Angels & Sinners: The Motor City Edition

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Angels & Sinners: The Motor City Edition Page 11

by Ashley Suzanne

  Fully ready for what was about to come in any given moment, I turned back to her and said excitedly “Let’s do this!”


  The minute the arena went black, and I mean complete pitch black minus the lights from cell phones and cameras, was when my adrenaline started pumping; then the sound of the drums and double basses pounding. I cupped my hands around my mouth to scream as loud as I could. This anticipation was what killed me inside, in a good way, and I had a feeling I was going to lose my voice tonight from all of the singing and screaming I was about to do.

  “Broken by the best,” I yelled to Bella, instantly recognizing what song they were about to open with. A thick, black curtain shielded the stage from the crowd, so we could only hear the music and not see anyone. But when the duel guitars started shredding, lights behind the curtain were lit up so we could see silhouettes of the rest of the band.

  “How the fuck are we doing tonight Grand Rapids?” A voice bellowed, and louder screams erupted among the people in the crowd. Flames shot up from the sides of the stage and the curtain dropped down within seconds, finally showcasing the band. Damon immediately started singing into the first verse of the song, and my eyes were instantly drawn to him. He wore a black and red stripped plaid shirt, his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows showing off his tattoos, and his black jeans clung to his leg muscles perfectly. His hair was partially slicked back, but when he bent down to belt out his notes, it looked especially sexy to see it covering his eyes.

  “He’s a fucking god, I swear.” Bella groaned, and I nudged her hard. “Hey, I’m not staking claim on him, I’m just saying the guy cleans up good and he has the voice of a fucking rock star.”

  “Because he is!” I exclaimed, singing along as Damon hit the last chorus of the song. The whole band seemed to be enjoying themselves, my eyes drifting from Damon to the other members. I loved Lucy, the bass player’s, quirky style. Most of the pictures I’ve seen of the band in magazines, she’d have on her signature top hat or corset and tutu, which set her apart from the rest of the guys. Sure, they were all good looking, especially the tall guitarist, Paul Donovan, but there was something about Damon that had me from the moment I started listening to them.

  I let myself go and danced, sang, and shouted lyrics through their set. Maybe it was in an attempt to get Damon to notice me, and at one point, before they took a brief break, we had locked eyes and he winked at me, not missing a beat on the song. After that, I lifted my hands up and started dancing like no one was watching. I was going to put on a show for him, whether he watched me or not. A few times I heard girls shout “I love you Charming!” and “Marry me Prince Charming!” which made me laugh hysterically and shake my head, but I knew he probably heard that on a nightly basis.

  A couple of songs into the set, Damon started introducing the members of the band, starting with himself and leading up to Lucy, and when he did, he draped an arm around her and kissed her cheek. She started playing a quick bass line and stuck her middle finger into the air, which then I heard “You’re fucking hot Lucy!”

  Paul, the lead guitarist, took over microphone duties, grabbing all of our attention. “Everyone enjoying the set tonight?” I cupped my hands around my mouth again to shout “Hell yes!” which warranted a few glares from people around me, but I shrugged as if I didn’t care. He started talking and telling us about the new album, which they had written while up north at the cabin they own on the lake. After that he said “All of you ladies look especially beautiful tonight, but right now, what we’re going to do is pick a few out of the audience here and have them come onstage for a special song we’ll be playing.”

  A special song? Bella and I exchanged glances as the spotlight turned on and started shining light around the arena. It glowed from one side, to the very back, to the right, and eventually landed over the front row . . . right on Bella and me. “What the fuck?” I shouted in excitement, “Did you plan this too big sis?”

  Bella mouthed no, looking just as surprised and happy as I was, but I knew she was partly lying. Everyone around us started patting our backs as we were escorted and helped onto the stage by Paul.

  “Come on over here.” He gestured towards us, and we ran, my eyes dead on Damon, who had the hugest grin on his face, and there was no containing it.

