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Ruthless Savior: A Captive Series Standalone

Page 18

by Julia Sykes

  He pulled back slightly, so his blazing eyes could capture mine. His jaw remained locked in a forbidding scowl, promising that he wasn’t finished with his retribution.

  I shivered beneath his intense, hungry stare. The cool air that teased over my heated flesh made my skin tingle and spark.

  The crack of his huge hand against my sensitive inner thigh drew a shriek from my chest, and the fierce sting consumed my senses. He spanked me again, a twin hit on my opposite thigh.

  I cried out and tried to close my legs, but his weight settled between my legs, forcing me wide open.

  A strangled shout caught in my throat when he lifted his hand a third time, but I released my tension on a relieved sob when he simply settled his palm over the burning imprint he’d made on my flesh. The weight of his hand pressed the heat deeper, until it flared at my core in a fresh wash of desire.

  “You’re mine, Marisol.” His fingers flexed on the fierce promise, sealing the irrevocable oath with a fresh bite of bruising pain. “All mine.”

  Another sob shuddered from my lips, a sound of cathartic relief. Pure joy soared through my aching, lust-addled body. I blinked hard to clear away my tears, so I could capture him in my earnest stare. He had me bound beneath him, punished and hot and utterly helpless. But my next word could break this strong, savage beast of a man. Even though I was in shackles, he was far more vulnerable than me in this moment.

  “I’m yours,” I swore. I ached to reach for him, to tenderly touch his face so he could feel my love. But he had me cuffed in place to protect himself, not to threaten me. I accepted the shackles, because he needed me bound to feel safe.

  I swallowed against the rasp in my throat, which had been strained by my harsh cries while I reveled in his torment. “I’m yours, Raúl. I don’t want to leave you. I will never leave you. Never.”

  His luminous eyes glowed verdant green, and his scowl finally eased. The sexy scar I loved so much dipped into his soft, sensual lips, which parted in wonder. He stared down at me with the awe-struck expression that always melted my insides, and my heart swelled at his renewed reverence.

  He reached out and brushed his fingertips along my jaw, touching me with such care that I might’ve been made of porcelain; something precious that he coveted and protected.

  “All mine,” he rumbled. Calm settled over his shoulders as he traced each of my features, as though relearning the shape of my face. By the time his calloused thumb reached my lips, his eyes were heavy-lidded, drunk on the intoxicating intimacy we shared.

  My lips parted, and I licked the pad of his thumb, loving the roughness against my sensitive tongue. My body still crackled and burned for him, and my wanton invitation for him to penetrate my mouth seemed to trigger his beastly hunger to overtake him once again. His emotional needs had been soothed, but his body hadn’t been sated. He was still rock hard against my hip, and a single, gentle rock of my hips jolted him to action.

  He shifted off me with a growl, reaching for the nightstand to grab a condom. Moving with desperate haste that was in shocking contrast to his leisurely exploration of my face, he sheathed himself and settled his weight over me.

  He gripped himself in one hand, lining up with my swollen, achy pussy. His thick cockhead rubbed the line of my slit, testing my wetness.

  “Please,” I panted, lifting my hips. I was beyond ready for him to finally claim me, and I needed no further preparation to accept him. “Raúl…”

  His name on my lips seemed to be his undoing. His harsh features twisted on a possessive snarl, and he drove deep, thrusting all the way inside me with enough force to rock my entire body.

  I cried out at the shock of his ruthless penetration, and my sex contracted on a flare of painful protest. It’d been so long since I’d last been with a man, and Raúl’s cock was almost too big to bear.

  He stilled inside me, shuddering with the effort of restraining himself. His palm glided along my cheek, his thick fingers sliding into my hair. He leaned in close, so we exchanged every rapid breath; his rough with restraint, mine heaving with pain and a touch of panic.

