Angels & Sinners: The Motor City Edition

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Angels & Sinners: The Motor City Edition Page 10

by Ashley Suzanne

  But who am I kidding, I might not even get to meet Charming.

  “Yeah I’m all right.” I sighed, sitting down in my chair, the cold metal not welcoming my behind at all.

  “Just yeah?” Bella joined me, crossing her legs as she fumbled with the straps of one of her high heels she chose to wear tonight. “Sammy, don’t worry about these other girls. Half of them are probably Damon Charming’s unwanted goods who are coming back for another shot at nailing him. You are gorgeous, and believe me, he will see you and immediately want to talk to you.” She sounded so confident and sure about that idea.

  I ran my hands through my long red hair and shook my head. “I sure hope you’re right. If not, there’s always good ol’ Bentley that’s back at home just waiting for me to take him back.” Bentley Vickers was my ex-boyfriend. We dated from our junior year of high school all the way through to our first year of college at the local university in Grand Rapids, until I caught him cheating on me with one of my former best friends, Ally. Ever since I confronted him about what I saw, he’s been pining after me, trying to win me back at whatever cost. I’ve turned him down each and every time.

  Bella rolled her eyes as we stood up to let a couple of guys walk down the row to get to their seats. “Please do not go back to him ever, Samantha Lyn. Once a cheater, always a cheater.”

  I started laughing. “Don’t worry.” My eyes trailing down to the guys that took their seats a few spots down from us to the left. “There is plenty of eye candy here to keep my mind occupied for tonight, well at least until Damon comes on stage, and then you might have to keep me from climbing up there.” Bella’s mouth dropped. “I’m only kidding. I really would never do that.”

  “If you say so sis.” Bella winked. There were two large screens that were suspended on each side of the stage, now playing a recent music video for one of my favorite songs by Ignite the Flames, Freakshow. Everyone, including me, started screaming bloody murder when the guitar riffs kicked in and Damon’s voice filled the noisy arena.

  I could get lost in this man’s fucking voice.

  I grabbed Bella’s hand and we stood up, immediately dancing along with the others around us, while the guys sang along and drank their cups of whatever they were filled with. During the chorus I started letting loose, shaking my ass a little bit, not paying a bit of attention as to who was watching me.

  Near the end of the song, I heard a loud cough... Thinking it was a security guard behind the railing protecting the stage, I didn’t pay any attention, but then I heard a familiar voice. “Holy fuck you can dance.”

  I immediately stopped dead where I was standing, my hair a mess from whipping it in every which direction, and blinked a couple of times. I started feeling lightheaded all of a sudden, feeling like I was going to pass out.

  Damon Charming, in the flesh, not even ten feet away from me. Maybe like five. I moved the stray hands of hair out of my face so I could take a better look at the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen in music. Correction: anywhere. He was even nicer looking in person than I imagined. His blond hair was not quite as long as I’ve seen it before. I noticed some strands peeking out from under a navy Detroit Tigers cap. His silver eyes were boring a whole through me. His hands stayed in his pockets as he rocked back and forth. I glanced around again, thinking maybe he was just eyeing me up when really he meant someone else, but then he yelled again “I’m talking to you red.”

  I took a few steps closer to the railing, where he stood directly on the opposite side. Cocking my head to the side I said “You like watching girls dance to your songs on those huge ass screens?”

  He smirked, removing his hands from his pockets and now crossing his arms in front of his muscular chest. I could see the muscles, hard and rigid, from under his matching Tigers t-shirt. I wanted to touch them, run my hands along them, just once. Just to say I did. Damn, now I sounded cheesy.

  “Just you.” He pointed to my outfit. “And your ass looks fucking perfect in that leather skirt by the way.”

  Wow, first he’s complimenting me on my dancing, and now talking about my ass? I couldn’t get too excited, he’s probably said that to a million other girls, but at that very second I didn’t give a shit.