  Damon took over the mic and asked “Now what are your names?”

  I wanted to say ‘you already know my name’ but I opted against it and shouted “I’m Samantha and this is my older sister Bella!”

  “Nice to meet you beautiful ladies,” Damon replied, giving Bella a one armed hug, and she looked like she was on fucking cloud nine right now. Then it was my turn as Bella stepped to the side and talked to Lucy. “Red, you look even more delicious up close like this.” He growled in my ear, kissing my cheek and let me go as I drug Bella over to the side of the stage where we were going to watch the song they were playing for us.


  I had pictured in my mind what backstage at a concert looked like, but actually experiencing this shit right now, and after being kissed by the hottest man in rock n’ roll? I felt like I was at the highest peak in a rollercoaster ride, and I didn’t want the ride to stop. This was my fucking dream come true and I was living what I’ve dreamed about for a while now.

  “Those girls hate you right now.” Bella said as we stood backstage, still watching the rest of Ignite the Flames’ set. “Each and every one of them. They probably want to rip out your red hair and stomp on your face. That or the guys want to marry you.”

  I was lucky. That much I did know. I brought my fingers up to my lips, remembering how Damon kissed me full on the lips in front of the crowd after they played a song off their new album called Just One Night. Could that be anymore ironic?

  Seeing the show from the sides, not where the audience was, was a million times better. As crowded and hectic as it seemed where we were, I could get used to this view. Especially when all I’m staring at is Damon Charming’s ass in his black jeans, as he stood on top of a tiny set of stairs in the front of the stage. He held out the microphone to the crowd, each and every one singing back the words to him, and then he brought it back to his lips, chuckling slightly before finishing out the song.

  “Pinch me,” I said dreamily, getting lost in his sexy as hell singing voice as he growled into the mic and belted out a soaring chorus that gave me chills. His singing was unlike anything I’ve heard before, live at that, and I’m addicted. I’m hooked. I want nothing more right now then to scurry back on stage and kiss him again. To feel his lips on mine.

  Alright, alright. You can call me obsessed. I’ll take it.

  Bella made an attempt to actually pinch me and I stepped away. “I didn’t mean actually do it!” I said quietly as she started giggling.

  “I could get used to this view too little sis. Let’s marry some rock stars and not work so we can go on tour all the time,” Bella suggested, but I knew that was something I could never do. Right now I had a full-time job at an accounting firm, in addition to college classes, and if I ever left that job, I would never hear the end of it from my parents.

  “Whatever you say Bella. You go ahead and do that and tell me how it goes,” I teased her. I watched intently as Damon told everyone that this song was going to be their last, launching into Mastermind, another new song. We started pumping our fists into the air as the heavy beat filled the arena. I briefly listened to the album as we were getting ready for the concert tonight, only hearing a short bit of each song, so I sort of knew a few words and could sing along.

  I didn’t want this feeling, or this night, to end. Then there was the after party in the dressing room. Who knows after that . . . ?

  “Thanks for being a part of our freak show tonight, fuckers!” Damon yelled to the audience one last time. “We’re Ignite the Flames, and hope to see you all again soon. Pick up the new album too, on your way out!”

  The lights dimmed as the members walked off stage
. Bella and I were now being escorted by one of the members of the road crew to the dressing room, where the after party was supposed to be.

  Bella and I held hands as we quickly followed the guy through a couple of hallways, reaching our destination.

  “You both over 21?” The guy each studied our faces as Bella told him she was, and I briefly thought for a minute.

  “Yes she is,” Bella spoke for me, I mouthing her ‘thank you.’ “Sorry, my twin sister’s in just so much shock from being back here, I think she forgot how to talk.”

  The guy, who was a little bit shorter than my sister and I, shot us a firm smile. “Happens all the time. Just don’t go too ape shit in there please and no getting naked.” He spoke before walking away, saying something into a walkie talkie.

