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Romance: The Bear's Desired Mate: BBW Bear Shifter Romance Standalone ( Shifter Romance, BBW, Werebear) (Spicy Shifters Book 1)

Page 4

by Ashley Hunter


  Amanda watched Grayson walk away, allowing herself to openly admire him without worrying about being caught. This was a date and she was allowed to ogle. She was going to make the most of it.

  To say she was surprised when Grayson had asked her on a date was an understatement. A gorgeous man like Grayson Allen couldn't be single, surely. But it had happened and she was here with him having a drink.

  The topic of conversation could have been a little better - they had gone straight in the deep end discussing her last relationship - but Amanda felt comfortable talking to Grayson about anything. That included previous relationships. There was something about Grayson that had her opening up.

  She had never felt that comfortable with a man.

  "What are you doing?"

  Snapping out of her daydream as she stared at Grayson leaning on the bar as he waited for their drinks, Amanda's heart sank when she saw Tommy standing by her table.


  Tommy had a look of thunder. Amanda had seen that look before but hadn't clicked it until now. It was when he was in controlling mode and it was running away from him. Amanda hadn't noticed how much Tommy liked to be in control.

  She was glad she was done with him. Just a pity he didn't seem to be done with her.

  "What are you doing with him?"

  Tommy pointed at Grayson, who had now noticed that Amanda had an uninvited guest. Amanda laid her hands in her lap and counted to ten.

  "Amanda, talk to me!"

  The counting hadn't helped. Amanda tried to keep her voice level.

  "I'm having a drink with Grayson. And as far as I'm aware, the invitation didn't extend to you."

  Grayson was now approaching them, their drinks forgotten. He looked from Amanda to Tommy and back again. Amanda saw a storm brewing under his calm appearance and hoped that there wouldn't be any violence.

  Tommy swung round on Grayson and jerked a thumb at the door.

  "Get lost."

  Grayson blinked.

  "I beg your pardon?"

  "I said get lost." Tommy's chest puffed out. "Mandy's my girl. She's with me."

  Amanda stood up. Evidently the message she had given him on Monday that they were over had got warped somewhere along the line.

  "My name is Amanda, Tommy." She moved round the table and came to stand by Grayson. As if sensing she needed it, Grayson took her hand. She fixed a steely glare on her former boyfriend. "And I seem to remember telling you it was over three weeks ago and earlier this week. Just go away and leave me alone."

  Tommy looked close to boiling. His control had slipped and it was clear that he wasn't going to get it back. His mouth twisted in an ugly sneer as he addressed Grayson.

  "You like fat bitches, do you?" He indicated Amanda. "She doesn't put out, just so you know. Anal is beneath her. If you want that, you'd better walk the other way."

  Everyone had stopped their conversations and were now listening in on their standoff. Cheeks flaming, Amanda couldn't believe his gall. Tommy knew where to hit her hard. It was a speciality of his. He had used it many times in the past but because she thought she loved him she let it happen. Now she saw it as what it was.

  What she really wanted to do was launch herself at him and claw his eyes out. He wouldn't stand a chance once she got into fight mode.

  But Grayson got there first. He let go of her hand and grabbed Tommy's arm, turning him towards the door.

  "I think you've said enough."

  "You can't tell me what to do." Tommy slapped Grayson's hand away, wiping his hand on his jacket. "And don't touch me, gay!"

  Grayson barked out a laugh.

  "You automatically assume that someone is gay because he touches another man? Don't be so juvenile." He pointedly looked at the door behind Tommy before locking eyes with him. "Now, are you going to go under your own steam? Or am I going to make you go?"

  Amanda knew before Tommy answered that he was going to make it hard on himself. He stood with that cocky stance he used when he was in the mood for a fight he was sure he would win.

  "Make me." He looked Grayson up and down as if he was beneath him. "Just because you have the muscles doesn't mean you can shift me."

  Grayson raised an eyebrow. He moved so quickly Amanda wasn't aware that he had. One minute he and Tommy were squaring up to each other, the next he had Tommy spun round, his arm wrenched up behind him in an arm lock. Tommy was yowling in a high voice, shouting expletives and making the other people in the bar laugh.