  “Surprised no one’s noticed you standing here yet." I gestured towards the crowd. “These girls dress up in next to nothing just to get your attention.”

  There was the million dollar smile. Damon’s lips outstretched into a smile, pearly whites on full display. He shrugged and leaned closer to me so he could whisper. “I conceal myself pretty well when I need to darling. I only have eyes for you and you didn’t even have to dance to get my attention.”

  “Do you say that to all of the girls you come across?” I questioned him, my eyes narrowing on his full lips. I wanted to kiss him, he was close enough to where I could just tug on his shirt and the only thing standing in our way would be the damn guard railing.

  “Sometimes. But tonight I’m only talking to you.” He replied with a cockiness to his voice. He outstretched his hand and said “Damon Charming by the way, in case you didn’t know.”

  I snorted. “Obviously I knew or else I would still be shaking my ass back there with the rest of those people.” I took his hand with a welcomed pleasure, our fingers linking, which sent sparks of fire through my body. For a split second I forgot my own name. “Samantha Woods. But my sister back there calls me Sammy.”

  Damon licked his lips, making it apparent he didn’t want to let go of the hand he had a hold of. “Nice. I think I’ll call you red. At least for now.” His other hand fingered a couple of strands of my hair.

  “Call me that again and I’ll yell for security.” I joked, sadly pulling my hand away, smoothing out my skirt.

  “I’d love to hear you yell for them. They’re my close buddies. But you yelling anything would turn me the hell on . . . ”

  My face flushed. Who was he to talk to me this way? But I reminded myself, this was Damon Charming for fuck’s sake. He is in the flesh, standing merely inches from me now, talking to me, and possibly flirting with me. No harm in that. There was something about him right now that caused my panties to dampen . . . it must’ve been the hat.

  Yeah I’ll blame that.

  “Then I’ll keep my mouth shut.” I snapped, pretending to zip my mouth shut. Spinning around on my heels to go back to Bella, Damon’s hand grasped my bare arm.

  “Wait.” Damon said loudly enough to get my attention, and I spun my head around.

  “What? I thought you had a show to get ready for, being that you are the headliner you know . . . ”

  “Fuck that. I’ve got time to kill and I need to say something to the most beautiful girl in this place.” Damon looked dead serious as we locked eyes again. Forget damp, I could’ve had an orgasm just from the way he looked at me. His hand sent electricity through me the moment he touched me to stop me from walking. “Now that I have your attention, right after our set, I mean as the band is playing their last song, I want you backstage in that dressing room. We are going to have some fun tonight and I want to get to know you.”

  I stood motionless. He was like a drill sergeant giving me my commands. Backstage with Damon? If there was a bunch of people around that wouldn’t be so bad, but then again, I don’t know what happens backstage at concerts or have ever experienced it. I was over the top excited because I was just asked by ‘The’ Damon Charming to hang out in his band’ dressing room. How could I turn that down?

  I softened my expression and smiled brightly at him, slowly licking my lips. “I’ll be there.” I replied, and he let go of my arm, taking a few steps backwards with a cheesy grin on his face. The music shifted from another ITF tune to Buckcherry’s “Crazy B**ch” and I watched him chuckle.

  “That’s my cue.” He gestured towards backstage, where a few members of security were already waiting for him. “I’ll be watching for you later red.”

  I shook my head. I knew he wasn’t going to stop calling me that any
time soon so I might as well get used to it. “Sounds good.” Was all I could think of to say, lifting my hand up to wave while as he was escorted backstage by security.

  Still in a daze, I sit down to regain my composure while my sister and the guy next to her are singing the well-known Buckcherry song, sharing a cup of beer. The encounter to anyone else might not have meant much, but to me . . . someone who has been crazy about Damon Charming for years? I felt as if I was on cloud nine.

  Now I really couldn’t wait for them to get on stage.


  “You lucky bitch; do you realize he only had eyes for you?”

