should’ve said something. Letting you deal with your folks alone isn’t what any of us signed up for.”

  “But we were waiting for you to come to us.”

  “Why?” Tristan asked, though he hated to interrupt their fascinating back-and-forth conversation. Somehow he’d missed just how connected they were, like he’d missed so much else. Instead of that making him jealous, he took pride in their closeness. They were a unit, just as he had his own link to each of them.

  Somehow they’d built a strong foundation for this crazy thing they’d embarked on, even without knowing they were doing it.

  Matt frowned. “Because that’s what you do.”

  “Not always. I remember a time when you approached me,” Tristan said, easing a hip on the bed. “Remember?”

  “Of course I remember,” Matt said, looking adorably embarrassed. In spite of himself, Tristan grinned. He’d never seen Matt on the verge of a blush before.

  “Red looks good on you, bro.”

  “Shut up, asshat.”

  Caity glanced between them, still doing that finger thing. She didn’t say anything.

  “And you,” Tristan continued, glancing at her. “You approached me too, that morning when I found your mug broken on the floor. I’m guessing you dropped it because you suddenly got really busy on the table.” At her equally embarrassed face, his grin widened. “You forget I know his moves quite well myself.”

  “What’s your point?” Matt asked.

  “The point is I don’t need to be kidnapped or tied up or teased. It won’t make me forget that we didn’t bounce off into the sunset after we announced our relationship. Nothing worth having is easy to get, and getting here with the two of you sure wasn’t.” He reached out to stroke Caity’s ankle. “As much as I liked your setup tonight—and hell, I hope we do it again—it’s not what I need right now.”

  “What do you need?” she murmured.

  Tris lifted his gaze and encompassed them both. “Just us. No games. No ropes, no movies, no toys. I just want the two of you.”

  Before they could answer, he rose and undid the buttons of his shirt. He shed it slowly, noting the way the blue of Caity’s irises deepened and Matt fisted the sheet at his hip. His shoes and belt came next, followed by his trousers. As usual, he didn’t wear underwear, which revealed his aching hard-on that much more quickly. The blast of cool air against his stiff flesh nearly made him moan.

  He moved toward Matt. “Let me,” he said when his friend’s hand went to his fly.

  Matt’s throat jerked, and he nodded. “Go for it.”

  Matt wore his usual outfit of faded, ripped jeans and two shirts, this time a thermal beneath a T-shirt that said GEEKS DO IT SMARTER.

  This one definitely did.

  Tris tugged the shirts over Matt’s head one at a time, pausing long enough to stroke his firm chest. The first couple of times he whisked his fingertips over Matt’s pecs, his friend didn’t react. When he drew his hand lower toward his waistband, Matt let out a soft groan, his glittering eyes meeting Tristan’s. Knowing what it took for Matt to stay still under Tristan’s ministrations made Tristan that much harder and hotter. Matt hated being vulnerable, even as he sought ways to put himself at Tristan’s mercy.

  To reward him, Tristan took his time, caressing his skin with every movement. Skin that heated and burned his palm.

  “Do you have any idea,” Matt said through gritted teeth, “how much I want to crack a joke right now?”

  Because he did know, Tristan didn’t speak. He flipped open the button and yanked down Matt’s zippe
r over the noticeable bulge beneath. Together they worked off his jeans and boxers and tossed them aside. Matt’s erection lay flat against his stomach, the plump head already damp with arousal. As much as Tristan wanted to feel him in his mouth, taste the flavor of him letting go, he had someone else to undress.

  Tristan walked around to Caity’s side of the bed, unable to resist running his hand down her shiny blonde hair. She whimpered as he drew his fingers down the strap of her bra, then went to work on the clasp. Her breasts sprang free, as tempting as Matt’s thick cock, but he only grazed her yearning flesh with his thumbs before continuing downward to her thong. Only then did he realize it was see-through, baring her shaved sex.

  He shot her a speculative glance. “Do you like it like this?”

  She lifted a shoulder as he tangled his fingers in the strings at her hips. “I did it for you guys.”

  “Do it for you,” he said, dropping a kiss on her forehead before he pulled her panties down her legs and threw them over his shoulder. “We love you any way you want to be.”