  Grayson frogmarched him towards the exit, Amanda following close behind. After the outburst that everyone had heard, plus seeing several women eyeing Grayson like he was a piece of meat they wanted to sample, she didn't want to be in there anymore.

  The doorman held the door open as Grayson led Tommy outside and pushed him into the street. Tommy stumbled but stayed up. He turned and opened his mouth to say something but one look from Grayson had him shutting up. Amanda stayed by the door as Tommy backed away with a sullen expression before storming off.

  She knew the humiliation would sting badly at him. He wouldn't let it lie for long.

  Grayson turned and saw that she had followed him. He joined her and slipped his arms round her, planting a gentle kiss on her head.

  "You okay?"

  "I think so." Amanda closed her eyes and leant her head against his chest. Having his arms around her felt really good. "Why did he have to say those things?"

  Tommy's words had really stung, mainly because he had said it loudly in a place where anything could be heard beyond a whisper. She wouldn't be able to step foot in there again.

  "You weren't going as you were told so he decided to upset you to make you obey. It's the classic sign of a bully." Grayson rubbed circles on her back. "He's gone now."

  "I wouldn't be so sure." Amanda snorted. "He's a snide little bugger. He doesn't like being told to go away."

  "I noticed."

  They stayed in the embrace a little longer, neither prepared to let go. Amanda stepped closer, burrowing into Grayson's arms and his arms tightened. This made things feel better. Just a little bit.

  "I'm sorry." Amanda said. "This is a terrible first date."

  "It's not over yet." Grayson put his fingers under her chin and tilted her head up to look at him. He was smiling down at her, a smile that had Amanda's stomach doing flip-flops. "How about we go and pick up a little something before we go back to your place and relax? Maybe watch a movie?"

  That sounded very tempting. A lot better than having an intimate drink for two. Amanda felt more comfortable in her own home. She grinned.

  "If you like horror, I'm all for it."


  Grayson looked amused. Amanda shrugged.

  "I'm not your run-of-the-mill gal."

  Grayson laughed.

  "I had noticed."


  "Are you a gift from God?" Amanda picked up a brownie and bit into it with a moan. "These are heaven!"

  "I thought you'd like them. The baker makes them to die for."

  They were sitting on Amanda's couch, Amanda leaning against the cushions with her bare feet in Grayson's lap, the open box of chunky chocolate bites resting on her thighs.

  Grayson's idea to pick up something to make Amanda feel better had been a good one. There was a baker near the gym who knew him by sight and was happy to stay open a little longer so he and Amanda could select their choice of goodies.

  Grayson had warned Amanda that the man did brownies, Amanda's favourite, and she had jumped at the chance. The baker had even brought extra in from the back and let them have them at no extra price.

  Amanda was going to visit that bakery again. The brownies were soft, moist and melted in her mouth. Then she realized that she had nearly eaten half the box and Grayson hadn't touched them. Blushing furiously, she handed the box across.

  "Sorry, I'm scoffing too much. I'm not saving any for you."

  Grayson smiled and gently pushed the box ba
ck into her lap.

  "If you like them, you can keep eating. I'm not stopping you."

  "But..." Amanda tried to concentrate but it was hard with Grayson rubbing her feet. He had been doing that since they had sat down and it was doing things to her insides that had nothing to do with the brownies. "It's not attractive. And it'll just...put more weight on me."

  "You look great no matter what shape you are." Grayson's hands moved slowly from her feet up to her ankles and calves. "You don't need to be self-conscious about your weight. I think it's attractive."

  His fingers danced across her bare skin. Amanda was glad she had shaved her legs earlier in the evening. She swallowed, squeezing her thighs as her center began to throb.

  "You do?" She squeaked.

  "Not every man is like your ex." Grayson's eyes darkened and seemed to glow. "I appreciate a good woman."

  Amanda was transfixed. His eyes were incredible. There was faint golden shine, mixing in with the chocolate brown. It was beautiful. She couldn't stop looking at them.

  "You are a flatterer." She murmured.

