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Mountain Man Guardian (Alpha Agency Protectors Book 1)

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by Scarlett Winters

  I’m cut off by the feel of warm hands on my shoulders. His—Tyler’s, his name is Tyler—hands seem to encompass my entire upper arms. I wonder if his fingers would meet if he wrapped those hands around my waist.

  “I need you to calm down for me, tell me exactly what happened. Can you do that?”

  I nod, feeling tears well in my eyes again. This time, they’re tears of relief. He believes me, he’s going to help me. He’s calm, he’s listening to me. I feel safe for the first time in hours.

  I feel like I’ve been rescued.

  “Alright,” I whisper and take a deep breath. “But can we sit down first?”

  “Of course,” he takes his hands off my shoulders and I instantly miss their reassuring heat and weight. With a grace that belies his size, he bends down to scoop up an ax. He must’ve dropped it when he came to help me. I should probably be nervous. After all, I don’t know where I am, with a stranger, who is carrying a heavy object. Instead, I feel strangely protected, especially when Tyler place his hand on the small of my back to lead me through the woods.

  We’re about to step through the woods when I remember. “Wait, my camera!”

  “You’ve got pictures of a crime?” Tyler asks. “How close were you?” He follows me as I scurry back to my car.

  “It was at the pump next to me,” I tell him. “I just crouched down and stuck my camera up against the window.” I crawl back out of the car, camera in hand to find him staring at me. Do I look like a crazy person or something?

  “I just realized,” he says as he leads me through the woods again. As we break through the tree line, I see a picturesque log cabin. “I didn’t ask you your name.”

  “I’m Carissa.”

  “Not to seem rude, but how in the hell did you end up in my neck of the woods?” He asks and I think I catch a bit of a wry smile in the corner of his mouth as gestures to a log for me to sit on. Did he just crack a joke? No, he can’t have.

  “Well, I’m on vacation and I was going to…”

  I tell him my story, hyper aware of his gaze on me the whole time. He doesn’t interrupt, just nods encouragingly when I trail off or get choked up. The more I think about what happened, the more upset I am. I’m really glad that he’s sitting next to me- the heat radiating off his body is soothing.

  I finish telling him what happened. I then turn on my camera and start tabbing through to find the pictures I took when he speaks up.

  “Are you alright?”


  “Carissa, you didn’t get hurt did you?” I really like the way he says my name.

  “Oh no, I’m fine. I’m… I’m still really upset, honestly? But I didn’t get hurt. I’m so scared for that poor girl though.” If I’m scared, she must be petrified.

  Tyler huffs, and I look up to see him shaking his head. “You are something else.” He says it fondly. “Do you know how close you were to being taken too? That could’ve been you!”

  In fact, I hadn’t thought of that at all. “But I wasn’t! And I saw it, so I can help that girl!” Before I can stop it, I start crying again. My face must be all red and splotchy by now. I can’t help but be a bit embarrassed; I must look a mess!

  “Hey, none of that,” he says and rubs a thumb across my cheek. Even after my cheeks are clear of tears, he keeps his palm cupped against my face. His mere touch is enough to calm me down. He’s so close that I can see the drying sweat on his upper lip. It’s so tempting… I want to lean forward and kiss him.

  He starts talking again. “Let me make some calls, okay? I have some… friends that should be able to help.” Seeing my doubtful expression, he continues. “They’re not with the local police force, they’ll help.”

  I nod. I trust his judgement.

  “Are you alright out here while I go in and call?” Tyler asks as he stands up.

  “Oh yeah, I’ll just hang out with Sparks, was it? Is that your name? Yes it is!” His dog sits up when he hears his name and rests his chin on my knee.

  Tyler chuckles and turns to walk into his cabin. I watch him leave, grateful for the view it gives me of his broad back, but I find myself hoping he comes back soon. I want to be close to him again.

  Chapter 4


  Before I call my buddy Jason and let him know what’s going on, I brace myself on a chair and take a minute to breathe. This was not how I expected the day to go. This isn’t how Carissa’s day was supposed to go!