  Her smile careened through him and left him light-headed all over again. “Smooth talker.”

  “Mmm. Smooth is the name of the game tonight,” he said, bending her knees toward her chest. He gave her one thorough lick, paying special attention to her swollen lips, her stunned moans pushing him to dart his tongue inside.

  “You still taste like a ripe peach. So juicy.”

  Much as it pained him to leave her, he moved across the bed to lie between Matt’s legs. One wet slide of Tristan’s mouth was all it took to have his friend shuddering. Tris nuzzled Matt’s sac, tonguing it with the pressure he knew Matt preferred.

  Continuing his carnal torment, Tristan took one of his balls between his lips and pulled lightly before giving the other the same treatment. He could smell Matt’s excitement, and the dark, heady aroma made Tris’s head swim. He reached up to stroke Matt’s massive erection, following the path of his hand with his mouth. When he reached the tip, he started to suck, his focus drawn inexorably to Matt’s face.

  Matt clenched the sheets and tipped back his head, his dark lashes fluttering against his cheeks. His lack of commentary had to be some kind of record. But he didn’t stay silent. His breath whistled between his teeth, and he grunted with every lap and suck.

  After another moment, Tristan returned to Caity, and this time he lingered. He bathed her in wetness, trickling more over her clit so her shiny pearl stood out for him to lick. Her hips flew upward and her legs closed, capturing him in his sweet, wet prison.

  Slipping lower, he jabbed his tongue into her slit. Warm liquid met his thrusts, slickening his mouth. He opened her up again, pressing his face fully into her hungry pussy. She was so frigging hot.

  So his. So theirs.

  Though he ached to go faster, he fucked her slowly with his tongue. So slowly she could only gasp.

  She grabbed his head. “God, I’m—”

  When she broke off, he glanced up. Matt had his hands full of her breasts, and he was attacking her mouth in a mimic of Tristan’s shallow strokes.

  Tristan smiled and resumed his task. Finally. They weren’t instructing each other or playing games, as fun as they could be. They were just responding to each other. Just enjoying.

  Then their mutual enjoyment went to a whole new level.

  As if they’d coordinated it perfectly, his two lovers advanced on Tris together and pushed him onto his back on the mattress. Caity undulated her body against his, rubbing, grinding. She pressed her breasts to his chest and kissed him with unrestrained passion while firm lips and strong suction worked his cock.

  Caity’s head fell back when Matt parted her swollen folds, gathering her juice. A moment later a slick finger probed Tristan’s hole, an invasion he welcomed. Another finger joined in, and Tris gripped Caity’s arms harder than he meant to.

  Her eager cry soothed him. He didn’t want to hurt her, but God, Matt knew just how to finger fuck him, flexing and pumping, bearing down with his knuckles and his mouth in tandem.

  Tris closed his eyes and gave in to the pleasure, only to feel another warm, wet pair of lips join the intimate torture. She didn’t suck him, didn’t even lick his cock. She kissed his stomach, his hips, his inner thighs. Butterfly kisses meant to prod his lust without any hope of satisfying it. His back arched when her attention moved to the underside of his erection while Matt sank deeper than before.

  So damn deep Tris groaned.

  Their sensual teasing went on for a while, so long that Tris’s legs tensed and locked and his skin dampened. Fingers and mouths and tongues explored him, provoking laughter and sobbing groans in equal measure. Not all were his, when he could get a hold of a handful of water-pale breasts or rock-hard flesh.

  Without knowing quite how it happened, Tris ended up reclining against the pillows with Caity in his arms and Matt crowding close to his back, his friend’s erection impossibly rigid against his ass. Despite the heavy pants filling the room, the pace changed drastically. Matt nuzzled his neck while Tristan did the same to Caity, enjoying every shuddery breath she took.

  Heat rolled over him, blanketing him. His mind emptied of everything but this. But them, together. Finally. At last.

  Caity leaned over him to grab hold of Matt’s jaw and speared her tongue into his mouth, giving Tristan the most up-close look at a kiss he’d ever experienced. The slip and slide of their lips, the clench of her fingers as she dragged him closer. So hot. He needed to get inside of Caity, needed to feel Matt there too. Needed them so much.

