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Ruthless Savior: A Captive Series Standalone

Page 10

by Julia Sykes

  I shifted her slightly, so I could work my belt free. My dick throbbed, but I wrestled for control of my worst urges. The torture of self-denial only sharpened my cruel plans for her. If Marisol was experiencing even a fraction of the painful lust that tormented me, I’d force her to languish in it. I wanted to look into her dark, desperate eyes as she whimpered my name and begged for release. I wanted her fully under my control, bound to my will.

  She wouldn’t try to run from me again. Not after today.

  She tensed at the whisper of leather against denim as I pulled my belt free, but I didn’t intend to whip her. I shifted her off my lap and rolled her onto her back. Immediately, she tried to push up onto her elbows, but I grabbed her wrists with a warning growl. I pressed my chest close to hers, pinning her into the dirt as I drew her arms over her head.

  She wriggled beneath me, but she focused more effort on rubbing her tits against me rather than trying to pull free from my hold. I’d fantasized about her full, perfect breasts during her time as my untouchable hostage. Now, I could do whatever I wanted, touch her however I wanted. I had Marisol all to myself, and I could fully indulge my most wicked desires.

  I looped my belt around her wrists, binding them together before securing the leather around a strong sapling. She was thoroughly trapped, and now, I had both hands free to explore the lush little body that’d tempted me almost to the point of madness.

  “All mine.” Slowly, I traced the contours of her curves, learning the feel of her hourglass shape as I laid claim to every delicious inch of her flesh.

  She shuddered and whimpered, but her eyes were dark with need. Dirt shadowed her cheek, and I brushed it away with my thumb, caressing her fragile features.

  “Raúl…” My name left her rosebud lips on a strained whisper, a desperate plea.

  I lowered my face to hers, so we exchanged each panting breath. “What do you want, corderita?” I purred, trailing my free hand over the swell of her breasts to tease her hard nipples through her dress. “Do you want to be released? Or do you want me to stroke your hot cunt until you come all over my hand?”

  Before she could respond, I crushed my mouth to hers, devouring her shocked cry. I demanded entrance, nipping at her lips until she opened for me. Her head tipped back, welcoming me to take more.

  Her answering hunger fed my animal lust, and my dick pressed hard into her soft belly. My fingers curled into the front of her dress, and I tore my mouth from hers at the same time as I jerked my arms wide. Her sharp cry mingled with the harsh rip of cotton shredding in my fists. I drank in the sight of her: my lovely captive bound and quivering in the dirt beneath me, her breasts bared to my rough, greedy hands. Her nipples were hard peaks, begging for my touch.

  “You might hate me, but you can’t deny what’s between us,” I rumbled, palming her tits.

  “I don’t hate—”

  I cut off her lie before it could leave her lips, covering her mouth with mine as I pinched her nipples hard. Keeping the tight buds trapped between my fingers, I tugged, forcing her to arch toward my cruel hands in an attempt to alleviate the sting. I indulged myself in her soft mouth, sampling the flavor of her desperate whimpers.

  When she rocked her hips against my thigh, her pain twisting into dark pleasure, I finally released her from my punishing grip. She melted into the earth on a shuddering moan as I stroked her abused nipples, soothing and stimulating her sensitive buds.

  Keeping one hand at her breasts, I dipped the other between her legs, finding her hot cunt. At the first brush of my fingers along her seam, she writhed beneath me, mindlessly seeking more contact. Her undulating movements teased my aching dick, and I broke our kiss with a curse.

  She cried out when my hands left her hot, needy body, and her eyes flew wide when I went for my zipper. Her pink tongue wet her sensual lips, but her delicate features tightened with fear.

  My teeth snapped together in response to her sudden distress, and I tasted blood in my mouth. I swallowed down the coppery tang and freed my cock, fisting it in one hand while I splayed the other low on her belly, pinning her in place.

  “I’m not going to fuck you,” I growled. “My cock is a reward, and you are being punished. You will not run from me ever again. You’re mine.”