  That girl doesn’t deserve any of this. When I saw her tear-stained face, those honeyed eyes—all I wanted to do was comfort her. I didn’t think she’d take well to a stranger wrapping their arms around her, so I tried to go easy, ask her what happened. Damn, am I glad I did. The thought of someone else finding her up here… the thought scares me. Not that there is anyone else up here, just me and Sparks, but still. She’s a gorgeous girl, petite and fair-skinned—she radiates innocence. The more I spoke to her, the more I watched her, the more I wanted to find out just how innocent she truly is.

  I shake it off and head to the trunk that holds my sat phone, guns, and other tools of the trade. As much as I wanted to leave the guns behind, it made my buddies feel better to know that I had something up here. I fire up the sat phone and contact Jason.

  “Hey man, what’s going on?” Despite myself, I smile when I hear his voice. The man knows I wouldn’t be calling just to chat. While I parted with my former team on good terms, they all know that I’m done with that life.

  “Yeah, I got a bit of a situation I want to update you on. I met this girl, she was witness to a kidnapping? Says it was at least three men, grabbed a teenager from a gas station parking lot. Local cops didn’t care, she got the feeling they might be in on it.”

  “Jesus,” Jason swears. “The witness okay?”

  “Yeah, I got her here with me. She’s a bit shook up but damn, she’s strong. She got pictures.”

  Silence. “You’re joking.”

  “Wish I was.”

  “Okay, I’ll pass it along. Someone might have to fly out, get some more information. You need anything else?” Jason asks.

  “No, I’m fine. Take care, man.”

  “Will do. I’ll be in touch.”

  I hang up the sat phone and sigh. I wander to the window and look out, seeing Carissa playing around with Sparks. She’s found a branch and is tossing it for the large mutt. The dog’s bounding happily around, looking pleased with himself. As he plays, Carissa throws her head back and laughs, long hair dancing in the setting sun.

  God, she’s gorgeous!

  I can’t believe how I acted around her earlier.

  I should’ve asked for her name earlier, insisted that she tell me what was going on. But I’ve got to admit it, even if just to myself: I was distracted by her. Again, I’ve got to be losing my skill.

  I don’t think she realizes how enticing she really is. When she stretched into her car to grab her camera, I couldn’t help but steal a glance at her ass. Clad as she is in a sweater and leggings, it’s easy to see the slender shape of her. She’s so petite, it just makes me want to protect her more. She seems like she can take care of herself, but there’s this air of goodness about her.

  She just witnessed one of the horrors of the world and is now playing with my dog and smiling. She looks so right here.

  The thought startles me. I’ve never let myself get too close anyone, especially women I’m attracted to. I’ll have sex with them but relationships? Too risky. But just looking at Carissa, I can imagine a future with her. I want her to stay here, with me.

  I’ve hardly been inside for twenty minutes and I already miss her, so I head back outside.

  Her laughter peals through the air and I smile.

  “Hey,” I call out, not wanting to startle her. “It’s taken care of.”

  “Really?” She looks up at me with so much hope on that beautiful face of hers. “Your friends, they’ll help?”

  “Yeah,” I bend down to grab the stick from Sparks an
d throw it. “I uh, used to work for the government so they know all about this type of thing. Someone may need to come out and take your statement, that type of thing.”

  “Okay, that makes sense. You were military?”

  How to answer that? “Something like that.”

  I don’t want to lie to her, but Carissa is so good… I can’t tell her I was CIA, much less special ops. If I tell her I’m ex-CIA, there’s no way that she’ll buy me as a pencil pusher. I may not work in the field any longer, but living all the way up here, practically in the middle of nowhere means I’m still in the shape that I was in when I was as an agent, if not better.

  I quickly change the subject. “So, you’re getting along with Sparks here?”

  “Yeah, he’s great, a total sweetheart!”

  I can’t help but laugh at that. Sparks, a sweetheart? The dog’s head comes up to her stomach and I’m pretty sure they weigh about the same. While I enjoy his company, I originally got him for back up.