  His forehead dropped to mine, and the steady pressure soothed the tension in my mind. My body followed, relaxing to accommodate him. I accepted him completely, yielding to his harsher needs. I knew deep in my soul that Raúl would never hurt me. The protective cage of his strong arms was the safest place in the world, and I could place myself at his mercy without fear.

  “I’m yours.” My shaky whisper softened the deep lines around his mouth, and his concern melted to wonder.

  He captured my lips in his and began to move inside me. The careful, shallow thrusts mirrored his kiss. His tongue caressed mine, gentle and coaxing.

  My inner muscles eased around the thick intrusion of his cock, allowing him to push deeper. Pleasure built at my core, tentative at first, then pulsing more intensely with each delicious thrust.

  Suddenly, his cockhead dragged over the sensitive spot that melted the last of my physical resistance. My body flowered open for him, and there was no twinge of pain that accompanied his slow thrusts.

  I tipped my head back, inviting him to deepen our kiss. At the same time, I rocked my hips up to meet his, urging him to take me harder.

  He groaned into my mouth, and he speared deep inside me, unleashing himself from the effort of handling me carefully. With each thrust, his cockhead hit my g-spot, pulsing ecstasy through my body.

  My mind receded, reducing me to a primal state where I was just as savage as he was. I moved against him in desperate, greedy undulations. He devoured my soft moans that left my chest on each of his rough thrusts.

  His huge hand wrapped around my thigh, raising it over his hip and opening me even wider. He drove impossibly deep, reaching dark, pleasurable triggers I hadn’t known existed.

  I wrapped both legs around him, digging my heels into his muscular ass to urge him on. His shocked shout vibrated against my tongue, and I devoured the sound of his pleasure.

  Our perfect, savage union pushed me over the edge, and I screamed as ecstasy exploded through me in a shockwave that started at my core and rushed outward. All my muscles tensed, and my legs locked around him, trapping him deep inside me while my core contracted, greedy for as much pleasure as he could possibly give me.

  My demanding release triggered his, and he tore his lips from mine on an animal roar. He pounded into me without a shred of gentleness, ruthlessly claiming every drop of pleasure from my pussy. My inner muscles danced around his pulsing cock, locking us both in prolonged orgasm; an impossible, earth-shattering release after long denial.

  When we both came down from the peak, he collapsed on top of me, shaking and spent. His weight pressed my body deep into the mattress, but I didn’t want him to move away. I kept my legs loosely hooked around his hips, weakly demanding for him to stay inside me. I didn’t want to be parted from him. I didn’t want this intimacy to end.

  “Mine.” His deep, triumphant declaration teased over my swollen lips.

  “Yours.” I sealed my promise with a kiss, proving to him that I would never leave.

  Chapter 22


  Raúl’s deep, satisfied hum rolled through the kitchen in a slow wave when he joined me at the counter. As soon as he reached me, he brushed a kiss against my temple before his big hands set to the task of putting the food away, which had been delivered only minutes ago. He’d stepped outside to take a phone call, but he’d barely been gone for three minutes before he returned to me.

  As I bent to store the perishable items in the fridge, the soreness between my legs drew a smile to my lips. Delicious, wicked images of the intense intimacy we’d shared yesterday flooded my mind, and I let out a happy hum of my own.

  Raúl’s ferocity had scared me at first, but his harsh possessiveness had tapped into my darkest urges. Finally surrendering to them—surrendering to him—had been the sweetest release. The primal, hungry force inside me didn’t frighten me anymore. There was no rea
son to fear it when it brought only transcendent ecstasy.

  Raúl would never hurt me, so there was no risk that I’d be blinded by my lust if I gave over to it. It wouldn’t cloud my judgment, because he’d given me the time that I’d needed to feel secure in my decision to be with him.

  Raúl was a criminal. He was a dangerous man. That would never change.

  But there was goodness at his core. I might be the only one who’d ever seen it, but I knew his soul.

  Worry for my loved ones lingered, but the painful truth was that I’d left them behind. They wouldn’t be at risk because of my relationship with Raúl, because I no longer had any ties to them.