  I locked her in my steady stare, imposing my will. She would accept my claim, my mark. Her body already knew its master.

  My touch returned to her hot pussy, petting her through the thin barrier of her lacy white panties. Her eyes rolled back on a low moan, but a sharp crack of my palm across her clit harnessed her full attention.

  “Look at me.” The command was little more than a feral snarl, but her lovely eyes returned to mine. Her pupils were dilated, and her lips parted on little panting breaths. She settled and softened on a sigh, becoming warm and pliant. When my hand moved between her legs again, her thighs fell wide, offering her cunt to me.

  Cruel pleasure twisted my lips in a triumphant grin. She shuddered at my merciless expression, but she didn’t break from my gaze. I traced the shape of her pussy through her panties, exploring her puffy lower lips before tracing a tight circle around her hard clit. She bucked beneath me, but I continued my teasing caress as I began to stroke my cock more firmly.

  Pleasure gathered at the base of my spine, and I gritted my teeth to hold it back. Marisol hadn’t suffered enough yet. I needed to hear her begging for orgasm and sobbing for forgiveness. I needed to hear her swear that she’d never try to escape me again.

  But I’d been craving her for too long, and the maddening torment of hunting her through the woods like prey had tapped out the final reserves of my control. White lights popped across my vision, and my pleasure ripped through me in a tidal wave. Acting on blind instinct, my thumb ground down against her clit, rubbing the tight nub in a demanding rhythm.

  I wouldn’t be the only one to come undone. Marisol had no choice but to lose control with me.

  My animal roar echoed through the trees, mingling with her blissful cry. Savage heat flooded my chest as I watched my seed lash her breasts, marking her soft curves as she writhed in her own helpless, ecstatic release.

  Marked and punished, Marisol was mine.

  Chapter 13


  The force of my release had ripped through me hard enough to rob all the strength from my body. I collapsed into the dirt, shifting just in time to prevent my weight from dropping on Marisol’s slight form.

  After torturous weeks of denying my desire for her, watching my cum lash her golden skin had sent me reeling. My heart thundered against my ribcage, and I gasped for breath as though recovering from a sprint.

  Although I’d finally sated myself, I couldn’t stop touching her. My fingers traced the line of her sternum, catching drops of my seed to paint a warm line from her breasts to her navel.

  The sight of her chest rising and falling in the aftermath of her own explosive orgasm filled me with a warm glow. A ghost of my triumphant grin twisted my lips, and I circled her navel, enjoying the way her belly quivered and danced beneath my fingers.

  Her pretty dress was thoroughly destroyed, the bodice ripped all the way down to her abdomen. The fabric formed a frayed V shape that covered the feminine swell of soft flesh just above her panty line. That was the only part of her delicious body that remained covered; the hem of the dress was bunched up, leaving me a peek at the soaked white underwear I’d purchased for her. I hadn’t even touched her clit directly, and she’d exploded on an ecstatic scream.

  I petted her cunt, relishing the small shudders that rolled through her as I stoked little aftershocks of pleasure.

  I wasn’t sure how long I indulged myself in stroking her thoroughly ravaged body, loving her exquisite softness beneath my rough hands.

  Eventually, the lustful fog started to clear, and I realized she was still bound by my belt.

  Even when I shifted to free her from the tie, she remained dazed. I brushed my thumbs over the thick red rings around her wrists, draw
ing another delectable shiver from her.

  Without thinking, I lifted them to my lips and kissed the marks. They would fade in a few hours, but I’d make sure to freshen them again before long. Marisol might hate me, but she’d opened her body to me, and there was no going back.

  The last of my pleasant haze evaporated at the memory of her hatred. Despite the harsh twist of my lips and my grinding teeth, I continued to handle her carefully as I lifted her up in my arms.

  Her eyes were still slightly glassy, and she melted against my chest.

  I’d only taken three steps towards the house when her small hand cupped my cheek, her thumb tracing the line of my scowl. She lingered over my scar, and the unfamiliar sensation sent a strange ripple through my muscles. No one touched me with such tenderness, especially not on the scars that warned of my vicious nature. In the past, women had been drawn to my darkness, my savagery. But they didn’t caress the marks of violence that’d been etched into my skin.