  Tristan shifted and pinned Matt beneath him, rubbing his cock against his best friend, absorbing the groans that accompanied each rough brush of flesh. Tris fisted Matt’s length and jerked it hard as his gaze sought Caity where she sprawled beside them, watching avidly.

  “You want in on this?” Tris asked, his voice low.

  She didn’t have to be asked twice.

  She crawled forward, and they readjusted positions until she was poised over Matt’s straining length and Tristan had her firmly in hand—both hands, on her warm, aroused breasts. Sharp nipples grazed his palms, and her heart throbbed when he reluctantly let one go to drag her back against him.

  “Scared?” he questioned as a tremor went through her.

  That edge of fear shouldn’t turn him on, but it did. Knowing they would be indoctrinating her into something that would make her theirs, that proved she was, ratcheted up his desire.

  There could be no coming back from tonight. From what the three of them did in this bed, or what they felt. Finally they would own her body just as she owned their hearts.

  As they owned each other’s.

  “Of you?” She tossed him a glance over her shoulder, a challenging light burning in her eyes. “No damn way. I want you.” She grabbed the condoms that Matt held out. “And you,” she added to Matt, dropping one on his belly while she tore the wrapper of the other. “And I want this.”

  Matt reached up to tweak her nipple. “Mmm, can’t wait to suck these while you’re riding me. While he’s riding you.”

  Tristan grabbed her jaw and tugged her face around so he could draw her lower lip between his teeth. “You like that idea?” He touched her slit, and she moaned. “You ready for us, baby?”

  Before she could answer, Matt yanked open the nightstand drawer and grabbed the lube. “Not yet, she’s not,” he said, suiting up in record time before he squirted some lube on his fingers and slipped them between her legs.

  “What’re you doing?” she demanded.

  “Trust me. Slip and slides are fun.” He let out a long breath. “Though you’re doing pretty good already, aren’t you?”

  “But too much lubrication loses friction,” she began, breaking off as they both grinned at her. “What?”

  “You read up on it, didn’t you?” Matt asked, shaking his head. “Only you. And seriously, we know what we’re doing.” She gasped at something Matt did with his fingers, though Tristan couldn’t see exact
ly what. “Got it?”

  “Got it.”

  Matt tossed the tube to Tristan, who caught it and the condom she passed him. He sheathed himself and drizzled on the lube. Holy shit. He gritted his teeth and carefully smeared it over his erection. Their extended foreplay had definitely stoked the flames of his arousal. He didn’t have a lot of control left, and the main event hadn’t even started yet.

  As if to speed him up, Matt pulled her forward and spread her open with his hands on her ass. Seeing her wide-open like that did crazy things to Tristan’s gut, but he did his best not to shoot his load before he’d even gotten inside her. All the way inside.

  “Go slow,” she told Tristan, her words muffled by Matt’s chest.

  “I’m not going at all yet.” As his lubed finger gently penetrated Cait’s puckered hole, she hissed. “Now I am,” he added, grinning.

  “Okay, but just make sure to—”

  “Here,” Matt said, snatching a pillow. “Bite on this and shush.”

  “Don’t push that in my face.” Indignation rang in her tone, but Matt only laughed and tickled her ribs.

  “Wanna wrestle, Caity Bait?” Matt questioned, grabbing her wrists. Her laughter increased, ending on a whimper as her relaxed muscles allowed Tristan’s finger to go that much deeper. For a moment, she stilled. Then Tris inserted a second finger and moved them in slow, tight circles, encouraged by her long moan.

  “How’s that? Feel good?” Matt asked, stroking her hair as she turned into a live wire in his arms.

  She lifted her hips while she pressed her face into the crook between Matt’s neck and shoulder. “Mmm. So good,” she whispered.

  She didn’t admonish them anymore.

  Matt tipped her face up and kissed her, exploring her lips with such slow, erotic thoroughness that Tristan lost the thread of his finger strokes and sped up, probing her harder than he meant to. Not that she seemed to mind. She bucked against him, opening up while Matt fucked her mouth with his tongue. Matt’s free hand swept down her back to her hip, pulling it up so he could bury himself inside her in one seamless stroke. She arched into his thrusts, inadvertently pushing Tristan’s flexed fingers farther every time.


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