  A wrenching pain twisted my gut at my final acceptance of the loss. I could never go back, could never see them again. But they would be safe, and that was what mattered. It was why I’d risked everything and fled from our home.

  The hole in my heart would never fully heal, but Raúl’s strong arms would always offer his comforting embrace, soothing me and softening my grief.

  When I closed the fridge, his hand closed around my wrist, calling my attention to him. Automatically, I leaned into his solid frame, lacing my fingers together behind his neck.

  His thumb traced my lips with reverence, but his eyes were serious on my face.

  “Stefano just called me. Isabel admitted that she acted alone when she decided to make the blog post. She confirmed that you only told her your story in an attempt to defend me.” Calm seemed to settle over his shoulders, relaxing his muscles. “I already believed you, after last night. But it’s good to have confirmation that Isabel has testified to your innocence, for the sake of the cartel. It focuses the blame solely on Isabel. No one will blame you for it. No one will threaten you.”

  I turned my cheek into his palm, expressing my gratitude for his trust in me and his protectiveness.

  “Will Isabel be okay?” I asked softly. “She was only trying to help me. I couldn’t bear it if she was hurt because of this.”

  His lips firmed to a thin line, but his fingers were gentle when he trailed them along my jaw.

  “Her family controls too many resources for Stefano to openly rebuke her. He’s made an arrangement to have her closely guarded in order to ensure she doesn’t try anything like this again. She’ll be okay.”

  I blew out a sigh of relief. “I’m glad.” My fingers firmed around the back of his neck, commanding his full attention. “I’m sorry this happened, Raúl. I don’t want to leave you. Please, never doubt that again. I want to be with you.”

  The lump in my throat blocked my next confession: I love you.

  Before I could get the words out, Raúl spoke reassurances of his own. “That makes me very happy, corderita. All I want is for you to be here with me, safe and content.”

  My lips spread in a broad smile. “I feel safe with you. And I’m more than content. You are an excellent provider, Raúl.”

  His chest swelled against mine, expanding with pride. I knew it meant so much to him that I understood this aspect of his soul. And I suspected that I was the only person he’d ever let close enough to provide for them. Before he’d brought me into his home, there was no one for him to take care of.

  I pressed my cheek directly against his heart, lulled by the strong, steady beat.

  His long sigh held a hum of pleasure, and his thick fingers stroked my hair, cradling me against him. We were both fully satisfied to simply remain in the embrace, indulging in the sweet, intimate contact.

  “I got something else delivered for you.” He dropped a kiss on my forehead before stepping back. He immediately captured my hand and led me toward the bedroom.

  I followed eagerly, practically bouncing along beside him. The fizzy thrill incited by his constant surprises had become addictive, and I felt no shame that I was greedy for more. Lavishing me with gifts made Raúl happy, so why should I feel guilty for enjoying them?

  When we reached the bedroom, he flicked his fingers imperiously at the massive bed. “Bend over.”

  The throb at my core was edged with pain, but I complied without hesitation. My soreness from yesterday’s rough fucking paled in comparison to my hunger for him. Wet heat dampened my panties, and my nipples pebbled. The inside of my bra was exquisitely abrasive against the abused buds. The reminder of his cruel, ruthless seduction only added a dark, delicious layer to my lust.

  I bent over the bed, bracing my forearms against the mattress. My back arched, and I spread my legs wide.

  His low growl in response to my wanton invitation awoke a fluttering in my belly like dozens of butterflies. I watched him over my shoulder, my breaths quickening in anticipation as he slowly prowled toward me.

  He paused at the nightstand, opening the drawer to retrieve something.

  My pussy clenched at the prospect of another devious toy, but my excitement was drowned in dread when he pulled out a syringe.

  I tensed, but I resisted the urge to scramble away. I trusted Raúl.

  “What’s that?”

  “A birth control shot.” His answer was little more than an offhand comment, and he didn’t even bother to meet my eye; he remained focused on the drug. “Sex will feel better for both of us without condoms.”