  “What? He is!” She protests. “I mean sure, he looks all big and scary but he’s gentle. You can see it in his eyes.”

  “Okay,” I laugh, “I’ll have to take your word for it.”

  “Well you should,” she pouts a bit. Without thinking, I reach out and thumb her full bottom lip. She stares up at me with wide, trusting eyes and opens her mouth a bit under the pressure. Blood rushes to my dick at the thought of sliding my fingers into her mouth and letting her suck at them.

  But instead, I clear my throat and pull back. I must be imagining the look of disappointment on her face.

  “Can I make you dinner? It’s getting late, you must be hungry.” I ask.

  “Oh!” Carissa exclaims. “I’d like that.”

  Chapter 5


  My heart is beating so hard that I’m sure Tyler can hear it.

  I really thought he was about to lean in and kiss me, but instead he pulled back.

  I felt more when he touched the pad of his thumb to my lip than I ever felt when the few dates I had in high school kissed me. It was always just so… boring. I never felt what other girls described: The fireworks, the full body shivers, the heat. The skin of his thumb was rough and the sensation of it rasping against my lip certainly made me feel all of it though. Makes me wonder what his hands would feel like on the rest of my skin.

  Damn it! I really want to kiss him. He’s so handsome, in such a natural, manly way. His muscles have muscles but the way his sandy hair flops across his forehead gives him a boyish quality. I see it even more when he laughs.

  He’s not laughing now. No, he’s glancing at me with such an intensity that it almost makes me nervous. I start talking to fill the loaded silence as he chops up vegetables.

  “So you live up here all by yourself?”

  “Ah, yeah. It’s just me and Sparks,” he answers. A pause and then: “Is soup okay with you?”

  “That sounds good.”

  As he works in the corner of the cabin that passes for a kitchen, I wander around, content to explore. The inside of the cabin looks like it should be a display in a museum, but it still has modern touches in the cookware and scarce decorations. It’s one large room, with corners designated for the kitchen, a bed, a storage area, and a curtained off space that I’m assuming is a wash area. When I asked if there was a bathroom early, he showed me to an outhouse which… wasn’t as off-putting as I had expected. As I fiddle with a jar, I start talking without really thinking about it. “Why?”

  “Why what?”

  “Why do you live up here all by yourself? What about friends… family?” I hope he doesn’t realize that this is my roundabout way of asking if he has a wife or girlfriend somewhere. Tyler doesn’t seem like the type to come up to a cabin for the weekend and return to the suburbs and a nine-to-five job during the week. No, he seems like he was made to be here, that he’s always lived here among the big sky and the trees.

  I watch as he sets down the spoon he used to stir the soup and turns around to lean his back against the counter. When he crosses his arms, his biceps ripple under the sleeves of his shirt. “I… well, you could say that I went through some shit. And when it was over, I wanted to get away from everything that reminded me of it. I always enjoyed nature and I’ve been taking care of myself for years, so living up here seemed like the right step.”

  “You don’t get lonely?” I ask.

  He takes his time answering. “Sometimes.” His low murmur makes me shiver.

  “Here, are you cold?” Before I can tell him that I’m fine, Tyler’s stepped out of the kitchen and over to the bed, grabbing a quilt. I watch from under my eyelashes as he approaches. I’m confused for a moment when he doesn’t hand me the blanket but quite glad when I realize that he plans to wrap it around my shoulders. As he does, I slowly turn to face him.

  Tyler lets his hands trail around me, resting lightly against my back. “I’m warmer now,” I whisper.

  “That’s good,” he whispers back and I feel him step closer.

  He leans down and I close my eyes at the sensation of his breath against my cheek. I really hope he kisses me this time, I’ve been thinking about him kissing me for what feels like hours now.

  This time, he does.

  His lips are firm and sure against mine. For a moment, I don’t respond- I’m just so surprised, but in the best way.

  I feel him start to pull away, probably at my lack of response, so I decide to just dive in. I fling my arms around his broad shoulders, letting the blanket fall to the ground as I relax my mouth against his.