  “Some rules those were,” I blurted out as we walked in. There were already a slew of people inside drinking, and cups already lying on the floor. “And the band hasn’t even come in yet.”

  “Anxious much?”

  “Well you kiss the lead singer of Ignite the Flames and then tell me you don’t want to do that again!” I said jokingly. “Hell I’d give him a lap dance in front of a whole crowd of people if I had to, and wouldn’t think anything of it.”

  “Is that so, huh?”


  I spun my body around, shocked someone heard me, only to bump into none other than the man that has been consuming my thoughts.


  Silent, I couldn’t think of what to say to him. I just admitted to my sister that I’d give him a lap dance essentially right then and now, and he heard me! Shit. He’d probably kick Bella and me out; call me childish, or something.

  “Nooo . . . you keep going. I like hearing about these plans you have.” Damon smirked, his arms falling to his sides.

  I could feel myself blush. “Well . . . I . . . ”

  “You are beautiful when you can’t think of what to say.” He brought a hand up to my cheek, as I stared into his eyes. Changing the subject, he pointed towards an unoccupied couch in the far corner. “Let’s go talk over there? Your sister seems a bit occupied already . . . ” I saw Bella with another red cup in her hand, already talking to Mike, one of the guitarists in the band. I should’ve known, but from the way it looked like they were talking, she’d be having a late night tonight.

  All I could do was nod and let him grab hold of my hand, the butterflies coming back with full vengeance. Everyone who was trying to get Damon’s attention, were now shooting me hateful daggers, and scowls. I was too in the moment to even give a shit. I was holding hands with this man again and this feeling was indescribable.

  We sat down on the small couch and Damon groaned. He crossed his legs as I sat up straight.

  “So . . . ” He cleared his throat, “Now we might be able to have a conversation without getting interrupted.”

  “You’re not worried about all the girls in this room vying for your attention?” I asked him out of curiosity, noticing he still had a firm grip of my hand.

  “What girls? I’ll be honest red, usually I have a girl in a private room backstage or in the tour bus right about now. There are hundreds of girls in this arena who would love to sleep with me, and be able to fuck them for one night.” I was startled by his abruptness. “But I don’t know what it is about you. I was just getting ready for a fun ass night with the band and there you were, dancing in the front row as if you didn’t have a care in the world. Something about you drew me in, and no one else has done that to me in a long time. That says a lot.”

  “Well I’m glad I had that effect on you.” I smiled, taking a good look at our surroundings. There were a line of tables set up with various forms of alcohol, soda, and water for the after party guests and band members to drink. The rest of the area was open in the middle for a dance floor, while the walls were occupied with seating. People were still pouring in as Damon and I continued to talk.

  “So why haven’t you settled down yet?” I asked him, taking a sip out of my rum that Damon had brought back for me.

  Damon’s facial expressions hardened, then he said “Never found the right girl. I’ve always been one of those guys to wear my heart on my sleeve, and that only back fires on me. So I figured, why even try to find the right girl? She’s not out there, so I might as well fuck them while I still have a working dick.” My mouth dropped at his use of words, and he noticed, so he clarified “I’m sorry. Sometimes my mind speaks for itself and I say a lot of brutally honest things.”

  “It’s okay,” I replied softly, placing a hand by his knee. My fingers slowly rubbed in a small, circular pattern. “It’s who you are.”

  Damon looked around and then back to me, linking his fingers in with mine again. “And I would love to know about who you are.”

  “Well . . . ” What would I even tell him? Who knew if I was going to even see him again after this, so I might as well give him my life story? “I grew up in Grand Rapids, now I live in an apartment with my older sister and I go to one of the Universities in town for accounting. There’s not really much to say about me. I’m pretty boring.” I was. Besides letting loose once in a while to go out dancing with Bella and my friends from school, I stayed at home consumed by homework, letting music fill my ears as I studied almost too much.

  Damon studied me, and nodded. “You totally look like the accounting type.”

  “Think so?”