  An image of Marisol’s delicate hands tracing the scars on other parts of my body sent another shudder through my chest. It rolled down my arms, and I tightened my grip on her to counter the strange weakness.

  “I don’t hate you,” she murmured, rubbing my scar.

  The resultant tremor in my muscles persisted, and I realized she was keeping me trapped in a disconcertingly vulnerable headspace.

  I jerked my head to the side, shaking off her traitorous touch. “Don’t lie to me.” My harsh rebuke was roughened by a twisting pain beneath my ribcage.

  “I’m not lying.” She pressed her palm against my cheek.

  Even though she was so frail in my arms, the gentle touch redirected my face to hers with irresistible force.

  I glowered down into her doe eyes, resenting the fact that she was still trying to manipulate me. Even more, I hated the fact that I wanted to believe her.

  “You tried to escape from me as soon as my back was turned. You betrayed me to Daniel and left me for dead. Give me one good reason why I should believe you.”

  She flinched at the mention of her betrayal, her eyes tightening with something like anguish.

  I knew I should’ve looked away. I should’ve shut her out before she could wheedle her way back into my mind.

  But that resolute hand on my cheek kept me locked in her rich brown eyes; as warm and sweet as melted chocolate. And just as tempting.

  “I didn’t try to leave because I hate you. I…I care about you.” Despite stumbling over her words, her steady stare willed me to believe her. “But it scares me that you’re so possessive. It frightens me that you won’t allow me to leave. I don’t want to be a prisoner anymore. I want to be free.”

  Her voice shrank as she made each admission, ending on little more than a whisper. Her gaze turned inward, no longer focusing on my face.

  My stomach twisted, and I cradled her closer to my chest.

  This can’t be a deception. I don’t want it to be a lie.

  I wanted her sweetness, her concern, her vulnerability.

  She’s been hurt, I reminded myself.

  I needed to understand the details of what she’d been through that’d traumatized her so deeply, but I didn’t need to know them for her reaction to make sense. I’d already come to the realization that she would need some time to settle with me, but when I’d seen her on my security feed, I’d lost my mind with rage.

  Even if I had forgiven her for betraying me to Daniel, I was obviously more affected by it than I would’ve liked to admit to myself.

  Fuck. I’d behaved like a savage, hunting her down like an animal and pinning her in the dirt.

  My spine straightened, and I hardened my resolve. I’d promised consequences if she tried to run again, and I’d followed through. Marisol needed a firm hand to help her adjust to her new life with me.

  I didn’t regret punishing her. I didn’t regret branding her flesh with my punitive hand. I didn’t regret making her whimper into my mouth and scream out in pleasure when I forced an orgasm from her bound body.

  A sense of calm settled over me. Marisol was right where she belonged, and she’d learn to love being my prey.

  “I’m possessive because I know that other men will try to claim you if you’re alone and vulnerable. I won’t let you leave because my walls keep you safe.”

  I brushed my fingers through her hair, and my callouses scraped over a small twig that was tangled in the black, silky locks. The lingering evidence of her subjugation centered me even more, and I spoke in an even, reassuring cadence. My lost little lamb would listen to reason if I didn’t spook her.

  “You don’t have to be my prisoner, if you accept that the barriers are in place to keep others out. I can tell you’ve been through a lot, and you’ve been on this reckless journey all alone for a long time. You’ve survived by pushing forward, no matter the cost.”

  She would tell me more about what she’d been through later, but now wasn’t the time to delve into her trauma. I needed her full attention on me.

  “I’ll understand if it takes you a while to settle in here and to accept that you no longer need to fight for survival every second of every day.” My hand hooked beneath her jaw, anchoring her in my steady gaze. “My possessiveness and refusal to allow you to leave aren’t something you should fear. There’s nothing for you to be afraid of anymore. As long as you’re with me, you’re safe.”