  As if I didn’t know already. “Yes Bella, I noticed that. And among a few other things . . . ” I taunted my sister as we watched the second band, Don’t Remember Me, perform their set. My mind was still reeling over my conversation with him, and my stomach was filled with butterflies. Never have I ever got butterflies for any other guy, besides my ex-boyfriend, but that was in high school when things between us were great.

  “Ooooo you’re totally going to have sex with him, I can see that look in your eye . . . ” Bella teased me, playfully slapping my bare shoulder. I raised an eyebrow at her and she started laughing. “What? I know that look sis. Was he as gorgeous up close and personal as he is in their music videos?”

  Words couldn’t do justice.

  “Obviously Bella. Did you see how fucking hot he looked with that hat on? You could see his hair underneath it and don’t get me started on his muscles . . . ”

  Bella leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms in amusement. “Oh believe me this is amusing to listen to. I heard a couple of girls asking around if that was Damon or not. I just turned back and said my sister dated one of the roadies. That shut them up.”

  I couldn’t help but giggle. “Thanks. I would’ve had a thousand girls climbing over me to get to him if they knew.” Stretching my arms over my head, I said nonchalantly, “The best part is he invited me backstage.”

  Bella shrieked. “Seriously? That’s pretty fucking huge Sammy. Like mother fucking epic right now. I’d be in the bathroom spritzing up, spraying my hair, showing off some more of those boobs you have, and he’ll be all over you the minute he’s off stage.”

  Another thought hit my mind, just as the band launched into what appeared to be their last song. “Do you think he’ll freak out if he finds out I’m only 19?” I asked in all seriousness. He was, the last time I checked, about 24, so a five year difference to a rock star might be a huge deal. But why was I even worrying . . . this was just going to be a one-time thing of me hanging out backstage with Damon Charming, and I never see him again after kind of situation. Age didn’t really matter at that point. Once Don’t Remember Me moved all of their equipment off stage, I stood up to go to the bathroom and to get something to drink before The Brittle Souls, another Michigan band, took the stage.

  “I’ll be right back,” I said to Bella, maneuvering my way through the crazy, chaotic crowd, only to stand in the long ass line for the bathroom waiting for me up stairs. After relieving myself, I was washing my hands when another group of girls walked beside me to wash their hands and primp up their hair.

  “So I heard the party in their dressing room is going to be pretty amazing.” The bleach blond girl said to what looked like her twin, only she had a horrible fake tan. They were dressed in silver leggings with holes all over them and white halter tops that showed their colorful bras underneath. ‘Whores’ I wanted to shout to them, but ‘desperate’ sounded more accurate.

  “Mmmm. Just wait until I get my hands on Charming. I’ve heard how amazing he is in bed, and I wouldn’t care if I was just another notch on that bed post of his,” the other blond remarked, and I nearly snorted in response. I ignored them as best as I could, taking out a small can of hairspray I carried in my purse, spraying my hair down one last time in attempt to control all the strands. I reapplied a coat of lip-gloss and gave both girls a small nod before walking out of the bathroom to get my soda.

  As I reached for my money, I heard my phone vibrating near my hand. I grabbed the money and handed it to the arena employee, who handed me the drink. With my other hand, I got my phone, and had a missed text from Bella.

  Hurry back sis. Your man is in perfect view from here.

  I wrinkled my eyebrows. What was she talking about?

  What do you mean? He’s not on stage yet right? I texted back.

  No silly. He’s standing on the side though some of the other members of ITF. Better get your ass moving.

  Damn you’re mean to me sometimes. I’m heading back now. I responded.

  I walked as fast as my short heels would take me, tripping on the stairs a few times on my way back down to the floor. The Brittle Souls looked like they were just starting to perform and I didn’t want to miss their set either. I got closer and closer and paid attention to their lead singer. He had red hair almost identical to mine, but cut and styled like a faux hawk. He had tattoos covering both of his arms as he commanded the stage and I focused on glancing past him to see if I could catch wind of Damon.

  Making it back to Bella, she screamed and pointed towards the corner of the stage, our left. “He’s back there, but damn he looks delicious.”