  I jolted to my feet, whirling to face him. “Wait!”

  He froze, and his blazing eyes snapped to mine. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t want that.” My protest was immediate, my voice high and thin.

  A vise tightened around my heart, crushing a piece of hope I didn’t know existed. I didn’t think this dream had survived the ravages of my long, torturous journey, but at some point during my time in Raúl’s protective custody, the spark had flickered back to life.

  His heavy brows drew together, casting shadows over his luminous eyes. His jaw worked for several seconds, chewing over unspoken words.

  “Surely, you don’t want to get pregnant.” The words were gravelly, barely intelligible.

  The vise around my heart squeezed tighter, and the wrenching paid robbed my breath.

  “I…I want a family.” My voice broke on the admission. “I’ve always wanted children. After leaving my own family behind…”

  The shadows over his eyes deepened, transforming his stony face into a skull-like mask. “You cannot possibly want to have children with me. You can’t have children with me.”

  This time, the increased pressure that wrapped around my heart in an iron band was for him. “Oh. I’m sorry, Raúl. I didn’t know. Are you—”

  “Why the fuck would I be giving you a birth control shot if I was infertile?” His fists clenched at his sides, and he took a step toward me, syringe in hand.

  I scrambled away, and something crumpled inside me. “You’re not… You’re not going to give me a choice?” I choked on the ashes in my mouth.

  His massive body rocked back as though I’d punched him in the jaw. His chest heaved, and his arms flexed at his sides. Shadows still hid his eyes from me, and I hated the loss of their warming light on my face.

  A snarl rent the air between us, and he flung the syringe to the ground. Without another word, he turned sharply and stalked away from me. He couldn’t slam the ruined bedroom door between us, but a few seconds later, I heard the door to his whiskey and cigars room rattle on its hinges with the force of his entry. The boom of the barrier dropping between us hit me like a physical force, and I flinched at the impact.

  I hugged my arms tightly to my chest, as though I could prevent myself from shattering into a million pieces.

  The rest of the day passed in long, achingly slow hours. I’d sat in the garden, but my hands did nothing useful. At some point, I’d simply given up and laid down on the grass, yearning for the sun to warm the chill from my bones.

  I kept my dry, itching eyes closed—I’d long ago run out of tears.

  At first, I’d cried because Raúl had intended to give me the birth control shot without even asking if I wanted it.

  You cannot possibly want to have
children with me. His flat edict played through my mind over and over again. With his eyes hidden in shadows, I hadn’t been able to read his emotions.

  But the longer I considered the conversation, obsessively recalling his body language and intonations, the more my initial assessment shifted.

  My sudden, crushing grief over my personal loss had shocked me. The unexpected pain had consumed me as I was forced to face everything I’d lost when I’d so recklessly chosen to be with Gehovany.

  When I’d left my family behind, I’d known that the life I’d always imagined for myself was nothing more than a dead dream. I would never have my own too-small house in Comitán that was bursting at the seams with love and laughter. I would never take my children to visit their grandparents. My mother would never teach them how to cook her signature mole. My father would never nag them to work a shift at the florist, guilting them into compliance with a stern admonition about the importance of a hard work ethic.

  The thought of having a different vision for my future hadn’t yet crossed my mind. I’d already decided to spend my forever with Raúl, but I hadn’t contemplated having children with him. Everything was too new, and his involvement with the cartel complicated things. I hadn’t been remotely ready to make such a huge decision, but the prospect of the birth control shot had forcibly confronted me with things I wasn’t ready to face.

  I still didn’t know what I wanted. There was still too much pain and uncertainty to process. This wasn’t a decision I could make after only a few hours of weeping.

  This wasn’t a decision I could make alone.

  You cannot possibly want to have children with me. You can’t have children with me. Raúl clearly had his own strong feelings about having children. And I suspected that they were far more complicated than simple disinterest in being a father.


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