  Before she could protest, I continued on in a harder tone. “And no, I’m not giving you a choice until your mind clears from whatever trauma you’ve been through. I’ll protect you from anything that might threaten you, and that includes yourself. I won’t apologize for it. The matter is no longer open for discussion. Do you understand?”

  I kept her fixed in my unyielding stare until she swallowed hard and nodded. The nonverbal response satisfied me. I didn’t want to hear another word about her desire for freedom or her fear of my possessiveness.

  Marisol would not fear me. I wouldn’t let her.

  Chapter 14


  My hand hovered over the doorknob, but I hesitated to leave Raúl’s bedroom. He’d given me some space to shower and put on a fresh dress—one that he hadn’t ripped apart with his bare hands.

  An echo of the fabric tearing teased through my mind, and my nipples pebbled, as though he’d exposed my breasts to his demanding, rough hands once again.

  My teeth sank into my lower lip. After his vicious attack in the woods, I should’ve been terrified to face Raúl. He’d spanked me, bound me, stripped me naked, and come on my helpless body.

  While I screamed in ecstasy and shamelessly thrust my pussy into his possessive grip.

  My cheeks burned, mirroring the lingering burn on the backs of my thighs and my ass. His huge palm had spanked me hard enough to brand my flesh, but my core throbbed in time with my heartbeat.

  What we’d done in the dirt—reduced to base, animal lust—had been wrong. Normal, respectable women didn’t orgasm when a man utterly dominated and subjugated them. But when he’d manhandled me into position and punished me, he’d tapped into my darkest desires; the very thing I’d feared most.

  I closed my eyes and struggled to draw a deep breath into my tight chest. If Raúl weren’t so good and gentle with me, I could’ve kept my walls up.

  But it was hard to remember that he was a bad, dangerous man when his massive hands cradled my face with shocking tenderness. When his luminous eyes glowed as though he was looking upon something beautiful and precious, I forgot to be wary of him. I forgot to be wary of myself, of my deviant nature.

  I’d fallen hard for Gehovany, and he’d turned out to be a monster; a criminal, just like Raúl.

  But Gehovany had never looked at me with something close to awe. He’d never forced so much harsh pleasure upon me that my mind shattered and my body floated on bliss.

  Just as I’d feared, I couldn’t trust myself around Raúl.

  There’s nothing for you to be afraid of anymore. As long as you’re
with me, you’re safe.

  My heart twisted. I yearned to believe him so badly. To be truly safe after living in a constant state terror for so long…

  My stomach rumbled, capturing my attention. I needed to eat. I needed to keep meeting my most basic needs, so I could get my head on straight and fortify my strength.

  Maybe Raúl was right about my trauma messing with my mind, driving my reckless impulses through force of habit.

  He’s a drug lord. He murders people without blinking. He’s dangerous.

  I shook my head, throwing off my worries for the moment. Clearly, Raúl wasn’t going to give me an opportunity to run anytime soon, and earning myself another punishment would only allow him another opportunity to devastate me with ruthless pleasure. I’d been living from day to day ever since I’d fled from my home. I could continue doing that, especially when I didn’t have to constantly stay on my guard to protect myself from unknown, lecherous men.

  I turned the doorknob with a definitive click and stepped out of the bedroom. As I made my way into the austere lounge, Raúl’s muttered curses drifted from the kitchen.

  A smile tugged at my lips when I recalled his frustrations over preparing our abysmal breakfast this morning. Judging by the view of the setting sun through the floor-to-ceiling windows that lined the lounge, it’d been far too long since that meal.

  Raúl and I must’ve spent a long time in the woods.

  My cheeks flamed, but I continued my progress to the kitchen. It would be best if I was there to supervise, if not eliminate him from the cooking process entirely. I’d have to test if his macho fixation on providing would yield to gentle offers to help prepare the meal.

  I definitely wasn’t ready for round two with that hot sauce.

  “Can I do anything to help?”

  Misjudging his strength, Raúl smashed the egg on the side of the bowl, and he cursed as the gooey liquid coated his hand and oozed onto the counter.


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