  Squinting my eyes and stood on my tip toes as best as I could, but I couldn’t find him. “I don’t see him.” I shook my head in discouragement. “You sure it was him?”

  Bella switched spots with me, and I leaned a little bit further over, and sure as shit, there he was looking completely different than earlier. His hair, which was concealed earlier, looked like it was almost to his shoulders, and even though I could barely make out what he was wearing, I got my eyeful and a smile grew on my face. “I talked to him . . . I can’t believe I actually . . . ”

  I was starting to freak out. “Yes hun you did, and we’re both going to have some fun the rest of the night while that hot piece of man candy parades his junk on stage for us to ogle and imaging doing dirty things to it . . . ”

  My mouth dropped. “Bella Layne.” I said in a hushed whisper. “You’ve already been drinking and you should probably stop. You’re saying some pretty . . . ”

  “Crazy, truthful things?” She interrupted me, only to return her attention to The Brittle Souls. We started singing one of their latest songs, and one I actually knew. My eyes flickered towards where I saw Damon, and he still stood there. This time, his arms were crossed and he wasn’t watching the band playing for the thousands of fans in this arena.

  He was watching me.


  The minutes felt like hours in my mind. I blindly watched The Brittle Souls end their set with some awesome strobe lights, reminding me of the old homecoming dances we had in high school, where everyone thought those things were cool.

  My fingers were itching to touch Damon again. They were so restless, eager to feel his skin again, his muscles, so I had to play with my skirt, fumble with my phone, anything to keep them busy. All that was on my mind was how I know I’ll cum just from the sight of that man singing on stage.

  Me and a thousand other women in this place.

  “Shit, I never thought I hated these breaks in between bands so much, as I do right now.” I was sitting down, my legs practically bouncing up and down. I was out of control. After one encounter with Damon, not even for a few short minutes, and look what he has done to me. I’m a wreck.

  “Huh, what did you say?” Bella asked me, not paying any attention to me since she started making out with the same guy that was sharing a drink with her earlier.

  “Never mind, just go back to doing whatever you two were doing.” I stuck my tongue out at her and she flipped me the middle finger. I finished sipping on my soda, and checked my Facebook profile trying to pass the time and think of anything besides the fact he will be on stage at any time now.

  I quickly posted that I was front row with Bella at the Ignite the Flames concert and uploaded a picture we had taken earlier bef
ore The Brittle Souls went onstage. There that’ll make a few people jealous, I smiled inwardly, texting a few other friends until Bella screamed at the top of her lungs, causing me to nearly drop my phone on the ground.

  “Just saw Em’s boyfriend, Alex. You didn’t hear him warming up those drums?” Bella’s eyes were on mine, and I frowned and shook my head.

  “Wait, so Emily is dating one of the members in the band?” I asked dumbfounded, but then I put two and two together. “Oh so that’s how we got the tickets . . . ”

  “Bingo Sammy. And you want to hear the best part?”

  “What’s that?”

  Bella leaned in even closer to me so she could whisper over the loud heavy rock music filling the stadium. “I wasn’t going to tell you and you’ll hate me for keeping this from you, but she also gave us backstage passes.”

  I gave my sister the death glare, but inside I was squealing and my heart pounding. “So you knew this whole time we were going back there and never told me? You bitch . . . ”

  We both started laughing. “Oh I knew, in fact everything is going like I’d hoped. Damon’s the perfect distraction from the ex-boyfriend and I figured the backstage passes would boost your spirits since you’ve been so down lately.” She set her hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Even if nothing happens tonight, at least you got to say you had ONE night with Mr. Charming.”

  “Well even if you lied to me, I owe you pretty big now,” I said to Bella, and she smiled.

  “Don’t worry about it Sammy.” Bella waved it off like it was nothing. “I say when they come on stage, let’s act like the rest of these people waiting to see them and lose our damn minds and shake our asses like we’re at the club.”


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