  “Hell no. I see you doing something more fun than adding up numbers and complicated shit like that. I picture you being a writer or following me on the road as my girlfriend or something.” He added that last comment like it was no big deal that he threw the girlfriend word out there.

  “A writer? I mean, I write in a journal, but that’s not something you need to know . . . ” I chuckled, leaning back a little bit into the couch. “And the girlfriend part? I just met you a couple of hours ago so I’m not saying I’m anyone’s girlfriend.” Although the thought was in my mind, but we seemed like two totally opposite people to ever date, let alone work out.

  Damon moved his lips in close to my ear, close enough so I could feel his breath hot against it. “You could be though.”


  Damon’s words rung through my ears as I excused myself to the bathroom once more. I gave myself a good hard look in the mirror and tried to talk myself down.

  “Just go back out there . . . have fun . . . make him never forget you . . . ” I whispered to my face in the mirror, palms on the bathroom counter. I steadied my breathing and opened the door, walking back towards the crowded dressing room. Finding Damon now was going to be next to impossible, as I stood on my toes every few steps to see if I could locate him.

  That was when I spotted him with a chair in the center of the dance floor. A few girls with skirts shorter than mine were trying to dance and grind on him, but Damon was paying no attention to them, looking up, his eyes lit up when he saw me walking towards him. When I saw him look me up and down like he wanted to eat me for dessert, it was then I decided I wasn’t opposed to that idea. In fact, that was my new goal: get in Damon Charming’s bed tonight.

  I rested my hands on his shoulders, and he let go of the chair in his hands. “Did you miss me while I was gone?” I whispered seductively, leaving a kiss in the spot below his ear.

  His hands gripped my hips tightly as he pulled me in close. “Damn, what got into you red?” he questioned jokingly.

  I whipped my hair back and forth, nuzzling my nose into the crook of his neck. “I just thought you might be up for some fun . . . why don’t you sit down in that chair?” I backed him up towards it, pushing him down so his ass landed directly on the metal.

  The reaction on his face was priceless. I licked my lips and Damon bit down on his in response, his eyes not leaving my body as I still stood in front of him. “Stay there,” I ordered him, and he saluted me as I walked away to find whoever was controlling the music. I found a guy with a white V-neck and tan crew cut shorts standing by t
he speakers, whispered in his ear what song I wanted him to play and he nodded, giving me a thumbs up.

  I strutted back to Damon, where another girl had attempted to climb onto his lap. He kept his hands by his sides as I dug my nails into the girl’s arms, pushing her away and she landed flat on the floor.

  “Sorry.” I flashed her a fake smile and shrugged. “Take a ticket and wait in line, because he’s mine tonight.” My requested song, Pornstar Dancing, started blasting through the speakers, and Damon raised an eyebrow at me.

  “Maybe we should do this somewhere else . . . ” Damon warned me, as I climbed onto his lap, not touching him with my hands yet. I could hear his breathing intensify as my lips left a trail of kisses down his neck. I don’t know what was coming over me or why I was giving a damn near stranger a lap dance, but I like the rush it gave me. I ground my hips into his, my lips not leaving his skin for one second. My fingers fumbled with the buttons of his plaid shirt, exposing some of his tattooed chest for the whole room to see.

  I lifted my face up to get a good look at him as I swayed my hips to the chorus, feeling something poke at me through his jeans. I knew this was turning him on, and I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter as Damon reached his fingers under my skirt and started rubbing circles on my inner thighs. I threw my head back and moaned, not sure how much longer I could keep this up before I ripped off his clothes and mauled him in front of all of these strangers.

  Hearing that moan must’ve sparked something in Damon because in one movement he lifted me up so he was standing, my legs wrapped around his waist. He drew me into a kiss, one that was filled with hunger and passion. His lips were hot against mine as his tongue slipped into my mouth. My hands found their way into his blond hair and I tugged on the strands as I deepened the kiss


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