  Grayson grinned and leant forward, brushing his fingers across her cheek.

  "All the way, sweetie." He sat back before Amanda knew he had moved and gently nudged her feet off his lap. "Now, how about that film?"

  "Okay," Amanda slid off the couch and went to her DVD collection. "If you're sure, you don't mind horror."

  "It's your apartment." Grayson stretched his feet out, slipping off his shoes. "And you should see my film collection. I've got every horror film from the 70s and 80s."

  Amanda grinned, making a mental note to raid his collection when she got the chance to go round his place. Selecting The Howling IV, she set it up and settled back beside Grayson as the film began.

  It seemed natural to lean into him. It felt good to have his arm around her. She snuggled into his side, breathing in his aftershave. He smelt really good. And he felt nice as well. She fitted next to him as if she had always been there.

  Amanda moved her imagination away from how Grayson felt against her and focused on the film. They were only on a first date; they weren't planning the rest of their lives together.

  It was about twenty minutes into the film that Amanda noticed that Grayson was asleep. He looked adorable when he slept, his mouth slightly open and dark lashes dusting his cheek. Slowly sitting up, Amanda gave Grayson's body a better inspection. In his shirt and jeans, he made no attempt to hide the muscles beneath. Compared to other men he was ripped, not to mention huge.

  That had Amanda's brain wandering to another part of his body. She wondered if his cock was as big as he was. It sent a shiver down her spine thinking about it. What if...

  Feeling brave, Amanda laid a hand on Grayson's thigh and slowly ran it up his leg. She reached his crotch and splayed her fingers, which came into contact with his cock pressing against the fly. She bit back a gasp. He was huge. How he had managed to confine himself in his trousers she didn't know; from simple touch he seemed to have a wide girth. He was almost as thick as her wrist.

  Amanda shifted and squeezed her thighs together as the blood ran south. What would that feel like between her legs? Would she find out?

  "What are you doing?"

  Startled, Amanda jumped back, almost falling off the couch. Grayson grabbed her before she fell and pulled her back so she sprawled across him. Amanda was mortified. She couldn't believe she had been caught. She swallowed and stared at a point on his shoulder.

  "I'm sorry." She mumbled. "I won't touch you anymore."

  She felt a hand under her chin and found herself looking up at Grayson. Her breath caught when she saw him looking at her with chocolate-golden eyes, the glow seeming to be brighter. The desire in his expression was undeniable.

  "I didn't say you should stop."

  He hauled her up so she straddled him. Running his hands under her skirt, he grasped her hips and pulled her against him. Amanda gasped as his cock rubbed against her, catching what seemed to be all the nerves endings. She began to see stars. Grayson growled and thrust up into her.

  "If you're going to check me out," His voice was a deep rumble, "At least wait until I'm awake so I can enjoy it properly."

  Amanda couldn't speak. She was transfixed by his eyes. The colour swirled and mixed, creating an effect that had her mesmerized. She licked her lips.

  Grayson's eyes zeroed in on her mouth. With a growl, he sat up and crushed her lips with his. Amanda was caught up in the fire that burned hotter between them, grasping onto his shoulders as Grayson teased her mouth open with his tongue before diving in and doing a dance with hers. She wrapped her legs round his waist and rocked against his cock. The angle made her head spin.

  5. Exploding Fireworks

  Grayson felt like he was in heaven. Amanda was moulded against him, kissing him with such wild abandon that Grayson was fighting to control it. She rocked in his lap, her center rubbing against his cock, which was hard enough to hammer nails into the wall.

  He had a better use for his cock and that involved the sexy woman grinding on his crotch.

  Grayson moved his hands from her hips to her buttocks, groaning when he felt how lacy her panties were, and squeezed her cheeks. Amanda wiggled closer with a whimper.

  Her hands moved to the buttons on his shirt and Grayson was surprised when, instead of unbuttoning them one by one, she gripped the shirt and yanked it open. Fabric shredded and buttons flew everywhere.

  Grayson pulled away and stared at her. Amanda's face was glowing, her eyes hooded and her mouth swollen. She looked incredible. Grayson had never seen a sight more beautiful.