  I think I feel him smile before he slips his tongue into my mouth. He tastes salty. Cautiously, I run my hands from his shoulders down his back. In response, his hands drift to my waist. I was right earlier—his hands are large enough to wrap almost all the way around me.

  Normally, I’d be uncomfortable with the size difference between us, but when his hands keep drifting down from my waist to my butt I realize the benefits of it. He could easily pick me up. The thought of him doing so sends a thrill through me.

  I gasp for breath when he tears his mouth from mine. He seems like he’s about to say something but stops himself. Instead, he presses closer and sets his mouth against my neck. I stretch into the pressure, standing on my tiptoes.

  I’m airborne for a second as he lifts me and I automatically wrap my legs around him. It was like he read my mind, or somehow anticipated what I was thinking, what I wanted. It feels even better, more thrilling than I thought it would. In my new position, I can feel the hard length of him pressed against me. I’ve never done this before, but my curiosity hasn’t let me down yet. Cautiously, I grind myself down against him. While somewhat muted by the layers of clothing between us, it feels so good, so I do it again.

  When Tyler’s teeth graze my ear in retaliation I yelp and squirm against him. This time, when he laughs, it’s a rumble that sends vibrations through me. He noses against my temple, skims his lips across my cheekbone. “Carissa,” he whispers, “are you sure about this?”

  I don’t even have to think about my answer. “Yes, yes I’m sure!”

  “Really?” He’s trying to pull back to look at me, but I press closer. Tyler slips a hand into my hair and gives a gentle tug. I’m impressed—he’s holding me in one hand. “You need to be sure about this, because if we keep going the way we’re going… I’m not gonna stop.”

  Making eye contact with him, I pause. I want him to know that yes, I want this. I really, really do. So I tell him.

  “I’m sure,” struck by a sudden thought, I add “I trust you.”

  The words have barely left my lips before he’s kissing me again, carrying me back towards the bed in the corner. Before I know it, he’s gently tossed me back. I lay there for a moment and just stare up at him. Tyler’s looking at me with such an intense look of concentration on his face as he stands above me—I start trembling.

  “You have no idea the things I want to do to you,” he whispers as he sinks on
to the bed above me. His fingers dance to the hem of my sweater, slowly peeling it back to reveal my lace-covered breasts. Eyes locked on mine, he lowers his mouth until I can feel his breath on my nipples. I moan, I’ve never felt anything like this before.

  “Damn, you’re responsive.” Tyler continues to undress me, and soon I’m spread out on his bed in my lavender bra and panty set with him knelt between my spread knees. I can’t seem to stop shaking. I want to respond in kind, to touch him, run my hands across his broad shoulders—I want everything.

  Tyler leans forward again and rests his lips on my sternum. I sink my hands into his thick hair when he bites at my breast through the lace of my bra. The fabric is damp and clinging when he pulls it off to get at skin. The feel of his teeth on such sensitive skin is almost painful and I know I’ll have bruises—I’m looking forward to it, in fact. Just when I start feeling the heat really build, he pulls back. I can’t help but mewl in disappointment… at least until he starts kissing his way down my stomach. When he reaches the line of my panties Tyler pulls back and hooks his fingers in the waistband.

  Lifting my hips in silent permission for him to continue, the sensation of air against my bare core is new, it leaves me wanting more. I watch as he crumples my dampened panties in his hand and holds them to his face before tossing them over his shoulder. The look on his face is almost smug.

  I’m not expecting it when he runs a finger through my folds—I gasp, overwhelmed when he taps my clit with a knuckle. Seeking more of the unfamiliar pleasure, I buck against his hand and before I know it, he’s sinking one thick finger deep inside me.

  It burns, but only for a moment before he’s working his thumb over my clit in tandem with the finger inside me. As I start to keen, he hovers over me, whispering words of encouragement in my ear.

  When I come, it’s to the feeling of Tyler sinking another finger deep inside me and his voice in my ear, telling me how much he wants me.

  Chapter 6



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