  He shrugged out of his now ruined shirt and brought his hands to the back of her dress. He gripped the silk with both hands and pulled. Amanda squeaked as he ripped the dress apart, her bra going with it. The fabric fell to her waist as she shrugged her arms out of the sleeves and Grayson stared at her large breasts. His mouth watered as he thought about what he could do to them.

  Amanda shifted on his lap, stimulating his cock again, and Grayson groaned.

  "You keep doing that and I'm going to explode."

  Amanda blinked. Then she grinned and slid off his lap.

  "Maybe I want you to." She whispered.

  Standing before him, she pushed the dress over her hips, dropping her bra onto the heap at her feet. Then she was standing before him in a pair of lacy panties that did nothing to hide her pussy. She cocked a hip and crocked a finger at him.

  "Come and get me, big boy."

  Grayson growled and pushed himself off the couch, sweeping Amanda into his arms as he stood. Her arms went round his neck and they shared another kiss as Grayson carried her down the corridor to her bedroom.

  Somehow he found the right room first time and barely took the surroundings in as he tossed Amanda onto the bed. Amanda squealed as she bounced on the mattress but her squeals were silenced a moment later as Grayson came down over her and caught her lips with his.

  The skin-on-skin contact was causing Grayson's body to shiver. She felt so soft, so delicate in his arms. He hoped his bear didn't decide to come out at the wrong moment and want to join in; he didn't want to harm Amanda with his claws or his teeth.

  Amanda couldn't stop touching him. Her hands were everywhere, exploring as much bare skin as they could within reach. Then they strayed to his waist and Grayson felt her fingers neatly undo the button on his jeans.

  He pushed off her and stood, his hands going to his zip. He took a moment to look at her as she raised up onto her elbows, pushing her breasts up at him, her hair dishevelled. Swallowing, he slowly pulled down the zip and lowered his jeans until they were around his ankles. Then he remembered his socks and pulled them off as well, standing before Amanda for her perusal.

  The gleam in her eyes told him that she liked him going commando and she stared hungrily at his cock, which was standing to attention and harder than he ever thought it could be.

  She rolled onto her hands and knees and cr
awled towards him, looking like a hungry feline. Grayson could only stare as she reached the edge of the bed and licked the tip of her tongue over the head of his cock.

  Giving him a sly look, Amanda gripped him and pumped him twice, long strokes that had Grayson moaning. His moans got louder as Amanda sucked his cock into her mouth and matched the pumping with her hand, her tongue swirling across his skin.

  Grayson felt the shift coming on and shut his eyes, forcing his bear back. He wasn't going to change now and scare her. But his bear was determined to get out. With a bitten back snarl, he pulled his cock out of Amanda's mouth.

  He snatched at Amanda before she could protest and kissed her hard. Amanda kissed him back just as fiercely, not even protesting when Grayson lowered his hands to her panties and ripped them off her using his claws.

  He pulled back and began to kiss and suckle her neck, brushing his knuckles across her folds. She was wet. There was no need for stimulation; with his claws that would be impossible.

  He was grateful the lights were still off.

  "On your hands and knees." He growled into her ear.

  Amanda didn't argue. She pulled away and turned her back to him, lowering onto her elbows and knees. That angle tilted her hips up towards him and she wiggled her hips, parting her legs as he watched. Grayson groaned. He was going to come before he had even got inside her if she kept this up.

  He ran a hand over her back and her buttocks, doing his best not to catch his claws on her skin.

  "Have you got protection?" He whispered.

  "No need. I'm on the pill. And I trust you." Amanda arched her back. "Fuck me, Grayson. I don't care how. Just do it."

  His woman was a tigress in bed. She knew what buttons to press.

  Grayson clambered onto the bed and kneed her thighs open wider. Grasping his cock, he brushed the head over her folds enough times to have Amanda squirming and whimpering.

  "Grayson, please!"

  Deciding not to keep her in suspense any longer, Grayson thrust and buried himself to the hilt. The feel of her inner muscles clamping down on him, sucking him in, had his head spinning. He was going to come right now unless he got control of himself.


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